Read Gift for the Boss: Billionaire Romance Christmas Novella Online

Authors: Lexy Timms

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #New Adult & College, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

Gift for the Boss: Billionaire Romance Christmas Novella (3 page)

"Anything you want. Pull it out and we'll test it in several ways." She slid her hands into his hair as he tugged the front of her bra down and lavishly licked at her nipples.

Pleasure rolled through her, and she opened her legs, giving him more room and access to the center of her body.

"Such a good girl, Jamie." He moved down farther and pressed a kiss to her mound. "What are we going to do with this fucking tree that you got that's way too big?"

She lifted her hips, pressing herself against his mouth as he nipped at her panties and the sensitive skin that peeked around the edges of the wet silk. "Let's take it to Scott Thompson Hospital with us. The kids can decorate it and then enjoy it."

"I love it. Now... hush." He reached up and pulled her panties to the side before pressing his mouth to her.

She cried out, losing her will to retort in a silly manner. The games were off for a little while. Pleasure was all she was after, and he was the best gift-giver in that category – by far.

His fingers slid deep inside of her, and she undulated her hips again, working herself against his thick digits and his hungry mouth.

"So delicious, Jamie. You taste like heaven." He worked her harder and faster until stars burst behind her closed eyelids and she gave herself over to the experience he offered.

A cry ripped from her as she arched her back and rode the wave of ecstasy. He moaned against her wet skin as he continued to flick his tongue over her sensitive parts. When she could take no more, she pushed at his head and turned on her side, panting softly.

"So good," she mumbled and tugged his arm tightly around her after he'd repositioned just behind her. He worked on his pants and pressed his thick cock against her entrance as he spooned her perfectly.

"Good. You want me?"

"Yeah. I want it." She pressed back a little, taking the thick head into her body as they both groaned. She'd started on the pill three months back, and they'd both been tested just to gain clearance that they could start making love without the hindrance of a condom. Nothing was better than feeling Alex's skin against her. Best decision ever.

"Dress like a naughty elf for me today, and I'll play Santa for the kids." He pressed forward, forcing more of himself inside of her as he fondled her breasts.

"I don't have an outfit, but that sounds like fun. Let's get some." She rocked her hips back and forth, starting to work his large cock the way she knew he loved best. Slow and steady.

"I got them for us. I can't wait to see you in it." He rolled her onto her stomach and mounted her from behind, pressing into her deeply as he groaned. "I've always wanted a naughty little present to unwrap at Christmas." He pressed his hands beside her head and started to fuck harder.

"As long as you promise to consume the goods as soon as you pull off the wrapping, it's all yours." She lifted her ass a little in the air, as if giving him a taste of what was to come.

"Fuck," he grunted and worked her past the point of pleasure, and into something electrifying. 

Chapter 3



The outfit Alex bought fit perfectly, and didn't at all seem overly sexy, which was a good thing. Jamie turned once more in front of the bathroom mirror, taking notice of the fact that she still had a little way to go, but overall... for the first time in her life, she was happy with herself. Content. She would always be bigger than the models on the covers of magazines, but she was a healthy, whole, real woman. It was all good, and she felt good.

The red teddy under her cute little elf costume helped a little too. She’d bought that last week as part of her Christmas present to Alex.

She walked out of the guest bathroom to find him walking back into the house, covered in pine needles and sweat. He stopped short as his eyes moved across her.

"Wow." He pressed his hand to his chest. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in all my life."

"In this?" she laughed, and turned as the bells on her little shoes jingled.

"Yes, in that. I feel like a boy again." He took a few steps toward her and bit into his lip. "Do you have anything underneath it? Please tell me you do. Lie if you must."

She giggled playfully and reached down, tugging at the dress that hit her mid-thigh and lifting it just enough for him to see the red garter. "Something very naughty, just for you." She turned and lifted it more, showing the bottom of her rear to him as he growled and walked across the room.

His hands were cold as he slid them over her soft flesh and squeezed firmly. His lips pressed to the side of her neck and he breathed deeply, sending chill bumps all over her. "This might not be a good idea. My Santa suit is a little more fitted than I wanted, and there is no room for a belly, or an erection cover-up of any sort." He nibbled her earlobe. "Wanna see what it looks like?"

"More than you know." She pressed back, wiggling her hips to tease him a little. “Oh you’re talking about your Santa suit. My bad.”

"Naughty little elf." He nipped at her ear again and moved back, turning and jogging toward the bedroom. She'd never seen a 'fit' Santa, but there was a first time for everything, and if anyone could pull it off, it was Alex.

