Read Harry's Sacrifice Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Harry's Sacrifice (25 page)

But that was before. Now she was discovering a heart that wanted to rule her mind. Feelings that made her want to question what she’d always just taken for granted before. She wanted to know the why of things and wanted to feel passionate about the things she did in her life.

Starting with the men in her bed.

“I love you, Harry. As I love Cormac.” She stated it firmly, brooking no argument. “I do not think I will ever be whole unless you are both in my life. I resonate with you both and I believe I need you both.”

“Ro—” Harry began, but she cut him off by placing two fingers over his lips.

“Let me finish. I love you, but even with my limited understanding of all these new emotions, I can see you are conflicted.” She glanced significantly toward the image on the wall that still showed his human sister with her two mates. “I know you didn’t want an Alvian mate, much less two.”

She looked over at Cormac and he walked deeper into the bedroom and took up a seat on the edge of the bed near her. The bed was large enough for all three of them if they squeezed a bit. But it had been clear last night that Harry hadn’t wanted to share it with the other man, whichever duo had claimed the bed.

“I am sorry. It’s obvious this is not what you wanted. How you must hate Alvians for what our race has done to your human family,” Cormac said quietly. It was the first time she’d heard just that tone of compassion from the warrior and it touched her deeply. “I can understand why you are conflicted, but in the days of old Alvia, one did not question resonance. It is so rare to resonate with someone—anyone. Warring families were often united and made to stop their conflict by the occurrence of resonance between their children. It is a known fact. Maybe…” He hesitated as if thinking through his words before he spoke.

“Maybe that’s why you’ve ended up with us,” Cormac went on. “Maybe we are meant to end the war between our peoples—and between the two halves of your soul. You have always been free to love the humans in your life, but none of the Alvians you grew up among were capable of returning that love. Now, by the grace of whatever deity you may believe in, some of us are. Roshin and I both feel.” Cormac paused and then shook his head with a soft smile. “We may not be very good at deciphering what it is we’re feeling, but I think we’ll get better at it with time. I respect you, Harry. I always have. I think that’s a good place to begin a friendship that could last a lifetime—with Roshin between us to accept our love. We three could build a family on that, like your sister did with her two mates.”

“I don’t know…” Harry looked torn. Cormac had brought up the lights a little using the control panel on the bedside console while he spoke. He’d bathed the room in a gentle glow that came from the walls, not any single bright light source, but rather the ambient lighting that lent an air of intimacy to the room.

“That may be the problem, my friend,” Cormac said. “You are thinking too much about the whys and wherefores. You do not believe in the evidence of your ears and eyes. Roshin is our Resonance Mate. Both of ours. We can either embrace the magic and true blessing of that, or reject it and regret it for the rest of our lives.”

“Maybe resonance is common in your family, Harry,” Roshin added. “But even among our Alvian ancestors, it was a prized thing. It wasn’t always convenient, but when resonance strikes, there is an old adage that says something like only a fool would not hear the Hum.” She took both of his hands in hers. “Listen to us Hum, Harry. It is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. The most beautiful sound I will ever hear.” She trailed off, unable to continue. Emotion choked her as she watched Harry’s handsome face for any sign that he was bending.

“I’m sorry I’ve been so difficult,” Harry said finally after a long pause. “I do love you, Ro. I’ve told you that already. But I don’t know—”

“Yes you do,” Cormac broke in. “You are the expert on emotion but you’re being awfully dense about this,” he chided. “You love her. What else is there to know?”

Harry looked at Cormac with wide eyes and then laughed. His expression lightened and Ro felt cautious joy fill her heart. It was good to see him laugh.

“Maybe it is just as simple as that,” Harry mused, chuckling. “Maybe I’m just being a stubborn human, clinging to some fantasy that isn’t meant to be.”

“And maybe the reality is way better than any fantasy,” Cormac added, nodding.

Harry hugged Roshin and she went into his arms willingly. He seemed to be unbending from his obstinate stance. Was he ready to accept her love fully? She still wasn’t sure, but this was a start.

