Read Glam Metal Online

Authors: Anna Daly-McCabe

Glam Metal (46 page)


“About what, you fuckin dumbass.” Lenny stopped laughing and shouted at him.


“Don’t fuckin mock me Jay, you fuckin cocksucker.” Jay laughed at that. “Now, are you in or not?” Jay shook his head.


“Dude, you’re not makin any sense.
In for what
?” Lenny laughed and pointed the gun at Jay’s temple. This made him nervous.


“Who’s fuckin scared now? I’ve got the power now.” Jay tried not to antagonize him.


“Lenny dude, what do you want from me?” He was calm again and put the gun on the seat between his legs. He said incoherently.


“Get the fuckin Rasta bitch and plug him one.” Jay looked at him. He wasn’t making any sense. “Pull his fuckin stomach out of his fuckin mouth.” Jay shook his head.


“Man, you know I’m not a hit man.” He said and made to open the door of the car. Lenny laughed and said:


“Yeah, you’re a fuckin queer rock star that owes the fuckin Mexicans five hundred grand.” Jay grabbed the gun and took Lenny by the throat and forced the gun into his mouth.


“Now you listen, you stoned fuck. That’s my business. Get it.” He nodded his head. “Now whatever fuckin scheme you are trying to pull do not include me in it. OK.” He took the gun out of his mouth and Lenny laughed.


“You think it’s my scheme.” Lenny began to shake with laughter. “Fuckin queer, they own you man, they own you.” Jay roughly turned his face to his and said:


“Tell your boss, I’ll think about it.” Jay got out of the car and went up the steps into the motel.


Lisa was sitting on the bed, she looked at him. He was agitated. She asked:


“Want to do a line Jay?” He looked at her and said roughly.


“You know Lisa; you’re well greased up for Nick now. So fuck off.” She began to sob. “Oh for fuck sake, stop with the tears.” She got up and went over to him and tried to put her arms around him. But he pushed her away.


“Jay, why are you being like this?” She asked. “What did I do wrong?” His expression was full of contempt.


“You are a nasty skank! Now get the fuck out of here.” He shouted at her. She cried uncontrollably.


“I love you, Jay. I love you so much.” She said between sobs. He sneered and taking out his wallet, he took out twenty bucks and threw it on the floor at her feet.


“There, get a cab, you skank bitch.” She slapped his face hard. He turned around and slapped her even harder across the face. “You’re nothing to me. You are just a whore that will do whatever sick shit I can think of.” He laughed as she held her face.


“You’re nothing special Jay. Nothing!” She wiped away the tears. “I’m telling Sam about the kind of guy you really are.” At this, he grabbed her by the throat and hissed.


“Yeah, you tell her. Tell her that you’ve been fucking her boyfriend. Tell her you’re a whore and then explain to Nick just the kind of skank you are. You get out of his bed and come to this stinking hole to fuck around with me.” She was crying. “Yeah, you tell Sam and I’ll kill you, you bitch.” He was furious.


“Jay, you’re hurting me,” she pleaded.


“You sick bitch, did you get off watching me with Sam last night, huh? Did you go back to Nick and do him? You make me sick Lisa. Now fuck off!”  He picked up his shades and left, banging the door behind him.


He rammed the Porsche into gear and tore off, leaving Lisa behind in the motel room.


Sam was already home when he came in. She looked upset. Then he remembered, he had promised to have lunch with her.


“Darlin, I am so sorry. I got held up at the studio.” He put his arm around her and kissed her. She smelled so good. “Let me make it up to you.” She smiled at him and let him take her by the hand. He led her upstairs and ran the tub for her; he lit candles and poured some perfumed foam bath into the running water.


A few minutes later she was soaking in the tub, while Jay made dinner reservations. He came into the bathroom and sat down on the step of the sunken tub. She looked amazing. Jay said:


“I wish I could join you.” No sooner had he uttered the words when she pulled him into the tub. The bubbles went everywhere. Sam laughed as he stood up covered in suds.


“You’ll pay for that wench,” he teased as he took off his wet tee shirt and unbuttoned his jeans. He kneeled down and kissed her softly. “Love you. Now get dressed. Reservation is for eight.” She giggled as he got out of the tub and went down the hall to their bedroom to shower and change.


He was waiting in his den for Sam. His phone rang. It was Nick.


“Hey man.” He said casually. Nick asked him if he wanted to go shoot some pool. Jay laughed and said. “Have plans with Sam…sorry bro.” There was a pause then Nick asked suddenly.


“Jay, do you think Lisa is banging anyone else?” Jay was quiet for a moment then said:


“It’s possible man, but why don’t you ask her?” He was confident that she wouldn’t say anything. “Nick, I don’t think she is but you know women.” Nick agreed and hung up.


Jay heard Sam coming down the stairs. He was about to open the door when his phone rang.


“Yeah!” He snapped. There was a slight pause then.


