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Authors: J.A. Hornbuckle

Hiding in Plain Sight (12 page)

BOOK: Hiding in Plain Sight
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I glanced at him over my glass and felt my breath catch as our eyes collided.  My heart skipped a beat and that little flame inside began to put out heat. 

Ain't gonna happen
, I warned myself, though the caution didn't carry as much strength as it had before. 

"Are you having a good time?" he asked, his beautiful mouth again next to my ear as he settled, his arm once more on the top of the red leatherette of our seats.  I got a whiff of soap, deodorant and another aroma I think was just plain, old Bay.  He smelled good.

I twisted so I could copy his movement of mouth to ear.  "Oh hell, yeah.  Bay, this is awesome!"

Both our heads pointed towards the dancers, and I couldn't help the way my eyes traced over his profile.  He really was quite a hottie, even with the short hair.  From the way other women's eyes turned to him again and again, I didn't think I was the only one with that opinion.

He pointed his chin at one of the older couples out on the dance floor.  I dragged my eyes to them and saw how well they moved together.

"Bet they've been doing that a long time to be that good!" I yelled, but I wasn't sure if he heard me over the swell of the music.

His head began to turn, but either I didn't move away fast enough or he turned too quickly, because the next thing I knew, our lips grazed one another's when we moved.  As our mouths touched, time slowed and the noise of the music and crowd became muffled.  I didn't move my face beyond that point but just raised my eyes to see he was staring back at me. And his look created more of a connection between us than just the touch of pink skin to strawberry-flavored gloss. 

Holding my gaze, his head tilted as his moist mouth slanted, unhurriedly sliding his lips over mine.  I didn't move a muscle, didn't even blink.  Afraid, so flipping afraid.

I just wasn't sure if I was afraid he would stop or continue.

I felt his lips press forward to caress mine again, compressing a bit harder.  Oh, god.  He was kissing me. 


Kissing me.

Our eyes remained open as our lips slowly touched and slid together.  It was like neither one of us was sure if we should stop or carry on with what we were doing.  Almost like we were waiting on the other to call a halt. 

His tongue slid slowly against the seam of my mouth as a silent question.

My mouth opened before my head even realized I'd surrendered.  The warmth of his lips, the sensation of his tongue curling as it danced with mine, caused a giddiness inside.  It took that slow steady heat which had been building within me and sent sparks everywhere.  My nipples tightened and I felt the flesh between my legs soften, moisten at just the full taste of him.

His hand pressed between my shoulders, pulling me closer as he shifted so we were chest-to-chest, and I couldn't help my moan as we came together, mouths fused. 

I'd never had a kiss like this. 

Sure, I'd had a boy's lips on mine, a hesitant tongue in my mouth before.  But they were just that.  Boys.  I'd never experienced a man's kiss.  A true kiss that turned your insides to mush, making your mind melt with nothing more than the stroke of his tongue against yours, the feel of his heart beating next to your own.

The movement of Bayco's mouth slowed as he began to straighten his head. 

No, no, no,
one part of my mind cried. 

One kiss does not change the plan
, the other half of my brain replied.

I felt the pressure lessen before he raised his head, stopping only to drop a soft peck on my still partially parted lips.

"Want to dance?" he asked, his mouth close, almost touching mine as he spoke.

I guess I must have nodded or given some kind of 'yes' answer because, before I knew it, we were on the dance floor, crushed in between the other couples there.  It took more than a few seconds for my mind to clear but as it did, I recognized Bay was pressed against me, one hand on my waist, his other holding my much smaller one.

Oh, okay.  The Texas Waltz.

I knew the steps to this, having had my mother teach me on the worn linoleum of our kitchen after one or the other of us had been subjected to either the sharp bite of a tongue or the thud of a fist.  Even with her bit of a limp from her artificial appendage, she was still able to keep the rhythm to the songs that played on the old radio propped in the windowsill. 

But dancing with Bay was a whole different kettle of fish than dancing with my limping mama.

It wasn't only the soft kisses he dropped on my forehead, cheeks and neck as we moved.  It was the feel of his chest, his shoulder where my hand rested and the hardness pressed into my hipbone.  It was the feel of our thighs as we stepped, the slithering of our jeans as we shuffled within the crowded space.  I had no clue what music was playing beyond the harmony our body's movements had created.  That was, until the rhythm changed and he expertly swung me out and brought me back in to tuck me at his side.

I stumbled before my feet found the two-step he'd led me into performing.  But this wasn't like the dance we'd done in Texas.  This was slower and, because our eyes were on each other, became something erotically promising.  I stumbled more than a couple of times due to the intensity between us before Bayco finally steered us back to the table, signaling our waitress when we hit the walkway.

My stomach jumped when I realized we were leaving.   

I knew I had only a few minutes to decide if it would be better for me to push him away or pull him closer.  As he handed me up onto the Electro-glide's seat, I hadn't a clue which choice I'd make.


