Read Hungry for You Online

Authors: Lynsay Sands

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

Hungry for You (19 page)

BOOK: Hungry for You
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Alex gasped then, and reached for his shoulders, to help her stay upright as he caressed her, sending wave after wave of pleasure sliding through her. She couldn’t bear the onslaught for long, however, and soon clasped the hair at the back of his head and pulled it away from her breast so that she could bend to kiss him again. He answered the silent request, mouth rising to hers and tongue sweeping out to plunge into hers, but he continued to move his hand between her legs, the action faster now and more insistent.

Alex groaned into his mouth, and then began to suck on his tongue, her fingers scraping across his scalp with demand. She groaned again, this time in protest, when his hand slid from between her legs. But it was back quickly, slipping between the waistband of her pajamas and her hot skin to touch her again, this time without the cloth between them. The explosion of need within her then was so all-consuming, she was hardly aware of his tugging her pajama bottoms down to pool around her ankles. She only became aware of losing them when he stopped caressing her again to catch her by the waist, lift her out of them, and then set her down to straddle his lap.

The rough material of his jeans brushed against her bare thighs as Alex settled on him, and then he pushed the top off of her shoulders so it could join the bottoms on the floor. Cale broke their kiss and leaned back slightly to peer at her through sleepy eyes, and Alex found herself staring at them with fascination. They seemed more silver than gray now, the silver molten and growing in his eyes as his hand slid between her legs once more. She bit her lip and dug her nails into his shoulders as his fingers danced lightly along her flesh, then Alex moaned and tipped her head back, eyes closing as his fingers dipped in to find the core of her.

“Look at me,” he ordered quietly, and she forced herself to lift her head. His eyes appeared almost to be on fire now, and she stared into them as he worked her flesh, her breath coming in small pants that grew moreshallow as her excitement mounted. When he slid one finger into her while still caressing her, she couldn’t help it, Alex’s eyes squeezed closed, her mouth opening on a gasped “Oh” that turned into a moan as it withdrew, only to plunge back in again.

Alex was sure an orgasm was about to rip through her when he suddenly stopped. Opening her eyes, she blinked down at him with confusion, and then gasped in surprise when he caught her at the waist again and lifted her off him. She turned to peer at him, and then saw that he’d stood to remove his own clothes. She rose at once to help, but got distracted by his chest as he lifted his shirt off over his head. Alex couldn’t resist running her hands over the wide expanse, but then let them drop to the button and zipper of his jeans, undoing each in quick time.

Despite being tight, his jeans fell away like butter sliding off a roasting turkey, and his erection spilled out, swollen and wanting. Alex instinctively reached for it, but Cale caught her and turned her away from him so her back was to his chest. He then wrapped his arms around her from behind, his mouth pressing to the side of her neck as one of his hands began to caress her breasts and the other slid between her legs again. This time he cupped her, using the hold to press her back against his erection so that her bottom rubbed against him as he then continued his earlier caresses.

“Cale, please,” Alex moaned, pushing back into him almost roughly. She was positive she couldn’t take much more of this and wanted to feel him inside her, wanted him filling her and driving her to the apex theywere headed for. Much to her relief, he heeded her plea. But he didn’t draw her down to straddle him on the couch again as she’d expected. Instead, he urged her to kneel on the couch and lean forward so that she could brace herself on the back of it.

Alex cried out as he thrust into her, her nails digging desperately into the back of the couch as her legs trembled. Cale paused then and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck, then withdrew slightly and pressed back into her again. She felt his teeth scrape across the tender flesh of her throat, and Alex turned her head to kiss him with all the passion he was stirring in her; but that made him stop, so she bit down into the back of her couch as he began to pound into her in earnest. When he reached around with his hand to caress her again, she couldn’t bear it anymore and cried out as her pleasure exploded around him.

Alex must have slept after that. When next she opened her eyes, she lay on Cale’s chest on the couch. Unsure if he was awake or not, she lifted her head slowly to peer at him and managed a smile when she saw that his eyes were open, and he was peering back.

“Hello,” she whispered shyly.

“Hello,” he said solemnly.

