Read Hit the Beach Online

Authors: Laura Dower

Hit the Beach (26 page)

“So, we’re moving?”

“Not exactly,” Mom said.

may be moving…”

“So…either way…my world is about to implode!” Madison said very dramatically.

“Don’t say that,” Mom said. “I’m not doing anything

“Fiona’s dad is thinking about changing his job, too,” Madison said. “There must be something in the air.”

“That’s funny,” Mom said. “Mrs. Waters didn’t mention anything to me.”

“If you get this new, more important job, does it mean I’ll see
of you?” Madison asked.

Mom shook her head. “I just don’t know yet.”

“Okay. I won’t stress until you know for sure,” Madison said.

Mom clapped her hands, summoning Phin back up on to the porch. He had a fat black stick between his teeth, which she promptly removed.

“Let’s talk more later,” Mom said.

“Sure,” Madison said, even though she felt decidedly

As soon as Mom took Phin inside the house again, Madison turned back to her laptop to open a new file.

Big Changes

So here’s what I know:

All my BFFs are traveling for the summer. And I’m not. I’m in a science nightmare with Poison Ivy. The musical revue is coming at me like a speeding train. And now Mom is leaving Budge to be some big shot at another film company?

Rude Awakening:
Just when I think I have it all figured out, “it” takes off like a rocket, leaving me
in the dust.

Okay, I’m not in the dust exactly. Just this afternoon, Aimee suggested that I sign up for one of her summer dance classes so I wouldn’t feel too out of touch and so I could limber up, not that I’m in major need of limbering. Or maybe I am? If I’m going to survive all these changes, I definitely need to get more flexible.

On top of everything else that’s going on in school and life, we got word 2day that the teachers organized this last-minute field trip (a “reward,” they called it, HA!) to Lake Dora. It’s just a day trip for the seventh grade, but I guess it IS something to look forward to. I don’t know anymore. All these things blur together. I can’t forget to have Mom sign the permission slip before next week.

Madison hit
, because it was getting late and she still needed to check her e-mail. The little mailbox icon blinked. That meant, “Come and get it!”

She clicked on the icon, and a larger-than-expected e-mail list appeared.


GoGramma      My Itinerary

GoGramma      My Itinerary

GoGramma      My Itinerary

Angelina77    Re: My Itinerary

DR_BigBOB     Re: My Itinerary

Sk8ingboy     Txt trub

Dantheman     Animal Clinic Summer

Bigwheels     W^

Madison scrolled through the different e-mails. Naturally, Gramma Helen had hit the
button a few times too many.

From: GoGramma

To: MadFinn (Maddie), Angelina77 (Angie), DR_BigBOB (Bob), FF_Budgefilms (Fran)

Subject: My Itinerary

Date: Thurs 8 Jun 11:01 AM

How wonderful to know that I will be seeing all of you in Far Hills in just a few weeks. I think having Maddie’s moving-up ceremony as an excuse to get family together was just perfect. Thanks, Maddie.

I will be flying into LaGuardia Airport this time, direct from O’Hare in Chicago on Monday, June 19—a few days early. Fran and I discussed, so no one has to worry about getting me there, ok? If there’s any problem, let me know.

Oh, and dears—I plan on making a big feast, so everyone come ready to eat. Angie and Bob—don’t forget to bring photos of your beautiful garden. You promised.

All my love
Gramma Helen

After Gramma Helen’s e-mail, there were two responses: one from Madison’s aunt Angie and another from her uncle Bob, Mom’s brother. Both were checking in to see if Mom needed any help with the party.

The family get-together to celebrate Moving Up Day was really, as Gramma Helen said, a great excuse to get the family together in the warm weather. Ever since the Big D, Madison’s extended family had not had much face time together. And it wasn’t just Mom’s side of the family that was coming. Dad’s brother, Rick, and his wife, Violet, were coming from Canada. And of course, Madison’s stepmother, Stephanie, was coming.

So, although the day of moving up to eighth grade wasn’t necessarily a major event (not as big as a high school or college graduation), for the Finns and the Hirsches it would be a major bash. Madison just hoped it wouldn’t make her want to
her head into a wall. After all, as she knew only too well, sometimes mothers and fathers and exes and aunts and uncles just couldn’t mix.

After the e-mails about the family get-together and Gramma Helen’s planned arrival date, Madison checked the other e-mails in her box, from three of her favorite people. The first was from Hart.

