Read Filthy Bastard (Grim Bastards MC) Online

Authors: Shelley Springfield,Emily Minton

Filthy Bastard (Grim Bastards MC) (5 page)

“It’s nothing, Trix,” I continue to lie as my heart beat speeds up. “Just a lot of shit on my plate, nothing more.”

As quick as lightening, her arm reaches out and she attempts to pull my phone from my pocket. It only takes her a second to get it, but there is no fucking way I’m letting her look at my messages. I grab her arm and give it a twist, using every trick she ever taught me. We wrestle for a minute, before I finally get it back and shove it in my pocket.

“That’s enough,” I shout as I take a step back and slap her hand away. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Trix?”

“I want to know who’s texting you and freaking your ass out,” she explains as she crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m your best friend, and watching you fall apart is killing me. I wanna know why it’s happening. I deserve to know.”

Knowing I have to come up with something quick or my best friend will tackle me to the floor to get her way, I lie my ass off. “It’s Mom. She wants me to move home after graduation, and she won’t get off my ass about it.”

Trix’s shoulders relax and she says, “Well, too bad for her. Your ass is moving in with me. We’ve had this planned forever, so she is just going to have to get over it.”

“Damn straight, babe.” I paste a smile on my face and lie. “As soon as we get our diplomas, we’re getting our own place.”

Trix doesn’t know about my plans to run away with Alex and the baby, and she’s not gonna know until the day we leave. It’s too dangerous for her to know anything right now. I’m afraid to even mention it to her. If I say anything about Blake or about Alex’s plans to leave him, I may end up blurting out the whole ugly truth. If she ever found out about what Blake has been doing, what I’ve been doing for him, she would go fucking insane. So even though I hate lying to my best friend, I’m going to keep doing it for as long as I have to.

“You know it.” She smiles back then turns toward the door. “Dad even said he found a place not far from the clubhouse. He’s been wanting to buy it for a while, so he said the rent will be pennies on the dollar compared to what we would pay somewhere else.”

We both walk in silence for a few minutes, my mind going back to the last time I saw Alex. She was thin, too thin. Well, everywhere except her stomach. Her baby bump was huge, causing her to waddle with each step she took. Her eyes no longer have the shine they always used to. Now, they are flat, as if every bit of life has been sucked out of her. Still, she wasn’t sporting bruises. I haven’t seen one on her since the day I first met Blake at a hotel. He promised he wouldn’t lay a hand on her again, and as far as I know, he hasn’t.

I’m still thinking about my sister as Trix and I walk out to the parking lot, trying to figure out how we are going to do what we have planned without getting caught. I’m also thinking about the baby, been thinking about him a lot. How in the hell are we going to keep Blake away from his own child?

As soon as our feet hit the pavement, Trix looks back at me and shouts, “Hurry up, Adyson. You know I have to study.”

I hate when she calls me by my full name, and I’m about to remind her of that fact, when I notice a large black van driving slowly through the mall parking lot. As it creeps up the row beside us, I swear I can see a man in the driver’s seat, staring right at Trix and me. A sense of forewarning fills my body as I notice its lights are off. Something about it just has me on edge.

Knowing that I am just getting weird about nothing, I look to Trix and glare. “Don’t call me Adyson. You know I hate it when you do that. I don’t know why you’re in such a rush. You know you don’t need to study any more than I do.”

Trix looks at me and shakes her head. “You know how my dad is. If I don’t pass these finals with flying colors, he’s gonna have a shit fit.”

I roll my eyes at her words and the idiocy behind them. Unlike my mom and dad, Hoss would love Trix no matter what. She could spend the rest of her life as a lunch lady at the local elementary school, and he’d wear a smile. As long as she was happy, she could do any damn thing she wanted. The only thing he wants for his daughter is for her to live a good life, one where she can find the happiness she deserves. I wish like hell my parents felt the same way.

“What’s he gonna do? You know all you have to do is smile at your dad and he gives in,” I say with a shrug, knowing she’ll have no real answer.

We continue to argue back and forth, more out of habit than anger, until the sound of screeching tires fills the air.



across the parking lot. “That’s her.”

