Read Here for You Online

Authors: KC Ann Wright

Here for You (15 page)

BOOK: Here for You
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I stand motionless while I wait for his breathing to slow. He lies back down with his eyes closed. I crawl into the bed and shift over closer to Cam. I lean down and kiss his bare shoulder and run my hand down his chest. His skin is damp with a thin layer of sweat, and my heart breaks a little more as I realize he must have terrible nightmares.

I look back up at his face, and his eyes are now half-open. “Hey, I’m sorry if I woke you up.” I run my hand across his forehead brushing the damp hair back. I kiss him softly. “Are you okay?”

“I am now.”

“Do you need anything? Water?”

He shakes his head. “No. Just you.”

“I’m sorry, Cam. Whatever was going on in that gorgeous head of yours, I’m sorry.”

His mouth lifts up on one side, and I lean down to press a kiss to his shoulder again. My fingers brush over his abs and he flips our positions in less than a second.

His body is covering mine, and the heat and weight of his body across mine feels amazing. His finger traces down the side of my jaw, his gaze never leaving my eyes. “Thank you for coming.” I nod. “You’re so beautiful, Ash.” The same finger traces over my lips and I shiver at the touch.

He leans forward and his lips move over mine with a feather-soft touch. I wrap my arms around his back and pull him tighter to me. He deepens the kiss, and I open my mouth to his. When his tongue dips in and finds mine, I moan at the contact.

“I want you, Ash. I want you so bad.” He groans as he drops his mouth back to mine.

I’m hesitant to break the kiss but I know if I don’t, I’ll give in to him. “I know. I just need a little more time. I’m scared to get hurt, Cam.”

“I know you are, baby. Trust me when I say you’re the last person in the world I want to hurt. But I can’t make any promises, so you take as much time as you need.”

I brush the hair away from his forehead again. I know he just woke up a few minutes ago, but he looks like he’s hardly slept. “Hey.” I reach up and kiss him lightly. “Let’s get you back to sleep. You need to rest. Even if you aren’t pitching, you have a team that’s counting on you.”

He closes his eyes and buries his face in the crook of my neck. His arms somehow wrap even tighter around me, and I hold him for a while. When his breathing has slowed down again, I shift so he rolls off me. I gently nudge him and he rolls all the way over so he is partially on his side and half on his stomach. I lean down to kiss him on the shoulder and keep my lips pressed there for a moment while tracing circles on his back. He turns his head partially toward me and I lean over him to give him one more kiss.

“Sweet dreams, Cam.”

I say it hoping he really will have better dreams—or no dreams at all. I want him to sleep, and I continue rubbing his back until his breathing has slowed and I know he’s asleep. I wait a few more minutes and when I’m sure he’s sound asleep, I curl my body around his and wrap an arm tightly around him.


• • •


ven though I went to bed late, I wake early in the morning. We are in the exact opposite position now, with Cam curled around me, and I smile at his attachment. I feel like a life-size security blanket, and I admit it feels good to be needed. I wish it wasn’t for such a difficult situation, but I know he’ll get through it. He just needs time.

I shift to slide out of the bed and I feel his arm tighten around me as he grunts. “Stay.”

I turn my head back toward him. “I was just going to get up and order room service. I need coffee. Do you want me to order breakfast or do you have to meet up with the team?”

“Yeah, we should probably head down to the restaurant for a little bit. Well, you don’t have to, but I need to.”

“I’ll join you for a bit, but then I have to come back up and work. I have a full day of conference calls.”

“Does that mean you’re staying tonight?”

I laugh at the hopeful look on his face. “That’s what it means.”

His smile lights up his entire face and it melts my heart. “Thanks for rearranging your schedule for me. I know you have a company to run, and I appreciate you doing this for me more than you know.”

I shrug and wave my hand at him as I get out of bed. “I’m happy to do it for you.”

I walk into the front room of the suite and call down for room service before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. “Hey, are you going to shower before you head down?” I ask.


“Do I have time to jump in quick?”

“We could save time by doing it together.”

I stick my head out the doorway and roll my eyes. “I said a

“We could be a little late heading downstairs.”

