Read His Captive Mate Online

Authors: Samantha Madisen

His Captive Mate (5 page)

It was always Zaer’s philosophy to greet a woman to the lower decks this way. Perhaps the women would not have the same privileges as they’d enjoyed being the Sisters of Tranquility, but they would certainly be able to revel in pleasures of the flesh, base as that might be.

As the woman descended from the peaks of her climax, Zaer could no longer resist. Pushing the doctor out of the way, she knelt down between the young woman’s legs and put her lips to the sopping cunt. Her eyes closed as she lapped at the folds of her skin and felt her tremble beneath her tongue. She dipped into the darkness of her pussy to coax as much of the precious liquid as she could from there. The whole time, the woman shook beneath her, but Zaer couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes and enjoy the sight, so intense was the pleasure of the taste.

When she’d done everything she could to lap everything the woman had to offer, Zaer moved up slightly to find the tight nub of flesh above the opening and slurped at it greedily. The young woman shook, and Zaer sucked again. The young woman moaned. Zaer covered the button with her lips and began spinning furious circles with her tongue. The young woman’s scream came quickly and with it more tremendous shaking that threatened to break the table she was perched on. Only when she felt the woman go limp did Zaer cease her affections.

Standing up, Zaer dabbed at the corner of her mouth with a small towel from the table beside the woman. She turned to face the council, most of whom she could tell had been quite aroused by the whole thing.

“I’ll get the next one,” Zaer said, and moved toward the door.

Chapter Seven



“I’m hungry,” Daz said, her voice hoarse. She had no idea how long she’d slept. She’d woken up to the giant, Hawk, sitting in the corner of the room, watching her.

“Good,” Hawk replied, getting up and walking toward her.

Suddenly, Daz realized that something was different. Something wasn’t quite right.

She looked down at herself to find herself completely exposed. No uniform. No undergarments. The nipples at the ends of her creamy, round breasts had stiffened. Daz gasped at the realization that she had on not a single garment in the presence of… a man. As she attempted to cover herself with her arms, her eyes shot back up at Hawk, who by now was standing over the bed and staring down at her.

Daz noticed the bulge in his pants and wondered what it was. She could have sworn she hadn’t seen anything there before.

“Where are my clothes?” she snapped.

“They’re put away. You won’t need them anymore.”

“What do you mean I won’t need them?” Daz said, scowling and cowering toward the corner of the bed. She realized there was a blanket around her and moved quickly to pull the thing up to her neck, covering her body.

“Our women don’t wear any sort of clothing,” Hawk replied evenly.

“Your women? Well, I’m not your women. I’m a Sister of Tranquility and I will be treated with dignity and respect!” Daz snapped back immediately.

Hawk took a deep breath. “You will. That I can assure you. I told you, Dazea…”

“Stop calling me that!” Daz spat the words out, “only my grandmother called me that.” She looked away for a second, then realized how harsh she’d been. “Just… just call me Daz.”

“Very well. I will call you Daz.”

A silence lingered between the two for some time before Hawk went on. “Every woman is treated with respect here. Unlike how you treat us on your planet. We just have different customs than you are used to.”

Daz scowled. How did he know anything about how people were treated on Golan? These savages didn’t even have ships to get them there. How could they possibly know? Daz remembered that Hawk had spoken about other women. Those women must have come from somewhere. But how did they get here? And why did they stay?

“As soon as we get back you can make food,” Hawk said, extending a hand to help her out of the bed.

Daz’s jaw dropped open. How dare he! That
should prepare food? For him?

“Wh-what do you mean, that I have to make the food? That I have to cook it?” Daz whispered in disbelief.


* * *


Hawk felt his impatience rising.

“She told me you would not know how,” Hawk answered.

“Of course I don’t know how! That’s disgusting!”

Hawk shook his head. Maybe this was going to be more work than he thought.

“For now, come. We must go or we will be late.”

“No!” Daz snapped, tightening the blanket around her neck. “I’m not going anywhere! You can go yourself!”