Alex stared at him for a moment, but then her shyness swelled, and she started to rise, but froze as she felt his erection beneath her. Her eyes shot back to his face with shock. “Didn’t you—?”

“Yes,” he assured her with a wry smile. “But it seems I want you again.”

Alex glanced down to his chest and hesitated, unsurewhat she should do. She’d already made the big mistake of sleeping with him. Would it make it worse if she did it again?

Deciding that if she had to ask herself that, it probably would, she slid her right foot to the floor, intending to get off him, but as she shifted, she rubbed against his returning erection. The excitement that sent tingling through her made her pause again.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” Cale whispered, shifting his hips so that he rubbed against her once more.

Alex peered down at his solemn face, and muttered, “Oh, what the hell.” She reached between them to clasp his erection, and then steered it back inside of her as she settled on top of him. As she did, Cale smiled at her sexily.

“Welcome back,” he murmured, and reached for her breasts.

Alex closed her eyes with a little sigh as his hands caressed her, and began to raise herself again, but the ring of a phone had her blinking her eyes open and peering around with confusion.

Frowning, she sat up abruptly as she realized she was in her bed, fully dressed in her flannels, and completely alone. What the hell?

The phone rang again, and Alex reached out to grab and silence it. She pulled it to her ear, and barked, “Hello?”

“Congratulations! You’ve won a free trip to Las Vegas. All you have to do to claim your prize is—”

“Pay you thousands of dollars,” Alex muttered withdisgust and slammed the phone back in its holder. Her gaze slid to the bedside alarm clock as she did, and she sighed when she saw that it was eight thirty in the morning. “Damned telemarketers,” she muttered, dropping back in bed.

There was supposed to be a list you could put your name on to avoid getting such calls. She’d have to look into how to get on it, Alex thought, and then glanced around the room again. She really was still dressed and in bed. Had that whole episode with Cale been a dream? It must have been, she realized, and muttered, “I knew those jeans came off way too easy.”

Cale stared toward the ceiling overhead, wondering who had called. He’d like to slice them up and fry them slowly for interrupting him and Alex. Hell, these shared wet dreams were something else. They were also definitely wet, he realized, a cool damp sensation at his groin drawing his attention to the darker spot over the erection still raging there. He’d obviously spent himself, and then “boned up” again as Bricker had called it. Thank God he hadn’t agreed to the sleep-in-the-van idea.

“Someone could have warned me,” he muttered with disgust. He would have brought a change of clothes with him, but all he had was what he was wearing. Cale dropped back onto the couch with a sigh, and then stiffened as he heard movement overhead. Alex was up. Great, now she was going to come down here and—

Cursing, he scrambled off the couch and hurried into the kitchen only to pause in the center of it, unsure what to do. The padding of light footsteps coming down the stairs, however, drove him to action. Rushing to the fridge, he tugged the door open, snatched a half full carton of orange juice from the top shelf and promptly tipped it up to his mouth.

“Good morning, I—”

With his back to her, Cale jerked as if startled and allowed orange juice to splash down over his chin, chest, and then his jeans. He damn near emptied the whole half carton to make sure it got to his jeans before jerking it upright and turning to Alex with feigned surprise.

“Oh, geez, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Alex rushed forward. She grabbed the dish towel he’d left to dry beside the sink and hurried to his side to begin mopping up the worst of the juice from his face and chest. “The phone call just woke me up and then I tried to go back to sleep, but I was thirsty, so I came down to get a drink of water and I—”

Cale bit his lip. She’d been mopping at his face then chest as she babbled, and then automatically knelt to continue on to his jeans, but had apparently realized what she was doing and paused. Fortunately, his panic had cooled his passion, and his original erection had gone away; however, watching her mop at him, her hair tousled as it had been in the dream and wearing the adorable flannel pajamas he’d so enjoyed stripping from her in their dream … well, he hadn’t been able to stop himself from growing half-erect again as the sight brought the dream to mind.

