Read Inanimate Online

Authors: Deryck Jason

Tags: #horror, #children, #dolls, #king, #clown, #dummy, #china doll, #ventroloquist

Inanimate (38 page)

Now the cops
were helping to solve a
different case. Using Oates directions they pulled up outside
Earl’s bar in search of a couple of names on a list. The sun wasn’t
letting up as they entered, laying heavy beams on top of them. In
silence the two moved round towards Earl’s, quietly Murdoch
wondered whether the aftermath of their case here in Staunton would
be good or bad for their careers.

Bars always smelled
worse in the
afternoon Graham noticed; perhaps it was because of the sun shining
through the window, adding some warmth to the slightly stale air,
or maybe it was because Earl’s didn’t seem to be big on opening
windows, instead choosing to run the A/C. Although it was clear the
floor had been recently mopped, there was still a general musk in
the air, which no one seemed to mind except the two cops. Graham
walked right up to the bar and flashed identification at the

Hello, I’m detective
Graham; I’m looking
for a bartender named Billy.”

looked back at the cop.

Billy Devreaux, that’s me. What
can I do for you officers?”

We’re here to
take you into
protective custody.”

crossed his arms.

Why would I need

stepped in.

know what happened to the owner of the
bar. We came from the city to help catch the thing that did it, as
well as the others.”

are others?” Billy asked, showing
nerves for the first time.

nodded. Billy shook his

ill, I don’t think I’ll need it. Thanks
anyway guys but I’m staying put. I’m gonna stay here and run the
bar, I can take care of myself.”

know…” Graham said, “…we could force
you to come with us.”

Billy looked at the two men studiously.
Both looked as if they could give him a run for his money in a
confrontation. But their faces did not harbor aggression and Billy
saw that right away.

know you could, but you won’t. I’m not
doing anything wrong by not going with you. It’s my choice to

Look, you’re endangering the
lives of others by not coming with us.”

Endangering the lives of who?
and his friends? They’re the ones that caused all this; it’s their
fault Earl’s dead! As far as I’m concerned, they’re dead already.
Nope, sorry guys, I’m not leaving.”

A beautiful brunette walked back from the
washroom and pulled up a seat at the bar. All the eyes in the bar
followed her movements but she didn’t care, she was used to the
attention. She lit a cigarette and seized up the two cops. Having
caught the tail end of the conversation she decided to join

is very stubborn; you won’t make him
change his mind.”

I’m sorry mam, but who
are you?”

answered for her while she took a
drag of her cigarette.

is Donna, my fiancée.”

Donna nodded gently as an introduction.
Graham and Murdoch paused a moment while taking in the beauty of
Donna. After all, they were excellent cops but they were also men.
After a moment Murdoch spoke to her.

I guess no-one’s informed you of
the state law banning smoking in public indoor places.”

Graham wanted to shoot his partner a
scolding look but he thought better of it. He knew Murdoch was
right but he also knew there were more pressing matters at hand.
Donna simply smiled.

I’m sure you have bigger
things to worry about that one little cigarette

Graham smiled, then immediately wiped it
off his face, realizing his moment of weakness. He quickly decided
he should back up his partner.

know mam, just by being with Billy;
your life will be in danger too.”

cocked her head and looked straight
at Billy, feigning shock.

You never told me

then looked back at the

Sorry guys, I’m not going
anywhere without him, and he’s not leaving here so I think you’re
outta luck.”

sighed, shifting his gaze from the
ballsy Donna (who was clearly no stranger to trouble) to the
stubborn Billy.

How do you plan on keeping
yourself safe?”

We’ll be fine gents. Donna will
stay here with me all day till it’s over”

And what about after that?
You’ll have to sleep sometime!”

It’s alright; I don’t let Billy
get much sleep…” Donna smirked.

And if anything comes in to the
bar again, I’ll give them a little of this…”

turned quickly, picked up his bat and
swung and wielded it in front of the detectives. Neither Graham nor
Murdoch liked the fact he was staying behind but they could not
force him to go with them. Billy clearly worked out and felt
confident in the fact he could protect both himself and his fiancé
but the cops weren’t convinced. The dolls seemed to kill with
absolute ease; after all, the body count was stacking in their

…” Graham said in a last effort to
change Billy’s mind. “Good luck then, I hope your batting skills
are enough to save both your lives.”


Come on fellas give me some

Reaching under the bar surface
pulled out
a pump action shotgun.

You didn’t think I just had a
bat under here did you?”

The fact that Billy seemed so comfortable
holding the powerful weapon did in fact put the detectives at ease.
However they would still have preferred him to come with

Ok fine, stay here.” Murdoch
relented “But do us one favor…”

…” said Billy; mocking the fact they
couldn’t make him leave.

Tell us where to
find Brian

leaned on the bar top and pointed
across the room.