“Not gonna happen this morning.”

I hear him groan. “Fine. You’re no fun.”

I laugh as I head to my suitcase to grab jeans and a blouse. Not sure if I’m expected to dress up as much as the team, but I figure it’s probably okay to be casual for breakfast. I rush through my shower and put on a touch of make-up. By the time I walk out, he’s sitting on the edge of the bed fully dressed and ready.

“Geez. You move fast.”

“I’m a guy. What can I say?”

He hands me a cup of coffee and I take a large drink of it. “Perfect.”

“The guy brought us to-go cups if you want to bring some.”

“Yeah.” I head over to the tray and make one up as Cam watches me. When I turn to him, I can’t quite read the expression on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“I just want you to know that Crystal came on to me last night. Nothing happened. I swear.”

I shake my head. “I know. Um, you need to sign something for the bellhop, William. He’ll be on until midnight tonight.”


“When I got to your room last night, she was passed out against your door. They handled it discreetly for me.”

“Damn. I’m sorry, Ash. I know this sucks for you.”

“It’s fine. Just do as we promised. If you change your mind, you need to be honest with me.”

He gets up from where he’s sitting and stalks over to me, taking me in his arms. “I want you, Ash. I don’t want her.”

“I know that’s what you say, but your heart isn’t there yet.”

He doesn’t say anything, but I feel him nod against my head.

“Come on. Let’s head down.” I carry my coffee cup in one hand and wrap my other hand around his. He looks at me and gives me a small smile. I know he doesn’t want to hurt me, but he can’t promise yet that he won’t.

When we walk into the restaurant many of the guys are around the room at different tables. Coach walks up to Cam. “Wills, I need you to sit with us for a few minutes.”

He looks at me, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Fonz walking in. “It’s no problem. I’m sure Fonz will keep me company.”

Fonz beelines over as soon as he hears me say his name. I hear Cam groan. I have to hold in my laugh as I look at Fonz. I haven’t seen him without a hat on and right now his curly blond hair is pointing every direction like he just crawled out of bed. I don’t think the guy cares, and it honestly makes him look like a little kid. I hook my arm in Fonz’s, and his smile doubles in size.

“I’ll take care of her for you, Wills.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he mumbles.

Cam turns to me. “Be careful with him. You’ll break his heart.”

I laugh. “He’s a big boy. Aren’t you, Fonz?”

His blue eyes sparkle with amusement as he nods. We both turn in search of food, and when I look back over my shoulder, Cam is shaking his head at us.

Chapter 17
e’ve won three of the last five games, and we have one more regular season game tomorrow. Overall the guys have their heads in the game, and I’m looking forward to the playoffs. We just need to get through the first round, and then I know no one will be able to stop us. As soon as the team has a few playoff games under their belt, I know they’re going to pick up the intensity even more. When that happens, we’ll be untouchable.

Fonz is at my place. Ash thought it would be fun for him to attend this event with her assistant, Lizzy. She insisted that she’s not trying to set them up but just thought it would be fun for both of them. I’m not sure if I believe her, but I can’t worry about Fonz. The only other thing I have room for right now outside of baseball is Ash. She occupies any thoughts I have outside of the team.

She’s stayed with me since she arrived in Boston on Tuesday night, and I feel more rested than I have in months. I know I have her to thank for that. I don’t even know if she realizes how close I was to crossing over to the other side before she walked back into my life.

When I see the text from her that she’s almost here, I nod to Fonz and we head down to meet the limo at the front of the building. As I watch her step out of the limo, my jaw drops. She’s always beautiful, but tonight she has a different vibe going on. Somehow she looks sophisticated and sexy at the same time. Her long black strapless dress hugs her figure and all I want to do is run my hands over that body. Her hair is up and a diamond and emerald necklace sparkles on her collarbone.

“Hey, beautiful.” I pull her in for a hug, careful not to mess up her hair or make-up. She looks too stunning to risk ruining it. She must have impossibly high heels on because she’s only a few inches shorter than me tonight. Everything about her makes me want to pick her up and carry her up to my condo and forget about everyone and everything else.

