Read Hard To Handle (Teach Me Book 2) Online

Authors: RC Boldt

Tags: #Teach Me Book 2

Hard To Handle (Teach Me Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Hard To Handle (Teach Me Book 2)
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“I have something for you.” Warily, he held out the palm of his hand and she discreetly placed something soft and lightweight in it, closing his fingers around it. “Let me know when you’re ready to leave.” She winked at him and returned to her end of the table, setting her purse down and joining in conversation with Raine.

He moved the fisted hand to his lap, carefully opening it only slightly, cautious about what she had given him. Once he caught a glimpse, he felt his eyes go wide before they found hers across the table. It was as if she had been waiting for him to look, to see what she had given him.

Without a moment of hesitation, he mouthed the word, “Now.” Then, he watched as a satisfied smile came over her face. They had to leave now. Because that little something she had placed in his hand?

It had been her thong underwear.


ever been escorted from the karaoke bar in such a … rapid manner. She was barely keeping up with Zach’s pace as he held her hand in his firm grip, guiding her to his car.

“Dude, where’s the fire?” she asked, half-joking. There were probably flames coming from their heels at this point. As they neared the darkened area where the Chevelle was parked, she started to tell him such. “You know—”

Her words were cut off when he shoved her up against the car, pressing his hard body to hers. Zach’s fingers slid into her hair as he tilted her head, taking her mouth in a possessive kiss, a kiss that took her breath away. It was like he needed her, couldn’t possibly wait any longer to kiss her, to taste her lips.

She ran her hands down over his back, tugging him closer to her, feeling his hardness pressed firmly against her. He tore his lips from hers, only to trail kisses down the column of her neck and Laney was unable to hold back a low moan. She slid one hand from his back to the top of his hard abs before gliding down to cup him, feeling him jerk and push against her palm.

One of his hands slid beneath the hem of her dress. She inhaled sharply when his long finger slid inside of her.

“You’re so fucking wet, Laney.”

Her hands moved to fist the sides of his shirt, rocking her hips against his finger, wanting more. “God, yes.”

He placed his lips over her earlobe, sucking gently before grazing it with his teeth. “Are you wet for me? Or for that other guy you were flirting with in there?” His voice was raspy and when he added another finger inside of her, she forgot his question.

“Laney?” he prompted.

“I’m wet for you.” Her reply came out in a harsh, breathy pant. “Only you.” He instantly rewarded her by hooking his fingers, moving them just so, hitting the spot to make her come undone.

“Only me,” she heard him mutter as her orgasm crashed over her in waves. Just as the shudders subsided, he slowly withdrew his fingers from her and she noted that his ragged breathing matched her own. He rested his forehead on hers and they remained like that for a long moment.

When Zach leaned back to meet her eyes, the blazing heat that had been noticeable earlier was now subdued and paired with a slight wariness. Finally, he spoke.

“I’d better get you home.”

* * *

As Zach maneuvered the Chevelle through downtown Fernandina Beach, driving back to Laney’s house, he warred with himself. Mulling over the night, he reflected on how Kane had flirted with Laney, the way she had played long. Zach knew Laney had always been a bit of a flirt; her personality had drawn him to her from the start. But witnessing their flirtatious banter tonight had driven home the point that he and Laney didn’t have that kind of rapport. And, damn it, he wanted that with her. He wanted to be able to flirt and joke around, to hear her laughter from something he had said or done.

Not only that, but he didn’t want to just be a fuck buddy. As hot as they were together—and he was beginning to think they generated heat equivalent to the temperature of the sun—he wanted more. Because when you had something based only on heat, it couldn’t really last, could it? You needed something stronger, more fundamentally sound. And they didn’t have that. How could they when she wasn’t even remotely interested?

The answer to that was simple: they couldn’t. Which meant that he had to put himself in check, get his head on straight. Because, at this point, he was pretty certain his original game plan pertaining to Laney needed a major rewrite. And leading with his cock, like he had back there at the car, allowing jealousy and possessiveness to get the best of him? That wasn’t going to help his cause, wouldn’t help Laney to see that they could have more than passion, lust.

