Read Hanchart Land Online

Authors: Becky Barker

Hanchart Land (15 page)

Linda and her granddad shared a few teasing remarks, and then she turned the microphone over to him. John repeated the welcome and thanks. "I guess if ya'all enjoy the parties enough, I'll have to keep having birthdays," he teased. "I'm figurin' on livin' 'til about a hundred."

The declaration was greeted with a rousing cheer, laughter and applause. Susan scanned the crowd for Luke again, but couldn't find him. Then she felt the warmth of his touch at her back. All the fine hairs on her neck prickled with sensual pleasure. It excited her to just have him close.

He stepped beside her, keeping a hand on the small of her back, sending heat spiraling through her body. She turned her head to him and smiled, feeling less isolated with him close. It seemed impossible she'd become so addicted to his solid presence in so few hours.

"I have a special announcement to make this evening," John was saying. "It's my duty as the patriarch of the family and my great pleasure as a proud granddad to announce Luke's marriage."

A collective gasp went through the crowd with all eyes searching for the man in question. Susan felt heat invading her face, and cursed her fair complexion. She wanted to look cool and collected, but it was hard to do when her cheeks were spotted with hot color. She knew she must look like a blushing bride even though everyone would scoff at the idea.

"Luke and Susan were married right here at the house last night," he continued, "with Reverend Thompson doing the honors. I'd like to wish the newlyweds a long and happy future. And maybe even mention my desire for a few more great-grandchildren to spoil."

After the slightest of hesitations, everyone started to cheer and clap their hands with a few loud whistles added. Luke and Susan were bombarded with congratulations. She saw doubt and speculation in their guest's eyes, but tried not to be unnerved by it. There were the expected comments.

"We had no idea you were even dating!"

"Well, aren't you the secretive ones?"

"When did all this come about?"

"Why didn't you let anyone know?”

 "You should have told us, we'd have thrown a party." Some of the congratulations were genuinely sincere and Susan appreciated them. She was hugged and kissed and patted on the arm and back. Other people, mostly women, weren't so pleasant. One dared to remark she obviously hadn't been a merry widow. Luke quickly showed his disfavor with a polite, but sharp retort, issuing a warning to anyone whose comments edged too close to rudeness.

For all intents and purposes, the announcement went over well, but being the center of attention was still a strain. John seemed to sense when they'd had enough, and loudly declared it was time to eat. The bulk of the crowd started shifting toward the food-laden tables.

Caroline Adkens approached when the crowd surrounding them thinned. The other woman was a tall, shapely redhead wearing a yellow shorts outfit that showcased her long legs. Although not classically beautiful, she was very attractive with an aura of raw sensuality that often appealed to men.

It didn't appeal to Susan. She stiffened, mentally preparing for more malicious feminine digs, but Caroline wasn't interested in her. Her gaze locked on Luke. She gave him a congratulatory hug and managed to press her breasts against his chest for an indecent amount of time.

Susan was ready to peel the woman off, when Luke did it himself. He grasped her shoulders and gently, but firmly set her aside. Caroline's eyes flashed with satisfaction, as though she was certain the feel of her body had the power to disturb him.

  Susan fumed at the thought. He didn't appear overly affected by the other woman, but was he? He was a deeply sensual man. He'd left no doubt in her mind about that. Maybe that's why Caroline had appealed to him in the first place. Had they shared the same kind of intense loving she’d experienced last night?

  The possibility made her feel a surge of red hot jealousy that was so powerful it alarmed her. She'd never been the jealous, possessive type. She didn't want to be any more dependent on him than she already was. Nor did she want to be bombarded by emotional reactions as passionate as jealousy.

A glance at Luke quickly jolted her back to reality. His eyes were cool and watchful, the arrogant tilt of his brow mocking her reaction. Susan realized her expression was tight with distaste, and she made a determined effort to relax.

Then Luke turned his attention back to Caroline. "You'd better get something to eat before it's gone," he told her, his dismissal doing nothing to smooth their guest's ruffled feathers.

