Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3) (16 page)

BOOK: Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3)
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“No,” Jason answered. “We’re going to go out for a little bit. Thanks, man. Take care of Sam.”

Sam knew there was double meaning in his words. Ellis nodded. “You got it. See you guys tomorrow. We roll out at six a.m.”



They rode to the hotel in silence. There was an identical car in front of them and behind them, filled with the rest of the security team and the extra they hired for the rest of her tour. She hadn’t even met some of them, but it didn’t matter.

When they were almost there, Sam felt Ellis’ hand cover hers. She looked over at him, the shadows dancing over his features as they passed under street lights.

“Are you okay? You’re being really quiet.” He rubbed her palm with his thumb, and she swore she felt it all the way through her body. His fingers touching her made her think of him doing that to her most sensitive areas, and she started squirming.

“I’m okay,” she answered. “Just exhausted. I can’t wait to get some sleep.”

Ellis stopped at a light and took his hand from hers, tracing her lips with his thumb. “We’re staying together tonight.” The way he said it made her tremble inside. Was that an invitation, or a statement of fact? She was afraid to ask.

She nodded. “I know.”

“Nothing is going to happen to you, Sammi. You believe me, right?”

“Yes,” she breathed. It felt like all of the air was sucked out of the car with the way he was looking at her right now, like she was the only person on this earth. The traffic light shone on his eyes, and she couldn’t stop herself from taking her fingers and running them along his eyebrows, down his chiseled cheekbones, and to his full lips.

A honk from behind them shook them both out of their reveries, and Ellis took his hand from her face and covered her hand with it again. They said nothing as he pulled into the hotel, parking the car right in the front. The other security would make sure the car got where it was supposed to be.

“Stay here until I come around,” Ellis commanded. She watched as he walked around the car and opened her door, holding his hand out to get her. She looked around as she stepped out, but knew Ellis would’ve never let her out of the car if he hadn’t checked.

They bypassed the check in counter and went directly to the elevator banks. She could tell Ellis was scanning the lobby and the hallway for anything out of the ordinary. She hated this feeling.

As the elevator doors closed, he talked into the hidden mic that he wore at all times when they were in public. “I’ve got her inside. Heading up the elevator now. Have you secured the fifth floor? Are her parents here yet?” He paused. “The room has been checked thoroughly?”

Seemingly satisfied with the answers, he led her off the elevator and to the door of their room.
Their room
. She halfway wondered why her parents weren’t insistent on staying with her in the suite, but she was thankful that they were letting her be an adult.

“Where are my parents?”

“Next door,” Ellis smirked. “Guess you better not make much noise.”

Her mouth dropped open. She had never known him to be so
, so
She liked it. A whole lot. He laughed, ushering her into the room. She decided that his laugh was one of the best sounds she had ever heard.

“Who are you and what happened to Ellis?” she teased, removing her boots and throwing them in the closet of the suite. It was a stunning room, with a living area, kitchen, bedroom, and deluxe bathroom. She’d like to stay here in this room with him for a few days.

Before she could register what was happening, Ellis crossed the room to her and pushed her gently against the wall, lifting her so she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist. She gasped at his quick motion, but he silenced her by covering her lips with his. She felt his evening stubble as he kissed her forcefully, his tongue mingling with hers as he took every remaining breath out of her. She moved her hands through his hair as he continued devouring her mouth, sucking, biting, and licking as she tried to keep some semblance of control. She had no idea what had gotten into him, but she hoped that this wasn’t something he would regret doing later and push her away. She wasn’t sure she could handle that, not again.

She felt his hand as it moved up her bare leg, and she couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping into his mouth. He was driving her crazy with need as he rubbed himself against her right where she was aching for him.

Breaking away from her lips, his mouth traveled down the side of her face, her neck, then to her shoulder. He moved her dress off her shoulder with his teeth, then kissed her skin. His fingers found her soft spot, and she shuddered as he moved her panties aside and entered one finger inside her.

“Ellis,” she breathed as he moved inside her. His rough stubble was burning her skin in the most delicious way as he kissed down the front of her chest. “I-I want to touch you.”

“I’m going to touch every single part of you, all night long,” Ellis groaned. She shook her head, not able to believe that he really meant that. She arched her back as he continued touching her, adding another finger as he really got her worked up.

She couldn’t reach him, he had her pinned against the wall so tightly. But the way he was rubbing against her with his fingers inside her meant she wasn’t going to make it long. “Oh…”

“You like that? Baby, you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Stepping back slightly, he eased her down until her feet were touching the floor. He removed his fingers from her and she almost cried at the loss. He smirked. “Oh, I’m not done with you. Not by a long shot.” He took her hand and led her into the bedroom. “You have too many clothes on.”

have too many clothes on,” Sam said, pushing him until he fell backwards on the bed. She removed his shoes and socks, then leaned over so her hair was shielding her face as she unbuttoned his pants. He reached forward and held her hair back so he could see her face. Helping her, she got the pants to the floor, then climbed up on him to help him remove the shirt.

Once she had him in just his tight, black boxer briefs, she stopped, looking him up and down. “Hot. Damn.”