“Oh,” she breathed, staring at the bulge in his jeans. “I … Maybe you should—” Alex raised her head and hand, holding the cloth out and peering up uncertainly from where she knelt before him. That brought a whole new set of images to mind, ones they hadn’t tried in the dream. Cale’s eyes widened in horror as he completely “boned up” now, his erection pushing against his jeans and creating a very noticeable bulge.

“Yes, yes, of course,” he said, taking the towel in one hand and her arm in the other to quickly urge her to her feet when she started to lower her gaze to his growing bulge again. Once he had her on her feet, Cale turned away and moved to the sink, using washing his hands as an excuse to keep his back to her as he waited for his erection to recede.

“I really am sorry,” Alex murmured, moving to the cupboard now to retrieve a glass. “I guess I should have made some noise or something to let you know I was coming.”

“It wasn’t your fault. The phone call roused me from sleep, but I wasn’t fully awake. I was just startled,” he said quietly, wondering how long he was going to have to wash his hand. This particular erection seemed rather persistent. “How’s your head?”

“Pretty good.” She moved to a watercooler in the corner and ran cold water into her glass. “A little achy still, but I think more sleep would cure that. It was late when we got back from the hospital.”

“Yes,” Cale agreed, reluctantly turning off the tap and shaking his hands over the sink to remove the worst of the water as he tried to think of how he was going to keep his back to her. Not coming up with anything, he said a bit abruptly, “You should go back to bed.“

“I will after I’ve had something to eat.” She appeared at his side with a fresh dish towel, and Cale murmured a “thanks” as he took it but stayed facing the sink as he dried his hands.

“Geez, where did all the food go? Did you have a party or something last night?”

Cale glanced around to see her standing in the open refrigerator door, frowning over the now-barren shelves. “Oh, I … er …” Sighing, he set the towel down and moved to the door into the hall. “I need to go get a change of clothes from the hotel anyway. I’ll pick up something on the way back.”


He heard her feet padding after him and moved a little more quickly to the closet by the front door, managing to retrieve his coat before she caught up.

“Keys.” She offered her keys as he turned with the coat held in front of his groin. “So you can get back in.”

“Right.” He smiled and took the keys, then backed toward the door, the coat still held at his waist. “I won’t be long. Any special requests when it comes to food?”

“I’ll leave it to you.”

“Right.” He turned away, pulled the door open, and headed out with relief.

“Put your coat on,” she said with a laugh, catching the door when he tried to pull it closed. “It’s freezing out there, and you’re wet. You’ll get frostbite.”

Cale quickly shrugged the item on as he jogged down the steps and rushed to the car.


The house was silent when Cale returned almost
two hours later. He’d been as quick as he could be, grabbing a bag of blood from the cooler as soon as he stepped into his hotel room, and then actually feeding on it as he jumped in the shower. It had been the fastest shower in history, he was sure. The bag at his teeth hadn’t even been empty by the time he got out, but he’d dried himself one-handed, and then begun to dress in fresh clothes as it finished.

After that Cale had only taken the time to throw more clean clothes into a bag to take back with him before rushing down to his car. Both the stop at the hotel and then hitting the Tim Hortons drive-thru on the way back had probably taken him less than twenty minutes. However, Alex’s house was a good forty-minute drive from his hotel, which was where most of the time had gone.

Now he closed the front door, engaged the lock, and carried the food and coffee into the kitchen before removing his outerwear. He quickly put them away in the hall closet, and then moved quietly upstairs. Cale heard her slow, deep breathing before reaching her door, but eased it open anyway to be sure. He smiled widely when he spotted her curled up on her side with her back to him, sleeping peacefully away.

Cale eased the door closed, turned on his heel and rushed back downstairs. She was sleeping! The thought raced madly through his head.
They could share another dream!
The thought had him already half-erect before he’d even reached the living room and the waiting couch. Diving onto it, he settled himself on his back and closed his eyes, eager for sleep to claim him and the dream to start as it had earlier.


Cale’s eyes popped open and he sat up to peer toward the empty doorway with a frown. This wasn’t a dream. He’d barely closed his eyes before Alex had called his name. He must have woken her closing the door. Sighing, he called, “Yeah?”

BOOK: Hungry for You
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