Read Hearts Aflame Collection: 4-Book Bundle Online

Authors: Melissa F. Hart

Tags: #Romance, #paranormal romance, #fallen angel romance, #christmas romance, #bundle, #erotica book bundle, #erotic romance, #erotica bundle, #erotica, #holiday romance, #erotic paranormal romance, #contemporary romance

Hearts Aflame Collection: 4-Book Bundle (11 page)

“How could that be possible?” Andie

“Well, have you ever had your hair pulled
during sex, or your ass slapped, and found it exciting? You were
experience a mild form of masochism. Have you ever raked your
fingernails over a guys back, or pinched his nipples during sex,
and liked it?” They both grinned ruefully at each other, knowing
full well that she’d done both those things to him just in past
twenty-four hours.

“Let me guess; that was an act of sadism.”
Andie said, running her fingers through his hair, and giving hit a
playful tug with her fist.

“Correct.” Ryan smiled, wincing until she
finally released his hair. “Am I wrong in thinking you enjoyed

“No, you’re not wrong. It was a lot more
pleasurable than I ever would have thought.” Andie confessed,
feeling herself growing aroused just thinking about it. “So, tell
me the proper rules and procedures for spanking a sex slave. I’ve
never done it before, and I don’t want to be a poor mistress.”

She listened carefully as Ryan explained how
to ensure she was exerting the right amount of force, without being
too light or too hard, and how to maximize pleasure without
creating any harm. The rules were complex, and yet surprisingly
simple, and by the time they reached her apartment she felt like
she had a solid understanding.

She handed Ryan her spare key and said, “Take
my bags up to my apartment, kneel on the bed on your hands and
knees and wait for me. I’ll be right there to give you what you

Ryan’s eyes gleamed with sexual excitement,
as he rushed to do her bidding. Andie giggled merrily at the sight
of him juggling all her packages as the elevator door closed after
him. She couldn’t believe all the changes that had happened in her
life in just the last ten days.

It wasn’t that long ago, that she was dating
Evan, miserably letting him control her life while she waited for
him to ask her to marry him. Then, by having the courage to tell
him she wanted to make her own choices, she’d freed herself from
him, and wound up meeting a complete stranger who wanted to be her
sex slave. It was the craziest Christmas present she’d ever gotten,
and yet she couldn’t imagine one more perfect for her.

She realized that she’d made him wait long
enough, and she better get upstairs to him. She strode towards the
elevator of her apartment building, when suddenly a familiar figure
entered the lobby. It was Evan!

She rushed into the elevator, and anxiously
pushed the button, trying to close the door in time. She thought
she’d be safe from him, but at the last second, he managed to shove
his hand in the way, and the doors slid back open. Evan blocked
them open with his body, trapping her from being able to close

“I told you, I don’t want to talk to you
anymore Evan!” she glared at him quietly.

“I know.” Evan said softly, a look of defeat
in his eyes. She’d never seen him looking so pitiful, and it
softened her heart. “I just wanted to get to say goodbye to you,
the right way. You were right to tell me that I’d become too
controlling. You were right to want to make your own choices and
decisions. I shouldn’t have gone crazy the way that I did that
night. I didn’t mean any of those things that I said. I love you
Andie; and I realize now more than ever just how much you mean to
me. Please come back to me, and I promise to always treat you

Andie looked at the man she had loved for
over two years, and found she couldn’t completely close her heart
to him. He looked so genuinely sad, and sounded so sincerely sorry.
She that real tears glistened in the corners of his eyes.

“I just don’t know, Evan” Andie said,
suddenly unsure of everything she’d known only moments before. “Can
you really change that much in such a short time? Can I ever really
trust you again?”

“Just take this, and think about it. I’ll
call you tomorrow and we can talk more then.” Evan said. He handed
a small gift bag and left. The elevator doors closed instantly
behind him, and started carrying Andie up to her apartment.

She looked in the bag and saw it held a small
velvet ring box. She opened it with shaking hands and saw it held
the most brilliant diamond ring she’d ever seen. A tiny note in the
lid of the box said “Marry Me” in Evan’s handwriting.

As the elevator reached her floor, and the
doors opened, Andie just stood there with an engagement ring from
Evan in one hand, and a paddle from Ryan in the other.

The doors closed again, and she looked at her
reflection in them and wondered who she should choose.


Do you like this book? Be sure to check other books
in this series


Wrapped up with ribbons - Volume 2

A fresh New Year - Volume 3

When Naughty becomes so Nice - Trilogy


Be sure to check the holiday romance collection


Holiday Romance Collection - 6-Book Bundle

The Complete Holiday Romance Collection - 18-Book
Bundle (6 trilogies)




It’s Not Enough




Chapter One

There was the quick sound of footsteps coming
towards the back office, Lisa hastily stood up and tried to adjust
her facial expression, but it was too late. Her sister stood by the
door staring at her with concern on her face.

“Liz, are you okay?” Diane asked gently.

Lisa saw beyond the concern to the
apprehension darkening her sister’s eyes and felt stupid. She knew
Diane was still reeling from the loss of their father even if he
had made her life an absolute hell. Yet here she was, wasting tears
for a man who did not even deserve one drop of her sweat. She stood
up from the chair with a sigh, “It is fine Di. Did you need

Diane hesitated, her sky-blue eyes blinking
behind her glasses, then she must have decided to drop it; instead
another form of concern clouded her eyes, “Have you heard from
Harry? Brad had to man the bar this evening and he’s taking it out
on the rest of us. It doesn’t help that Shawn didn’t show up

Lisa stiffened then sighed, she might as well
let her know. “I think Harry might be too busy to show up this
night.” Even though she spoke quietly, she certainly had her
sister’s attention.

