Imperative: Volume 2, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (103 page)

“I do not know if I would have had her strength.  I am so ashamed to say that . . . especially to you.”

“You do not know what strength you have until you need it.”

“But . . . here I have been thinking ill of her for all of these months, for abandoning the family.”  She looked back up at the cliff.  “She would not abandon her family, not ever.  Mr. Darcy is her family now.”

“Am I your family, Jane?”  Bingley asked gently. 

“It did not occur to me that I had finally left home until we came here.”  Jane felt his hand take hers.  “We lived too close to Longbourn, and when we were visiting your family in Scarborough, I was wearing mourning for Papa.”

“So you were still tied to your childhood home?”

Jane nodded and met his eyes.  “And I never tried to demand my rights as your wife; I let Caroline continue to assert her wishes at Netherfield.”

“I never stepped in.”

“You should not have had to.  It was my fault for thinking it would all resolve itself without a word.  I lived as a guest, not your wife.”  She looked down at her feet.  “I am so ashamed of myself.” 

“I think that we are both guilty of hoping for the best when we needed to make it happen ourselves.”  Bingley smiled ruefully.  “So, it is agreed, we are doing the correct thing, moving far from Longbourn?”  Jane nodded.  “And I hope to send Louisa and Hurst home to London after the ball.” 

“And Caroline?” 

“If she does not find a husband this time . . .” Bingley glared. 

“Charles!  You look positively menacing!”  Jane cried.

“Do I?”  Looking back up at the cliff, his smile faltered.  “Come on.”

“Where are we going?”  

“I do not know.  Somewhere.  Alone . . .”  He looked again at the cliff and could feel the emotion that had lived there.  “Together.  We have work to do.”


THE SCENT OF ROSES DRIFTED in through the open window and Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes.  Sunlight flooded the room.  They had slept unusually late, but she was in no hurry to rise.  Instead, she turned and nestled her head upon Darcy’s shoulder.  With her touch, his hand moved around her waist and drew her close.  A sense of contentment and safety washed over her as she breathed in the lingering scent of his cologne, and pressing a kiss to his chest, she settled against him and listened.  His heart beat in its familiar steady cadence and by the way his arms held her, heavily and loose, she knew that he was sleeping. 

“Good morning.”  She whispered as she played with the soft dark hair on his chest.  Kissing along his throat, she smiled with the tickle of his beard and idly traced her finger along his jaw, stopping to feel the cleft in his chin, before travelling along his arm to circle his hip.  “Thank you for such a wonderful night.” 

Elizabeth’s hand slid over his warm smooth skin and down to his handsome seat.  She thought of how he reassured her after such a difficult evening, how he took charge and swept her away, loving her and wanting nothing in return.  Her wandering hand brushed over his stomach and finally caressed his penis where it lay draped over his thigh.  Her touches were having an effect it seemed.  She laughed softly when he sighed and pressed into her palm. 
Well, let’s see if we can rouse the old man

She touched the warm velvet skin, tracing her finger down its length into the soft nest of hair and back up to the tip.  The smile that lifted her lips as she fondled him became a blush when sticky wetness coated her fingers and his musky scent reached her nose.  Feeling a thrill of wickedness, she slid from his embrace and down to his waist, taking with her the sheet that covered them.  She looked over her sleeping man possessively and then settling comfortably with her head resting on his thigh, she lifted his heavy cock.

  “Hullo there.”  She addressed it with a smile.  “Feeling a little lonely?  Shall I help you to stand proud?”  Tenderly pulling back on the soft skin, she swirled her tongue over the round knob, tasting him.  Darcy moaned.  “More, you say?”  She whispered, kissing it before taking him fully within her mouth. Her tongue swirled and played, sucking and licking as he grew ever harder.  

“mmm.” Darcy breathed deeply and sighed.  “Ohhhh that is sooo warrrrm.”  His lips parted, “Oh love, you know just how to . . .” His eyes flew open and he looked down to see Elizabeth’s soft lips wrapped around him.  “I am not dreaming . . .” He groaned as a sudden surge of blood rushed to his groin.  His head fell back on the pillows and his heart started pounding. 

“Ahhhhhh, that is better.”  She purred, caressing her hands over him.  “Sooooooo much more to love now.”

