Read Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Online

Authors: K.C. LYNN

Tags: #New Adult

Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) (32 page)


Later I head back home with anticipation humming through my body. Even though I loved spending time with Grace and Kayla I missed Jaxson like crazy. I love the fact that when I get home I don’t have to hold my feelings in anymore. I can freely walk up to him and wrap my arms around him or plant a deep kiss on his sexy face. I never thought this day would come. As happy as I am, I’m also a little scared. Because I know that if something happens to end this -us- there will be no going back to being just friends. And the thought of not having him in my life again, causes a deep painful ache in my heart that I never want to experience.

My troubled thoughts come to an abrupt halt when I pull up to my house and get a look at the beautiful black motorcycle that’s parked at the end of my driveway. Excitement rushes through me as I exit the car and race up my front steps.

“Jax?” I yell his name as I bolt through my front door. He appears in the kitchen entry with a sexy grin wearing jeans, t shirt and his riding boots. I race towards him and launch myself in his arms. He catches me with a grunted chuckle that dies abruptly when I attack his sexy mouth. I kiss him deep and hard, showing him how much I missed him. When I pull away a big smile takes over my face, “Are you taking me riding?”

His ice blue eyes burn with desire, “I was going to until you just did that. Now I’m thinking I should just take your sweet ass upstairs for a ride instead.”

I giggle, “How about bike first, then bed?”

He smirks back, “Do you still have your helmet?” I nod. “Alright, bring it to me, I bought a blue tooth for it.”

“We can talk to each other now?” I ask in fascination.

He chuckles as he slides me down his body, “Ya, so run grab it for me and I’ll install it while you get dressed.”

“Eeek!” I squeal and clap my hands excitedly before running to get it.

A minute later I come back, handing him the pink helmet with the black face shield he bought me for my 17th birthday. Then I quickly bound up the stairs and into my room.
Hmmm, what am I going to wear?
I go through my fall clothes and decide on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a white tank top and my thigh high black boots. I grab my black leather bomber jacket to throw over my tank. Grabbing the loose waves of my hair I secure it in a low pony at the nape of my neck so it doesn’t interfere with my helmet.

Not even 10 minutes later I’m bounding back in the kitchen enthusiastically, “Ok I’m ready, can we go?”

Jaxson grins from my excitement. When he looks up at me, from my helmet, his smile dies and a look of pure hot lust takes over his face as his eyes roam me from head to toe.

I smile and lean against the wall, “Like what you see Jaxson?” I ask mimicking the words he has said to me all the times he’s caught me checking him out.

He gets up and starts towards me; reminding me of a wild animal stalking its prey. My heart rate kicks up and a familiar ache starts between my legs. He wraps his arms around me, his hands going to my ass as he pulls me against him and I feel his erection against my stomach.

“I always like what I see Jules, but fuck me, right now you look like every biker’s fantasy, and I so badly want to take you with nothing but those fucking boots on you.”

. Before I can think of something clever to say his mouth lands on mine with an intensity that sucks the breath right out of my lungs. I whimper and curl my fingers in his soft disheveled hair, giving in to the sensations that always wrack my body when he touches me.

Too soon he’s ripping his mouth from mine and staring at me with a fire that heats me from the inside out. “Let’s get the hell out of here before I change my mind and fuck you right up against this wall.”

Oh right, we’re going riding. I nod my head, arousal robbing me of any coherent words. Jaxson smirks then grabs my hand, leading me behind him as we make our way to the bike.

He puts the helmet on my head making sure the strap is secure. Even though I can fully manage to do this myself, I let him, because sometimes I really like it when he takes care of me. Putting on his own helmet he straddles the bike, looking bad ass and incredibly sexy. Since both of our face shields are still up I spot his smirk, showing me again that he knows what I was just thinking.

“Stop looking at me like that and get your sexy ass on this bike.” I giggle and flick my shield down getting on behind him. My feet go to the pegs and I wrap my arms around him, crushing the front of my body against his back. His hard stomach tenses underneath my hands. “Christ this is going to be a long fucking ride.” I smile when I hear his mumble clearly through the blue tooth. The loud roaring noise of the bike starting up causes a rush of adrenaline through my system. The dull ache I just had moments ago from Jaxson’s kiss in the kitchen comes pulsing to life from the vibration between my legs. Jaxson’s right, this is going to be a long ride.



An hour later we’re still riding. We just left the interstate and are heading up a curved road. The ocean below us gets further away as we head up the steep hill.

“Where are we going?” I had figured we were heading to a beach somewhere but clearly that’s not the case. I have no idea where we even are right now.

“You’ll see,” is the only response I get.

Smiling, I push the question from my mind and take in the scenery around me. The thing I love most about riding, besides being so close to Jaxson, is the whole world feels different. The fresh air feels cleaner, the sun feels warmer and everything just seems more… peaceful. You get a whole new appreciation for the everyday things around you.

Suddenly a lighthouse comes into our view and I get another rush of excitement, “Oh my god, shut up, Jaxson are you serious?”

He chuckles at my squeal and pulls into an opening off the road that’s completely deserted except for the single lighthouse. Before Jaxson has a chance to kill the engine I jump off and remove my helmet. Walking closer to the edge of the cliff I take in the most breath-taking view I’ve ever seen. I look back at Jaxson to see him still sitting on the bike, holding his helmet on his lap, watching me with a sexy smile.

