Read Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus Online

Authors: Leigh Foxlee Roxxy Meyer

Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus (32 page)

The retort I had ready dies in the back of my throat when I glance around the room I’ve entered. Stainless steel tables are strategically placed close to stark, black leather couches and chairs. And on these stainless steel tables are dildos and assorted sex toys like I’ve never seen. At least, I think they’re sex toys. In my marriage to Colby, the boys’ father, we experimented--I even proposed an open relationship when I found he’d cheated on me for a third time--but our tastes had been fairly vanilla compared to the assortment I gaze at now, mouth hanging wide open.

He gestures for me to sit in a chair opposite a plain, wooden desk. “As you can guess, I’m not big on subtly,” he jokes, indicating the toys on display. “But I believe in giving full disclosure to all applicants as soon as they walk in.”

With a slightly shaking hand, I give him my resume. “Exactly what position am I applying for?”

Giving a vulpine grin, he ignores my question at first and extends a hand. When I take it, he brushes those soft lips just below my knuckles before he introduces himself. “Luke Wesley, but my good friends call me Dom Luke.” He used my hand to tug me closer to the desk. “And you’re applying, my dear, to test out designer sex toys.”

At this point, I’m sure I’ve given him my deer in the headlights stare.


Surrender Series Volume 2: Surrender Ever After

Surrender Ever After, the complete Surrender Series Volume 2, by Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer includes all four stories of Carrie Brannigan’s experience as Dom Luke Wesley’s mistress, sex toy employee, and lover. She is torn between him and down to earth carpenter, Jake Black, who also comes to work for the eccentric British dom, and to be seduced by him. Within the halls of Surrender Sanctuary can this trio fall in love, or will hot tempers and guarded hearts force them to separate?

Surrender To His Proposal
(Surrender Series Part 1) by Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer

Carrie Brannigan is a single mom raising two boys after her husband suddenly leaves her right after her mother’s funeral. Money is scarce, and if she wants to fix her house and put her son Preston in hockey, she’s going to need a second job. A strange advertisement in the paper offers her just such an opportunity, but how will her best friend Jake Black, a carpenter she rents her garage apartment to, feel about her taking a job testing sex toys for an eccentric dom who also designs said pleasure devices?

Surrender To His Wants
(Surrender Series Part 2) by Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer

In Part 2 of this series, Jake is hired by Dom Luke Wesley also, and things heat up to scorching when he and Carrie must test out pleasure devices along with the enigmatic dom.

Surrender To His Lust
(Surrender Series Part 3) by Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer

In Part 3 of the series, Jake storms out of the house and Carrie must perform at Dom Luke’s sex club without him. Dom Luke takes her inside the Pleasure Dome, a sphere that delivers ecstasy in many ways. Then Jake shows up at the club to challenge Luke, and things get hot between the trio on the club’s dance floor. Plus a new nanny threatens to break apart the bond building between the three.

Surrender To His Love
(Surrender Series Part 4 - Finale) by Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer

In Part 4 of the series, Jake is caught in bed with the nanny, who he moves in with, but he returns to perform with Carrie and Dom Luke for the major shareholders of Surrender at the exclusive Sanctuary resort. Can the dom bring his two lovers back together, or will the three part ways after their play is done?

Surrender Ever After (The Complete Surrender Series Volume 2)

Surrender Ever After, the complete Surrender Series Volume 2, by Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer includes all four stories of Carrie Brannigan’s experience as Dom Luke Wesley’s mistress, sex toy employee, and lover. She is torn between him and down to earth carpenter, Jake Black, who also comes to work for the eccentric British dom, and to be seduced by him. Within the halls of Surrender Sanctuary can this trio fall in love, or will hot tempers and guarded hearts force them to separate?

The bonus story shows the characters ten years later, at the wedding of one of Carrie’s sons.


Read an excerpt from a sizzling Wild & Lawless release
Surrender To His Command
by Leigh Foxlee.

Surrender To His Command

(Surrender Series Volume 3)

By Leigh Foxlee

So your friend owns this place?” My eyes grow wide as I follow him and take everything in.