“Lizzzzzzzy.”  He moaned and lifting up on his elbows, he strained to see what she was doing.  Elizabeth giggled and looking him straight in the eye lapped her tongue tenderly over the tip.  “Oh, Lord . . .” Rising to her knees and nudging him back, she looked into his bewildered, passion-filled eyes while tracing a finger slowly between his balls.  Darcy’s hips bucked, and when her touch stroked the smooth skin behind his scrotum, he cried out as pleasure shot through his body.  “Lizzy!”

Holding him steady, she bent and brushed her slightly parted lips over his now-proud shaft while Darcy watched in wolfish fascination. When she took him into her mouth he cried out again and gripped the bed sheet with clenched fists as his toes curled and he tried desperately to hold on. 

“What . . . what are you . . . doing . . .?”  His head fell back as sensations like endless fingers of electricity fired through every nerve. 

Elizabeth whispered, “He was asking to come out and play . . .”

“Pardon?”  Darcy laughed helplessly and reached to touch her hair. 

“I could hear him calling . . . 
Come play with me, Lizzy
.”  She looked into the one-eyed serpent in her hand.  “Did you not?”  When she made it nod at her she blushed and hid her face against his hip.

Darcy’s jaw was dropped open and his face was as red as hers.  “Elizabeth Rose Bennet Darcy . . . What has moved you today!  You have reduced my . . . the Darcy pride to a . . . puppet show!”  Darcy sat up and retrieved her head from its hiding spot.  His eyes were bright and twinkling and despite his wife’s obvious embarrassment, the mischievous sparkle of the devil was still dancing in hers.  He caressed her hair and attempted to address her seriously.  “Come and play, you say.  Is that so?   Well, who am I to argue?”  He grinned and then moaned as he watched her tongue swirl around him again.  “Sweetheart, I will not last more than a minute if you keep this up.”

“That will not do at all, Mr. Darcy, my love.  Whatever shall we do?”

“You had better let me do the tasting for a while, Little Miss Innocent.”  Pulling her up onto his lap, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders.  They looked down at his erection clasped between their bellies and then held each other’s eyes. Darcy’s hands cupped her bottom possessively.  “I like this position.” 

“So do I, but this is my morning to torture
, and you have put me in the perfect situation to continue.”

Smiling, his gaze took in all of her face.  “Do with me what you will.” 

Almost instantly, he was moaning again. She kissed him and then suckled his lower lip, gently caressing it with her tongue while tangling her hands into his hair. Darcy’s shiver and groan was music enough, but his head fell back, leaving his exposed throat vulnerable to her caress. Sliding her mouth down to taste his Adam’s apple, she settled in the tender hollow below to lick and nibble. He gave up all pretence of resistance and letting go, he melted back onto the pillows, only to feel her tongue slip over his chest to tease slowly in tighter and tighter circles, his sensitive, puckered nipples. She nipped him and the jolt shot from his chest directly to his groin.

His hands slid over her bottom and down her back again, “It is my turn now.” He growled and taking control, scooped her onto his lap.

“Will . . .”

turn”  Leaning back against the pillows, he cuddled her, wrapping her up in his arms, and caressing her face and back while gently, but relentlessly, stroking his lips over her soft welcoming mouth.  He felt her relaxing into him and he trailed his lips back down to her throat, finding the spot below her ear that brought both of them so much pleasure.  She moaned softly, and his arousal grew harder.  “Lizzy . . .”  He whispered warmly in her ear, then returned to his task, now moving his hand to caress over her breasts, and heard her moan become a whimper as he tweaked the nipple.  Darcy smiled against her skin; meandering his kisses down to her shoulder while slipping his hand between her thighs.  “Oh, dearest, you are so wet for me.” 

Turning to lay her against the pillows, he bent to kiss her warm open mouth before sliding backwards to kiss his way down her belly and at last taste the sweetness of his wife’s desire.  She sighed as Darcy’s tongue endlessly lapped and teased, and his lips suckled her just as she had done for him.  Her back arching, Elizabeth’s hand found his.  Their fingers entwined and gripped tightly as he brought her closer and closer to the brink of passion.  His eyes never left her face.  Her every expression, the sound of her moans and the movement of her body pressing against his hungry mouth thrilled him until unable to hold back any longer, he returned to her mouth, kissing her deeply.

“Love me.”  She begged when he let go.

