Read Head Games Online

Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Head Games (14 page)

Kelly closed her eyes as another tear escaped. “Yes. God help me, yes.”

“Now, about people finding out and the possible negative impact it could have on the bistro. Leo and I will do everything in our power to protect you. You’re the most important thing in our lives, even more than our hockey careers, and we’ll do whatever we can to make sure no one ever hurts you. We can’t guarantee no one will find out about our relationship, but if we catch wind of any negativity, either in the press or outside of it, we’ll nip it in the bud if we can. We’re not afraid to flex our muscles, such as they are.” He smiled, and Kelly felt the corners of her mouth kicking up of their own accord.

Leo gripped her chin and turned her to face him. “As far as living with us and what we expect from you, we’ll figure that out as we go along, but we’ll never do anything that scares you or that you don’t want to do.” He glanced at Scott. “Maybe we should get a bigger bed for in here and all sleep in one bed. That would eliminate some of the ‘who’s sleeping with who tonight’ stuff. We also think you should be free to be with one of us even if the other isn’t around—this isn’t a competition to see who can sleep with you more often. What do you think of all that?”

“I like it. One bed sounds nice.” Kelly smiled a little, thinking about being sandwiched between her two men. “That stuff about being able to sleep with one of you alone makes me feel better about things. I was afraid there would be all kinds of jealousy and stuff if you thought I was paying more attention to one of you than the other.”

Leo grinned and leaned in for a quick, hard kiss. “As long as I’m the one you’re paying more attention to…” He kissed her again and said, “Seriously, Kel, Scott and I talked about a lot of this stuff already before we even approached you, and we’ve been talking since to try to make things clear and fair to everyone. We wanted to present a united front, but we never want you to think we’re making decisions without you.”

She turned back to Scott, who nodded and said, “We all want this to work out. You’re not the only one assuming risk here. Leo and I have been best friends for years now
we work together. Now, did we answer all your fears?”

Kelly laughed and heard the edge of nervousness still present in the sound. “As much as you can right now.”

“Good. Then let’s get some sleep. I dunno about Leo, but I can guarantee I’m going to want inside you again before long.”

“Mmmm. Me, too,” Leo agreed.

Kelly lay down between them and Leo pulled her until they were spooning. Scott turned toward her and leaned forward, pressing a kiss on her forehead. “We love you.”

“I love you, too.” She fell asleep and slept like a rock for the first time in days.

* * * *

Kelly woke up the next morning sore but happy. The men had woken her up during the night to make love one more time, taking turns in her pussy while the other lavished attention on her breasts. Now she was deliciously sore. There was no rest for the weary, though, as she was expected at the restaurant shortly. Leo wanted her to shower with him, and while she was definitely tempted, she knew she’d be late if she did. So with a hot kiss from each of them, she left their place in a cab and went back to hers to change, thinking she should’ve been smart enough to pack clothes for today when she’d left the house last night, but she knew why she hadn’t. It might jinx things to assume too much.

She spent the morning doing prep work and baking desserts and bread. Her staff threw her a couple of odd looks as she floated around the kitchen, catching herself smiling or whistling and then laughing self-consciously, but they didn’t remark on her behavior. Kelly hadn’t decided if she was going to tell any of the staff besides Bonnie about her relationship with Leo and Scott. Bonnie was her sous chef, and though she didn’t have a monetary stake in the restaurant, Kelly still felt like she owed it to her to explain the relationship and the possible ramifications. Then if Bonnie wanted to sever her ties with the bistro, she would be free to. As much as Kelly would hate to see her go, she had to be honest with her.

When Bonnie came in midafternoon, Kelly asked her to come into her office. She’d been in there for the past few hours trying to get caught up on paperwork and accounting, since she’d fallen behind due to being so distracted lately. Bonnie sat down in the only extra chair in the tiny room. “What’s up, boss?”

“I wanted to talk to you about something before you heard about it through the grapevine.”

Bonnie’s eyebrows shot up. “All right.”

“I’ve…” Kelly paused, taking a deep breath. “I’ve started a relationship with Leo and Scott.”

“A relationship? What kind of relationship?”

“A sexual one. With both of them.” She blew out a breath and watched Bonnie’s face to gauge her reaction.

Bonnie grinned. “Both of them, huh? I’d suspected as much.”

“Are you serious? This doesn’t surprise you?”

“I wouldn’t say it doesn’t surprise me, but it doesn’t shock me. How’s that for being clear?” Bonnie chuckled, and Kelly sat back in her chair, relieved that Bonnie hadn’t run from the room screaming. “What I mean is—I’m a little surprised that you would do this, considering your generally cautious nature, but I’m certainly not surprised that you would want to. They’re hot, they’re rich, and they obviously adore you.”

“Is it really that obvious?” Kelly pinched the bridge of her nose. If Bonnie wasn’t really surprised, how many others suspected? Did her staff know? What about Leo and Scott’s teammates? She knew it wasn’t a secret they shared, but she wondered if they’d told anyone about their relationship.

Bonnie pulled Kelly’s hand away from her face. “It is to me. But I know you, remember? I’m sure it’s not so obvious to everybody. I’m sure the staff knows you guys are close, considering how often they come in here and how long they stay, but if you’re worried about them knowing something you’re not comfortable with, I wouldn’t be too concerned.”

“Do you think I’m a total slut?”

