Read Ex's and O'S Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

Ex's and O'S (18 page)

As discombobulated as Adam was at being told to take a fuck break, he wasn’t going to turn it down. And he wasn’t against hard and nasty fucking, not at all, and he hoped Les wouldn’t be either. They’d had their first time in a nice comfortable bed…as well as their second and third and…no, wait, the third was—

Oh damn. Just damn! He’d seen Les in uniform, and he’d seen him bare assed, but

there was just something about a man in tight faded Levi’s and a well-fitted plain T-shirt that just flipped every one of Adam’s switches. Les didn’t try to dress up the outfit, either, wearing only a simple leather belt and scuffed boots to finish it off.

He was, Adam thought, fucking perfect.
And he defended me, which shouldn’t make me so
horny I’m ready to cream, but it does! Fuck, it does!

“He swung first, I sw—”

Adam launched himself, forward, up, sure that Les would catch him. He did, with

only a slight grunt, then Adam’s mouth was tipped up in an offering Les didn’t refuse. A few brave souls let loose with catcalls and even a couple of suggestions, but Adam ignored them as he clung to Les and gave the man control of the kiss.

Les moaned into it, his tongue sweeping over the roof of Adam’s mouth. His fingers bit deeply into Adam’s ass cheeks, which were still a bit tender, but the pain only fuelled his need. Adam unwound himself from Les and started to drag the bigger man towards the EX’S AND O’S

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storeroom when it dawned on him that everyone would know exactly where they were

going and what they were doing—including Mr Talbot, who was still watching them.

The bastard looked plumb smug as he walked over. Adam darted a glance at Randy,

now slumped back in the booth. Guess brotherly love and concern only went so far.

“Stanton, Adam,” Mr Talbot said from behind Les. Les turned only enough to snarl

what sure didn’t sound like a greeting at Adam’s boss. Talbot just shook his head and looked like he wanted to roll his eyes but thought better of it. “Adam, I keep trying to give you hours to make up for last night, but maybe you should just go home—or wherever—tonight.

Certainly somewhere other than the storage room after getting everyone’s attention like that.”

“Storage room?” Les asked, looking confused and pissy and so sexy Adam could

barely stand it. “Why would we go into the stor—” Talbot glanced at Les’ groin, then Adam’s, then raised both eyebrows as he returned his gaze to Les. “Oh.” Les turned back to Adam, who figured he was definitely fired this time around. “Were we going to the storage room?”

He sounded so hopeful Adam couldn’t lie. “That was the plan, yeah, but then I

jumped you and put on a show and—”

“And probably you should just clock out and try again tomorrow night.” Talbot

shrugged when Adam looked at him. “I feel bad about my brother being a dick twice now.

He really did swing at Stanton first, which is why I just stepped back and let your man here try to teach him some manners. Doubt it worked, though he probably won’t mess with either of you again. So anyway, go on. I’ll clock you out myself. Looks like you two are very…

uncomfortable.” Talbot leered, which kind of creeped Adam out even as it made the guy, strangely enough, kind of hot.

Only kind of, though. And Adam was done contemplating that as soon as the thought hit his head. Instead he nodded at his boss, who he was pretty sure was teasing with the whole leering crap, then Adam was keeping a quick pace beside Les as they made for the front door.

“What about your stuff?” Les asked just before they stepped outside.

“Don’t have anything but my wallet,” Adam answered. “No need to change clothes

here, so all I brought is what I have on me.”


Bailey Bradford



“What about the condoms in your hand?”

“What?” Adam pulled his hand from Les’ and looked at the crinkled packages. Lubed, thank God! “Ah. Troy tossed these to me when he told me to take you in the storage room so we could work off some of our ‘energy’.”

Les stopped to consider that for a second then nodded. “I think I like that Troy guy.”

Then he grinned, which stunned Adam as effectively as a stun gun would have, and the next thing Adam knew he was ass over teakettle, draped over Les’ broad shoulder. What the hell?!

“Hey—hey!” Oh god damn it, that smack to his butt had Adam gasping, but not for


“Ohhh, someone looks like they’re having fuuu-uunn!” A voice sang out.

“Go away,” Adam snapped when he craned his head around and saw Billy, who

evidently had no qualms about driving to work in his little leather shorts.