"I think I'll hit the bar first," she said. "I can really get into a party mood once I've had some of your private stock bourbon.”

The comment was heavy with innuendo, suggesting she was very familiar with Luke's preferences, and he was partial to her party mood.

Susan cringed at the thought. “Witch," she muttered under her breath.  Luke threw her a sideways glance. "Did you say you're hungry?" he asked, dropping a hand to her waist and guiding her toward the tables.

He leaned his head close to her ear. "Forget about Caroline and Linda. Eat and keep up your strength," he advised. "Tonight might be another long night."

Susan blushed, knowing that was the reaction he'd hoped to spur, but helpless to contain it. Heat coursed through her at the reminder of how they'd spent the previous night and of another one to come. She didn't know if she could stand the anticipation.

For the next couple of hours, she renewed old friendships. She'd lost contact with many of her classmates when she'd gone to college and been married to Shane.  Catching up on their lives and sharing the memories helped her relax and enjoy the party more than she’d expected. The people who’d known her the longest were the least likely to judge her or ask probing questions. She really appreciated the respite.

Luke stayed close to her for most of the evening, but when they got separated, he usually made his way back to her in a short while. Susan assumed he was playing the part of dutiful bridegroom. Even though everyone present was bound to speculate about their reason for marrying, he apparently wanted to make it clear that the marriage was going to be more than a business arrangement.

That was fine with her. She liked having him near and feeling his touch. Whether it was a guiding hand at the small of her back or a brief touch on the arm, he generated warmth and a sense of security she hadn't even realized she needed. Whenever and wherever he touched her, her skin tingled with pleasure.

She was a little more hesitant about touching him, but the contact their bodies made was a sweet, torturous reminder of the passion that simmered between them. By the time the sun had set, she was growing increasingly anxious to have the party over. She was craving his sole attention. 

A four-piece band had set up to play music. They began to tune their instruments when the lanterns were lit, and a small space in front of the stage was cleared for dancing. The music started and several tunes were played, but the kids were the only ones brave enough to dance. No one else wanted to be the first or only ones on the floor.

At a break between songs, Caroline sauntered up to the stage and blew into the microphone a few times to test it. She laughed and teased the band members, drawing chuckles. She'd obviously managed to get herself in a party mood. Luke was close enough for Susan to feel him go tense, and she glanced at him.

"What's she up to?"

The two of them had gradually shifted into a corner of the patio that wasn't too crowded.  People were clustered everywhere, but none too close. They could actually talk with some privacy.            

At first she didn't think Luke was going to respond, and then he explained, "She has this thing about dancing. She loves to dance, and I don’t. She always made such a big deal of it that I finally stopped asking her out."

That answered one of Susan’s questions. She’d wondered if Luke and Caroline had an ongoing thing. Apparently he’d put an end to it before their decision to marry. Thank goodness.

"You think she's going to ask you to dance?" she wondered aloud. A little public humiliation for the new wife and groom? Did Caroline consider herself the woman scorned?

 Luke flashed her a tight smile for perception. "I wouldn't put anything past her."

Susan remembered Shane making some derogatory remarks in the past about Luke not being able to dance. It was unusual in this area where barn and school dances were one of the rare forms of entertainment, but that didn't mean everyone participated or enjoyed it.

She had always loved music and dancing even though she was out of practice. Caroline was temporarily forgotten as she concentrated on her husband. Being a man with such natural athleticism and coordination, she couldn't imagine him not being a good dancer if he’d give it a try.

"Why don't you dance?"

"I just don't," he grumbled, his tone suggesting it was a sore subject.

"I would have thought you'd like it," she said, sipping her cola, but shifting her gaze back to Caroline. The suggestive tone of her voice drew his full attention. He shifted closer, drawing her gaze back to him.

"Why would you think that?"

"It's a lot like making love," she supplied, her voice a throaty whisper as she shyly flirted with him over the rim of her glass. He’d moved close enough for their bodies to touch. Susan absorbed the heat of him. His scent permeated her senses, reminding her of the incredible pleasure he could give her.