“How did you find this place?” Ever since I’ve moved here I’ve wanted to visit a lighthouse. You would think with us being so close to the beach there would be lots around us, but there isn’t.

“Coop told me about it. He discovered it coming back from a party he had to break up, just a few miles up the road from here.”

“I can’t believe this has been here the whole time and we never knew about it.” I look up taking in the tall white lighthouse with black trim. The sun has started to set, making the light at the top more prominent.

Jaxson comes up beside me and takes my hand, “Come on,” he pulls me towards the entrance and we start making our way up a very long flight of stairs. I slow down every time I near a window, trying to get a peek of the view. Jaxson chuckles tugging my hand, “Be patient, we’re almost there.”

Sure enough a minute later we reach the top. My legs and lungs burn from our lengthy climb, proving I haven’t worked out in a while. But I don’t let it slow me down. I run through the small opening at the top and gasp at the view before me. The Atlantic Ocean stretches out before us, the crystal blue water seeming to go on forever. The clear sky glows orange from the sun that slowly has started to descend. Wanting to soak up everything about this moment I take off my leather jacket and lean forward against the railing. Raising my arms up and out at the side, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Even from this high up I can hear the crash of the waves as the warm ocean breeze blows gently across my face. I have never felt anything so warm and peaceful in my entire life and for one fleeting moment I think about my mother…
this is what heaven must feel like.

Right when I thought this moment couldn’t get any better I feel Jaxson’s arms come around me, proving me wrong. His body heat seeps into my back and his scent mingles with the salty ocean air. He pulls my pony tail out, freeing my loose waves from its hold, then pushes the gentle blowing strands to the side so he can rain soft kisses down my neck. Reaching up I curl my arm around his neck. His big warm hands slip underneath the bottom of my tank and slowly glide up on either side of my stomach. Goose bumps break out across my skin even though I only feel warmth from his touch.

“You’re so goddamn beautiful.”

A soft smile takes over my lips from his whispered words. Turning around I wrap my arms around his neck while his stay around my waist. He’s staring at me with an intensity that makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

At this moment I desperately want to tell him how much I love him. Tell him that I never stopped and I never will because it’s the gods honest truth. I will love this man until the day that I die, but I know he is not ready to hear that… not yet. So I swallow past the lump in my throat and try to put into words what I’m feeling, “I love that I am living out another beautiful moment of my life with you. Thank you for bringing me here.”

He rests his forehead on mine intimately, “You deserve a lifetime of these moments.” Before my emotions can take over he places his lips on mine and gives me the most beautiful kiss I’ve ever had. Soon we are shredding each other’s clothes and making love under the warmth of the sunset. He made love to me with a tenderness I had never known and I knew in this moment, with every fiber of my being, that Jaxson Reid loved me as much as I loved him.




Three weeks later I’m in the kitchen starting the preparations for Kayla’s and Coop’s engagement supper. I pushed the supper back a week since Grace had a hard time taking off the Saturday before, I didn’t want her coming here being drained after a long day at the diner.

As I’m peeling potatoes my phone starts ringing. The screen flashes an unknown number. I answer it politely even though I’m not expecting an answer. The last week I’ve been getting a hang up call at least once a day, sure enough the same thing happens again. Annoyed, I hang up and move back to my spot at the counter. At first I thought it was a wrong number or kids, but now I realize that’s probably unlikely. I know it’s something I should mention to Jaxson but things have been amazing for us the last 3 weeks and I really don’t want anything to strain it. I bend down to grab baking sheets from underneath my oven when something big and hard pushes against me from behind, startling a yelp from me. I reach out and grab on to the oven door to balance myself.

“You can’t stick this beautiful ass in the air Julia and expect me not to do something about it.” Jaxson’s rough erotic voice causes a delicious shiver to travel through my body.

Not being able to help myself I grind back against his erection. He groans digging his fingers into my hips. Smiling I grab his wrists forcing them to remove from my hips and turn around. “Behave. Kayla and Grace will be here soon.”

His hands span my hips again and lifts me on the counter, my arms wound his neck when he steps between my legs. “Then I guess we better make it quick.”

My giggle turns into a soft moan when he starts trailing his tongue along my neck, one hand cups my breast through my thin tank top. I move mine under his shirt and score my nails across his toned stomach. He growls and pulls the top of my tank down, freeing my breast, then sucks my nipple into his mouth grazing it with his teeth. I whimper and wrap my legs around his hips. Before things get too heavy the doorbell rings.

Jaxson tenses, “For fuck sakes.”

I respond by moaning in disappointment. He leans in giving me a long deep kiss on the mouth, which gets broken up again when someone starts pounding on the door frantically.

He growls, “We are fucking moving Julia and we aren’t telling anyone where we live.”

I laugh and trail behind him as he makes his way to the door. He swings it open aggressively. Grace steps back startled whereas Kayla has her hands on her hips and returns Jaxson’s glare, “Ya know Jaxson, you and this door locking business is starting to piss me off. There was a time where I could just walk in to my best friend’s house when I showed up. I didn’t have to knock.”

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