She tugged her dress down and walked to the kitchen to get a broom. The maids would be coming on the 26th, but she wanted everything to look good for Alex's brother's visit. Mark had been through a rough divorce over the summer, and where he and Alex still had a lot of rebuilding to do, it was the holidays, and they decided to let bygones be bygones for a little while.

Jamie finished sweeping up the mess the tree left as they’d muscled it around the house. She glanced up as Alex opened the bedroom door, and her mouth fell open.

The suit was really well fitted, like a glove. The bulge between his thighs was noticeable, but certainly it was due to him having an erection at the moment. Her showing her barely-clad Christmassy ass to him had its intended effect, no doubt.

"You think it’s okay? I swear it's the largest one they had." He tugged at the crotch of the pants a little.

"Fuck, yes. You look like a Superman version of Santa. I'm glad it's a kids wing we’re going to. Otherwise, I'd be beating back women all afternoon. Let's hope most of the moms are out and about." She smirked and walked toward him, cupping his package and leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. "I want this for Christmas, Santa."

"Oh, woman... you're getting this and so much more." He pulled her into a tight hug and consumed her mouth.

Jamie leaned back and smiled. "Let's get out of her before I ask to sit on your lap."

"So naughty."

"And nice?" she laughed again and pulled from him. They had to go... or they weren't going to at all...




Jamie extended her hand to Dr. Elijah Bennet as he gave them a warm welcome. She was a little surprised to have the head of the hospital greet them, but Alex seemed to know the man. He was nearly as good-looking as Alex. Nearly.

"Elijah; it’s good to see you again!" Alex wrapped an arm around Jamie's shoulder. "We just wanted to spread a little cheer, and don't say a damn thing about this costume to anyone."

Dr. Bennet laughed. "Not a word. Besides, you're one of our best benefactors. You could come up here wearing a too-tight Santa outfit, and none of us would say anything. Wait... you are."

Jamie snorted before clamping her hand over her face.

"Keep it up," Alex warned them both.

"Alright. Let's get the tree inside, and those little ones who can come out and help, let's get them started on decorating it." Jamie took control, wanting to get the party in full swing.

"Let's do this." Alex turned toward her and slid his hands down her arms. "There is an electronics store half a mile down the road. Take my card and get a bunch of small electronics for these kiddos. Elijah and I will work on the tree. Have the store wrap them for you really quick if they're able. We'll keep the kids busy until you get back, and then you and I can hand out gifts."

Dr. Bennet moved up beside them. "Alex. You really don't need to go to all that trouble, my friend. This is more than enough. Honestly."

"No. I want to." Alex glanced over at Jamie and smiled. "You mind playing elf?"

"Of course not." She moved up to kiss him, and then took his card and walked back to the truck as her vision blurred. Alex was beyond giving toward her in so many ways, but never had she imagined him to go all out for a group of kids at the hospital. It just showed the depth of his character, and that maybe she didn't know nearly enough about him.

He'd given her a key to his place in the spring that year, and it had been a great next step for them. She'd almost expected a ring the night he gave her the key, but it would have been too soon anyway.

She got into the truck and let out a slow sigh of appreciation. She would have to check in with her family to see if they still planned on getting together at her mom and dad's for dinner on Christmas Day. Mark would be coming with them, but it was a good thing. Where Jamie had started to work on things with her parents, there was still a lot of work left to do. Mark and Alex together would help to create a comfortable place for Jamie among her family. Or at least they would stick up for her.

The electronics store was crazy busy, but she worked her way through quickly, and even helped the poor girls who were stuck at the wrapping center. Within two hours, they had everything together. Jamie had them help load everything up, and she made her way back to the hospital.

When she got there, she couldn't help but stop and admire Alex. He was in the middle of a large conference room, with the tree up and fully decorated. He was sitting in an old rocking chair, telling the story of Christmas to all the little ones gathered on the floor. The nurses and parents around the edge of the room seemed to be lost in the low, rhythmic sound of his voice too.

He glanced up and winked at Jamie, which caused butterflies to surge in the pit of her stomach. They were never too terribly calm when Alex was around.

Her phone buzzed, and she stepped out in the hall to take the call.

"This is Jamie."

"Hey, pumpkin. It's Dad."

"Hi, Dad. What's going on?" She pressed her back to the wall and let her eyes move along the hall. Jeremy had been in the room behind her, which was good. She could talk to him and his wife a little while later to check on their little girl. She hadn't seen anyone else from work, but it was probably a hush-hush situation.

"Just making sure you're still coming over tomorrow night for dinner. You and two guests, right?"

"We sure are. I'm looking forward to it." Jamie wrapped her free arm around herself, hoping to stay warm. Her outfit didn't help much, but she wasn't complaining. It was cute, it fit, and her sexy boyfriend thought enough about her to pick it out for her.