My eyes land on a blonde and a redhead, walking out of the mall side by side. Both are carrying bags as they talk to each other. They keep bumping into each other and laughing, letting me know they’re as close as sisters. But, they couldn’t look any more different. Both of them are beautiful in their own right, but still different as fuck.

“The blonde, right?” I ask, pretty sure he said she was blonde.

“Yeah, the one that every brother from here to Texas wants to sink his dick in,” Cranks says, smirking at his own words. “I know I wouldn’t mind getting a piece of her. Hell, I’d fuck her so hard, she’d be feeling me between her legs for weeks.”

Trix, Hoss’s daughter, is just as fucking hot as I have heard. She couldn’t hold a candle to the redhead, though. The chick couldn’t be more than an inch or two above five feet, with a nicely rounded body. Her deep red hair almost appears black in the dim lights of the parking lot, hanging in gentle waves down her back.

She’s wearing a snug, bright orange t-shirt with the University of Tennessee written across her luscious tits. It has to be at least two sizes too small, making her assets even more noticeable. Her ass is covered in tight denim shorts, showing off all her curves. The sway of her hips, from left to right, has me mesmerised. I swear the sight of her has my cock standing at attention.

“Yeah, we need to follow her. We can force her to pull over as soon as we get away from all these eyes,” I tell him, trying to get control of my body. “Maybe she’ll be alone then. Even if she’s not, at least there won’t be witnesses.”

“That could take forever. You know how bitches like to talk.” Crank lets out a deep breath and shakes his head. “Fuck that. We’re doing this now.”

Not giving me time to say a damn thing, he speeds up, jerking the van in behind them. The tires squeal as he stops and swings his door open. A smile spreads across his face as he turns to me and says, “Let’s have some fun.”

“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask, jumping out of the van. “Crank, you stupid motherfucker, I’m gonna kill you.”

He doesn’t respond to my threat, just runs after Hoss’s daughter. I watch for a second, wondering what in the hell just happened. “We’re in the middle of a fucking parking lot.”

He ignores me, pulling Trix into his arms. I watch, still so damn shocked, as she starts to fight him. Then a scream draws my attention to the redhead. I look around, noticing some people walking out of the mall. A few are headed our way. Fuck, its clean-up time.

Two steps, and I’m pulling the redhead in my arms. “Shut the fuck up.”

She turns into a wildcat, kicking and biting anything she can. When her teeth sink into my arm, I pick her up and hold her close to my chest. “Settle your ass down, and I won’t have to hurt you.”

Of course, she doesn’t listen. Her hand pulls from my hold, and she rakes her nails down the side of my face. I can feel the flesh rip as she goes for another swipe. I catch her hand, giving her wrist a brutal squeeze, drawing a scream from her throat.

“I don’t want to hurt you, so don’t make me,” I tell her, anger filling my voice.

“Take your hands off her!” Trix shouts at me as she continues to fight Crank.

“Please, let us go,” the redhead whispers as she sags in my arms.

I look down at her face, and the air rushes out of my body. Never have I laid eyes on anyone or anything so fucking beautiful. Her skin is like the expensive porcelain that covers the counters at my parents’ house, the palest white, with freckles lightly scattered across her nose. Her eyes remind me of freshly tilled earth, with dozens of different shades of brown swirling around in them. Long lashes surround them, making the dark orbs stand out even more. Her lips, her fucking lips, look like they were created just to be wrapped around my dick.

“I can’t let you go, sweetheart, but I’ll keep you safe if you quit fighting me,” I promise her, looking deep in her eyes.

Trix screams something, drawing my attention to her and Crank. He says something to her, something I can’t hear. She balls up her hands to hit him, but he pulls back his fist and sends it right into her temple before she can swing. A second later, she is crumpling to the ground.

Crank’s eyes move to me, and he says, “That’s how you handle a bitch.”

The redhead whimpers as I shout at Crank, “Get her and get your ass in the fucking van.”

I carry my burden and watch as the brother I’ve grown to hate tosses Trix into the van. I wait until he steps back, and bark, “Get their fucking bags and toss them in, then get your ass in the passenger seat.”

I wait until he does as I say then place the redhead inside and whisper, “Just be quiet, okay. Everything will be fine.”