From: Sk8ingboy


Subject: Txt trub

Date: Thurs 8 Jun 3:51 PM

Hey im trying to txt u right now but I can’t. I think my dad is thinking about getting more data from his cell plan but for now he cut it off completely! DTS?! I guess we had a problem last month when he got the bill and there were like a billion messages I sent that cost all this xtra $$ so he got real mad. He sez I have 2 pay him back ASAP. So we def have txt trub, b/c I can’t get txting fm u either. EML8R?

Madison smiled. She liked the idea that Hart was upset about not being able to get in touch. That meant he cared, didn’t it?


After Hart’s message, Madison read through a quick note from Dan. He had sent information about summer volunteer schedules at the animal clinic. Madison realized that clinic volunteer work was probably a great option for her, in addition to all the other things she had planned. Madison hit
and told Dan that she’d check with her mom and plan her own summer clinic schedule.

Of course, Madison saved the best message for last. Bigwheels was checking in from Washington. She’d been writing a lot lately.

From: Bigwheels

To: MadFinn Subject: W^

Date: Thurs 8 Jun 4:19 PM

LTNE-M! HAY? IMU! Wouldn’t it be funny 2 write ONLY in abbreviations? I tried that yesterday w/another online friend fm school and I got soooo messed up. But seriously—HAY—HOW ARE YOU? We’re practically 8th graders now & I am soooo psyched. Have we really been keypals for a whole YEAR???

Is yr mom having that big party u told me about? +:>) Well…I told my mom about what u said and she decided to steal the idea so now we’re having EVERYONE—my uncles, cousins, aunts, grandmas, and everyone else—over for BBQ. U were right about tests—we have a bunch this week and next week 2. I thought we would be done 4 the yr but NSL. Boo-hoo. I am afraid I might fail math although my mom got me a tutor just in case. She wants me 2 apply to this ritzy private school. Help!

BTW: Did I tell u my parents were THIS CLOSE to making a reservation to fly to NEW YORK CITY??? Dad’s cousin lives there. But now the plans have been nixed. :>(

BTW 2 : Reggie asked me to the junior high dance 4 the end of the yr. Do u have a dance 2?

OK. I better go now. SUS! Well, that should be W2US!

Yours till the sun beams,
Bigwheels aka Vicki


Madison smiled. This was one of those messages that made her feel virtually hugged. Bigwheels was an expert at that.

Madison had just begun typing her response when she heard the sound of a motor from out in front of the house. A moment later, a car turned in to the driveway. Madison glanced up to see Dad behind the wheel. Stephanie was next to him in the front seat. Smiling, Madison waved.

“Hello-o-o-o-o-o!” Stephanie waved back from the rolled-down window.

“Hey,” Madison called. She snapped the laptop lid shut. “Just a sec!”

She ran into the hall, where Mom was standing. They embraced and said their good-byes.

“I’ll see you when your dad brings you back,” Mom said sweetly.

Madison nodded. Phin nuzzled the backs of her knees, and it tickled.

“See you, too, my little Phinster,” Madison joked around. She bent down to scratch Phin’s ears. “Seriously, Phinnie, be a good boy for Mom.”

Dad lightly honked the horn. “Let’s boogie!” he called out.

Mom stood in the doorway and waved good-bye to everyone, including Stephanie. Over the course of seventh grade, Madison had noticed that Mom and Stepmom had actually become a lot friendlier. Despite the Big D, it seemed that the last year had brought everyone a little closer together—almost like one big, happy family with a few blocks, or miles, in between.

Then again, as Mr. Danehy had said in class,
was the operative word.

When it came to families, just about anything

And when it came to Madison’s family, anything

Madison just had to wait a few weeks to see how everything played itself out.

Friends till the End

About the Author

Author Laura Dower has a lot in common with Madison Finn: They’re both only children and they both love dogs, the color orange, and books! Laura has written more than ninety kids’ books to date, including twenty-five in the series From the Files of Madison Finn. Her other books include the new Palace Puppies series and
For Girls Only
, a guide to girl stuff. When she’s not writing, Laura loves to garden, sing (loudly), and volunteer as a scout leader for her daughter and two sons. She and her family live in New York. Want to be keypals? Drop her a note at

All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Text copyright © 2006 by Laura Dower

Cover design by Connie Gabbert


This edition published in 2014 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.

345 Hudson Street

New York, NY 10014



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