Hooked: A Stepbrother Romance (23 page)

BOOK: Hooked: A Stepbrother Romance
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Back home

He’d said it again.

So it hadn’t been a fluke the first time.

I stopped laughing, staring into Simon’s crystal blue eyes and thinking. Between suggesting we go
and calling me
his girl
, things really were getting serious between us.


Very, very fast.

What would it be like if it continued? If it got more serious?

How would Adam react?

The paparazzi?

Hell, how would
our parents
handle the news, if Simon and I began dating?

The thoughts were terrifying, but the concerned look on Simon’s face gave me all the strength I needed.

“Let’s stay here for a little longer. I want to watch the fireworks with you,” I whispered.

I want to finish my first real date with you
, I corrected myself silently.

Simon nodded slowly, a smile cresting across his lips.

“But we still need to do something about how bloody cold it’s getting,” he said. “There are more towels in the back, but they won’t be enough to dry our clothes.”

“Maybe we should turn on the car’s heater?” I suggested, though a quick look at the fuel gauge told me everything I needed to know about the practicality of
idea. Leaning sideways, I pulled the keys from the idling car’s ignition.

“Interesting approach,” Simon teased.

“Hey, I’m not the one who didn’t think to top off on gas before leaving the city,” I said. “We’ll only just barely make it home.”

Home. Now I said it too.

I shuddered, my entire body convulsing with a deep shudder with equal parts terror and glee. The implications were finally starting to really sink in.

Simon. I’m fucking dating Simon

Just plain fucking him, too, for that matter

“All right, I saw that,” Simon said, and I blushed dark red. Before I could open my mouth and incriminate myself, though, he mercifully continued. “We need to get you out of those wet clothes before you catch pneumonia.”

“I’m not sure if being naked will help matters much,” I said, relieved that he’d misunderstood the cause of my shivers.

“Like I said, there are towels in the back. And a blanket. We can lay the clothes out on the car and let them dry off for a bit.”

“Why did you bring a blanket?” I asked, wondering if he’d somehow planned this.

“Before I knew about the dunk tanks, I was planning on surprising you by suggesting a picnic.”

I nodded.

“Okay, yeah, that would help. But, getting naked in public? Really?” I asked, reluctant to agree even as the mere thought of Simon stripping outdoors began to warm me up all on its own.

“Hardly public. No one can see us, and you heard the officer. He won’t be back, and everybody else is afraid of trespassing,” Simon reminded me.

I swallowed hard, noting how the lump in my throat had turned into a boulder.

“Let’s do it,” I whispered.

Without missing a beat, Simon began to slowly peel the first layer of damp clothes off his skin. My stomach lurched with desire as the perfect bulges of his biceps were revealed beneath the dim light mounted to the ceiling of the car.

Even though the inside of the Jaguar was spacious, Simon seemed to fill the whole interior. He was tall and bulky, and straining to rid himself of the sticky material. Once his t-shirt was gone, he flashed a beautiful smile that was half invitation and half temptation. I didn’t move, marveling at the sight of him. This was the gorgeous body that had made love to me all night long, but I still was hungry for more.

The ridges and valleys of his torso looked downright sinful, and I craned my neck a little to take a furtive peek at the tattoo on his left shoulder. I’d hardly paid attention to it last night, too consumed with lust and desire, barely registering the way my fingers found a scar hidden beneath the design on his shoulder. It wasn’t until this morning, when he stepped out of bed fully naked, that my curiosity about the tattoo was reignited.

I’d been treated to a perfect view of the black ink then, spreading down from his neck to his back and all across his upper arm. I’d only had a moment to look before he had playfully thrown a pillow at me to get me out of bed, but those few seconds had been impressive. Intricate, with a modern design depicting a busy scene full of layers and complexity.

All the different lines converged together at the center of the design, depicting a figure I wasn’t quite able to figure out either then or now. It looked a little like a man, lying curled on the floor, but I wasn’t sure. I wanted a good, long look at it, to inspect every detail and every cranny, to learn the story behind each element.

