Read Get Off on the Pain Online

Authors: Victoria Ashley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Get Off on the Pain

Get Off on the Pain (29 page)


I will love you always, even in my absence



My cheeks are stained with tears, somewhat to the point that it’s embarrassing. I can feel her love for him. I only wish that I could have met her. I look up at him, watching me like a hawk. I try my best to pull it together. “Of course she was proud of you. You’re a good man. One of the best,” I whisper.

“Come with me.” Memphis spins around to face me and cups my face in his hands. “I have something to show you.”

He starts pulling me away. I almost stop to worry about my job, but I can’t find it in me. Memphis is all that I want to worry about right now.

Memphis helps me into his truck before jogging over to his side and jumping in.

I want to ask him where we’re going, but I decide to just go with it and let him take me wherever he wants to go. If this weren’t important to Memphis then he wouldn’t drag me out of work to go there.

He drives for about ten minutes before we pull up at a small brick building. I sit here confused as Memphis just sits, staring at the small building before us.

“This was my mom’s art studio.” He squeezes the steering wheel and inhales a sharp breath. “She left me the key along with the letter. I brought Alex here late last night and he couldn’t handle it. Not right now. We both decided that maybe you could work out of it for a while.”

I turn to him and squeeze his hand. I don’t know what to say right now. This man is letting me in deeper than I ever imagined. I can’t deny the fact that it makes me feel like I’m on top of the world.

“Memphis,” I whisper. “Are you guys sure about this?”

He shakes his head and leans in to kiss me on the forehead. “It’s completely cleaned out. All of her artwork has been packed up and placed in her drawing room at home. It would be a waste for this place not to get used. I can come in next week and set everything up for you before I start on the job with Jack.”

“Wait . . . what are you saying, Memphis?” I feel an overwhelming feeling of hope as he pulls me over into his lap and wraps his hands into my hair.

“I’m not leaving you, Lyric.” He brushes his lips over mine, breathing his sweet scent against them. “Mom was right. This is where I belong . . . and you and Alex are where I need to be. This is my home. You are what matters to me, both of you, and I promise to keep you warm.”

I feel like an idiot, but I can’t help it as a tear slowly trickles down my face, landing on his thumb as he reaches out to wipe it away. For someone that doesn’t cry, I sure am crying a lot in the last half hour.

“God, you’re so beautiful to me,” I whisper. “Everything about you steals my breath away.”

His eyes meet mine and capture them as he pulls me even closer, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. “I love you, Lyric.” My hearts stops from his words and I almost think that I’m hearing him wrong, until he speaks again. “I fucking love you and I’m an idiot for not realizing it sooner. I’m. Not. Going. Anywhere.”

“Memphis.” My eyes search his, never wanting this moment to end. I love this man and I have for longer than I was willing to admit. “I love you too,” I whisper. “I love you so damn much that it hurts to think of losing you. I don’t want to lose you, Memphis.”

He shakes his head. “I know that I may not be perfect. I’m far from it and I may not even be worthy of your love.” His eyes meet mine as his lips gently brush mine. “Touching you silences the demons more than the blow of my fists ever could. You are the peace that is going to save me; the one thing that keeps me breathing.” He pulls my chin up and looks me in the eyes. “I’m willing to fight for you . . . are you willing to fight for me?”

I nod my head, more tears streaming down my face. “Yes. Always,” I whisper.

He smiles against my lips before kissing me and placing the key to the art studio in my hand. “Give me time to set this place up for you,” he whispers. “Okay?”

I nod my head and close my hand around the key. Looking at this building and knowing the meaning behind it, makes me want nothing more than to set up some shoots and get to work. I just hope Memphis knows that my first shoot will be of him. I want to photograph him with his guitar. I want us to be a part of each other’s passions.

“Okay.” I smile and kiss him one more time before he hops out of the truck and walks around to help me out.

He looks at me, studying me in a way I’ve never seen him do before. “You’re a lot like her, you know.”

My eyes widen and my heart starts to race as he stands in front of me, his eyes locked with mine. “How so?”

“You’re strong, loving, and you never give up on people that you know need it the most. You’re an artist. She would have loved you, Lyric.”

My heart melts.

“Now come inside for a minute. I want to show you something before I get you back to work.” He pats his pocket and raises an eyebrow. “I have a feeling that it’s Alex that has been blowing my shit up. I’m going to have to rough his ass up a bit later.”

Throwing me over his shoulder causes me to yelp as he slaps my ass, grabbing the key out of my hand to unlock the door. All I see is darkness until Memphis flips on the light and slowly brings me down his front, kissing me along the way until he has me back on my feet.

He grips my face with both hands and presses his lips to mine, slowly tasting me, before pulling away and biting his bottom lip. “Fuck me, I missed that taste.”

I can’t help but smile as he places his hand over my eyes and leads me in the direction that he wants me. “Memphis!” I laugh as he bites my neck and runs the tip of his tongue up my neck, stopping at my ear.

“I saw this and knew that you had to have it.” He takes his hand away from my eyes, slowly trailing it down the front of my body, before wrapping his arm around my waist. “Open your eyes.”