 With one long thrust they were joined and moving steadily together, feeling the familiar, comforting, and unendingly welcome thrill of merging again into one body.  The warmth of the room and sweetly scented air surrounded their rocking forms as they strove to become as deeply connected as possible.  Darcy hovered above as he moved, staring down into her eyes, and at last gave into passion and thrust deep and hard, relishing the incredible tight feeling of her embrace, and willed her to come with him.  Elizabeth held his bottom and pulled him closer.  Darcy groaned, loving the feeling, and giving in completely to her urging hands, dropped down upon her.  Resting his face on her shoulder, he held her tight in his arms while his hips moved, deeper, faster.   Elizabeth legs wrapped around his waist and she gasped as fulfilment overwhelmed her.  With her clasp, he lost all control and bellowing, shot over and over into her trembling, beautiful body. 

Breathing heavily, Darcy slowly returned from oblivion to the sound of her giggle.  He lifted his head and laughed.  “What on earth have I done to you?”  His eyes were so happy, and hers were alive and dreamy all at once.  Her entire body was blushing and his smile widened as again, she gasped and shook.  He kissed her.  “Lizzy!  What a lover I have in you!” 

Finally she found her voice and touched his face, “Oh Will,  I love you.”

He tried, and failed, to contain his pride, “Ah yes, I thought you might.”  He looked from her laughing eyes to her mouth and grinning he kissed her, and then kissed her again.  Turning onto his side, he found the covers and curled behind her.  Darcy whispered as he drew her into his arms, “My sweet love . . .” 

Her eyes closed.  “You felt so lovely, Will.” 

“So did you, my dear Lizzy.”  He listened, but there was no response.  She was curled beside him, grasping one hand to her breast.  “My sleepy love.” Closing his eyes, he pulled her close and caressed his hand over her belly.  He paused, and catching his lip in his teeth, he pressed his palm to the swell, measuring it, comparing it to his last touch, and smiling, fell asleep.


Chapter 37


arnes tells me that Martindale was at his door within hours of your visit yesterday, demanding to know what I was about.”  Darcy shifted in his saddle and looked out over the land while a satisfied smile played upon his lips.

“I am just glad that he was not home when we arrived to tour the house.  Darcy, you could have told me I was in the middle of a dispute with your tenant.  Although admittedly, I hardly felt that I was visiting a tenant’s home.  I was stunned by the size of his . . .
property.  It was like looking at Longbourn or better.”

“Better.  Mr. Martindale has become quite wealthy working for me.”  Darcy cocked his brow at his friend.  “However, I did not expect you to run off to see the property yesterday.  What did I say to you?  Only that the Leetsdale farm may be coming available, and it might be suitable for your temporary purposes.  I expected to accompany you.” 

“I am sorry; I probably made a mess of things.   You know what happens when an idea pops into my head.”  Bingley sighed.  “I just . . . It had been such an emotional conversation.  Jane and I needed a destination, and I wanted it to be somewhere . . . significant.”

significant, to me at least.  You served warning to a difficult tenant that I will have no compunction to replace him when his lease is fulfilled if he does not fall in line.  And all accomplished without me having to visit, although . . . I will go tomorrow after he has had a chance to stew a bit.  He is invited to the ball, and it would not do at all to have my dancing interrupted by a shooting.  I intend to be dancing a great deal, and a limp would not be pleasing to my wife’s critical eye.”  His lips twitched.

Bingley laughed and threw up his hands.  “I do not recognize you, but I have not been with you when you are actually working before.”

“You were here last spring.  And I

“Yes, but . . . it was different. 
were different, Darcy.  I cannot put my finger on it.” 

Darcy drew a deep breath and returned his gaze to the fields where his gamekeeper was seeking out coveys.  “Hopefully it is a favourable difference.” 

Hurst studied him.  “Well, you are older, wiser . . .  I believe that marriage has been good for you.” 

“That is has.”  Darcy murmured.

“Even if it has aged you a bit.”  Hurst winked at Bingley when the familiar glare settled on him.  “It happens to the best of us.  I daresay Mrs. Darcy would call what is in your brow character, and we know how she enjoys sketching characters.” 

“That is correct!  And your hair is showing increasing character!  Married life has certainly done something to you!  Has Elizabeth been scaring you with wild ideas?  Has the Bennet in her blood been driving you mad?”  Bingley chuckled when the glare moved to him. 

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