Read Indebted Online

Authors: A.R. Hawkins

Indebted (33 page)

My breath hitches at this. “Yes, it means all of that. We’ll be free to do whatever we want, and I do mean anything. I’ve had money saved for years, and it’s clean, too. No traces whatsoever to the mob. I’m sorry I kept this from you, but I thought it best. I couldn’t stand to see the disappointment in your eyes if it didn’t work out. Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

“Mmm, as much as I do you.” Tilting his head up, he brushes his lips against mine in a soft, loving gesture.

That small action turns me on, and I kiss him back fervently, tracing the seam of his lips with my tongue. He opens for me, and his taste hits my senses. My body is wracked with need and I want him like crazy.

Aaron groans and fists my hair as I grab two handfuls of that luscious ass. Squeezing his cheeks, I move down to attacking his neck. The only thing running through my mind is I want skin. He’s as insistent as I am on that, and it takes no time for our clothes to be off. Our hands roam each other as if we’ve not done this in ages, instead of last night.

Between our kisses, Aaron pants, “I want you inside me so badly.”

“Fuck, babe, I want that too. It’s been too long since I’ve felt you that way.”

I lift him up and set him on the desk in the small motel room. He hisses as the cool wood hits his bare cheeks.

I can’t help but chuckle, until he smacks me on the chest. “It’s not funny, asshole.”

Even as he says that, he’s trying to keep from laughing. “Shhh, I’m trying to make love to my boyfriend. That’s serious business.”

Aaron starts giggling. “Since when does Liam Sandoval say ‘make love’?”

“I was trying to be romantic. Now shut up so I can fuck my boyfriend. That better?”

“I find your dirty mouth very sexy, so yes. Now get busy with the fucking.” He’s smiling impishly at me, and I feel so happy in that moment that I want to focus on him.

Kneeling down, I spread his legs to get a better angle. My palms leave his thighs. Before he can say another word, my tongue is at his entrance, teasing him with light licks.

He moans and leans his back and head against the wall. “Oh god, Lee. Fuck, yeah, just like that.”

My passion heightens as his pleas hit my ears. I grip him tighter and delve my tongue inside. One of my hands moves to his hard cock to stroke him. He whimpers, reaching down to card his fingers through my hair. I give him as much attention as my own cock will allow before my thirst to taste him in other ways takes over. Leaving his passage, I suck first one and then the other of his balls into my mouth, the soft skin sensual on my tongue.

Aaron is squirming and whining above me. The blunt tips of his fingernails are trying their best to leave their mark. His urgency is feeding into my own. By the time I get to his dick, there is a pool of precome on his tight stomach. Not wanting any of him to go to waste, I lap it up, enjoying his salty flavor.

“Liam, please,” he says breathlessly.

Being the ass that I am, I ask, “Please, what?”

He opens his hazy, lust-filled eyes and growls at me. “Suck me.”

My cock doesn’t twitch—it jumps at that tone in his voice, and I don’t argue with him. I take him into my mouth and suck the silky skin while massaging it with my tongue. Setting a hard pace, I know I don’t have long before he’s going to pop. He’s already shaking. The new lube still in the sack on the floor, conveniently within reach. With a slicked finger, I enter him while still working on his shaft. My ass clenches, remembering him inside me.

Aaron’s soft curses keep my mind where it should be, and I continue to work him. When we both reach the limit of our patience, I stand up and slip the condom on. I use a generous amount of lube since it’s been a while, and then line myself up to his waiting entrance.

As I penetrate him and feel his heat surround me, my lips find his again. Our tongues are meshing with each other. The sensations are overpowering, and I groan loudly into Aaron’s mouth. He snorts but lets it go. Instead, he nudges me with his heels to move, and I do. Our movements are a little awkward at first thanks to the crappy furniture. Once our rhythm is set, we both get lost in the pleasure.