Smiling uncontrollably, I open my eyes and slap his arm when I set my sights on the very expensive Canon sitting on the table. “Holy shit, Memphis! No!” I cover my mouth as I stare at the new camera. “You did not buy this for me. This is too much. This had to have cost at least five grand.”

“Nah . . . it was a little more.” He laughs as I slap him again. “It’s cool. It came with all this crap, so it’s fine. I know it’s in good hands.”

I look around at the various accessories. There’s a camera bag, a tripod, a chest mount harness and a bunch of different lenses, along with other random things. “It did NOT come with all this, Memphis. You bought it all separately. I can’t take this.”

Turning me around, he pins me against the table and bites onto my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth before releasing it. “You can . . . and you will. It’s all yours.” He kisses me again. “And so am I.”

My heart melts from those words alone. That’s all I needed to hear. That does me in, helping me feel complete. Looks like things really are perfect now. I have Bailey, Alex, and Memphis.

That’s all the family I need . . .

One month later . . .

LYRIC HAS BEEN WORKING IN the studio a lot lately, so I have decided to kidnap her and take her out to dinner. I’m so damn proud of her for all the hard work she has been doing, but she needs a damn break at some point. She doesn’t know this, but I canceled her appointments for the rest of the day, asked Styles if she could take Monday off and rescheduled her appointments for that day. She may not like it at first, but it will be worth it.

I pull my truck up at the studio and notice that she’s still working with her last appointment. I quietly let myself in and stand off towards the back so that I won’t disturb her while she finishes up.

I don’t make it ten minutes before she spots me leaning against the wall as the fancied up family she was working with gathers their things and says their goodbyes.

I don’t even give her the chance to come to me. Fuck, I missed this woman all damn day. Walking toward her, I back her up against the wall and pin her in with my body.

“Memphis.” She laughs as I playfully kiss her neck and run my hands up her sides. “What are you doing here? I have another family coming in like ten minutes.” She starts struggling and giggling as I start kissing her all over. “Stop . . . Memphis. I’m so going to hurt you.”

I laugh against her neck before pinning her arms against the wall. Smiling mischievously, she realizes that she’s stuck. “I’m taking you with me.”

“I can’t . . .” I press my lips against hers, shutting her up. This woman is coming with me no matter how hard she fights.

Pulling away from the kiss, I pick her up, throw her over my shoulder, and walk around to gather her purse and keys. “You can and you are.” I slap her ass when she tries escaping me, causing her to squeal. “Trust me,” I say. “I took care of everything.”

Right as I get to the door I feel her bite into my ass as she reaches between my legs and grabs my cock. I slap her ass again before squeezing it and biting my bottom lip.

“That’s not helping you any,” I say as she grabs it harder, making me go hard in her hand.

Damn this woman is getting it later.

I keep her over my shoulder as I lock up behind us before opening the passenger door and placing her inside. “I’m going to fuck your ass good when I get you home,” I say while adjusting my erection. “You know that, right?”

Lyric bites onto her bottom lip while nodding her head, but then she pushes me away and shuts the truck door in my face, teasing me.

She’s playing with me now. I love it.

“There better be a damn good reason you’re taking me away for my work, Memphis,” Lyric growls out. She tries to look mad, but that crap doesn’t work on me. I know her enough to know when she’s really mad or just putting on a front. She loves this and she knows it.

When we arrive at the restaurant I make sure to park on the opposite side of the building that I know everyone else will be parked on. It was like gathering up children when trying to get everyone to show up, so I left it up to Bailey to gather up Landen and Liam and instructed Alex to gather up the guys at the shop. He even talked Ryan into coming back home for the weekend.

Lyric sits up and looks around, confused. “You dragged me out of the studio because you were hungry?” Lyric runs her hand up my thigh, stopping at my cock. She grins and then rubs her hand over its length. “How about we go home instead? You’ve already dragged me away from my work, might as well make it worthwhile, big guy.”

I grab her chin and bring her face up to meet mine. Smiling against her lips, I suck her bottom lip into my mouth before releasing it. “Oh we’re going there as soon as we finish eating. You better be damn sure of that.” I reach over and undo her seatbelt. “Let’s go.”

Hopping out of the truck I walk over to her side and open the door, grabbing her hand to help her out.

“Thank you, my sexy caveman.”

I grin at her playfulness and guide her to the door, opening it to let her walk in first. She’s too busy wrapping her arms around me to notice that the table off to the left is filled with all of our friends.

She starts walking us to the right, but I pull her by the waist, guiding her over to the left. She gets ready to fight me until she looks up to see Bailey waving her over.

“Holy . . .” She looks around us with the biggest smile I have seen from her in weeks. “You did this?”

I nod my head and pull out the chair next to Ryan.

She spins around to face me, throwing her arms around my neck in excitement. “Thank you so, so much. This is awesome. God, I love you.”

I pull her body flush with mine and kiss her slow and passionately, giving her a taste of what she’ll be getting as soon as we get home. This woman is mine and I want the whole damn world to know it.

Spending dinner with all of the people she cares about is enough to brighten up even the worst day for her. I’d pull this crap off for her every week if I could, even if I had to drag each and every one of them out of work myself.

She deserves this and so much more . . .

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