Gently, she reached up and cupped his cheek, looking deep into his eyes.

“They say love can work miracles,” she whispered. “You are my miracle, Harry. You and Cormac. Let me be yours. I promise I will do everything in my power to make your life full of joy and happiness, laughter and companionship. I’ve seen it among my human Brethren. I’m familiar with the way human couples interact. I never understood it fully before, but I’m learning. I’m not as Alvian as you think.”

“Oh, Ro.” Harry’s expression grew tender as he gazed back at her and she drew hope from it. “You’re perfect, just the way you are. I’m the fool, as our friend Cormac so politely pointed out. Can you forgive me?”

“Always,” she replied without hesitation.

“And what about you?” Harry glanced up and behind her to look at Cormac. “Can you deal with a stubborn, sometimes foolish, half-human partner in this relationship?”

“If I couldn’t, you would have known it before now,” Cormac answered simply, a smile playing around his lips.

Roshin leaned over and kissed him, moved by his easy acceptance. It was going to be a simple kiss, but it turned smoldering in an instant. She was between her two men on the relatively small bed, and the feel of their two hot, hard bodies—Harry’s hands on her torso while Cormac’s lips claimed hers—made her instantly needy. Greedy. Ravenous.

Cormac leaned into her, and with only a slight hesitation, Harry moved closer too. He removed her clothing and she knew he was okay with the physical expression of her love. More than okay, actually. His hands became eager as Cormac let her go and turned her to face Harry.

He was tender with her, cupping her cheek before leaning in to kiss her as deeply and hungrily as Cormac, but with a little more delicacy. Both men filled a yearning need deep inside her. Both could be gentle, but they could also be rough and demanding in a way that made her senses burn with desire.

Four hands undressed her while two mouths kept her busy with kisses and nibbled all over her sensitive body. Being with these two men was better than anything she had ever experienced. They knew just where to touch her, where to lick, where to kiss and where to bite. The pressure they applied made her discover things about her body and what she liked that she never would have guessed before being with them.

Both of her men were physically superior specimens. She loved running her hands over their muscles and the more sensitive places that made them groan in pleasure. They were both unique in their likes and she was having a lot of fun discovering those little things about them that made them different from each other. She knew how much she enjoyed their explorations of her body, and could guess from their reactions that they liked her doing the same.

At one point, she was seated between them on the widest portion of the bed, both were kneeling, one on either side of her. Her hands reached out almost automatically to wrap around their cocks. Both men stilled, watching her, waiting to see what she’d do.

Smiling, she stroked them both while she looked first at Cormac, then Harry and then back again. She leaned one way and kissed the head of Cormac’s shaft, and then leaned the other way and did the same to Harry. She felt their gazes following her motions and knew she had them enthralled at the moment. It was a heady feeling.

She repeated the motions, taking them deeper and using her tongue until one at a time they both groaned. When she would have done more of this back and forth teasing, Harry stopped her by the simple act of stroking his big hands through her hair and holding her head steady while he fucked lightly into her receptive mouth.

At the same time, Cormac moved, making the bed dip a little as he lowered himself so he could kiss her skin. He nibbled his way over her spine, then around to her legs. He lifted one foot and surprised her by placing light, little bites on each of her toes. She never thought that would be exciting in a sexual way, but he was teaching her otherwise.

And then he began stroking her newly sensitized toes with his tongue. She moaned around Harry’s cock and the sound must have translated to him because he followed suit. He stilled, his hardness deep in her mouth as he seemed to fight for control.

But she didn’t want him to be in control. She wanted him to
control. To give it up to her—to them. She wanted him to be part of the whole that was their triad, their Resonance Pact. She wanted him to give in to the pleasure and allow it to sweep him away to the place where questions about the future didn’t bother them. Only the present mattered.

Roshin redoubled her efforts to carry Harry along to that place where only pleasure counted. She moved her mouth on him when he stilled, fighting for control. She sucked and swirled her tongue, using all her skill to make him come.

