For the Love of a God [Gods of Olympus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

She renewed her struggle with her clothes, cursing when her pants got tangled around her ankles. Of course, she’d forgotten to take off her high heels. She reached down to push them off, but Neil caught her hand and tugged her back up. “Leave them on. Just let me help with the pants.”

He propped her up against the doorjamb and dropped to his knees. Easing her leg up, he slipped the slacks off first one heel-clad foot and then the other. Each ankle and calf was treated to damp, openmouthed kisses. And, holy Hannah, who would have thought the backs of her knees were so damn sensitive. That wicked tongue of Neil’s was going to drive her wild.

Neil strung a series of soft kisses up the inside of her now-bare thigh until he nuzzled against the damp crotch of her panties. “I bet you taste as good as you smell.” He slung one of her legs over his shoulder and pressed his mouth against her mound.

He sipped at her, his tongue nudging the silk every once in a while until her panties were thoroughly soaked through. “I need to take a quick look, princess. I have to see that pretty little clit before I suck on it.”

There was no plea for permission in his tone at all, and that was fine with her.

Her panties were tugged to the side, and Neil blew a warm stream of air against her clit. She jumped, and the small ridge of flesh flexed in response.

“Beautiful. So beautiful, princess. God, your little clit is sticking straight out, it’s practically begging for my mouth. Do you want my mouth on you here?” He nudged her with his finger, finding that spot on the side that drove her crazy.

.” She screamed the word and pushed as close to his mouth as she physically could.

There was no buildup, no stretching the moment out. He closed his mouth around her, sucking her into his mouth. He used his lips, teeth, and tongue in perfect harmony. If there was a heaven, she’d found it.

No one had ever accused her of being a quiet lover, and this time was no exception. She cried out and undulated against him as yet another explosive climax bared down on her. He stayed with her, eating at her through her contractions.

Sweet lord above, she wished it was another hard, male body cushioning her back instead of the wall. A second set of hands cupping her breasts would make this perfect.

She was still pulsing, still quivering like a newborn bird, when he pulled away. He grinned at her, his gaze hot and his lips and chin glossy with her juice. He ran his tongue around his mouth. “Delicious.”

He shot to his feet and kissed her. She’d never tasted herself before, but from his lips, she tasted divine. Her poor, overworked body responded to the kiss, and she tried her best to get her weak limbs to wrap around Neil’s solid body.

His hands slipped between them and wrestled with his belt. She tried to help, but she just couldn’t get her hands to cooperate.

“Fucking pants,” Neil muttered. The belt finally gave way, and the zipper yielded as if it was afraid of what Neil might do to it.

Kicking off his pants with far more grace than she had been able to, he nudged her back until her legs were flush against the bed. A gentle shove toppled her over, and she nearly bounced on the mattress. God, if this were any more primal, he would be dragging her by the hair, and yet he hadn’t been anything but gentle with her.

The bed dipped as he crawled across it. He settled himself between the
of her legs. “Ready for another one?”

If by another one, he meant another orgasm, she was pretty sure she was about to die happy. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Never.” He kissed her then, slow and deep, and the latex-covered tip of his cock nudged against her.


* * * *


Neil pushed into that deliciously tight pussy, holding back the urge to pump his hips like a madman. He sank into her, her wet heat scalding him in the best way possible.

God, being inside Talia was like heaven. The only thing that was missing was rubbing against another hard cock through her thin membrane.

Then she shifted and wrapped her legs around his hips, and his entire world became focused on the throbbing plug of flesh between his legs.

He wasn’t going to last long. The second he’d tasted her core, sweet and juicy like a peach, he’d had to clamp his hand around the base of his shaft to stop his own explosion.

The struggle had been worth it just to see the look on her face when she’d come for the second time in thirty minutes. But now he was pretty sure there was no stopping the freight train that was barreling his way.

The tingling that always signaled the start of an orgasm raced through his balls, causing them to pull up tight. He gripped himself again and pulled out, instantly mourning the loss of Talia’s liquid heat. He had to regain control of his body before he sank back in.

“Hey,” she squawked, smacking him on the shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Too close. Was gonna come.” He was reduced to speaking in sentence fragments.

“Do I look upset? I want to feel you in me when you come. Get back in there.”

He almost cried, he was so relieved. Her legs tightened around him, heels pushing on his hips to encourage him closer.

It only took that one thrust, and he froze, pulsing and emptying into the condom.

He concentrated on sucking in enough oxygen to survive. Every muscle in his body relaxed abruptly, and he collapsed, managing to move just enough to the side to avoid crushing her.


* * * *


Eros grunted as creamy ropes sprayed on to his abdomen for several seconds, slowing down to dribble over his hand. Thank Zeus his mother hadn’t decided to barge back in. He didn’t relish the idea of explaining how he’d jacked off while he’d watched Neil and Talia make love.

He relaxed against his chair and closed his eyes, imagining himself curled up on the other side of Talia. Or spread out on his back with both Neil and Talia cuddled against him. Or sprawled across Neil’s chest with his fingers tangled through Talia’s.

It was time for the next phase of his plan. Tomorrow, he would plant the idea in Neil and Talia’s heads about adding him as a third.

Eros waved his hand lazily and the scrying bowl disappeared, back on its way to the Fates. They’d made him promise to return it before their father, Zeus, found out they’d lent it to him. He had no desire to tangle with the king of gods, so he made sure to do exactly as the Fates asked.

“Hephy, wait for me.” His mother’s excited squeal had him groaning, and he blinked, reappearing in his bedroom back in the mortal realm.

He collapsed on his bed and rolled onto his side.

