Read Ex's and O'S Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

Ex's and O'S (30 page)


Les’ exasperation was clear in his voice, but his grey eyes sparkled even as his scowl deepened.

“It’s not my fault,” Adam said, nudging his erection with the back of his hand. “If you weren’t so fuckin’ hot I wouldn’t have this problem!”


Bailey Bradford



Les snorted then shook his head, taking another wary step back as if he thought Adam might pounce. And he might. “Don’t even think about it,” Les warned, shaking a finger at him. “Our door isn’t locked and your mom could and would walk right in here if we don’t get out

Adam blinked. “Ew.” She would do it, too. “Let me just splash some water on my

face.” It wouldn’t help much, but thinking about Charlene walking in on them? That was going to kill off his erection completely in a few more seconds. “So why are you looking forward to this? You never did say.” Adam turned the water on just enough to wet his hands so the noise wouldn’t blot out Les’ answer.

“Let’s just say
didn’t appreciate me telling him to shut up when we were at the hospital. Prick can hold a grudge.”

Adam swiped at his cheeks then scrubbed them dry with the hand towel before

turning back to Les. “Is he giving you crap, seriously? Because I don’t work for the guy and I don’t have to be nice, you know.”

Les shook his head. “Nah, not seriously—well, not now. The first day back wasn’t fun, though. I just know Howie got his rocks off over assigning me desk duty.”

Adam frowned until the thought of wrinkles had him smoothing his brow. “But you

were on desk duty, you weren’t supposed to be out—”

“Yeah, but I think he got a kick out of making sure I didn’t get up from that damned desk for anything other than breaks and bathroom runs.”

If that was all, then, Adam was going to thank the man. He had no doubt Les would have been ignoring the doctor’s orders and trying to save the world if he hadn’t been made to sit still. “Is that it? That’s the extent of his evilness?”

“Yup,” Les said, a grin teasing at his lips. “Actually, I’m just happy ‘cause I’m going to get to see him act all mushy, so that’s ammo right there. And,” Les took Adam’s hand and headed towards the bedroom door. “I get to call him

“Hmm.” Adam didn’t think that was going to go over so well, but it should be fun to watch.



Bailey Bradford



Les tried, he really did, but he couldn’t stop from smirking at the way the chief’s voice went all soft and almost…breathy, when he greeted Charlene. And the man damn near melted in is shoes when she called him
and planted a not quite chaste—
too much!
Les closed his eyes for a few seconds until Adam nudged him—kiss on Ewers’ lips. Les peeked and saw the man looked stupid goofy with love, or at least lu—
oh no, not going there

infatuation, then. That look changed to a warning glance when Ewers saw him.

“Les.” Ewers offered his hand, and maybe, if he hadn’t been trying to silence Les with a look, well, Les probably wouldn’t have stopped himself then, either.

He took his boss’ hand and knew he was wearing a shit eating grin when he said,


Ewers’ narrowed his eyes and growled.

“Cut it out, Howie,” Charlene scolded. She tapped his hand, still shaking Les’—as if he who let go first lost. “This caveman act doesn’t do a thing for me,” she proclaimed, but Les was pretty sure he detected something in her voice that proved otherwise. The chief, however, promptly dropped Les’ hand.

Then he smiled slowly, in a way which had warning alarms clanging in Les’ head. His eyes rounded and he almost couldn’t stop from slapping a hand over Ewers’ mouth.

, isn’t it?”

He would not blush. Would. Not. Not when Adam laughed and certainly not when

Ewers was grinning fit to split his face. Les kept his stoic expression in place even when he peeked at Adam out of the corner of his eye. The man looked happier than a pig in shit but before Les could get offended—well, he hated his middle name, too—Charlene stepped in front of Ewers. Les didn’t know what her expression was, but considering the way the other man stilled except for the nervous bobbing of his Adam’s apple, Les had to assume it was pretty damned scary.

“Is there something wrong with the name Eustace?” Charlene asked her date in a

voice that made Les’ balls want to crawl inside his body. He glanced at Adam, who now looked downright gleeful as he tipped his chin towards his mother. Les looked at the back of her head for a second then watched Ewers sputter.

