Read Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf Online

Authors: Jana Leigh,Rose Colton

Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf (13 page)

BOOK: Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf
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Chapter Twelve


"We have confirmed from our source the celebration is set to take place on Friday,” Diavolo's second-in-command stated as he entered and sat down. “Cat will be back where she belongs soon. What have we heard about Frederica?”

The woman who stood before him looked bored and stared at her nails. “She is amazing, and wonderful. Her food is enough to make you cry, blah, blah, blah.”

Diavolo was sitting behind his desk and he leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers in thought. “I need to know about her powers.”

Fine, tomorrow I will find out,” the woman said and began to walk away.

Diavolo shot out of the chair, grabbed the woman by the back of the hair, and growled at her. “You will find out, or I will kill you.”

The woman finally whimpered and realized she may have underestimated the control she thought she had. Information was power, or so she had always thought. However, in this case, being a fucking psychopath may trump the information part.

No more excuses, you will get me what I need,” he said and then pulled her head back until she thought it would snap.

Carson stepped forward and said, “Sire, she will be missed.”

Diavolo released her with disgust, “Go.”

The woman nodded and fled the room quickly.

He was pleased with Carson; he had proven himself a good second-in-command. He had a good head on his shoulders. Carson had been instrumental in choosing and recruiting the inside help they now had from the new compound where Orfeo thought he was going to build his Senate. "Excellent. And our other matter, it has been dealt with?” Diavolo asked.

Carson shook his head. "Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate where they have taken her. It seems that after she boarded the plane in Denver, the pilot was able to change flight plans after making it into international waters. I have eyes out and should hear something soon."

Diavolo frowned. This was not the news he wanted to hear. They had to find that little bitch before she was able to reveal things he was not ready to have revealed. Unfortunately at this time, he needed Roarke and his resources in order to achieve his own agenda. "Be sure to stay on top of that. We cannot afford to allow her to keep breathing for much longer. She could ruin everything. Now, regarding Friday, is everything in place?"

"All is exactly as you requested,” Carson informed him.

"Excellent. Now all we have to do is wait.” Diavolo smiled a satisfied smile. In just a couple of days, his dreams of the future would begin to come true.


Chapter Thirteen


Jax smiled as she closed her notebook. "I know I've said it before, but are you sure you want to do all of this?"

"Are you kidding? I am honored and excited to be able to do this. This is something I know and love doing; I can't wait to get started. As a matter of fact, I'm going to try out a couple of dishes tonight and see what Marshall and Bane have to say,” Fredi said then took another sip of her coffee.

"I'm excited, too. I mean, we had planned what I thought was a good menu, but I love your suggestions even more. Thank you so much for doing all of this. Cat will be so excited. I am going to go back over and meet with the house staff about the decorations. If you need me all you have to do is call.” Jax stood and gathered her things.

Fredi assured her everything would be okay and closed the door behind her. She turned toward the kitchen and felt the little tingle of excitement she got every time she began to cook. After talking with Jax the other day when Cat left, they had arranged for her to order the supplies she needed. Now everything was on the kitchen counters waiting for to get started. Both men were out for the afternoon and wouldn't be back until dinnertime. It was time for some fun.


Jax was exhausted as she entered the cozy cottage she now called home with Dante and Brin since they had moved to the Senate compound. She was elated now that she had finalized all the plans for Cat's birthday—
it was going to be perfect

As she sat her packages on the table in the hallway, a strong pair of arms encircling her waist surprised her. She gasped as she was hauled up against a strong, lean body and then smiled as she smelled the earthy scent that belonged to Dante. He leaned down and began to kiss her on the neck as she reached behind her to run her fingers through his hair.

"Where have you been? We have been waiting,” Dante growled against her skin.

She giggled as she turned in his arms to face him. "I had some last-minute errands to run for Cat's party. I take it dinner is ready?"

She felt as another body enclosed her from behind. "Of course it's ready and on hold until we are ready to eat it,” Brin informed her as he ran his hands around her waist and up to cup her breasts.

"Well then, it seems we have time for an appetizer,” Jax said with a wicked grin as she turned and crooked her finger for them to follow, and began walking toward their bedroom, stripping her clothes off as she went.

Dante grinned and nodded. “I think she needs a little discipline.”

“What are you talking about, ‘I need a little discipline’?” Jax scoffed.

Dante drawled and began to walk toward her. “You kept us waiting. Besides, you are already undressed, if you weren’t ready for your punishment, you should have stayed dressed.”

While she’d been looking away from him, Brin began undressing. His boots, jeans, and shirt lay on the floor. He stood beside her and nipped her earlobe. A zing went straight down to her pussy. “You should have told us you were going to be late.”