The windows were rolled down on the way home, the warm, salty ocean air surrounding them, radio playing in the background. Neither of them spoke on the ride back to her place. Once he pulled into her driveway, he put the car in park and came around to help her out of the vehicle.

“Such a gentleman,” she teased, grasping his hand as he helped her out of his car.

I’d be this way all the time with you, Laney. If you let me

He walked her up the steps to her door and waited as she used her key to unlock it. Just as she started to turn the knob, she paused, hand going still on the handle. Turning her head, with a questioning look, she spoke. “You left your car on.”

Zach nodded.

Her head tipped to one side. “You’re not coming in? To collect on that raincheck?”

His lips pressed thin for a moment as he took in her beautiful, windblown hair, the way her hazel eyes had widened in surprise. He was going to regret this, but he had to head home and do some thinking.

Zach slid his hands into his pockets and didn’t have to fake the look of regret on his face. “I forgot I have to teach an early surf lesson in the morning.”

“Oh.” She faltered. “Well. I … guess I should let you head home so you can rest.” She stayed there, standing on her doorstep, watching him as if waiting for him to make a move. Zach took a step toward her, reaching out to cup the side of her face with his left hand, pressing a whisper-soft kiss upon her lips, relishing in the quiet sigh that escaped her.

If only it were enough for him. But he wanted more than little sighs. He wanted it all. Wanted everything with Laney.

He just had to figure out if there was a chance she could somehow want everything with him.


morning. Why the hell was she up this early on a Sunday?

Oh, you know, because she was a no-good stalker, that’s why.

She had checked the surf report and figured, judging by what she had read, that Zach’s early lesson was going to be at around six a.m. And she felt the need to see him after what had happened—or what hadn’t happened—last night. She was still perplexed that he hadn’t wanted to come inside. It hadn’t been that late; only midnight. Didn’t he know anything about having quickies?

She got all tingly at the thought. Nope. Zachariah Mayson was definitely not a quickie kind of guy. He was as thorough as it came.

So, now, she had resorted to stalking him when he was probably giving a lesson to a hot blonde or something. Which is why she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Zach teaching what had to be a tiny, athletic-looking woman in her … sixties? And she was flirting with him.

Holy crap
. She wasn’t sure whether to feel possessive or to give in to the giggles threatening to burst forth when she witnessed the woman cop of feel of Zach’s bicep when he tried to demonstrate the correct form on the surfboard. Though, she couldn’t really fault the woman. Wearing a pair of blue board shorts, every movement he made caused the muscles in his abs and his arms to flex deliciously. And those V-lines … those just begged to have fingers trace them all the way down to—

“I think your girlfriend’s here, Zach,” the older woman’s voice jarred Laney from her wayward thoughts.

Zach’s head whipped around and, upon noticing Laney, his lips curved into a boyish smile. He turned back to the older woman. “Now, Miss Agnes. You know you’re the only woman for me.”

Laney knew he was only joking, but that didn’t account for the pinch in her chest and a tiny yearning for him to confirm it. For him to call her his girlfriend.

What?! Oh, no, no, no
. The sun and salt she’d been breathing in from the ocean must’ve given her some sort of contact high or something.

Laney watched as the woman swatted playfully at him. “Oh, stop. You’re making me blush.”

Zach glanced down at his watch. “That’s it for us, Miss Agnes. Same time next week, gorgeous?”

Agnes beamed up at him. “You bet your fine self I’ll be here next week.” She gathered her small bag and said good-bye to both of them, leaving them alone in awkward silence. And, because she knew Zach, that meant she knew exactly what was about to come out of his mouth next.

“Soooo,” he dragged out the word, “you’re not normally one to be up this early for your beach walking.” His eyes held hers and she knew she was screwed. So. Freaking. Screwed.

Throwing her hands up in the air, she huffed, “Fine. I came out to see you giving your lesson. You’ve caught me.”

His arm snaked out and pulled her flush against his hard, muscular body, his piercing gaze locked onto her. A thumb had slid beneath the hem of her beach cover up, gliding up to graze the skin on her stomach just above the waistband of her swimsuit bottoms.

“Did I catch you, Laney?” His voice dropped to something low and seductive. “Because if I caught you, I wouldn’t let you go.”