The incredible feeling of our sweat-slicked skin sliding against one another, along with having him wrapped around me, already has the coil wound in my gut. Aaron is getting close. He’s now pumping himself furiously to the pace of my thrusts. My legs are shaking and the desk is squeaking as it bangs against the wall.

We’re both cursing and panting as we get even closer. That’s when I feel the heat spiral from my sack and stomach. I push up on my toes and give one last good thrust before I lose it. I come hard, shouting my release. Aaron whimpers and spills on our abdomens. My whole body is tingling. My heart rate is going a mile a minute too. I feel so good, I laugh. Aaron is smiling at me, seemingly enjoying my happiness.

“Fuck, I love you,” I tell him. “I feel so fuckin’ free. I can’t believe things are so good right now.”

“I love seeing you this way. All happy and carefree. I can’t wait for our lives to be like this every day.”

“Me either. In fact, let’s go shower and celebrate a little. We’re nowhere near out of the clear, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We’ll go out on the town and have some fun. Kind of a date night. Whatcha think?”

Aaron launches himself into my arms. “Let’s do it!”

“Um, babe, we just did. I’m awesome and all, but give me a few, would ya?”


Fuck, I love this man.

Chapter 20




ready in our freshly bought clothes, I try to think up what to do in this dinky town.

There honestly isn’t a fuckin’ lot. Maybe a bar. There’s always a ton in these small places, or I think people would throw themselves off the top of buildings from boredom. My mind flashes to the scene of Phil dramatically jumping off the building, which causes me to snort. Art imitating life there, that’s for fuckin’ sure.

Aaron turns to me, looking at me curiously. “What’s got you laughing and grinning like a fool?”

Smiling at him, I share, “Oh, just thinking of where to go for our date. That scene where Phil gets desperate and wants to end it all by jumping off a building popped into my head.”

His eyes get huge. “So going on a date with me makes you think of jumping off a building? What the hell is that, Liam?”

He starts rolling with giggles when I get all flustered and try to explain how my brain works.
Yeah, good luck with that, your brain should be donated in the name of science.
Finally understanding, Aaron gets into the swing of things, trying to name off all the ways Phil committed suicide.

“By far, my favorite is the toaster in the bath. It cracked me up seeing the old lady gasp when the lights went out. Almost as if she knew what happened.” Suddenly, he busts into a fit of laughter. “Anyone hearing this conversation out of context will think we’re some very twisted people.”

I can’t help but give him a big smile. It’s so nice to see him happy and being himself again. “Well, we are twisted, but in the best possible way. If I have my way about it, when we get back, we’ll get even more twisted.”

The thought of being inside him again has my cock stirring. I swear I’ll never get enough of this man.
Down, boy, you have a date to figure out.

After some discussion, we decide on a film. Aaron is dying to see the theater from the movie. I draw the line at dressing in costumes, though. He pouts but eventually relents. Just to make my boy happy, I do make an ass of myself in the ticket line.

“That’ll be one adult and, uh….” I glance at Aaron and then continue, “Well, make that two adults, I guess.”

The pimply teen with oily hair rolls his eyes and then shoves our tickets toward me. “Yeah, I haven’t heard that one before.”

Aaron is glowing with happiness, so I let the little asshole get away with his smartass comment.
If he only knew who he was talking to!

The movie begins as we snuggle into our seats and munch on popcorn. Unfortunately, my mind wanders to less pleasant things—Tristan’s condition.

My gut tightens thinking about how he looked when I saw him last. He appeared so pale, even frail. The latter was not a word I’d have ever used to describe Tristan. I hope he’s doing better and can forgive me for not being there for him. I feel horrible when I think of all the times he has been there for me. A man can’t ask for a better friend.

Still chomping on the food, Aaron leans over and whispers, “What’s wrong?”

Great, asshole, way to ruin the evening by getting all whiny. Since you’re such a girl now, put on your big-girl panties and deal.

“Nothing, baby, just thinking about Tristan. It might be okay to call him after the show. I don’t think I can hold out too much longer. It’s eatin’ at me.”

