Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three) (11 page)

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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He was devastated when was dropped from the team on medical grounds (after suffering one too many concussions).  A natural attention seeker, he threw himself into learning the bass guitar so that he could join a rock band.  Tall, muscular and incredibly dark with deep emerald green eyes, it was easy to see why women threw themselves at his feet.  The biggest wonder for me was that most of them stayed, even when he’d opened that foul mouth of his.  He’d made the transition from stereotypical jock to stereotypical rock star.  I had a soft spot for Travis; he said what he thought, whether you wanted to hear it or not!  And, whilst he was upfront and loud, he was always honest.  You knew where you were with him.


The argument was reaching its crescendo when Scott jumped up and stood in between them before it turned violent, as it sometimes did, although they’d always be best buds again the next morning.  Scott was the polar opposite to Ethan and Travis.  He was laidback, respectful and charming.  He was a good looking guy but, when he wasn’t behind his drum kit, he didn’t look a stereotypical rock star.  He was the kind of guy that parents wanted their daughters to bring home, and he was hot enough to make girls want to hang onto him long enough to do it. 


His wavy dark blonde hair, deep blue eyes and very muscular body ensured that he had plenty of interest from the opposite sex but he rarely seemed to even notice.  He was there for the music, not for the adoration.  It was easy to see why he and Chad got along so well; they had a similar personalities and priorities.  Without them, there probably wouldn’t be a band.  They were the ones who wrote most of their songs, organized rehearsals and gigs and kept Ethan and Travis on the right side of wrong … well, usually.


“For fuck’s sake, you two!”  He bellowed.  “Ethan, go and meet tonight’s unfortunate victim and I will go with Travis to a bar until he gets hooked up with some poor, desperate soul who’s had too much to drink to say no.”


Ethan glared at him for a moment before saying goodbye and stalking off.  Travis stepped right up to Scott so that they were inches apart.  The look on Travis’ face was murderous.  He clapped Scott on the back and broke into a massive grin.  “Come on then fucktard,” he urged.  “We’ve got some pussy to hunt.  I’ll let you have my second choice if you like.”


Scott shook his head; the look on his face betrayed his wish that he’d kept his mouth shut.  “No, I don’t like.  As soon as you’re hooked up, I’m out of there.”  He looked to Chad. “Are you coming back tonight, man?”


Chad looked to Angel, who raised her brow suggestively so he shook his head at Scott.  “Probably not so you’re safe to bring home Trav’s leftovers.”


“Fuck off,” muttered Scott as he was being dragged towards the door by a very horny Travis.


We laughed and agreed that Scott was too nice for his own good sometimes.  I finished my wine and decided to give Angel and Scott some privacy.  Back in my room, I lay on my bed and thought about earlier.  As much as I tried to continue to believe that Lucas was at fault, I just couldn’t.  Angel was right.  He didn’t know that I was referring to my father each time I mentioned love or being called Isobella. 


Although, if he wasn’t so jealous and controlling, he wouldn’t have brought up the subject and I wouldn’t have been upset.   But perhaps Angel had a point.  Perhaps he had been affected by the loss of his parents.  He had nobody – not even a best friend.  I wondered whether that was what had made him overreact when I was in the company of other men.  Or when I simply mentioned other men. 


I realized that I needed to speak with him.  I hoped that, with the explanation Angel had given him, he would understand.  I picked up my phone and scrolled down my contacts.  My finger hovered over the button.  I knew that I could potentially use this as an excuse to cool things off between us, or maybe even get him to agree to drop the whole thing.


I hit the button and was stunned when it was answered after only a split second.  His voice held such emotion when he said my name that my breath caught in my throat.  He repeated my name and then launched into an apology and an explanation that was very much along the same lines as Angel’s thoughts.  I found myself relaxing and giving in to that liquid velvet voice.  I asked if he wanted to come over to talk things through properly and he agreed.  I’d never been more relieved about anything in my life.


Before I had chance to call down to the desk, the intercom buzzed.  I walked into the living room, noticing that Angel and Chad had gone to her room.
At least that was one potentially awkward situation avoided. 
I answered and was informed that Lucas Hunter was requesting to come up. 
How the hell had he got here that fast?
  I asked for him to be sent up.


I opened the door and waited.  I realized that my heart was thumping in my chest and that I had nose-diving butterflies in my stomach.   I heard the elevator arrive and his footsteps walking purposefully towards me.  I leaned against the open door and looked at the floor.  I couldn’t say why but I suddenly felt nervous about seeing him.  Two feet came into view and I inhaled his scent.  He was mere inches away from me. 


His hand gently gripped my chin and forced my head up but I kept my eyes downcast.  His head dipped and then his lips were on mine, gently seeking approval and testing my response.  We kissed slowly and reverently, each conveying our silent apology and forgiveness.  As he began to devour my mouth, I felt myself being carried along.  I wound my arms around his neck and buried my fingers in his hair.  At that moment, I lived for his kiss; nothing else mattered.  I was utterly incapable of rational thought.


I felt my knees weaken and begin to give way but he must’ve felt it too.  He put his hands under my ass and pulled me into him, supporting me without breaking our kiss.  I literally melted into him eagerly stroking his tongue with my own.  I felt lightheaded with desire and, just as I felt that I might faint, he stilled and pulled away slightly, catching my bottom lip in his teeth.  I could feel his gaze burning into me, even though my eyes were closed.  I felt slight pain in my lip, as he playfully nipped it, sending delicious shivers down my spine.  I snapped open my eyes and looked into his.  They were as dark as night and conveyed exactly how much he wanted me.