Ellis laughed, his abs contracting with the motion. She ran her hands along the perfection that was his body, in awe that she was here, with him.

“Are you sure?” The last thing she wanted to be was a regret. “I-I’m on the pill, Ellis. I’m safe.”

“I’m safe, too, Sammi,” he grunted, rolling her over so he was pinning her to the bed. He closed his mouth over hers, silencing her.

Before she knew it, they had both shed the last remaining pieces that separated them from each other, and Ellis was hovered over her, looking into her eyes. She met his gaze, and what she saw there she didn’t think she would ever forget. His eyes were molten, desire rolling off of him in waves. She had never felt so wanted in all of her life. He wanted her. She nodded her head, giving him permission.

When he entered her, she gasped. It had been so long, but that wasn’t even it. He was hard as steel but soft, filling her completely. He swore as he began moving inside her, caging his arms around her so he wasn’t putting his entire weight on her. She closed her eyes at the myriad of sensations that came over her. Tears pricked at the back of her eyes, but she refused to let them come. While she had only known him a very short time, nothing had ever felt so right. To her, it felt like they were doing a lot more than just having sex. He had finally let go with her, and it felt like the greatest victory of her life, even over the amazing career she had always wanted.

Leaning back off his forearms, Ellis grabbed her leg and lifted it, causing her to cry out at the depth change. He moved in and out of her, then took his fingers and rubbed her at the same time. She never wanted it to end, but it was coming, and quickly.

“Sammi,” he said again, his voice tight. He let go of her leg as he felt her getting close, lowering his mouth to hers again. Gripping her hips, he pushed her to the brink and fell over with her, both of them panting and gasping into each other’s mouth as they came down. He leaned his forehead against hers, and she tried to memorize everything about this moment. The way he felt inside her, his body overtop hers, the delicious feeling of his hands on her body, his lips on hers.

She was afraid to say anything for fear of him jumping up and running away at what they had just done, so she lay still, listening to their breathing calm back to normal. He rolled over to her side, pulling her so she was facing him.

“What are you thinking?” Sam wanted to kick herself immediately for saying it. What man wanted to talk after that, especially him? “I mean, I just… never mind.”

“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Ellis answered. “If you are asking me if I regret it, then the answer is no.”

Sam breathed out, tracing his muscles with her fingers. “Thank goodness.”

“Did you really think you were just a conquest to me? That I wasn’t thinking rationally about you?”


“Sammi, I’ve wanted you since before I ever met you.”

She furrowed her brow, dread settling in her stomach. “What?”

“What I mean is, before I took the job with you, I watched a video of you singing online. I had no idea why I felt the way I did, but I was pulled to you like a magnet. Even before I actually laid eyes on you in person, I knew that there was something about you I wanted to get to know better.”

“But you have done nothing but push me away.”

Ellis sighed. “I know. I’ve never been good at being in relationships. I don’t open up. Even my friends don’t know the things I’ve been through in my life. I have some things in my past…”

“We all do,” Sam interrupted. “Do you think you could try to talk to me about them?”

He closed his eyes, and Sam watched the struggle that was happening inside him. “I want to,” he said. “I’ve told myself for years to talk to Devin. I never have. I just don’t think I can.”

Sam nestled her head into the crook of his arm, choosing not to respond to that. Whatever it was, Ellis needed to feel that she was there before he opened up, and she was determined to be that person for him, no matter how long it took.



Ellis opened his eyes, wondering what had woken him up. Turning his head, he saw that the bedside clock said it was three o’clock in the morning. Then he felt her. Sam. She was asleep curled up next to him, both of them still naked. He could just barely make out her shapely figure, her brown hair fanned out behind her.

A cold, clenching feeling settled in his stomach, and he closed his eyes. No. What the
did he do? She had gotten to him, broken his resolve. He couldn’t even remember the last time someone had gotten to him the way she had. He knew that getting involved with her would only hurt her in the long run. She was in the public eye, and being with him wouldn’t help her at all.

As if she could sense the fear taking control of him, she shifted, putting her head on his chest. He could smell the shampoo in her hair and the fresh smell that was just her, and he relaxed. He would be okay, right? He didn’t have to fall in love with her. So he liked her. He really liked her. She made him feel things he hadn’t felt in so long, it felt foreign. But, while he was lying in the dark with her on his chest, he could admit to himself that he was scared shitless.

They had to be up before too long anyway to load up by six, so he knew he wouldn’t sleep another wink. He thought of his mother, gone now twelve years. The things he had seen and had to endure as a child would make any sane person cringe. The day she died was his freedom day. He hadn’t let himself think often about the man that fathered him, but every once and a while he wondered if the guy even knew he existed. Would he have wanted him? And Mason. What was he doing, where was he? Did he wonder why his dad wasn’t a part of his life? Who was he kidding, of course he did. Just like Ellis wondered now, as an adult, about his father, Mason would spend his life thinking he wasn’t wanted. If only he could tell him, that wasn’t further from the truth. On the other hand, he never wanted him to know what the circumstances were why he couldn’t be around him. He wondered what Mandy said when Mason asked about him. Ellis remembered being thirteen and full of questions about who he was.

BOOK: Guarding Hearts (Living Again #3)
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