She tried to move away from him, but he held her chin tight, and his mouth captured hers for a deep kiss. A shiver of anticipation ran over her. Her hands started to push him away, but forgot what they were supposed to do. Her fingers brushed across the soft hair on his chest and teased his nipples.

Brin reached behind her to unsnap her bra. He pulled it over her head and off. Then he carried her to the bedroom and threw her to the middle of the bed, while she squealed and laughed—he was growling at her.

“See how much we want you. And you want us. I can smell your desire. Your nipples are swollen with longing for me to tease them,” Brin said and laughed when her eyes grew big as Dante joined him at the end of the bed.

Holy shit, they were dangerously fuckin’ handsome
. She was just as aroused as they apparently were.

His words ratcheted the heat level inside her to on fire.

Brin straddled her body and looked down. She almost felt him touch her with his intense stare. “Pinch your nipples. I want to see you.” Dante laid down next to them so he could watch.

I wanna see it, too, baby, now go on, before you add some more punishment to your total,” Dante said huskily. He kissed her passionately before pulling back and waiting.

Brin’s command had her shivering with excitement. Her hands cupped her breasts while her thumbs stroked her nipples. All the muscles below her waist clenched tight as she watched his eyes turn to liquid silver. She turned her head and looked at Dante, who was staring intently at her fingers.

Move one hand down and grip my cock.” Brin’s husky voice brushed across her skin like warm silk. She gripped him firmly and began to move her hand up and down. The muscles of his face drew taut with desire.

Oh, sweetheart, you are fuckin’ amazing. Dante, her hand still has the magic touch.”

Brin leaned down to her chest and brushed her hand aside. His mouth covered her taut nipple and sucked on her breast. Like a line pulling tight, she felt the tug in her pussy. Jax could feel all the thoughts leaving her head except for the one that mattered,
He went back and forth between each breast, giving each one attention.

Jax rubbed across the top of his penis again as he paid attention to her breasts, along the sensitive underside her finger glided slowly, teasing him a little like he was her. He groaned and his tongue flickered around and over her nipple more quickly.

Brin raised his head and caught her chin in his warm hand.

“I love you,” he said huskily.

Her body throbbed with need and burned with the fire he’d kindled inside her. She was wet with the juice from her desire. Her pussy lips ached to clamp around his hard cock. She tried to think clearly, but her mind screamed to take him inside her.

She pulled his head down close to her lips. “Take me, damn you,” she whispered the words.

He bit her lower lip and whispered back, “Anything to please my mate.” He spread her legs wide and plunged deep. Her body arched with the intense pleasure. She pulled his hips tighter, pulling him in even more. All the time an unseen wire connected their eyes.

Pulling her legs up to his wide shoulders, he sank as deep as he could go. Then just as suddenly he pulled out. He moved down her body, bent his head to suck her clit, and tasted her sweet honey. His mouth and teeth teased, tasted, and sucked all along her pink folds and across her nub.

Jax screamed for him to take her, but he only laughed and continued to torment her, bringing her to the edge, backing down, and then doing it again. Finally, when she thought she’d explode, he moved to her opening and slid back in. This time he moved slow and easy. Her pussy clamped around him, and her inner muscles trembled against his hot cock.

“I love you, sweetheart,” he said, as he went in all the way, and she split apart with the deep ecstasy of her orgasm. From a distance, she heard his shout of release.

“You two are having too much fun without me,” Dante grumbled.

Jax managed to turn her head in the direction of Dante. He was showing the softer side of himself since he had a pouting look on his face.

Brin rolled off her and smiled across at his mate.

Then both men turned and stared at her, but Dante said and then rolled closer to her and pinched one of her nipples, making her squirm. “My turn, baby.”

His lips nuzzled at her neck, and he chuckled.

Their scents and warm bodies enveloped her, and her head and body responded immediately. She felt her pussy pulse with a craving to have one of their hot, hard cocks inside her.

Dante’s mouth traveled down her body. At the juncture to her thighs, he separated her pink folds and rubbed his thumb across her clit. She moaned. Brin had moved to her breasts and suckled one while he teased the nipple of the other. A tremor started inside her pussy and traveled to every nerve. She had a voracious hunger for her two men that both thrilled and frightened her.

Her legs were spread wider. Dante quickly lined up and placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He began to move in slowly as Brin kissed her mouth, and moved his tongue in and out to match Dante’s rhythm below. Brin still rubbed across her taut nipples and Jax was sure that at any moment she’d explode with the tension building inside her.

“Let go, sweetheart,” she heard Brin’s voice in her ear after he pulled away from the kiss. Dante moved faster and deeper, and a tide of pleasure shook her and sent her over the edge once again. Then she heard Dante groan out his release.