Bonnie snorted. “Honey, if those two wanted to make me the meat in their man sandwich, I wouldn’t say no!” Kelly barked out a laugh at that visual. “Seriously, though, hon. If they make you happy, who the hell is anyone to say it’s wrong?”

“That’s what they said, too. Did they pay you to say that?” Kelly reached out to hug Bonnie. “Have I told you lately how grateful I am for you?”

“Yeah, but feel free to say it again.” Bonnie grinned and then stood. “If that’s all you needed, I’m going to get started on the German potato salad for tonight.”

“Thanks. I’ll be out after I finish up the food order.” Bonnie left, and Kelly propped her feet up on her desk, lost in thought for the moment. That had gone far better than she’d ever imagined. Bonnie was a nice girl, but you just never knew how someone would handle news like that. Hopefully most of the other people who found out about her relationship with Leo and Scott would react the same way. She knew it was a pipe dream, but it was nice to consider.

Her cell phone beeped in her pocket and she withdrew it, glancing at the screen. There was a text message from Leo.

If you have time, could you make an apple pie and bring it home?
Scott and I would like to fulfill a fantasy tonight. See you soon, babe.

A fantasy, huh? Kelly smiled and replied. If they wanted an apple pie, she’d make them an apple pie. A few moments later her phone buzzed again.

You won’t regret it. We’re already planning how to make you scream until you’re hoarse.

Oh my. She fanned herself as her body temperature spiked. Her pussy clenched, and she actually considered trying to make herself come before going out to the kitchen. His messages had revved her right up.

Two can play at this game. Or, well, three.

Smirking, she picked up the phone and began to type.

I’m sure I won’t regret it—as long as I get to lick some off your cocks.

She didn’t have to wait long to get his reply.

Are you trying to kill us?

Kelly giggled and wrote back immediately.

Turnabout is fair play, my friend.

It took Leo a few minutes to write back, so Kelly returned to her food order, her blood still sizzling in her veins. Then her phone buzzed.

We aren’t just your friends, we’re your lovers. Remember that.

Another rush of heat flooded her body at his words. She loved Scott’s gentle way with her and his easygoing nature, but there was something about Leo when he got all pushy and demanding that thrilled her. Shaking her head to clear it, she put her phone away. There would be plenty of playtime later. Bonnie was closing down the bistro tonight, so Kelly would be able to make it over to the guys’ house at a decent hour. She wouldn’t be going anywhere unless she finished up and called in this food order, though. Besides that, she had an apple pie to make…

Chapter Twelve

Leo adjusted his cock again as he tried to concentrate on the movie. Finally, he gave up. “I’ll be right back.”

Scott smirked. “Take your time, man. You want me to pause the movie?”

“No. And what’s the shit-eating grin for?”

“Because it’s pretty funny watching you lose your mind.”

“Whatever...” Leo muttered as he left the room. Ducking into his bedroom, he shucked his pants and boxer briefs on the floor and climbed onto the bed, a box of tissues handy. Fisting his cock, he started slow, teasing himself a little as he imagined peeling away the pink “Kelly’s” T-shirt and revealing her full, gorgeous tits to his gaze. He’d lay her down and pull off her checkered chef’s pants, leaving her clad in only her bra and her little bikini panties.

Climbing up to straddle her, he’d undo the front clasp of her bra and let her breasts spill into his hands. Clutching his dick with a firmer grip, he began to stroke faster, thinking about taking globs of the apple pie and dropping them on each pert nipple, only to lick them clean and start again. It didn’t take long for the images assaulting his brain to take him over the edge, and he came on a low moan, his cum spilling over his hand and onto his stomach.

Leo knew if he hadn’t jerked off, there was no way he’d be able to keep control tonight. Reaching over, he pulled a couple of tissues out of the box and wiped off his hand and belly. He couldn’t wait for Kelly to arrive, but a quick look at the clock confirmed his suspicion. She wouldn’t be here for hours yet.

* * * *

As soon as the door to Leo’s bedroom closed, Scott made for his own room. He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but the thought of having Kelly at their mercy while they spread her apple pie all over her luscious body had his dick twisted in knots.

He quickly laid down on the bed and pulled his jeans and briefs down just enough to expose his hard cock. Leo would be a little while, but Scott wanted to be back in the living room by the time his friend was done with his own self-service pumping. For some strange reason, knowing he’d jerked off without alerting Leo and letting Leo think he was the only one with no self-control would be very satisfying. He was a sick man…

Taking his cock in hand he began to rapidly jerk himself off. Tonight there would be no teasing touches, no finesse—he needed to come. It didn’t take long. As he kept a tight grip on his cock, he felt the orgasm working its way through his groin, and he came on a quick, harsh release of breath. Continuing to jerk, though more slowly, he milked his dick and then his head fell back. He couldn’t wait until it was Kelly on his cock, however he could get her.

Rising, he sat on the edge of the bed and cleaned up. Sighing, he buttoned up again before going back out to the living room.

Several minutes later, Leo appeared. “Don’t say a damn word,” he snarled, detouring into the kitchen for a beer.

When he came back into the room Scott held up his hands. “I didn’t say a thing.”

“Asshole.” Scott just laughed and turned the movie back on. He noticed Leo checking the time repeatedly. Finally he said, “Man, this sucks. Let’s go somewhere.”

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