Yup. It’s a part of the Surrender Inc. franchise. Ever heard of it?” He opens a door made of dark walnut and stands aside so I can enter.

No.” I take a cautious step over the threshold. “What’s Surrender Inc.?”

My arms brushes over his chest as I walk by and I feel the fine dusting of hair on his chiseled pecs tickle my skin. My face heats and my body feels electric, but I hope I don’t show the effect he has on me. He’s shirtless today, clad in only a pair of tight fitted leather pants. I try not to stare at his chest too much either.

He stops me with a hand snaked around my shoulder. “It’s a sex club and resort franchise. My buddy only owns the one club, but he knows some of the major shareholders. The richest of rich come to play at the main resort, Sanctuary. Or so I’m told. I’ve never been there.”

I simply nod and swallow hard as my gaze takes in the playroom and its contents.

I don’t know a ton about BDSM, but I know enough from the erotic romance I’ve read, and some of Jeanie’s dirty magazines, to know a spanking bench when I see one. There’s also a rack that reminds me of medieval torture devices. A cross with shackles for wrists and ankles. And stocks. Glass cases line the walls and these are filled with whips, collars, handcuffs. He explains more about the room’s contents as he leads me around.

Pick your pleasure,” he says, stopping in front of me.

The heat from his body makes the tiny hairs on mine stand on end. I try to breathe normally, act cool. This is just practice after all. Not the real thing.

Still, I stall for time. “Why do you need to practice anyway? How can someone be a failure dominant?” I regret the last sentence the moment it leaves my lips.

He glares at me, purses his lips, then his face becomes an aloof mask, but I can still sense the anger simmering under the surface. “Some of my clients feel I’ve been too soft on them. I need to learn not to hold back. To respond to my submissive’s wants and needs by observing their cues and better communication. Failure is not an option.”

He sounds like Arnold Schwarnehager in a bad sci-fi movie, but I don’t tell him that. I have the good sense to bite my tongue this time. However, I can’t help but ask, “What happens if you do fail?”

He looks annoyed, but he holds the mask of aloof calm, control. “Then I’m out a job, or I go back to tending bar at this place. And this job pays better than the bar tending. So you’re helping me as much as I’m helping you. See?”

The arm around my shoulder slides to my waist, raising tiny goose pimples down my back as it does. I suck air between my teeth.

Who’s paying my salary then?” I’m curious, but I also still don’t quite trust him.

He can tell, and little wrinkles form at the bridge of his nose as his frown deepens. “My buddy. He’s investing in me. Let’s put it that way. Let’s get started.”

I cast him a dubious look, but his stony face says more questions are not welcome. His elusive buddy makes me suspicious, but I decide if payment is late or anything goes wrong, I’m out of here and out of this job faster than you can say chocolate and peanut butter. I have the weekend off from both my other jobs--wonder of wonders--but I haven’t given my notice yet, just in case things don’t work out. Like I said, never trust a bad boy.

He crosses his nicely defined arms over his chest. “Have you decided?” Pins me with an intimidating stare.

My decision is based on my last assignment for my historical law class. I point to the stocks, hoping they’ll be the least harmful and compromising instrument of torture.

He nods and, taking my hand, leads me to it.

My heart does a double-time beat in my ears. “What am I suppose to do as your practice sub?”

He opens up the polished, pine stocks and gestured for me to get in. “I’m going to read your response and ask you how it feels. What you like and don’t like. What you want more of and what you don’t. We’ll have safe words you can use should you become uncomfortable with anything. Remember the ones I included in the contract?”

Vaguely, I do. We go over them again as I gingerly place my head in the cool bevel at the center of the wood then drape my wrists within the smaller notches. The stocks lower over my neck and I try not to panic as the hinges give a tiny squeak and he snicks the lock shut.

Breathe deep. In and out.
, I tell myself.

And now you’re going to … spank me?” I hate how meek I sound, but I admit the feeling of vulnerability that rushes over me at being bound this way is oddly enjoyable.

He crouches in front of me, takes my chin in his hand, grins as he gazes into my eyes. “You bet I am.”