And then he did. He gave her what she wanted. He gave up his control. To her.


That started what became a very long night. When Harry was done for the moment, Cormac tugged her around as if she were some kind of rag doll, positioning her on her back while he slid home between her upraised and spread legs. But he didn’t stop there. He kept changing position so that by the time Harry was recovered and hard again, Roshin was on her knees with Cormac fucking her from behind.

Harry’s cock was at the perfect height, and she took him in her mouth again, enjoying making him even harder. Cormac made her come three times before he finally gave in and took his own pleasure. By that time, Harry was evidently ready for something other than her mouth, because he picked up where Cormac left off, moving her around in different positions, fucking her in ways she’d never tried before. Every one of them brought her to a higher level of pleasure, and she was moaning in a near constant, rolling climax when he finally came with her.

They rested for only a short while before it started all over again. This time, they took her together. Harry claimed her pussy while she sucked Cormac off. They came together, nearly in unison, the peak higher that time than any that had come before.

“It only gets better and better, doesn’t it?” Cormac mused as they lay together in a tangle of arms and legs, breathing hard after that last big climax.

“Seems that way,” Harry agreed, his voice lazy and satisfied.

“I wonder if it just keeps happening,” Cormac seemed to ponder the question. He was a scientist as well as a warrior, after all. “Has your sister ever mentioned such a thing? Or your parents?”

“Whoa, friend. That’s not the kind of conversation I ever want to have with either of them.” Harry laughed and it was a joyful sound. It made Roshin’s heart lighter though her body was completely wiped out from the intensity of their love making.

“Would you mind if I asked them?” Cormac plowed on, his curiosity clearly engaged.

“If you do, you’d better make sure I’m nowhere in the vicinity. I don’t want to know about my sister’s—or my parents’—sex lives. Clear?”

Cormac raised his head and shot Harry a puzzled frown but nodded. “I will ask Davin. He seems a reasonable being. And I don’t think he would take offense at my curiosity, where the humans might, judging by your reaction.”

“Good call,” Harry mumbled, yawning so wide his jaw made a popping sound.

Roshin drifted off to sleep shortly thereafter. They’d reached an understanding, she knew, and it made her feel at peace for the first time in a very long time. Things would be okay now. They just had to be.


“I’m glad to see you three have straightened things out.” Hara beamed at all three of them as he greeted them at Caleb’s door. He was in a jovial mood and invited them in graciously. “We’ll be ready to go in a moment. Caleb is shaving. He wanted to look his best for the cameras, I suppose.”

Hara winked and Harry had to laugh. Caleb was always neat and tidy, and they’d been recorded for hours and hours last night. It was good to see an Alvian with a sense of humor. It gave Harry hope that he’d made the right decision. If Ro and Cormac could grow into their emotions to be more like Hara and Percival, then they’d all have a bright future indeed.

“Count on it,”
Caleb said in Harry’s mind as he walked into the room from the bedroom.

“Damn, was I broadcasting? Sorry, Uncle Caleb,”
Harry answered, realizing he hadn’t been as careful as he usually was to shield his thoughts. Being in the Alvian city had made him relax his usual vigilance because there was usually nobody here to hear him.

“No need to apologize, son. I only caught a small echo, but I do want you to know you’ve made the right decision. These two are for you. In all my visions of the future, they are by your side and you are happy. It may not happen right away, but in time, you’ll realize there really was no better path you could take.”

“Good morning,” Caleb said aloud to the room in general. “I must admit, I’m looking forward to my first tour of the city I’ve been living in all these years.” He walked to the door and waited for them. “Shall we go?”


What followed was a whirlwind tour, accompanied by Ronin Prime and a very obvious honor guard of
warriors—both Alvian and human. There were more less-obvious guards perched above and walking within the large crowds that gathered wherever their party went in the large city.

The single recording bot had been joined by a multitude of others all following and broadcasting events from every angle. Even a few news announcers braved the crowds to offer narrative and on-the-spot interviews.

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