I took his hand and led him to my room.  Once inside, he instructed me to pack whatever I needed for work in the morning.  I countered that it would be easier for him to just stay the night with me.  The long, smouldering look that he gave me as he said that he had a surprise for me, took away any arguments that I might have had.  I recalled that he’d mentioned having something planned for me back at his apartment before our misunderstanding. 
When he said I’d beg him to stop! 


I quickly packed my overnight bag but my mind was so distracted. 
What did he have planned for me?  Something hot from that look in his eyes … begging him to stop? Hmmm!
  I liked the sound of that.  A lot!


I hoped that I’d got everything I needed as I followed him back through the apartment.  I quickly scrawled Angel a note and tried not to feel too annoyed about how happy she’d be that I’d given Lucas another chance.


James opened the door for us with a knowing smile and bade us goodnight.  Lucas’ car was once again parked right in front of our apartment – a clear parking violation.  As I got in, Lucas put my things on the back seat.  When he settled into the driver’s seat, I thought about how quickly he’d been at my door.  Literally moments after my call. 


When I asked him, he looked slightly sheepish.  Then he admitted that he’d been sat in his car, outside my apartment, since he’d left.  I was gobsmacked.  He explained that he couldn’t bring himself to drive away and that, on Angel’s advice, he’d fought the temptation to attempt to speak to me.  I could imagine how much Mr Control Freak would have struggled with that.  He said that Angel had advised him to let her explain things to me and that she’d assured him that I would come around in the end. 
Wait until I see her!
  Although, I had to agree that she was right.


We drove back to the Orion Building in silence.  It was a very short drive but, by the time we reached the underground garage, I was eagerly anticipating what he had planned for me. Every single nerve in my body was on edge.  My mind was whirling with all of the possibilities that I could think of.  I just knew that, whatever it was, it would be totally hot.  I shivered involuntarily as I waited for the elevator.


As we entered, Lucas took my hand and turned to me.  “You look nervous.  We don’t have to do this, you know.”  He rubbed his thumb back and forth across my knuckles reassuringly.


I took a deep breath and released it.  “I guess I am a little nervous but it’s mostly anticipation that I’m feeling.  I can’t imagine what’s going to happen but I think I’m going to like it.”


“Come here,” he smiled.  He pulled me gently into his arms.  “You are amazing.  Do you know that?”


I slid my arms around his broad back and hugged him to me until the doors opened.


Lucas led me into the living room and indicated for me to sit on the sofa.  I found the TV remote and switched it on.  He disappeared for a few minutes and returned with two glasses of wine.  I took mine and sipped the delicious, cold liquid gratefully. 


In one fluid motion, Lucas sat next to me, draping his arm across my shoulders as he relaxed.  I was flicking through the channels but he stopped me when Robert Downey Jr. flew across the screen in the guise of a comic book character.  We watched the last half hour or so then, as the credits rolled, Lucas rose wordlessly and walked into the hallway.  I yawned and stretched; tiredness was beginning to set in.


A few moments later, he returned and held out his hand.  I placed mine in his and he helped me to my feet.  Silently, he led me into the hallway and to the door that I knew, from my sneaky peek earlier, led to a spare bedroom.  I recalled the stark white painted walls and the brass bed with the pristine white bedding.


He opened the door and led me inside.  I gasped when I took in the view.  The room looked nothing like it had about eight hours previously.  The walls were covered in pale gold silk and there was a huge, full length, gilt edged mirror on the wall facing the bed. Gone was the pristine white bedding.  The beautiful brass bed was now dressed in matching pale gold and ivory silk.  A tall oak cupboard stood against the far wall and a matching chest of drawers was adjacent to it.  There was a faux sheepskin rug at the foot of the bed, which I just longed to feel between my toes.


The whole sensual ambiance was enhanced by an array of scented candles.  Their flickering flames sent shadows dancing around the walls and their rich vanilla scent perfumed the air.  I dragged my eyes away from the luxurious makeover and turned to face Lucas. 
How was this possible in just a few hours? 
I couldn’t ask him since I didn’t want to own up to my snooping.


He looked very apprehensive and I knew that he was awaiting my opinion on the décor.  I smiled, reached my arms up around his neck and kissed him softly.  “Lucas, it’s lovely.  Did you oversee the design of this room too?”


He nodded proudly and his eyes shone.  “I have a confession.  Until this afternoon it was minimalist white but I knew that you wouldn’t like that so I took a gamble on what you might like our playroom to look like.  I’m so glad you like it.”


Our playroom? Oh my! 
“You did all this today?  Why couldn’t we just use your bedroom?”


His cobalt blue eyes twinkled.  “Well, not me personally but I oversaw it.  I wanted to have somewhere separate from the bedroom so there were clear boundaries between playtime and the rest of the time that you spend here.  Unless you want to sleep in here ... but I do like having you sleep next to me in my bed.  We’ll see later.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be a moment.”


He turned and left.  I looked back at the bed as I absorbed this information. 
Playtime! That sounds intriguing … and fun!


I walked over to the bed and perched on the edge.  I ran my hand over the cool silk bedding as my mind pictured Lucas sprawled naked across it.  Then, completely unbidden, an image of naked Lucas pinning my heads above my head whilst he ravished my body, popped into my head.  I closed my eyes as a lovely warm feeling began to spread outwards from between my legs.  I was increasingly looking forward to what was to come with every passing minute.


The sound of the door closing made my head turn. 
Oh my god!
  Lucas was stood wearing nothing but a pair of jet black jeans with the top button unfastened. 
Why do men do that? Don’t they know how sexy that is? Oooh, of course they do – that’s why they do it!
  Everything about the way he stood screamed assurance and control.

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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