He nods in agreement and knows me well enough not to push. “Yeah, I’m worried too.”

Squeezing my hand, he turns his attention back to the film. I try to do the same and find myself getting into the old action flick. Keanu can be so fuckin’ hot.

When the movie is finished, we get in my car and find a quiet place with good cell reception to call Tristan. I’ve found this town has little pockets of dead zones. We pull onto the side of the road and I anxiously wait for Addison to answer the damn phone. I’m getting pissed because my nerves are getting to me. What if something’s gone wrong? Is Tristan even worse than when I left?

Finally, fuckin’ finally, she picks up. “Hello?”

“Hey, Addy, it’s Lee. How’s Tristan doing? Good news, I hope.”

“Oh my God, Liam. I’m so glad to hear your voice. Do you have any idea how much I’ve been worried about you, you ass? I mean, do you know what the hell has been going on here? It’s complete insanity. It’s all I can do to keep Tristan in bed.”

Well, if she’s focusing on you and her surroundings, that must be a good sign.
If Tristan is in a bad way, she won’t even know anything else exists. He is her whole world. Tris and the baby now, it seems.

“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry to leave you hangin’. I’ve been trying to lay low, and I had to find Aaron. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you both. You know you’re my family.”

“Aaron! How could I forget? Is he okay? Did you find him? Those bastards didn’t hurt him, did they? I’ll cut their goddamn balls off, I swear!”

“Whoa, girl, take a deep breath. Aaron is fine. I’ll get into details when we get back. Now will you answer my question, please? Is Tristan better? I really need to fuckin’ know.”

“Oh, sorry. My mind is going in twenty different directions. Yes, he’s getting healthier and is well on his way to being the ass I fell for.”

“How about you? Are you taking care of yourself and resting?”

Then all I hear on the other end of the phone is “Motherfucker! Tristan Walsh! You told them! You promised we’d get to tell them together. You’re in the shit house now, buddy. You better hope your ass can run soon.”

There’s some coughing like he’d been drinking something, then he answers, “I didn’t…. I swear…. stop looking at me like that. Fine, I blabbed, but it was only because my beautiful girlfriend is carrying my child. I was too excited to keep it in.”

“Really? You’re excited? Awww.” Ugh, kissing. I can go without listening to them do that. “You’re a smooth son of a bitch, you know that?”

“You love me anyway.”

“Mmm, true.”

I’ve had enough. “HELLO! Should I call back later so you can bang in the hospital bed, or what?”

“Oh shit, sorry, Lee. I got distracted. Do you want to talk to him?”

“Of course I do, Addison. Put the shithead on the phone.” As I’m waiting for him, Aaron looks at me questioningly. “He’s fine, babe. He’s getting on the line with me now.”

He looks relieved, then leans his head back and sighs.

Tristan’s voice alerts me he’s picked up. “Hey, man, how’s your boy?”

Just like that, my nerves calm, and I have a smile on my face. “He’s good, real good. How are you? You had me worried, man.”

“I’m going to be fine, Liam, no worries. I’m glad Aaron’s okay. Please tell him I’m sorry about not being able to keep him safe. I know it does little in the way of making it up to him, but if you could relay that to him, I’d appreciate it.”

“Man, stop being so hard on yourself. You did everything you could, and believe me Aaron is not blaming you in the slightest. If anyone should apologize, it’s me. I should have been there for you, before and after this happened.”

“Liam, don’t beat yourself up. Things went haywire. It happens, and there’s not much you can do but go with it. Trust me, I understand. I’m glad the little man is back and things are good. We obviously have some shit to talk about when you get back, though. Seems the mighty have fallen. You don’t happen to know anything about that now, do you?”

Well, I guess that cat’s out of the bag. “Um, I may know a little about it. Nothing I can discuss over the cell, though. I’ll fill you in when I get there. I have to get going. Aaron’s waiting on me, so…. I’m real glad you’re alright, Tris. You had me worried. You’re family, bro.”

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