Needless to say, the car’s light chose that exact moment to shut itself off. I chewed my lower lip in frustration, my eyes adjusting slowly to the dark as I tried to make out the details.

“Like what you see?” he asked with a rueful smile, taking off his shoes and unbuckling his damp jeans. I wanted to speak up, but the lump that was still in my throat caught my voice and silenced me. Simon lifted his hips off the leather seat, peeling the pants and his underwear off to reveal the tops of his muscular thighs.

The moment his clothing passed down below his groin, his cock sprang out immediately. Thick and proud, the hard shaft glistened in the darkness, and I wondered how long he’d been turned on.

Of course, I would’ve been lying if I’d said that the dampness in my panties was entirely from the water.

Simon reached over and stroked my hair gently, his eyebrows waggling suggestively.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he whispered. “It’s hardly fair for you to devour me with your eyes while leaving me to starve.”

“You’re not peer-pressuring me into getting naked in public, Simon Ferguson,” I teased back. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my entire body around his, of course, but I didn’t want him to know just
eager I was.

A shadow darkened his beautiful features for a second before he leaned towards me, his deep voice resonating in my ear.

“Can I lover-pressure you, then?” he asked, his mouth closing down on my earlobe and tongue lapping away. His hot breath was sending shivers down my spine as he reached his arm over, snaking his hand beneath my wet dress and squeezing my breast beneath his large palm. “Get naked, sweetie,” he whispered.

I tilted my head back and gasped, and suddenly I couldn’t rip my clothes off fast enough. I flexed my legs and tugged at the hem of my dress, peeling it off over my head in a single motion and throwing it into the back without a single thought towards the expensive upholstery.

The air on my skin felt cool, but Simon’s hot breath near my neck was setting me on fire.

“Now the panties,” he said, and I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded frantically. Hooking them with my thumbs, I didn’t waste any time in pulling them down to my ankles and kicking them off dramatically. They landed on the dashboard with a wet plop, only for Simon to snatch them away a second later.

“Why did you do that?” I asked, my whole body pulsing with desire. I felt sexy and energized, empowered and hungry for more.

“Souvenir,” he whispered, bringing the soggy underwear just below his nose and inhaling deeply. He maintained eye contact the whole time, electric pulses running from my heart straight to my clit.

“How long have you been wet for me?” he asked, licking his lips and staring into my eyes as he spoke.

“Since the moment I landed in the dunk tank,” I whispered, my voice heavy and raspy.

“I wasn’t talking about the water,” he said.

“Neither was I.”

Simon laughed, and suddenly his lips were crushing against mine, his tongue inside my mouth, his fingers running down my back arms pulling me towards his side of the car. I groaned, shifting my weight to help him drag me over.

Soon, I was straddling just above his hips, feeling the length of his hard cock pressing up against the curves of my ass. Simon pulled one hand off me long enough to adjust the seat, both of us falling forward as it reclined back. His body was radiating delicious heat up towards me, his mouth attached to my breast and sending waves of pleasure through me.

With a groan, I reached down for his pants and slid my fingers inside the cold pockets.

“Simon?” I asked between moans as he continued to suck my nipple.

“Yeah?” he asked as he transferred from one breast to the other.

“Where are the condoms?”

“Right pants pocket,” he answered.

“That’s what I thought. There’s nothing there,” I said, both of us sharing a different kind of groan. His hand left my hip to fish through his discarded clothes, confirming what I’d just said.

“Bleeding hell,” he muttered. “I emptied my pockets before going in the dunk tank, and must’ve forgotten to pick them up with my wallet after we got out.”

“Don’t you have any in your glove compartment or something?” I asked, desperate and hopeful.

“Why would I have condoms in my glove compartment?” he asked.

“I thought you were supposed to always be prepared,” I said.

“I’m a rugby player, not a bloody boy scout,” Simon teased, laughter in his voice as he leaned up to kiss me again. “I guess we’ll have to postpone this.”

I could still feel his shaft rubbing against me with every breath he took, frustration bubbling up at the thought of
feeling him inside of me.

No, that just wouldn’t do at all.