Hawk shook his head again. Enough was enough. Bending over, he scooped Daz up with one arm, sitting down on the bed at the same time. Daz screamed as the blanket fell from her body, revealing her creamy backside to the rugged man. Hawk felt a raw pulse of lust at the sight and his body craved to sink itself into the woman’s folds. Pushing the thought away, he tried to focus on the matter at hand.

Hawk’s powerful palm connected with the smooth flesh of Daz’s rear and sent it rippling down her thighs. With measured strength, Hawk administered ten swift smacks, alternating from one side to the other. He watched each cheek redden as he felt the woman squirming beneath him. There did come a point, however, somewhere in the middle of her punishment that her body ceased its resistance. That moment made Hawk harder still because with it came a sweet scent from between the woman’s legs that filled the room.

When his discipline was done, Hawk let his hand linger on the round cheek of his soon-to-be bride. This time, she didn’t protest. She didn’t try to stand up, or push herself off of him. She lay there over his knee, breathing deeply and slowly.


* * *


Daz was very confused with how her body was reacting. Surely she should be completely appalled and disgraced at being treated this way by anyone, more so a man. But as she lay stretched over Hawk’s knee, reveling in the heat that had spread on her tender rear, she couldn’t separate the feelings she was having one from the other. Of course she was ashamed at being treated like this. How could anyone not be? What if any of the sisters had seen her in this position? She would be disgraced. But there was something beneath the surface of that emotion, something she couldn’t put into words. It wasn’t so much a feeling as it was an ache. It almost felt like… she wanted to be treated this way.

Embarrassed at entertaining such a thought, Daz tried to push it aside, but that proved to be exhausting. And what seemed to be making it more difficult was the weight of the giant man’s hand on her bottom. As he moved it slowly lower, so low that it was almost touching her most private place, Daz was shocked to feel her legs open slightly. It was as if her body was inviting him closer!

The bulge that Daz had seen in Hawk’s trousers was now pushing into the side of her stomach. For some reason, Daz longed to find out what it was. Who had a body part that hardened like that so quickly? Perhaps there was something wrong with him? But she had no more time to consider it. Hawk swung her up off his knee and set her standing directly in front of him, so that her chest was at the level of his mouth.

Daz looked down to see him staring at her two ripe breasts. A part of her wanted to cower from his gaze. But the same part that had made her legs open pushed her toward him. The thought of his hungry mouth gorging on her stiff nipples flashed through her mind. Daz shook her head and looked to one side, and the motion stirred Hawk from his trance. He stood up and moved aside, shaking his head. “Come. We must go.”

This time Daz turned around and looked at the man with different eyes. This time, she wanted to please him. “Where? Where are we going?”

“We’re going to see the doctor.”

Daz scowled. Why would they need to see a doctor? There was nothing wrong with either of them. How did they even have a doctor in this crazy place? They weren’t supposed to be anything more than barbarians.

“Why do we have to see a doctor?” she asked quietly, cautiously, hoping the question didn’t step over any bounds. But Hawk answered with patience.

“It’s our way. It’s our tradition here. When we take a bride, the doctor examines her first. It’s something our ancestors did…”

Daz was almost as shocked as she was confused. She’d read about brides in history books but surely that was a thing of the past… “Take… take a bride? What do you mean?”

“I’m claiming you, Daz,” Hawk said evenly. “It’s what we do here when there is a new arrival. Each man in turn claims a mate. Do you know what it means to mate?”

Daz shook her head slowly.

“The doctor will help explain. Let’s go.”

“But… but I have no clothes,” she said quietly.

Hawk turned to look at her again. “As I told you, our women don’t wear any.”

“But… will anyone see me?”

“Everyone will see you.”

The words sent another burst of guilty shame, coated in the strangest pleasure Daz had ever felt, tumbling through her. Stepping toward the door, she prepared herself to face her humiliation.

Chapter Eight



Stepping out into the sunlight of the street, Daz cowered from the light and from the inevitable eyes that would rest upon her. With each step she looked down at her chest, looked down at the way her breasts shook, exposed to the light of day for all to see.
Maybe they won’t look at me? Because everyone here is like this. Maybe they won’t care?