“Be nice,” Les warned, then followed it with another swat. Adam squirmed on his

shoulder, trying desperately not to come. Normally he preferred to be the one delivering a spanking, although it wasn’t really his thing, so to find himself so stimulated by Les’ swats was fucking confusing as all get out. “Good to see you, Billy,” Les said. Adam grunted out something similar and was rewarded with a caress from the top of his ass to his knees. Then he was jostled, shifted, planted on his unsteady feet and pinned against the side of Les’

vehicle as Les cupped Adam’s jaw and tipped his head up and back.

Adam parted his lips and lunged forward what little bit he could, attacking Les’

mouth in a kiss that let it be known he was done going easy on the man.



Les didn’t know what had happened to turn Adam from a compliant and horny lover

into this aggressive, demanding, challenging one—but he liked it. A lot. Adam didn’t give him an inch of control, Les had to battle for it, nip with teeth and lips, take it when Adam did the same, and hold onto the man to keep him from getting free. Not that Adam wanted free, Les knew this instinctively. He wanted to be taken, to have a man stronger than himself seize control, and be able to trust that that man wouldn’t hurt him.


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Les could do that, and he did, pulling Adam so tightly to him the smaller man’s breath whooshed from his lungs. He lifted, with one arm around Adam’s back and his other hand clutching Adam’s ass. Adam’s feet were off the ground now, their dicks lined up perfectly.

Les had the thought that while he was the stronger of the two physically, in all other aspects, Adam was tops.

Which then made him think about Adam topping him just as Adam’s hands settled on

his butt. Les growled with a mixture of fear and pure arousal. He thrust hungrily against Adam, drawing a whimper from the man’s swollen lips. Les had to fuck him, now, before those hands kneading his ass massaged the fear of the unknown right out of him.

Setting Adam back on his feet, Les steadied him with one hand while digging the keys out of his pocket with the other. “Get in, get in,” he ordered as he pressed the fob and pulled at the door handle.

Adam fell into the vehicle then crawled over enough for Les to get in the driver’s seat.

Les shut the door and shoved the keys in the ignition. Before he could buckle up Adam’s hands were on him, jerking his belt open. A flick of his wrist and Les’ Levi’s were open, then Adam dived down and mouthed the tip of Les’ leaking cock where it peeked out past the elastic of his boxers.

“God, Adam, I can’t think,” Les gasped as hands and mouth, tongue and teeth

tormented his cock in the most delicious way.

“Good,” he heard Adam say, then the tip of that wet tongue delved into his slit.

Fiery heat ripped through Les, spearing his hot points—balls, cock, ass and nipples—

all of them throbbed with the need for more. He grabbed a handful of Adam’s silky hair and pulled, then did it harder when Adam only ignored the gentler attempt to dislodge him.

“Stop!” Les barked out, desperate to keep from coming just yet.

Adam gave his dick a last lick then sat up and grumbled, “We should have used the storage room. Your place is too far away.”

“It is.” Les was painfully hard and Adam couldn’t feel much different, not with the way he moaned when he scrubbed his hand over his cock. An idea clicked in Les’ head and he shot Adam a sly grin. “We’re going somewhere closer.”

It was a sign of Adam’s desperation that he didn’t question Les. The poor man

nodded and whispered ‘please’. Les put the vehicle in reverse and backed up, then he shifted EX’S AND O’S

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to drive and peeled out—only to pull off the road a few blocks away, in a shrubby area where he often sat in his cruiser, to catch speeders. He gave fleeting thought to the possibility of another cop seeking out the same spot, then jammed the gear in park and shut the truck off at the same time he killed the headlights. “Get out.”

Adam did, right behind him, touching and groping between Les’ legs, squeezing his balls from behind. Les choked out a curse word then span around and hefted Adam back onto his shoulder. “You still have those rubbers?”

“Yes,” Adam hissed, squirming, humping against Les’ shoulder. “Hurry up!”

“Bossy tonight, aren’t you?” Les topped the question off with a smack on Adam’s ass.

Adam groaned and retaliated with a sharp pinch to Les’ butt that made his knees go weak.

Damn, the man was challenging Les to overcome his fears whether Adam realised it or not.