I shook my head, bending forward to whisper in Simon’s ear.

“We’re not postponing anything,” I said breathily. “Open the trunk.”

Simon’s eyes went wide with surprise, but he nodded in agreement. A couple minutes later, we’d found a low tree limb to hang our clothes on and spread the blanket out across a flat patch of grass, ensconcing ourselves beneath a couple of large beach towels. In front of us, the vast expanse of city spread its lights for us to see.

Simon was lying on his back, and I positioned myself above him. Bending my head down, I kissed all along his jaw and up to his lips, grinding his cock beneath my stomach as I gyrated my body on top of his.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were on the pill?” he asked, and I could feel him twitching beneath me as I moved.

“I’m not,” I said, amused by the wide-eyed look of panic crossing his face.

“I don’t think this is such a good id—”

“I’m not stupid either, Simon,” I said after silencing him with another kiss. “Give me a little credit.”

“Then what did you have in mind, exactly?” he asked.

I winked, turning myself around and diving beneath the warm towels that had already wicked away the last traces of water from my skin. It was dark, but I didn’t have any trouble finding what I was looking for.

His cock had slipped out from beneath my body when I moved, and it stood hard and arrogant next to my neck as I rubbed myself against it. Teasing it for a moment with my damp hair, I ran my tongue from the base of the shaft up to the head.

Simon grunted, his manhood twitching in response to my attention. I could feel and taste a salty liquid dribbling from the tip as I slowly took it into my mouth, fingers caressing his heavy balls while I lavished attention and pleasure onto him.

Another twitch, another bead of precum spilling out and overwhelming me with the tangy, masculine taste. I moaned, taking him in just a little further and swallowing around his thickness.

When I began this, my only intention had been to feel Simon inside of me again any way possible. I hadn’t really thought about the position I’d be putting myself in, or what he might do back on the other end of the blanket. I’d assumed he would just enjoy the performance, but Simon wasn’t one for passive participation.

At first his hands kneaded my ass cheeks, massaging and fondling them lustily. A hint of a breeze tickled between my legs, the sensation making me gasp even while Simon still filled my mouth.

I wasn’t at all prepared for what followed, Simon suddenly pressing down on my behind and driving my crotch straight into his face. I fell with a heavy thump, the hair on his chin tickling at my clit and overwhelming me for a moment. Taking his manhood from my mouth, I turned my head back around.

“You don’t have to do that,” I whispered.

Simon didn’t respond, still smothered beneath me, his tongue beginning to probe my sensitive folds.

“I said, you really don’t need to do that,” I repeated, louder.

“No way I’m letting you just take over like that without at least a little competition,” he said, stopping just long enough to lift me back into position and answer. Before I could respond, he’d pulled me back against his face again, exploring my most private areas in detail.

Ah, why had I thought Simon and I would stop competing just because we started fucking? That wasn’t his way, and it wasn’t mine either.

It’s on
, I thought with a devious smile, giving his cock a few hard strokes with my hand before I started to tease it again with my tongue.

Completely covered by the towels, the cold was quickly forgotten and my whole world filled with the masculine scent of Simon. I was surrounded by it, reveling in the spicy musk with every breath I took. It turned me on even more, my clit swelling further just in time for Simon to notice and begin caressing it. I gasped, pressing my palms down hard into the blanket below.

Simon’s mouth felt amazing on my sex, and I knew from experience that he could make me come in mere minutes. There was no way I could “win” this without drastic measures. I’d never taken the full length of a man as large as Simon before, but there was a first time for everything.

Positioning myself over his shaft, I rubbed the head of his cock against my lips for a few seconds, massaging him until I heard a groan of satisfaction. It was the deep, throaty growl of a man who was losing his resolve, telling me that I was on the right track.

Slowly, I took more of him into my mouth and sucked on the glistening, pink tip. Curling the sides of my tongue around his thick manhood, I licked the underside of his shaft as I worked my way down further and further. Simon gasped between my legs, his quivering lips brushing against my sensitive flesh before he tossed his head back lustily.

BOOK: Hooked: A Stepbrother Romance
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