"You think?" he drawled in a low tone, intrigued. "I never quite saw it that way."

"You press your bodies together, hold on tight, and slide around the floor," she insisted a little breathlessly. "It's all a matter of coordination and rhythm."

A glimmer of interest lit his eyes, and his voice dropped to a rough whisper. The warmth of it tickled her ear.  "And you think I'm good at that, huh?"  Every nerve in her body shivered in reaction. “Real good," she assured.

"So what are you suggesting?"

Encouraged by his continued interest, she teased. "Well, you're very good at one, and I'm pretty good at the other." The rest came out in a rush. "We could compare notes."  

"You're offering to teach me a few things?" he asked, brow raised.

Susan shrugged her shoulders and lowered her lashes, flirting as she hadn't done in years. Then Caroline commanded their attention again.

"It's time to dance, party goers," she announced. "I know all you cowboys are a little shy about being the first one on the floor, so I think our new bride and groom should get things started. It's a tradition, you know."

Although well on her way to being intoxicated, the other woman was still sober enough to know exactly what she was doing. She threw a “gotcha" look at Luke.

An expectant hush was followed by a general murmur of agreement while everyone searched out the newlyweds again. Those who knew Luke never danced understood Caroline's little trick, but the others just thought it a nice gesture.

Susan heard his low curse and understood his frustration. She didn't want to let Caroline win this little skirmish. Emboldened by her success at flirting, she snared his eyes again and practiced a little seductive persuasion.

"I can't promise it won't hurt," she repeated the words he'd whispered to her last night as they'd made love, blushing despite the bold ploy. "But if you want to give it a try, I'll be gentle with you."

Luke's eyes flared with the swift brilliance of the flame of a match. The look he gave her was hot enough to start a fire deep in the pit of her belly, and shoot sparks over the rest of her. He took the glass from her suddenly shaky fingers and set it aside. With a possessive hand at her waist, he ushered her to the dance floor amidst cheers from the guests.

The look on Caroline's face was incredulous and outraged, but Susan didn't see it. She was too fascinated with Luke and the feel of his hard, hot body as he pulled her into his arms.

"Just press our bodies together?" he asked, his tone low and seductive.

His left hand enveloped her right one, and Susan slid her other hand over his shoulder until their bodies were pressed snugly together. The breath hissed out of her as she felt the strength of his arousal against her stomach.

"See what you get for playing with fire?" he taunted, eyes dark and gleaming. "You didn't leave me any choice but to dance."

The heat raging through her made it hard to catch her breath, but she finally managed a soft laugh and some bold teasing. "Hiding behind the little lady's skirt?"

"It would seem," he agreed, though the supreme confidence in his tone outweighed any signs of weakness.

Her gaze stayed glued to the brilliance of his as she continued to challenge him with sensual promise. She was suddenly high on life and the heat in his eyes. It had been so long since she'd had the desire or confidence to flirt and reason to feel good about herself. She credited Luke for the good feelings. He was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she just wished she had the courage to tell him so.

His gaze skimmed her face and then focused on her mouth. For just an instant, his eyes glittered with a hunger so raw it scattered Susan's breath. Her chest constricted, and her hold on him tightened convulsively. Her heart stopped, and then restarted with a surge of overheated blood through her veins.

Other couples gradually joined them on the tiny dance floor, but nobody cut in or interrupted them while their bodies swayed in time to the music. Their dancing was little more than a shuffle of feet, but she was so conscious of his hard body that everything else faded in importance.

Normally a very reserved person, her reaction to Luke temporarily destroyed her inhibitions. For once, she didn't try to hide her emotions. Instead, she gazed at him with wide, awestruck eyes. Those who watched were speculative. Some cynically regarded it as an act, some thought it was very special, and others hoped it wouldn't last. Susan just enjoyed every second of it.

As the evening passed, the majority of their guests wished them well, at least to their faces. Most stayed until well after midnight and then they began leaving in large numbers. The adult members of the family thanked them for attending and bade them good night.

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