“Listen to me and listen well. You’re going to be playing a show in Sao Paulo next week. There will be a package for you to collect for me.” The man’s voice said. “You will bring it in your amplifiers or guitars; that’s your business.” Jay said abruptly.


“Fuck you, I’m not bringing anything up from that shithole.” The man laughed.


“You have a very lovely girlfriend, very beautiful and a very beautiful daughter. Remember that!” He rang off.


“Fuck!” He swore. There was a gentle knock on the door. He opened it. Sam was looking stunning. Jay kissed her and led her out to the car.


They sped off in the direction of LA. Sam was talking about Damon and how surprised he was that she managed to sell so many of his paintings. She said:


“You’d have thought that after London, he’d have had more faith in me.” Jay laughed and said as he raised her hand to his mouth.


“Sweetie, he doesn’t deserve you!” He looked at her. When he had finished with Lisa earlier he had been very cruel. But he couldn’t take the risk that the skank bitch would tell Sam that they were screwing around. He couldn’t bear to lose Sam or Jaime. In his crazy world, they were the only sobering thing that kept him together.


Jay parked the car and put on his glasses. He opened the door for Sam and deliberately let the photographers snap them. One reporter shouted at him.


“Jay, what about a few words for the press?” With his arm around Sam he waved at them and they went up the steps and into the restaurant.


The waiter showed them to their table, a romantic corner that looked out onto the street. He handed Sam a menu and one to Jay. He looked at Sam and said to the waiter:


“Bring a bottle of your best champagne.” She raised an eyebrow. He smiled. She was a stunning woman. How could he have been such a jerk to be boning Lisa? When all the while he had this incredible creature in his bed.


He told her about the two shows they were due to play the following week. He didn’t relish either of them but he had to do it. It would be their last show for this year.


“You know babe, I don’t think I can do this much more.” She looked at him and asked:


“What’s happening with your solo album? Have you told Nick and the guys yet?” He shook his head. It was true that he was contemplating doing a solo project but he hadn’t been talking to the producer at the studio, all he needed to do was to write some songs and put together a CD.


Sam was talking but he really didn’t hear what she was saying. He tried to focus but couldn’t.


“Perhaps we should invite over Lisa and Nick and the guys. You know they really haven’t been over much lately.” He nodded. The last person he wanted over at his house was Lisa.


As the waiter came to their table with their food, it bought Jay some time.


“This is wonderful.” He said. For the first time ever, he acknowledged a waiter or the chef. He was a rock star and therefore he expected everything to be perfect. He smiled at Sam and said:


“You know Darlin tonight, I wanted to ask you something.” She looked at him as he poured the champagne. Sam looked at him with wide eyes. “Sam, I love you very much. You have given me my beautiful daughter.” He held her hand. He could see her eyes fill with tears. “Sam, marry me as soon as possible.” She shrieked and got up and went over to him. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. She didn’t care that everyone was watching them.


“Oh god, Jay, yes, yes... Of course I’ll marry you.” He knew she loved him as much as he loved her. They made the ideal Hollywood couple. Whatever shit he did in the past he would make up to her starting from now.


“Babe, we have two shows in Brazil next week. Then we’re finished for this year.” He was holding her hand. “Let’s take a vacation when I get back, just the three of us.” Sam nodded. Jay knew she was happy and he knew that when he married her, she would be even happier.


As they left the restaurant, the paparazzi were running up to them shouting. He turned around and smiled.


“Guys, don’t you ever get enough?” They laughed. He was playing them with snippets and they loved him for it.


“Come on Jay, give us something.” He grinned and said:


“Well you all know we are off on our final tour next week. We play two dates in Sao Paolo, and then it’s back home for a well earned rest.” He was holding Sam’s hand. A TV reporter and cameraman came up to them. She asked:


“Jay, will there be any new material coming out?” He smiled at her.


“Hey, you never know. We are all busy at the moment and we are concentrating on finishing the tour. Giving the fans what they want most; to be rocked.” They all laughed loudly. The girl turned to Sam and asked:


“How do you think he’ll behave in Brazil, with all those beautiful girls around?” Jay answered for her.


“Hey sweetheart, what are you doing?” He laughed. “Trying to frighten my fiancée.” The girl was quick and picked up on it.


“Does this mean that the relationship is serious?” He put his arm around Sam.


“When I get back from tour, Sam and I will be getting married. I asked her tonight and this beauty has said yes.” He kissed her on the mouth and the paparazzi went berserk clicking their cameras. “Now, if you don’t mind guys, we’d like to be left alone.” With his arm around Sam they walked down the sidewalk and back to his car.


Jay had the paparazzi in the palm of his hand. He knew just when to play them and when to avoid them and because every now and then he gave them something. They respected him and gave him his privacy.


Back home he and Sam were in the hot tub at the end of his garden making love. It felt really good.

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