Les reached for the tailgate handle and yanked it down. With no finesse at all, he put Adam down as well and turned him around. One hand pressed to his back, and Adam bent over, his chest resting on the hard metal. He cushioned his head with one arm and offered the condoms up in his other hand.

Les plucked one of the packages up then clamped it between his teeth. He reached

under Adam and unfastened his tight jeans. “Kick off your right shoe so I can—uhn…”

Everything misfired in his brain when he peeled Adam’s jeans down. The sight of those plump globes, the creamy expanse of skin framed by dark straps, was just too much.

Adam shifted and kicked Les in the shin while shedding his shoe, and that jarred Les’

out of his lusty stupor. He trailed a finger over the thin strips of material framing Adam’s ass, then further up. The thick waistband of the jockstrap was going to come in handy in a minute, he thought with a grin.

He got Adam’s jeans down and off one leg, then Les hurriedly sheathed his cock,

which he hadn’t bothered to tuck away after Adam had taken it out in the truck.
Shows how
much sense I have
. Whether it was good or bad sense, he couldn’t say, but at least it shaved off a few seconds of time until he could bury his cock in Adam’s tight hole.

“Hurry, Les, need you,” Adam moaned, spreading his cheeks wide. Dark or not, Les

could have sworn he saw Adam’s little pucker flutter. He licked his finger, drenching it as best he could, then rubbed the tip over Adam’s quivering ring. “Les, just fuck me already!”

Adam arched his back, offering his ass up, or, Les corrected, demanding Les comply, now.


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Les leant down and nipped at one of Adam’s stretched cheeks. Memories of licking

and kissing that sweet flesh pressed at him, and Les dipped down a bit more. He inhaled deeply, drawing in the musky warm scent of man, then promptly had to fist the base of his cock before he blew his load. Adam’s snug little pucker was only inches away from his lips, and Les couldn’t look away from the wrinkly skin. How had he ever managed to fit his dick in that tiny thing? And why, why was he getting closer and closer—

“L-les?” Adam squeaked, his whole backside quivering. His ass hole clenched,

fluttered… Les squinted, trying not to think about what he was doing, then the tip of his tongue flicked over one of the folds of skin. Les jerked back about an inch as Adam whimpered. That meant Adam liked it, didn’t it?

But did he like it? Well, Les reasoned, it wasn’t like he’d got a taste, not really. He shoved Adam’s shaking hands off the firm swells of his ass, and spread the man open even wider—then Les, with much less squinting or thought, bent down and laid a solid lick over Adam’s pucker.

“Les! Ohmygod! You don’t h-have t-to—” Adam’s protest turned into a sob, which

scared Les at first as he scraped his teeth over the man’s ass hole. He thought he’d hurt him, except Adam was grinding back against him, smooshing Les’ face into his crack. That wasn’t a sign of pain—that was a blatant plea for more.

Les gave him more, licking then sucking the crinkled opening, which Adam seemed to love, judging by the way he bucked and writhed and drove his hips back so hard Les was nearly toppled on his butt. A tiny part of him was just a little freaked out over what he was doing, but the majority of him was on board and cheering with each whimper, whine and moan from Adam. When Les finally worked up the courage to stiffen his tongue and poke it into Adam’s ass, Adam wailed loud enough to wake the dead. Les wanted to hear that sound again and again, but if Adam kept it up it could land them both in jail. Les was too far gone, too wrapped in need to worry about it. He stood up and pressed his dick to Adam’s hole, watching the way the moonlight glinted off the spit slicked skin. “Ready?” he rasped, because he’d had to stretch Adam’s ass last night, had worked several fingers in that hot hole.

Adam answered by shoving his hips back and sinking half of Les’ dick inside his

warm silk tunnel. Les shook as spears of ecstasy shot to his balls. He gripped Adam’s ass EX’S AND O’S

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harder and shoved his dick home, his hips slapping so hard against Adam’s cheeks he came off his toes and slid forward on the truck bed.

Les let go of Adam’s butt cheeks and grabbed the thick elastic of his jock strap, then pounded into Adam relentlessly. Adam’s grunts matched his own as Les fucked his lover.

Les used the band like reins, jerking Adam back into each thrust, grinding in small circles once he had his cock buried to the hilt. He rode Adam without rhythm, like a wild beast in rut, ploughing the tight velvety tunnel until his balls drew snug.

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