She lets out a little whimper as she crawls to her friend. I shut the door just as she brushes the hair out of Trix’s face. I do my best to swallow my anger as I make my way to the driver’s side. As soon as I slide into the seat, I take off.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” I ask, trying to keep my voice level.

He shrugs, leaning against the door. “Just doing what the Pres told me to.”

“He said easy, man,” I growl out, letting my anger show. “Does punching Hoss’ daughter sound easy to you?”

“She wouldn’t shut the fuck up,” he says with another fucking shrug.

My hands tighten on the steering wheel as I mumble, “You’re a walking dead man when Boz finds out what you did.”

“Aw, fuck, brother,” he growls out, crossing his arms. “Give it a damn break. We got the shit done and nobody got hurt.”

My anger rockets out of control as I jerk the van to a stop, right in the middle of the fucking road. Not even waiting for the wheels to quit rolling, I grab the front of Crank’s shirt and send my fist into his face. I hear the bitch let out a whimper as my knuckles connect with his already beaten face.

Looking straight into his eyes, I growl, “You knocked Hoss’ daughter out cold, motherfucker. How the hell can you say no one got hurt?”

“She’ll wake up, man,” he says, his body shaking with fear.

“How about the fact that you broke protocol and picked her up in the middle of a mall parking lot?” I ask, giving him a quick shake.

“She was there, easy pickings,” he replies, not quite meeting my eyes.

“We could’ve waited until she was on the road. Then, we wouldn’t have had the chance of any witnesses seeing what was going down,” I shout, wanting him to understand just how bad he fucked up this time. “Not to mention, we have two hostages on our hands now, and we were only meant to have one. Hell, we don’t even know who the redhead is.”

“I’m sorry, brother,” Crank says, trying to pry my hands off his cut. “It would’ve been better if we waited until she was alone.”

I give him another shake, making sure he is listening. “Boz is gonna flip the fuck out when he sees what you’ve done, and no one is gonna have your back.”

“You’re right, Brew,” he says, still trying to pull out of my hold. “I didn’t fucking think. I screwed it up, but it won’t happen again. I’ll explain everything to the Pres, make sure he knows it was my fuck up, not yours.”

Pushing him away, I pull a cigarette out and light it. It takes a few draws before I feel calm enough to open my mouth. I turn to look at him, huddled up against the door like a pussy. Just the sight of him makes me sick to my stomach. He wasn’t meant to be a Grim Bastard; he’s a disgrace to the cut.

Inhaling deeply, I let the smoke slide between my lips and say, “You may be my brother, but this was your last chance and you blew it. I’m done with your ass.”



think anything could be worse than being forced to be Blake’s whore, but being kidnapped just may be a tad bit more frightening. The guy that had a hold of me didn’t seem cruel, but the one that dealt with Trix seemed sadistic. I swear, his dick was hard as a rock when he tossed her into the van. That alone has me on the edge of hysteria.

The drive was scary as hell, and then we were pulled into an office. A large man looked over at Trix like she was a piece of meat. Seeing that caused my fear to ratchet up another notch. When she looked back at him with the same longing, I let out a relieved breath.

I’ve been friends with Trix since we were both in grade school. I’ve been at her dad’s clubhouse more times than I can count, but I wouldn’t call myself a biker chick. I’m just a friend that’s allowed to hang out from time to time. Still, I know enough to know my friend wouldn’t be looking at this guy that way if he was a threat to her or me.

When she says his name, Boz, I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. This is her man—the man she has been in love with for years. She talked about him all the time when we were kids. She still does when she’s had a few too many drinks. Every time, she tells me that she’ll never be able find anyone that could compare to Boz.

I finally let some of the tension drain from my body and draw in a deep breath. I’m still not happy about being kidnapped, still scared out of my mind. At least, now, I don’t have to worry about either of us dying at his hands or the hands of his club. At least, I hope like hell I don’t.

Trix and Boz bicker back and forth, my best friend not showing an ounce of fear. I cringe when she smarts off to him, and flinch when he puts her in her place. Still, I let out another relieved breath when he doesn’t hurt her. He doesn’t even lift a hand toward her, allowing me to think we are safe.

“Told you, you’d both be okay,” the man that grabbed me whispers. “Just stay calm, and you’ll be home before you know it.”

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