Chapter Twelve


In all their time together, this was their longest journey.  The four miles from the bar to their room seemed to take forever, at least in Brand's mind.  If he'd had his way, and she'd been any other girl, she would've been bent over the seat of the new bike in the parking lot.  Taking the full length of him as she moaned sweetly.  Just like she'd done when he'd simply taken her luscious mouth there in the booth of the roadhouse.

His new shorts underneath the new jeans were scratchy, giving a message to his fully extended cock.  A meaning that went straight to his brain.  Which probably would've been drowned out by the sweet feel of her pussy pressed against his back.  But the new bike had her seated above him, her knees pressed almost up to his armpits.  It was a better ride for her, he knew.  But he missed the other, the feel of her gripping him with both arms and legs as the motorcycle pulsed beneath them both.

When he parked and disembarked, he missed the slow slide of her crotch against his hips as he shifted, but he caught her wide eyes this time, luminous in the reflected glow of the lights of the walkway of the hotel. 

Eyes speaking of want, of need. 

The yearning he'd created with only a deep kiss and the press of their bodies as he'd led them in a dance.

Wanting more. 

Something he was more than willing to give.

Her back was against the motel room door as his lips again captured hers when the key card read green.

The jolt as their bodies met, after a few short steps, at the side of the bed.

There was no sound between them as he unbuttoned her jean jacket.  No other sound was heard, other than dual slide of his leather jacket and her hoodie as they undressed each other, not thinking of anything beyond the need to be skin to skin.

The shifting as he toed of his boots, she flicked her small heeled sandals off sending them to a corner unseen.

It was hands reaching for each other's t-shirts, the snick and release of her bra before their mouths again fused, naked chest to naked chest as they moved and moaned.  Almost by mutual agreement, their actions slowed as their hands began a blind exploration of the skin uncovered.  The hills and valleys of each other's torsos, fingers lingering to caress the areas, which caused a reaction in the other.

He fumbled with her new studded belt.  Her own fingers slid, bumping over the ridges of his abs as she sought the fastening of his jeans.  A pop with another zip and he was pushing layers of fabric down, releasing the sweet smell of her arousal.

While his cock demanded her naked at the soonest possible moment.

Her hands let go of his fly before sliding to the sides of his hips to press outwards, to free him from the confines of the stiff jeans and new boxers.  He felt her soft hands try to reach, to encircle his hard length as soon as it jumped, almost thankful to be set free from its unforgiving confines.

"Oh, Bay," he heard her breathe as he stepped back to shoot the fabric off and down.  He pressed her back, his hands on her hips until she sank onto the mattress.  He yanked, hearing the tinkle of her belt buckle as it jangled at his sharp movements to get her naked.

"Reese," he murmured, using only her name to try and explain the quickness that was inside him, causing the urgency of his fingers.  Finally, he was able to slide off her jeans as he moved his hands down.

"Kiss me again, Bay," she moaned as their bodies met, her open legs creating a natural furrow, a space for him to fit into.  

"Oh, damn," he heard her moan, her full lips a haven for the lust unfurling between them.  He felt her hips rise to stroke his cock and he couldn't help but to press, to grind into her.

"But…" she breathed against his mouth.

Wait… what?

He stilled and then felt her do the same beneath him.

Brand pulled back, feeling a hesitancy in the body he was on top of, her feminine curves pressed against him.

"We probably shouldn't be doing this," she whispered, her beautiful, brown eyes catching his in the light of the partially closed bathroom door.  A light they'd forgotten to turn off in their hurry to leave.

"We could stop if you want, my draga," he murmured, moving his chest to feel the sharp points of her breasts press into him. "Although, to be truthful, it would be very, very difficult."

There were more than a few seconds when she blinked up into his eyes.

"But we need to consider…" she started, then pressed her lips together tightly when he slid the hard length of himself against her moistening cleft, her hips rising in response.  "Oh, Baby…" she moaned and her legs, those beautiful smooth thick thighs, moved upwards, capturing his hips just as he'd imagined.

"I want you, Reese," he whispered, dropping his face into her sweet smelling neck, to lick, to taste.  "I want to ride you.  Within you."

"Oh, yes," she purred.

He felt the heat of her hands as she pushed against him and knew he'd just crossed the line between almost-friend to almost-lover.  His insides dropped to realize what he'd mistaken for her want, for her desire, had been wrong.

But as soon as he was far enough away, her hands released his chest to settle at the sides of her panties.  He gave her room to move as she lifted her hips and pulled them down, then off her succulent hips.

"I want you too, Bayco," she whispered in her sexy, almost sultry, voice.  He felt her legs spread even wider, propped up against the sides of his legs.  "Please?"

A simply plea from a not so simple female.

He could feel her heat, her naked wetness against him.

His voice was thick as he tried to answer her with a question of his own.  "What do you want, Reese?"

Her hands gripped his shoulders as her forearms pressed upwards, along with her hips.

"You," she said with her whiskey voice.  "I want you."

Oh, fuck.

Since he was already propped on forearms and knees, it was easy to allow his cock to zero in on her hot core.