You see that sad little creature
over there

The detectives
turned their gaze to
Brian, sitting nursing a drink, alone in a booth.

Been in her
e every day since Jimmy was
killed, I’m pretty sure his girlfriend wants nothing to do with him

Who’s his girlfriend?” Graham

Anne something”

Murdoch and Graham shared a look, knowing
full well Anne was on their list too. Before the detectives turned
their attention to Brian, Murdoch turned to Billy.

If you
change your mind, come down to the
Sheriff station.”

nodded as Murdoch and Graham turned
to the booth.

Mr. Bichel?”

turned to them. His eyes looked wary,
as if he hadn’t been sleeping very well.


I’m Detective Murdoch, this is
Detective Graham. We were wondering if you would come with

Have I done something

The question
seemed to be lost on the
detectives who did not know enough to be able to tell Brian that
what he had done wrong was bring this terrible plight upon his

No no
, nothing like that. Look Mr. Bichel,
let me be blunt.” (Murdoch wanted this approach to have more
success than it did with Billy) “We have a list of names. On it are
people who are at risk of harm from these things, which are killing
in town. What we’re doing is bringing the people on that list to
the Sheriff station where they will be safe until this whole thing
is over with.”

Ok, sounds good.
ake me

Murdoch and Graham
were surprised by
how easy this conversation was compared to Billy’s.

Ok so if you’d like to
follow us, we’re
parked outside. We’ll make sure you’re safe.”

headed towards the door, followed by
Graham and Murdoch. Donna blew a thick plume of smoke into the air
and called after them

Bye detectives!”

sat quietly in the back of the
unmarked car. After fastening their seat belts, Graham looked at
Brian in the rearview mirror.

Can you tell us where Anne lives
Mr. Bichel?”

Anne? My Anne? Why do you need

Because we need to go get
she’s coming with us.”

Who exactly
is on your list

Basically anyone involved in the
death of Andy Williams
Mr. Bichel. Now, can you tell us where she

thought for a moment before coming to
his senses.

Yes, of course. Conifer and Elm,
I’ll direct you.”

Jacobs stopped outside Matthew’s
house. He didn’t push Matthew to leave the car this time, not after
what he went through in his own house.
He spotted MacNamee sitting on the

How you holding

Not great. I’m a psychiatric
doctor; I’m used to dealing with
bodies. I’m not designed for all this.”

I think you’re stronger than you
give yourself credit for

Yeah right
,” MacNamee said

’ll tell you this; I thought I had a
stronger stomach than I actually did too, and I’m a cop, I’m
supposed to be used to it. Murray’s dead. I watched a clown kill
him…and there was nothing funny about it.”

So what now

, me and Matthew are going to go pick
up Jessica Ellis, the little girl whose aunt was killed. What are
you still doing here?”

is still sorting out arrangements
with his men.”

Murdoch called me from the car.
He said they had Brian Bichel and were heading to pick up his
girlfriend, that’ll be another two names off the list right

stepped outside into the fresh air.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to wipe some of the images he just
saw from his mind.

What was that Sergeant? Two
names scored off?”

Yes Sheriff, Detective Murdoch
informed me they
have Brian Bichel and are picking up his girlfriend, but
unfortunately Ralph Murray is dead.”


Jesus Christ! How?”

A clown”
replied Jacobs ominously.

sighed while Jacobs

The boys also told me
bartender Billy Devreaux refused help; said he wasn’t leaving. He
and his girlfriend are staying put.”

Stubborn bastard!”
exclaimed Oates.
“Well, I guess apart from arresting him for no good reason, there’s
not a lot we can do about it.”

Jacobs did not agree with letting Billy
stay, but this was Oates’ operation and his town, so he tried to be
respectful in his disagreement.

trying to be difficult here Sheriff
but I thought the idea of having all the names in one place was so
that these dolls would only have one shot at us. Surely if we allow
people to split up it completely destroys the plan...”

can we do Jacobs?” Interrupted
MacNamee “I hate to sound callous but the guy knows the risk. If he
wants to go it alone, it’s his funeral. I’d rather we help the
people who actually want it. Once those fuckers are done with
they can come for us. Maybe it’ll even buy us some

Oates looked down at MacNamee then back at
Jacobs. Neither man wanted to fight MacNamee as they knew he was
speaking on behalf of his dead wife.

I’m inclined to agree with the
doc, sergeant. Besides, one name isn’t going to make a whole lot of

Alright,” sighed Jacobs “Well I
guess that brings me to my next question. I need the address of
Jessica Ellis; Matthew said you knew her father.”

Yes, he was unreachable
for some time when
Lucy was killed. Both he and his wife work in the city, but I did
finally get hold of them. They live up in the foothills, Everhollow
drive if memory serves.”

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