The inner walls of her pussy clenched around his cock and held as soft ripples continued to roll through her. She savored the feeling of being held close in their embrace, a warm, sexy cocoon to rest in and catch her breath. However, it didn't take long before reality intruded.

“See how nice we are. Now, let’s talk about your blatant disregard of informing us you would be late for dinner, we didn’t know where you were at. And just so you know, we have to plan the security for the party, so you don’t get to just run willy nilly all over the place,” Dante said, flipping her so quickly she felt dizzy. He smoothed his hand over her ass and she yelled.

“Don’t you dare, I swear on all that is holy, if you spank me I am gonna kick your ass. And why the fuck is willy nilly, and why are you talking like that?”

Dante and Brin chuckled. “Now, sweetheart, we just want you to understand that we are a team and so therefore, you will listen to what we say and suggest. It won’t work any other way, and Brin read a book saying we should be gentler with you,” Dante said and she felt the first spank hit her cheek.

Instead of crying out, Jax moaned. She felt the heat begin and wiggled her ass a little bit to tease them. “Yeah, like this is gonna help. Real gentle.”

“This may be," as another spank was place on the opposite cheek. "And I am pretty sure the gentler was supposed to come in earlier when we were supposed to be discussing things calmly,” Brin said.

“The fuck you say?” Jax yelled as she began to feel the heat rising from the skin where she was smacked.


Chapter Fourteen



The men left to go to Bane's office and she was able to dress in shorts and a t-shirt for her run. She was energized after having finalized the menu for the party and wanted to run free for a time to get her thoughts in order. They had decided to have their ceremony of joining the Senate tonight, before the party. It would be a good way to distract Cat. But they wanted little fanfare, because they felt like someone in the compound was giving the Rogues information. It was going to be simple yet tasteful.

She even pulled out the dress Jo bought for her when they went out shopping. Fredi protested but Jo insisted saying, they had never gotten to have the sister’s time together, and being the big sister, she was allowed to spend whatever she wanted on her sister. She loved the dress though, a bright fuchsia, which was a color she had never worn before. The black high heels she had would look perfect with it. Her men were wearing suits and, damn, they would look sexy.

She stepped out of the front door and nodded to Thomas, who was ready and would be her guard. She wanted to roll her eyes, the self-defense classes were paying off, she had learned a lot of new techniques.

Smiling, she started at a slow pace to make sure Thomas could keep up and when she was assured that he was indeed fit enough to keep pace, she increased it. She ran along a small stream that ran behind the villa. The landscape was beautiful, tall trees covered the area as well as many flowers that were in full bloom. She saw there was a cut path down by the stream and kept to it. It was well worn and perfect for jogging, no one else was around. She could hear Thomas breathing and his footfalls behind her, which was in some way comforting.

She became lost in thought over her two men and how things had progressed. She loved the time that they'd had together. When she was younger, she knew Sasha and Tom were always there for her, but she wanted a family of her own, and she had gotten one.

Because of her father, friends were a luxury she could not afford. Her father's visits were short and far in between. Not that she blamed him, after seeing what Mia had gone through she was certain the Rogues needed to die. It made her sick to her stomach thinking she was related to Roarke and Tina. How had three siblings turned out so differently? No, she was not going to feel sorry for them, they were monsters.

She had longed for a family of her own, and now she had that with her men and the people of the compound, there was no way she would give that up. She couldn't wait to see them so she could tell them how she felt and show them, once again. Maybe they would have time before they had the ceremony to have a little lovin.’ She had a big grin on her face as she rounded the bend in the path and thought to turn around. She turned, jogging in place and smiled at Thomas.

"You doing okay?” she asked, then laughed when she saw the redness of his face, and the wetness on his shirt.

"I am fine. We can keep going if you want,” he said as he huffed out a breath. Then he bent over, trying to catch his breath. “Really, I am good.”

"No, I'm going to turn around here and head back. I want to begin preparations for tonight. I hope Cat will be surprised.” She giggled, not being out of breath at all, and at his nod, she began to run back the way they came.

As they came around the last turn heading back toward the villa, she saw Suzette coming from Bane's office.
What fuck was she doing there
? Bane had assured her that he had released her from service. Fredi felt the small twinge of jealousy at seeing the beauty of Suzette. She reached up and lightly touched the spot where Bane had fed from her that morning. Was she not enough? What was he not telling her?

She slowed in front of the cottage and began to do some cool down exercises. Thomas joined her and tried to draw her into a conversation about the party. She participated with one-word answers and a couple of mumbles as she thought over the situation. In the end, she straightened up and informed him that she was going in to take a shower and to start preparing food for the party. Her desire to have a little fun had left her, and she was one pissed off wolf.

BOOK: Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf
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