Brand wanted more of her mouth, though, before he joined with her.  He couldn't get enough of her lips, her tongue, as he thought of sinking between her legs.  But she was having none of it.  Her full lips and tongue meshed with his, as her hips churned while her hands reached, to drag her wetness along his uncovered shaft as she moved.

But he only stayed a moment before sliding to her side.  He was determined to show her pleasure, her value with this, their first joining.  As he lifted to move, her hips rose with him.  The soft thrust said so much, telling him that he was not alone in his desire. His cock throbbed on a deep note, and he felt his balls move tight against him at her innocent nudge.

He again dropped his mouth to reach for her sweet, moist lips.  Propping himself on an elbow, he used the other hand to cup the fullness of her breast.

"Oh," he heard her breathe into his mouth as his thumb flicked over her hardened peak.  Brand's heart, much more than his mouth, absorbed the sound as he brought his thumb and forefinger together, applying pressure, softly tweaking.  At the first twist, her hips lifted, causing him to drape a thigh between her restless legs.

His eyes shot downward, his gaze hungry for the sight of her naked juncture and was surprised by the glow of her hairless skin at the top of her thighs.

She half-rolled beneath him, seeming to seek his heat before her shapely ass lifted again, throwing a leg over to press herself against his leg, moving to create the friction her body needed, craved.  Her soft skin connected with the sparse hair of his thigh and he couldn't help his jolt at the feel of her sodden leaves as they splayed on him.

At the awareness of her need, he ground his hardness on her lower belly, the firm feel of her hipbone again, providing the resistance his cock craved.  He hated to remove his hand from her breast, but it ached to touch the fullness of her ass.  To bring her closer, tuck her hard against him.  He felt her hand tentatively reach between them to capture his hardness.

The eager innocence of her touch inflamed him.  But this portion wasn't for him—he would find his fulfillment later.

This was for her enjoyment.

His lips sought hers as his fingers slid to her belly, sliding downward on her smooth skin until the first split of flesh opened beneath his touch.  She gasped, and she moved her hands to his shoulders.  He raised his head and found her eyes met his again, creating an intimacy he'd never known while in the throes of passion.  He sank his fingers further, feeling her swollen flesh, wetness as his digits traveled in a slow journey between her nether lips, learning the secrets of her by touch.

A long slow intake, a mouthful of air, was his reward as his fingers moved over the pearl of her pleasure and around her moist folds.  A sharp hip thrust greeted him as his fingers dipped into the puddling creaminess inside her.

Goddamn, every response was a strike deep to both his body and his heart.

His fingers stroked, rubbed and delved as he listened and watched her responses as they guided him through her pleasure.

"Bayco…" she cooed.  "Yes, there, baby."  Her eyes were now closed and her head dropped away from him as she thrust against his fingers.  He knew she was reaching for it.  Reaching for that beauty he was going to give to her, the one she was striving for.  And he needed to provide it.

Her hips, those beautiful flared hips, strove upward to meet his hand with a firmness, a desire that caused a growl deep within him, bubbling up from a wellspring he'd thought had dried up years ago.

"Please," he heard her whimper against his mouth, and her hand moved from his shoulder to his wrist, holding his hand captive against her.  "Oh, Bay,

His iron length flexed and moved so fucking hard there were sure to bruises on her hip the next day.  But at the moment, he didn't care.  He was turgid and dripping because of the beauty he had in his arms, beneath his hand. 

And, if her cavern's tightness on his fingers was any indication, he needed to prepare her for what he so wanted to give.  She was so tight, and he wanted to be able to enter her without pain, to ensure the pleasure he knew was in store for them both.

His thumb continued to rub her swelling clit as his fingers slewed, catching the rhythm of her hips much as he caught her moans and whimpers against his lips as they moved together.

He knew she was almost there from the beginning ripples moving both within and on the outside of her.  Brand reached for the condom he'd snagged from the nightstand earlier and used his teeth to open it, stretching it over himself just as the tight undulations from inside her, the beating squeezes, announced her orgasm was moments away.

"Come for me, Reese," he whispered on a rumble, dropping small kisses on her neck, her collarbone.  "Come under my fingers, sweet one.  You are so wet for me, so ready for me.  Please, my beautiful draga."

Her heart, which he could feel pulsing beneath his chest, sped up at his words as her mound began to hesitantly churn underneath his hand.  He quickened the movements of his thumb as his fingers slid in and out, scissoring as they moved to prepare her for him. 

"Bah…oh, god, Bay…coh…oh, here.  I'm gonna…oh, damn.  Bay!" she cried as her whole body spasmed.  She found what he'd created, nurtured, with just his hand, his fingers.

And it was one of the most beautiful fucking sights he'd ever witnessed.

He couldn't help rolling back onto her, his cock seeking the heat of her center.

"God, yes," she agreed both verbally and by gripping him in her muscled thighs.  "Give it to me, Bayco," she instructed and he was, again, caught on her laser-like gaze. "Fuck me now."

BOOK: Hiding in Plain Sight
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