“N-no, no its…well I…he—”


Bailey Bradford



Les decided having his hated middle name tossed out there was worth seeing his boss squirm.

“Good,” Charlene said then she turned and patted Les’ cheek. The serious expression she wore turned into on that clearly said,
got ya,
and she winked at him. “Eustace was my daddy’s name. Would have been Adam’s, too, if Daddy hadn’t talked me out of it. He didn’t want his grandson teased like he was.”

Les was fairly sure he heard Adam mumble “Thank God”, so he didn’t think Charlene was making the story up. And he didn’t blame Adam for being relieved, not at all, but he sure wasn’t going to say so when Charlene could hear.

“Now, if you two are done poking at each other, I’ve got dinner ready.”

Ewers looked duly chastised as he nodded at Les then followed Charlene into the

kitchen. Les turned and raised a brow at Adam. “Your grandpa was seriously named


Adam shrugged and hooked his arm through Les’. “I don’t know about seriously. I

always thought it was a cruel joke.” His fingers dug into Les’ ribs as Les tried to disentangle their arms. “Nah, it’s not such a bad name, just old fashioned. I kind of like it, even.”

Les quit struggling and gave his lover a disbelieving look. “That’s only because it isn’t your name.”

“Well, yeah,” Adam said with a snort. “But you make it sexy, as long as I block out the whole grandpa thing.”

Les could definitely help with that. He cupped Adam’s chin in his hand and tipped the man’s head back, intending to kiss away all his thoughts about names and family members. Adam’s lips parted eagerly and he slicked his tongue over the bottom one, leaving it glistening. Les lowered his head and let his lids droop shut as Adam’s warm breath gusted over his chin.

“Boys, I said dinner’s ready,” Charlene called out, sounding entirely too close. Les opened his eyes and caught sight of her grinning at them from the kitchen doorway. He sighed and dropped a soft kiss on Adam’s lips—he couldn’t not kiss Adam, not when the man was still standing there looking up at him with so much affection it warmed Les through to the soles of his feet.


Bailey Bradford



The brief kiss wasn’t nearly enough, but Charlene cleared her throat and Les found some restraint. He straightened up and rubbed his thumb over Adam’s lip. This was going to be a long dinner.



Bailey Bradford



“So, what do you think?” Adam asked after his mom left with Howard. He still wasn’t sure how he felt about her telling him she’d be back Sunday night. Adam couldn’t pretend his mom was spending the weekend with Howard playing pinochle.
Don’t think about it!

Les locked the deadbolts then turned and pulled him into his arms. He pressed a line of kisses across Adam’s forehead. “I think they’re crazy about each other, and that’s a good thing.”

Adam cocked his head back and looked up at Les. “Really? Even after Howard outed

your middle name?”

“To be fair, I started it. I’m lucky Charlene didn’t swat me or something.” Les’ breath wafted over the sensitive skin of Adam’s neck, sending goose bumps skittering down to his chest.

“That’s true. She’ll probably make up for it sometime and flick your nose when you aren’t expecting it.”

Les huffed and that sent more chill bumps over Adam, although this time they

seemed to converge on his nipples, beading them up and making them ache. Adam caught Les’ hands and dragged them up to his chest, pressing against those big palms. Adam rubbed against the touch like a cat demanding affection, and he got it. Les walked him back to the couch, then around it, all the while kissing his neck and jaw and working at Adam’s nipples until they were so hard he expected they’d stab right through his shirt. He grunted when his butt bumped the back of the couch, then Les left off torturing his tits in favour of unbuttoning Adam’s shirt.

“Lube,” Adam tried to say, because he knew this was going to be hard and fast—and damn, that made him quiver all the way to his bones. Les latched his mouth onto Adam’s throat, sucking on his Adam’s apple and stealing his breath.

One hand smoothed down Adam’s chest, parting his shirt, exposing his bare skin to Les. The other hand went to Adam’s belt, tugging until it was loosened. Adam tried to get his hands between them to help, but the jumble of fingers only frustrated them both. Les EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



growled and bit the base of Adam’s neck as he pushed Adam’s hands away. Adam arched his neck and dropped his hands to Les’ waist, then he tucked his fingers under the band of Les’ jeans and edged his hands around to Les’ ass.