“Why? What happened? Was he in an

“Di calm down, it was nothing like that. I
stopped by his apartment on my way here and saw him and Shawn

Diane’s confusion was obvious, “They are best
buddies yeah, so…?”

Lisa ran her hands through her wavy brown
hair and stared into eyes so like hers, yet so different, “Di,
together as in together!” She muttered through clenched teeth.

It took a few moments for it to register but
when it did, Diane opened her eyes wide in shock. “Oh my god! They
were having sex together? Harry is gay?” she asked then seeing the
pain in her sister’s eyes winced, “I’m sorry Liz.” She said in a
quieter voice before gently enfolding her in a warm hug. “I’m so
sorry. This is gonna be okay, you know that right?”

Lisa nodded, clinging onto her sister for
strength. She was no longer crying though instead she began to feel
anger simmering just below the surface. She stepped out of Diane’s
embrace and tried to smile, failing miserably. “Well, it looks like
we’re two men short. Brad will have to man the bar this night I
don’t see any help for it.” She sighed.

“He will live.” Diane said with unusual
grimness about the man who owned the Clover Leaf Café and who was
also her lover.

Liz smiled her first genuine smile that
night. Di had changed so much from the quiet country girl who had
come to live with her less than a year ago. She had been weary and
beaten down then, but she’d always had a core of steel and it was
gradually reappearing. Liz knew Brad has a lot to do with the
changes in Di and though she loved him like a brother, if he hurt
her sister she would have to hurt him. Chasing away the grim
thoughts, she chatted with Diane as they left the back offices of
the café and went into waitressing mode. Diane was the accounts
person but she always pitched in to help whenever they were short

The Clover Leaf Café was busy and Liz had
been on her feet for several hours. It was a Friday night
understandably and even with Diane’s help, coping with the demand
was tough. She took orders and served customers, remembering to
smile through her pain and the lingering sense of shame. She
fielded flirtatious comments from raunchy customers and did her
best to make sure things ran smoothly. She couldn’t wait for this
shift to be over though; she needed to be alone with her thoughts
and try to figure out why she always ended up with losers.

Glancing at the functional watch strapped on
her wrist, she saw it was almost one a.m. which was when her shift
ended. They had stopped serving food by nine p.m. but there were
still plenty others who needed to drink. She had just deposited a
cold beer in front of a customer and had neatly evaded his groping
hands when the door to the café opened. Looking up, she saw him and
froze, their eyes met for a split second before she turned away and
went to take fresh orders. Let someone else deal with him, she
thought, and deliberately turned her back on him.




Jeff clenched his jaw as he watched her move
away to serve another customer. He had no idea why he’d come here,
there were so many other bars in Downtown Denver that he could have
gone several months without coming here. Come to think of it, he
had gone several months and he was damned if he was going to avoid
a favorite haunt of his because of one headstrong woman. With
determined strides, he headed for the bar.

“A beer please, whatever is on tap.” He
called out to the bartender without looking up. The music playing
was a loud rock number but instead of grating on his nerves as it
would have done on any other day, he felt it numb his mind as he
tried to forget about the stress of the entire week.

“Bad day?” A deep baritone voice asked with
sympathy as the mug of beer appeared.

Jeff took a deep drink from the beer, eyeing
the bartender over the rim. He was not surprised to see Brad
manning the bar; even though he owned the Clover Leaf Café he was
very hands-on with every aspect of his bar. Jeff finally put down
the mug and looked into the light green eyes of the big bear of a
man, “It’s been one hell of a week.” He sighed.

Brad nodded, “I know what you mean.” At
Jeff’s raised eyebrows he shrugged, “My barman ran off with one of
the hosts.”

“You mean hostess?” Jeff corrected

But Brad shook his head with a wry smile,

“So why did they feel the need to run

“The barman was dating one of my waitresses
and she caught them at it.”

Jeff shook his head in amusement. One of the
reasons he loved coming to the Clover Leaf was the constant drama;
there was always something going on. He nodded as Brad excused
himself to serve another customer. Turning his gaze around the bar,
his eyes caught sight of rich chestnut hair held up into a bun. He
felt his manhood stir and was grateful for the slacks he was
wearing which disguised how hot and bothered he was beginning to
feel. There was something about Lisa Smith that made him react in
the most primal manner. It had been that way since the first day he
laid eyes on her.

“Found your companion yet?” Brad was back and
was leaning over the counter with a half-smile on his face.

Jeff shrugged, “Not yet.” He never left a bar
without a companion for the night; someone to warm his bed and make
him forget for a few hours, all that was wrong in his life.

Brad nodded towards where Lisa stood smiling
at a customer, “Tried her yet?”

Jeff chuckled bitterly, “Why would I put
myself through that? The woman is as prickly as they come and has
permanence stamped all over her.” He deliberately took his eyes off
her slender form and focused on a voluptuous blonde who had just
made herself comfortable on the stool beside him. She batted her
heavy eyelashes at him and he smiled at her in return before
turning to Brad, “There are far less painful options.”

Brad flashed him one of his rare smiles and
shook his head, “Well, sometimes the prickly ones are the tastier
ones. Don’t give up yet, today might be your lucky day.” He teased
as he moved away to serve a customer.

Jeff looked over to where he had last seen
Lisa and felt a jolt go through him when he caught her staring at
him. So she was not as immune as she liked to act. He filed that
fact away as well as the cryptic comment Brad had made and turned
his megawatt smile on the blonde who had crossed her legs and was
leaning towards him and proceeded to flirt with her. But for some
reason, his heart was not in it.

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