The way he stated those powerful words made it impossible for her to speak. Instead, she reached up to pull his head down, guiding his lips to hers. Laney kissed him, pouring out emotions she herself couldn’t manage to identify. She just knew she had to kiss him, to feel his lips on hers, right then.

It was if her touch spurred him on, both of his arms wrapping her tight in his embrace, his head tilting to deepen the kiss. Laney couldn’t get enough of the feel of his firm, smooth lips, the way his tongue darted out to meet hers, tasting her. Her hand glided down his back, feeling the muscles tighten beneath her fingers as she trailed them over his ass, grasping it to bring him closer to her.

Zach tore his lips away, their heavy breathing mingling with the sounds of the ocean waves and seagulls. Those eyes of his appeared stormy, filled with desire along with something indecipherable.

“Laney.” He opened his mouth to say more but seemed to think better of it, lips forming a wistful smile. “As much as I enjoyed that kiss, I think we’d better tone things down a bit.” Zach tipped his head in the direction of the beach area behind her.

Turning to see what he was gesturing to, she froze when she spotted her brother, out for his daily five mile run along with his dog, Harley. She stepped away from Zach to face Foster as he neared, slowing his pace.

“Slow down, Harley.” Her brother’s firm command was obeyed but she could see the tail wagging excitedly as the dog had noticed her presence. Once the pair had come to a stop, she knelt down.

“How’s my boy, doing?” Immediately, Harley greeted her, holding out a paw for her to shake. “Nice to see you, again, too,” she cooed. “Come here and let me pet you.” The dog looked to Foster for permission.

“Go ahead,” he told Harley. The dog immediately laid down for Laney to pet him. You could take the SEAL away from the training regimen, but you sure couldn’t take the training regimen out of the SEAL. Clearly.

She couldn’t see her brother’s eyes for his dark sunglasses which he paired with old shorts and running shoes. Good grief, the guy looked as fit as he did back when he had been a freaking Navy SEAL.

“Hey, Fos,” Zach called out. Foster greeted them before turning his attention to Laney.

“I thought I was seeing things when I saw you down here, considering it’s the early hour of,” he checked his watch, “six forty-five in the morning.” Smirking, he raised an eyebrow. “You accidentally set your alarm wrong or something?”

Shit. There was no way out of this unscathed from her brother’s inquisition. She really didn’t need him thinking this thing with her and Zach was more than what it was. So she stood, ready to attempt to talk her way out of this.

“Laney wanted to see what my surf lessons were all about.” Her head whipped around in surprise at Zach’s response. He shot her a look as if to say, ‘Just go with it’.

“Really?” Her brother was not convinced, if his dubious tone were anything to go by.

“Yeah, man. I just finished up with Miss Agnes and Laney got to see much of what I was teaching her.”

Foster’s hands were on his hips, the intensity of his stance and facial expression appearing to analyze every facet of the conversation. Finally, after what had felt like an eternity of silence, Foster spoke. “I heard about Agnes’ niece. Said she wanted to set you up with her.”

What was this about a niece?
Laney’s eyes darted to Zach and she watched him stare at her brother for a moment.

“What of it?”

“Heard she was a hot, little thing. Tiny blonde, super cute and smart, too. In vet school or something,” Foster casually mentioned with what Laney recognized as a calculated smile. Zach said nothing, just stared at Foster and the two men did that weird, silent man communication thing.

Finally, Zach spoke. “I’ve met her already. Ran into her at Shenanigans, actually, when she’d been on break from school.”

Foster’s brows raised at this. “Ah. So, you have plans to pursue her the next time she’s back in town?”

Zach’s lips pressed thin and she swore she could see his jaw twitch, it was clenched so hard. “Probably not.”

Probably not?

“Probably not? Really?” Foster’s tone grew hard.

“It just depends,” Zach bit out the words in response.

Laney swore she could feel the tension emanating from the two men. Sliding a hand between them, waving it up and down, she let out a laugh that sounded brittle to her own ears. “Okay, you two. That’s enough for today.” Turning to Foster, she made a shooing motion with her hand. “Go on and finish your run before your SEAL muscles turn to mush.”

BOOK: Hard To Handle (Teach Me Book 2)
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