So what’re you taking in college?” he asks as he walks toward a wall full of glass cases.

Law,” I simply say, not trusting my voice to get out much else.

He turns back to me, holding a paddle that reminds me of ping pong games played with my sister. “A lawyer, huh? I might have to spank you twice as hard.”

My cheeks flush with heat at his threat. “Haha. Like I haven’t heard a hundred or more lawyer jokes by now.”

He just gives a sexy grin as he shows me the paddle and then walks behind me. Every click of his boots makes my stomach tighten and my mouth a little drier.

Through my jeans, I feel the surface of the paddle skim over my butt. First one cheek and then he slides it across the other. My stomach grows tighter still and that traitorous thing between my legs tingles with more heat. I bite my bottom lip then clench and unclench my hands.

You ready, sweetie?” His voice is a sexy drawl that makes my nipples stiffen.

Ready,” I croak, thinking,
as I’ll ever be

The paddle skims up my back, charging my skin with electric energy as it slides across my thin t-shirt. He slips it down over my sides, down my hips. As he does so, one big leg nudges between mine. Our knees touch and then our thighs rub against each other. My sex screams to be touched. My nipples are aching. I bite my lip harder, wondering when the first whack will happen, when--


The paddle whistles through the air before it slams into my ass. A sharp sting radiates out from where it hits, and I cry out “Ouch!” He asks if I’m still comfortable with continuing and I say yes. The pain intrigues me, stirs my darker sexual fantasies I’ve never confessed to anyone. Not Ethan, not one of the bad boys I’ve dated.

He traces the paddle from my inner knee up my thigh and I tense. He promised no sex and no touching naughty bits. I fist my hands, waiting, wondering if he’ll break my rule and what I’ll do then. But just as the paddle sweeps to the mid-thigh of my jeans, he pulls it away and then swirls circles at the base of my spine.

How’s this feel so far?” he asks, his voice husky enough to do things to me. “Tell me what it’s like for you.”

I take three deep breaths before I dare speak. “It’s … interesting. I expected to hate the pain, be afraid of it, but I don’t and I’m not. I thought the vulnerability would be freaky, but it isn’t. I kind of like it.”

He chuckles low in his throat and the paddle slips down one butt cheek. “Are you turned on?”

I lick my lips, think about my reply. “That’s what you want, right?” Realizing how my question sounds, I quickly add, “For your clients to be turned on, I mean.”

The paddle touches a band of flesh poking out from beneath my t-shirt and I feel like my skin has been seared there.

That’s what I want.” He places his free hand at the small of my back and his heat melts through me.

I have to take my time replying or I know my voice will once more betray me. “Then, yeah.” Swallow. “I can see how this would be a turn on.”


The paddle leaves my butt again and I tense, waiting for what I know will follow. Almost looking forward to it. I squeeze my eyes shut and--


It lands even harder this time. It burns and smarts and my panties are so wet now. I have to chase traitorous fantasies of Rider from my mind. Him and I in my apartment. Me tied to my headboard as he kisses and licks his way down my body.


This time I gasp in response and my eyes fly open. I never thought pain could be so pleasurable. Oh, it hurts, make no mistake, but somehow the pain, the total surrender of my control to another, also makes me incredibly horny.

And conflicted. I’m a independent woman, and a few of my relationships in the past ended because my partner would try to control me too much. No one tells me what to do and when to do it. One guy even tried to cut me off from my mother, and he was jealous of the time I spent with my family. So controlling, dominant males tend to make me leery. One of the reasons for my swearing off bad boys. But with Rider, like this, I don’t feel threatened. I feel free and way too turned on for my own good!

Suddenly the stocks click open and cool air rushes over my skin as I’m set free. Rider stands beside me, offering me his hand.

That’s it?” I blurt.

He gives a small laugh. “You want me to spank you more?”

The blush burns from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. “Umm, no! No, of course not. I just wondered if we were finished for today.” I can’t meet his eyes as I get out of the stocks. He’ll see I’m lying about the spanking. I just know it.

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