“Mmm.” The small sound from Les vibrated along Adam’s skin. The scrape of Les’

teeth down his neck at the same time as Les finally got to his cock caused Adam to tighten his grip on the man in order to remain standing. Adam’s knees didn’t just feel week, they felt like they’d been removed or turned to jelly, something, he couldn’t think, not with Les tugging on his dick and sucking his way down Adam’s chest.

Adam shifted his grip to the back of the couch as Les bit at his nipple. He took turns nipping and suckling each one until Adam was light-headed from gasping. Les’ hands were busy as well, jacking him and squeezing his balls, driving Adam to the brink only to let up before starting the delicious drive towards climax over again.

Fingers digging into the padded material, Adam thrust into each stroke of his cock, his gaze hazy as pleasure shot from his groin and nipples, converging in the pit of his stomach only to shatter and spread out to his extremities. He opened his mouth to shout, his orgasm welling, threatening to crash over him—only to whine piteously when Les’ hands let go, to tug his jeans and underwear down.

Les licked a path down to Adam’s naval, his tongue delving in and his teeth catching at the pale strands of hair surrounding the divot. His hips were gripped firmly, Les’ fingers pressing hard against his flanks, bruising, marking him. Then wet heat surrounded the crown of his cock and Adam did shout, the sound torn from him as Les swallowed Adam’s length to the hilt.

Adam gave up his grip on the couch for fistfuls of Les’ hair. His hips were pulled, pushed, until his sex-dazed mind got the message and he began moving, pumping his shaft into Les’ willing mouth, burrowing the crown deep in Les’ throat.

“D-damn it,” Adam rasped, his body a confusion of pressing need for release and the desire to drag this out just a few minutes longer. Les did something, chuckled, hummed, Adam didn’t know, but it shot vibrations from his cock to his hole and his tenuous handle on his control snapped. He tightened his hands in Les’ hair and thrust harder, grunting, mindless with the pleasure that seared from his cock to his balls, back to his hole then shot up his spine. His back arched as he came, his hands loosening when Les pulled his head EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



back. Adam flooded his mouth with cum as Les swallowed eagerly. When the last jet of spunk shot from his cock, Adam slumped over his kneeling lover, boneless, unable to even think whether or not Les had come. His world was spinning, tilting—

Adam blinked away some of the post-orgasm haze and realised he was now bent over

the back of the couch. That answered his question about whether or not Les had come, didn’t it? But before he could even draw a breath, his ass was gripped in two strong hands, the quivering cheeks parted.

Something slick dampened the top of his crack. Les’ breath wafted over his wet skin.

Adam’s cheeks were spread wider, then Les licked down Adam’s seam to his hole. Les’

tongue jabbed at his opening. Teeth scraped at the wrinkled skin. Adam moaned and pushed back, wanting to feel Les penetrate him like this. His cock twitched and tried to rise, a valiant but unsuccessful effort.

Les licked and sucked Adam’s pucker, moaning as he did, thrilling Adam with the

knowledge that his man was as into this as he was. The tip of Les’ tongue speared into him, stiff and slick and soon joined by a finger that unerringly found Adam’s gland.

Adam whimpered and jerked his hips. “Please, please, Les, I need…”
More, anything,
Les worked another finger in and Adam bucked and keened as the digits brushed over his prostate.

“I know what you need,” Les said, his voice rough and deep, his lips branding

Adam’s skin. Adam howled as pleasure-pain bloomed out from where Les sucked hard on his inner ass cheek, no doubt marking him there. There’d be a purple bruise right by his hole, on the delicate flesh Les was still nibbling on. It fed a need in Adam, one he hadn’t known existed, to be marked and claimed in such a way. Les left off with a loud pop, then he bit the place gently, making Adam squirm—then that wonderfully possessive mouth was gone, and Adam’s outer thighs were being pushed together.

“Close them,” Les ordered in a tone Adam couldn’t have resisted had he wanted to.

Adam pressed his thighs together; his heart thudded in his chest, rattling his ribs. “Push that ass out for me. I’m gonna take you just like this.”

Adam closed his eyes and moaned softly. He’d be even tighter like this, and Les’ thick cock would feel like it was splitting him in two. Fuck, but he wanted to feel Les in him

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