Or thought of himself. Pervert.
She smiled warmly.

"Excellent. You guys don't need to bring anything. We're doing turkey and ham, and I'll be making your favorite cornbread dressing. Just like Granny Mae used to make for us." She could almost sense the longing in her dad's voice for her to be there now.

"Perfect. We'll be over after breakfast tomorrow, Dad. I can help make the stuffing with you, just like we did when I was younger."

"Really? I would love that."

"Absolutely." The sound of clapping and laughter rose up behind her, and she turned in the open doorway to see Alex walking toward her. "I need to go, Dad. We're at the hospital giving out gifts to the children's ward."

"Oh, nice. Your idea?"

"Nope. Alex's." Jamie reached for him as he stopped in front of her, his eyebrow raised as if questioning who she was talking to.

"That's even better. I'm glad you found a good man. I just hope he deserves you."

"He does, Dad. It's me who might be a bit undeserving of such a good guy." She brushed his hair back and gazed up at him as recognition moved across his face, softening his features.

"Yeah, right. Anyway... we'll see you tomorrow, pumpkin. I love you."

"Love you too." Jamie pulled the phone from her ear and smiled. The words had once felt foreign to say over the phone, but she and her dad had somehow found their way back to each other… and he was working on her mother and sister, so Jamie couldn’t complain one bit. "Looks like you have them captivated."

"Yeah... too much maybe. Every woman in this room has hit on me ten times. I'm fucking glad you're back. Let's grab the gifts from the truck, and then we'll give them out and head home. I'm starving. Did we eat lunch?" He moved out of the open door and took her hand.

"No, and breakfast was a muffin. We can make something good tonight."

"Or pick up something from that Italian place you love." He glanced down at her.

"That sounds even better." Jamie tightened her hand on his. "Now tell me who's been hitting on you again? I'll start handing out ass-whoopings to the moms while you give the kids a great gift."

He chuckled. "Just make sure none of them try to sit on my lap, please. I swear."

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. He was far too handsome to be in the tight Santa suit, and yet his intentions were beyond good.

Dr. Bennet met them at the door. "How's it going?"

"Great, actually." Alex nodded toward the exit door. "Jamie has all of the presents in the truck. Do you have a few guys who can come out and help us?"

"Absolutely. I'll grab some and meet you guys out there."

"I like him. He seems like a good guy." Jamie squeezed Alex's hand as they walked out into the late snowy afternoon.

"He's a great guy, and a brilliant surgeon. He's got an incredible staff here too. Their head of neurology is quite the genius. I've been at several of the award ceremonies where the man's won surgeon of the year." He shrugged and moved to the back of the truck.

"Well, nice to know people when you need to, I guess." She slid her arms around him from behind and pressed her cheek to his back, enjoying the warmth he provided.

Dr. Bennet came out a few seconds later with three guys in scrubs. They introduced themselves, and Alex turned to Jamie.

"This is Simon. He's the one I mentioned." He smiled at her.

Jamie glanced over at Simon, a little taken aback by how good-looking and young the surgeon was. "Nice to meet you. Alex says you're quite the surgeon."

"I'm alright, but my wife is quickly catching up with me. Nothing like good clean fun at work." He chuckled and grabbed a large bag.

"Wait, your wife works here too?" Jamie grabbed the smallest of the bags and walked in between Simon and Alex.

"She sure does. It makes for an interesting life." Simon winked.

Dr. Bennet turned and looked over his shoulder. "A bit too interesting at times."

Simon laughed. “Your wife works here as well, Dr. Bennet. As does your father-in-law.” He laughed harder. “Isn’t this place named after him?”

The laughter around her caused her lips to lift in a smile. It seemed as though the holidays brought along with them the invitation for everyone to generally be in a good mood.

They lugged the presents back up to the conference room, and Alex worked beside Jamie to get them laid out by age group.

Jamie stood and made a quick announcement, trying to get everyone's attention. "If you'll line up roughly by age, then we'll be able to give out the appropriate gifts to you. Thank you!" She put on her most cheerful voice.

Jamie turned to see a beautiful blonde, who could have easily been the centerfold for a men’s magazine, talking with Alex. She had her finger in the middle of his chest and was giggling about something as he spoke.

"Santa. Time to greet the kids." Jamie lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Right. Excuse me, madam." He moved past the woman and shook his head. "I told you it was bad."

"I'm going to go Christmas-crazy on someone if they don't back off of you," she growled and started to turn, but Alex pulled her against him.

"Did you guys know that Mrs. Claus sometimes dresses up like an elf just to have fun?" He glanced around and the kids cheered. "This is my Mrs. Claus. Tell her hi, kids."

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