But nothing could have been further from the truth. Every time a new mate was found, everyone knew about it and everyone wanted to see what the new girl looked like.

Daz felt the gentle pressure of Hawk’s hand on her back as he guided her out the door and onto the street. As her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she realized that there were dozens, maybe hundreds of pairs of eyes on her, looking at her from all directions. Even if she wanted to, there was no way she could hide. Suddenly, unable to bear the shame of being so exposed, she spun around and pressed herself tightly into Hawk’s chest.

To her surprise, he didn’t react at all like she thought he would. She thought he would quickly bend her over and administer another swift spanking, but instead, he wrapped his massive arms around her and pulled her close to his body. Daz was flooded by yet another feeling she’d never felt before. She felt safe in a man’s arms.

“It’s alright,” Hawk said quietly, bending low and whispering. “They’re here to see you because they’re happy that you’re here.”

Daz glanced up to see him looking down at her with kind eyes. This was the craziest thing that had ever happened to her. But somehow, she believed him. She believed that he just wanted what was best for her. Daz turned slowly, keeping her eyes on the ground so she didn’t get scared again. She straightened up as best she could and took her place beside Hawk.

The two walked through the streets together, Hawk holding his bride-to-be by the arm, guiding her through the lines of onlookers standing on the sidewalk or staring from their windows.

As they passed through the streets, Daz felt her shame begin waning somewhat. Though she was still embarrassed, there was something… warm and pleasing about all those eyes on her. Of course as soon as she thought of the Sisters of Tranquility and what
would think if they saw her like that, the blush quickly returned to her face and she tried to bury her gaze in Hawk’s strong arm. Walking completely nude and exposed through a city! What had her life come to?

When they finally arrived where they were going, Hawk turned, opened a door, and motioned that she should step inside. The warm closeness of the walls brought some relief from her shame.

Clinical was the best way to describe the space they’d entered. Only after the last swells of embarrassment had left her did Daz realize how white and clean everything was. The smell too was almost antiseptic. This was nothing like how the planet had been described at school. She had been told that men lived in caves, wore no clothes, and didn’t have even the simplest comforts of life. They were taught that it was a great privilege and honor for them to come to Golan and become seeders, that it was an improvement on their life. That most men wanted it.

But from the looks of things here, that couldn’t possibly be true. This place was clean, well-lit, and… and it looked like a hospital from back home.

“Captain Agnon.” The voice came from across the room and belonged to a man in a long white coat, with a trim beard and spectacles. A jolt of adrenaline rushed through Daz. Is this what Hawk had been talking about? Was this
the doctor who was going to examine her?

“Doctor Vlin,” Hawk said, extending his hand. Daz watched as the two men gripped each other’s hands and shook them. She stifled a giggle at the funny ritual. Her bottom still stung from her last spanking and she didn’t think she had the energy for another. Her amusement went quickly to embarrassment the moment the doctor looked at her and she once again realized she was naked. She looked down, trying to hide her blush. Her nipples had stiffened again at the attention, something that only caused her to blush even more.

“What have you brought me?” the doctor asked.

“Doctor, this is Dazea. She will be my mate.”

The words caused Daz to blush even more and she tucked her chin toward her chest, trying to hide her shame.

“Congratulations,” Daz heard the doctor say. “She is a fine specimen. She’ll breed excellent offspring, I’m sure.”

The words shook Daz to the very core and she snapped her head up and glared at the man, unable to believe what she’d just heard.

Hawk interjected quickly, “I’ve only just met her and she hasn’t yet been trained.”

Now Daz peered at Hawk, her eyes wide, wondering if he was going to contradict what the man had just said. But he did nothing of the sort. He looked back at her calmly. So that’s what it meant to take a mate. Hawk meant to treat her like a common breeder! Daz trembled as she thought of what he was going to do to her to make her grow a child inside herself. Though they’d never been told exactly what happened to make it occur, she’d always been taught that there was nothing pleasant about it.

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