Tomorrow was the first day of the rest of his very long life, and he needed to perfect exactly what he was going to say.

Chapter 7


This was it. Neil could not live without Talia in his life. He’d never felt anything like this before. Except maybe about Aaron, but even that had been a slow discovery.

Guilt ate at his gut. Last night, he’d held a hard, muscular body in his arms and tonight, a soft, warm one. He loved them both. His ultimate dream would be to have both of them committed to him and each other.

A soft sigh ruffled the hair on his chest. “What are you thinking so hard about?”

The last thing he wanted to do was start a relationship with a lie, and he dearly hoped they would be starting a relationship.

“I was thinking about Aaron.”

“Aaron?” The question was laced with curiosity and maybe a hint of heat, although that could be wishful thinking on his part.

He cleared his throat. Better to drop his bombshell now, when his heart was only slightly on the line, instead of admitting to his fantasy and risk his heart breaking into a million tiny pieces later. “I have a confession.”

She pulled away and looked him straight in the eye. “Okay. Give it to me straight.”

He groaned. Straight was exactly what he had to talk to her about. “Here’s the thing. I’m not strictly…straight.”

Talia simply raised an eyebrow and tightened her fingers around his in a gentle squeeze. “Go on.”

Well, that wasn’t what he was expecting. The first and only time he’d confessed his sexuality to a date, she’d called him a sick bastard and run out like her hair was on fire.

“See, I’m bi. I like women, but I like men, too.” He waited for her answer, his stomach suddenly in knots. He’d never wanted something so badly in all his life.

“I see.” She slid one leg over his hip and pressed her core against him.

He gulped when he felt her folds spread, her slick wetness scalding his skin.

She shifted and pulled herself closer. “And Aaron is the guy that’s caught your eye?”

This was the real test. “Yes.”

“That is so hot.”

“It is?” He was genuinely surprised. Sure, he knew lots of women got off on the idea of two men, but he’d never met one in real life. Could this really be happening? May as well go for broke. “Ever thought about…you know…being with two guys?”

“You mean have I ever thought about fucking two men at the same time?” The dry tone of her voice belied the sparkling in her eyes.

He blushed for the first time in years, but his spent dick twitched and tried to rise again at her coarse words. “Yeah.”

She tapped his chin with one slim finger. “It’s my go-to fantasy, if you must know. And thanks to you and Aaron, I now have faces for my fantasy men.”

His heart was pounding against his chest so hard, he wondered if it would break through its cage of bone and muscle. “So if I was to ask him out on a date with us, you’d be good with that?”

He enjoyed the shiver that ran down her body, and she pressed her pussy more firmly against him. “I would be great with that.”

She tucked her face under his chin and wrapped her arms around him completely until she was plastered fully against his body. “I’m tired,” she said on a yawn. “You wore me out.”

The question in her statement was clear, wondering if she should give into sleep or if she should get dressed for him to drive her back to her car.

“Go to sleep, honey.” He stroked her back, tracing his fingers over her spine in circles.

“I have class at eight thirty tomorrow.”

Right. Tomorrow was Friday. “I’ll wake you up in time to get you there.”

She didn’t even answer, just relaxed completely and fell asleep.

Like he was going to make her leave. Hopefully, he’d never sleep alone again.


* * * *


Eros glanced at the clock on his office wall again. Nine fifteen a.m. and Neil still wasn’t in.

He frowned and looked back down at his desk, trying to take his mind off his worry, but just like five minutes ago, it didn’t work. What if things had gone wrong after he’d sent the scrying bowl back? What if they’d had a fight and now wanted nothing to do with each other?

Oh, gods. What if his power and his mother’s were too much combined, and Neil and Talia had fallen in love and eloped?

Shit. He had to get to the Fates temple as soon as possible. If he could scrounge up some of that expensive perfume they liked, maybe he could bribe them into letting him use their bowls again.

“Aaron? You look like you’re going on a warpath. Who pissed you off?” Neil stood in his office door, two paper cups in his hands.

Relief hit his system, making him as giddy as if he’d downed four shots of espresso in as many minutes. He bounced to his feet and rushed over to Neil, unable to stop the giant smile from crossing his face. He took the proffered cup and cradled it close. “You’re late.”

A sly smile tilted the corners of Neil’s mouth. “I had to drop Talia off at the university. We sort of slept through the alarm.”

Well, after the night they’d had it was little wonder, although Eros wasn’t about to reveal the fact that he’d spied on them. Or the fact that he’d enjoyed himself a little too much while watching them.

“Sounds like your date went well,” he said instead.

Now that the perfect moment had come to plant the seed about forming a ménage relationship Eros found himself paralyzed with fear. “So, uh, it looks like the boss has us lined up to work on a project together.”

Well, that wasn’t exactly the most romantic thing he’d ever said. No one would ever guess he was the god of love, if that was the best he could do.

“Yeah, I saw that. Can you give me a minute to dump my stuff at my desk? We can work in here, if you want. Less distractions than my cubicle.”

And a door that locked.

Eros nodded breathlessly and covered his gleeful anticipation with a sip of hot coffee, swearing when it nearly scalded the roof of his mouth off.

“Careful.” Neil cupped Eros’s cheek and ran his thumb along Eros’s bottom lip. “I like your mouth undamaged.”

Eros stood still, dumbly staring at Neil’s fine ass as the man walked out of his office. How in Tartarus was he going to get through the day without jumping Neil’s bones? Or bone, as the case may be.

He took a deep breath as Neil picked his way through the cubicles outside his office. He’d just have to keep the bigger picture in mind—a committed relationship with both Neil and Talia.

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