“Hello, handsome.” She gives me a quick kiss and then wipes my lips with her finger. “I don’t think pink is your color.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. You’re definitely all man.” When she winks, I manage to hold in the groan that comment causes. Man, I really want to haul her upstairs.

Lizzy steps out of the car, and Ash turns to introduce her to both of us. “Guys, this is Lizzy.” She turns to Lizzy and motions to each of us as she says our names.

I take her hand and kiss the back of it. “Pleasure to meet you.”

She laughs. “Ashley is right. You
all manners.” She turns to Fonz and offers her hand to him. He mimics me, and she smiles. “And you’re an excellent student.”

Fonz’s face splits into a wide smile. All I can do is shake my head. The four of us get in the limo, and Lizzy asks a few questions about the team and the league. Fonz is happy to answer her, and I turn my focus to Ash. “You seem quiet.”

She shifts in her seat to face me. “Please remember that the Ashley you know is the real one. You’re going to see a different side of me, but please know that it’s only for business. This is not the person that I am but the person I was forced to become because of my father.”

I lace my fingers with hers. “Hey, we both have a different persona at work. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

“Mine is more drastic than yours. Just remember you know the real me.”

She has said it twice now, so naturally I’m a little nervous. How different can she really be? She and Lizzy seem to get along fine; they have a comfortable relationship and interaction. Can she really be that different with everyone else?

As we pull up I see the photographers outside, and I groan. Usually I only have to deal with my life, but I know Ashley is a big name in the city and in her industry. Fonz and Lizzy get out first, and I reluctantly slide over to get out. I hold out my hand to her and she takes it.

She hooks her hand through my offered arm, and I feel her grip tighten around my bicep. I look at her and I swear her eyes changed in the instant she stepped out. Her doe eyes are emotionless and more green as if shielded.
This may be more extreme than I was anticipating.

She turns to me before we get to the front. “I assume you want me to introduce you as JC, not Cam?” I nod. “Boyfriend or date?”

“What do you want?”

She turns to me, and I see a flash of the Ash I know. “What do you think?”

I give her a half-smile because I’m too nervous to give her a bigger one. I’m already starting to feel out of my element and that is unusual for me since I do appearances all the time. But I’ve never done this with Ashley.

As we near the entrance I hear a photographer yell out to Ash. “Ms. Hughes. Can we get a picture? Who is your date this evening?”

She turns back to the crowd of photographers, and I reluctantly turn with her. “JC Williams.” Her mouth doesn’t move into an actual smile, but the corners lift just slightly. I feel, as much as hear, the buzz go through the photographers.

“Pitcher for the San Fran Flyers?”

I nod my head and the flashes seem to pick up speed. I turn to Ash. “Ready?”


We make our way through the entrance, and I let out what I fear is going to be the first of many long breaths. Lizzy and Fonz are waiting by the elevator, and we take it with them to the top floor. As we enter the ballroom, I see hundreds of people moving about.

Lizzy turns to Ash. “We’re going to mingle. Text or call me if you need anything before the show.”

Ashley nods but doesn’t smile. As we make our way, I see some women who must work for Ashley practically trip over themselves as they move to get out of her way. The first group of people in our way is a circle of five men. One of them sees Ashley walking. “Ms. Hughes. It’s a pleasure to see you this evening.”

“Of course, Peter.” She stops and shakes hands with each of the men. “I’m pleased you could all make it this evening. We’re thrilled to be launching this new line. It’s going to be the next biggest brand in fashion.”

“With you in charge, we have no doubt about that. Are you ever going to let the rest of us have a chance to win over these upcoming brands?”

“Not if I can help it.” She barely cracks a smile and nods her head politely. “Please excuse us. I need to be sure everything is set up for the show. I hope you enjoy the evening.”

“I’m sure we will. Your company never fails to put on a great party. Always a pleasure to see you, Ms. Hughes.”

At this point I’m just following along. If I didn’t know her so well, I think
would be nervous right now. Apparently this woman is not to be messed with in the business world.

BOOK: Here for You
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