Read Ever Enough Online

Authors: Stacy Borel

Tags: #Contemporary

Ever Enough (23 page)

“I’m not saying that I deserved it Finn. What I’m saying is it’s too much. I’ve already told you I don’t want the money, and all of this feels like he’s trying to pay me off… like I was some sort of rent-a-wife for the past eight years and now I’m being returned.”

“Emilyn, listen to me carefully. You weren’t borrowed. You had a husband that unjustifiably
you. Now he’s paying for it. Okay so it’s with his money, but you deserve it. Use it to give your baby everything he or she needs. Okay?” He’d stopped eating while he spoke, but I had picked up my fork and dutifully ate my salmon for something to do.

“I guess I see what you are saying. I’ll think about it. But knowing that the money is coming from him, and how I got it, makes me feel dirty.” I shivered.

“There are plenty of things that could make you feel dirty Em, but money isn’t one of them.” I paused with my fork in the air, my mouth wide open.

“Finley Morgan!” He chuckled at me.

“Alright! Alright! So did the papers say when everything is going to be finalized?”

“As early as next week. It’s one of the perks of West being a lawyer. He knows the judges and probably managed to get this thing pushed through.” I grumbled my last statement. “I’m sure Julia is pressuring him to be done with me as soon as possible too.”

“I don’t see how anybody could want someone else over you.”

I let out a small bitter laugh. “You don’t have to say that, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

“You think I’m lying?”

“I think you’re trying to make a pregnant woman feel better about herself.” I reached over and patted his forearm. He tracked my movement with his eyes.

“I’m not feeding you lines Tiny Girl. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, baby and all! I’ll tell you that every day for the rest of my life if I have to.”

“I know you would, and that’s very sweet of you.” I sat back in my chair and looked at the table. We’d finished eating but I was feeling exhausted. “Do you mind cleaning up? I’m going to go take a long bath in that huge tub I haven’t tested yet.”

“Of course I don’t mind. Go relax and spend some time off your feet. You need to start resting more.” The concern in his voice made me melt.

I got up from the table and went and started running the water. When the tub was full, I sank into the hot water and enjoyed the steam rising around me. Lying there, I let my mind drift back to seeing Finn with just his towel on. He was a couple of inches taller than he was in high school. Naturally I wondered if
things had grown too. I didn’t have a whole lot of experience when it came to the naked male form. I’d seen a few in my life besides Finn and West, but could I really count the ones I’d seen on television? Either way, Finn wasn’t small. I remembered just how full I felt when he was inside me. I loved the feel of him moving in and out, hitting all those spots that made me quiver. He’d kiss my neck and move those talented fingers down to my clit and send me over the edge. West had never got me off like Finn used to.

I sat up feeling overheated and extremely aroused. This was getting ridiculous! I needed some relief and I needed it now! Harper had bought me a small vibrator when I moved into her house and said, “Here, take care of yourself. We’re all bitchy when we aren’t getting some,” before walking away. I’d laughed at the time, but now I was privately thanking her for being so intuitive.

Getting out of the tub and wrapping a towel around my body, I walked into the bedroom. Though it was cooler in here, my skin was still hot. I found the vibrator in the back of the bedside table and pulled it out, setting it on the bed. As I glanced at the door to make sure it was closed, I made a mental note to have a lock put on it. I couldn’t have anybody walking in on me while I was changing. Oh who was I kidding? I couldn’t have anybody catching me getting off either! Lying back on my bed I removed my towel and pulled the covers over the top of me.

My hand slid down my bare stomach and I lightly spread myself open. I was so freaking turned on that my fingers were already wet. Turning on my vibrator, I placed it on my clit and my hips tilted up of their own accord. I circled it around, letting it touch all of the small sensitive spots that made my body quake. I turned my face into the pillow and stifled a low moan. I was just about to slip it inside myself when a knock sounded at the door. I physically froze, and although I called out a response almost instantly, my voice was hoarse with arousal. “Hold on, I’ll be out in a second.” My heart jumped into my throat and I immediately sat up. I tried to quickly switch the vibrator off but my hands were shaking so badly that I didn’t have time. Finn opened the door and was standing with his hair in disarray and a wild look in his eyes. I hid my hands behind my back tightly gripping the vibrating object, hoping like hell that he couldn’t hear it. Unfortunately for me, my eighty year old grandpa would have been able to hear it now that it wasn’t being muffled by the covers.

“Wha… what are you doing in here Finn?” Pausing to take stock, I was pleased to find that my covers were tucked under my arms, preventing my breasts from being exposed. Unfortunately my shaking voice couldn’t be helped. I was so close to release I couldn’t tell if I was shaking from my impending orgasm, or from nervousness at Finn nearly catching me in the act.

“What’s behind your back Tiny Girl?” His voice was deep and gruff and he was breathing hard.

“Oh it’s nothing, just my phone on vibrate. Harper keeps calling me.”

He moved towards me. “So why don’t you answer it?”

Shit! I was still fumbling with the toy all while trying not to drop the covers. “I will after you leave.”

“Hmmm… I see.” He was very nearly in touching distance. “Well, why don’t you hand it over here while you go get some clothes on and I’ll talk to Harper until you’re done.”

“Why are you being so nosey? If you’d just leave I could get dressed and call her back.” I was certain he could see my pulse racing.

He held out his hand. “Give it to me Tiny Girl.” His eyes were vibrant blue and fierce.

“Give you what, my phone? If you would just get out I could call….” He interrupted me.

“Emilyn, I know you have a vibrator behind your back, now give it to me.”

I didn’t know what was worse. The fact that he
what I had been doing, or the fact that he was asking me to hand over the offending object. I had two choices here. I could either play dumb to keep up the charade, or I could hand it over and feel ridiculed. I was going with playing dumb. “What the fuck are you talking about Finn? I don’t have a vibrator. Now would you give me some privacy please?”

This time he stepped right up to me, molding his body to mine. Oh my god, he was turned on! I had to tilt my head all the way back to look in his face. He intently watched me as his left hand lightly brushed my shoulder and slowly grazed down my arm. He knew what he was doing to me. His hand continued down its path and I was so lost to the sensation of his touch that I didn’t even realize that he had put his hand over mine and was also holding the toy.

“You may get mad at me, and you may even hit me for this if you’d like, but don’t treat me like an idiot.” He brought his hand up and held my vibrator in front of me. “If this was your phone, it would have
vibrating.” His blue eyes were penetrating me. “If you need something to help you get off, I’d prefer it if you used me.”







I finished doing the dishes, dried my hands and walked down the hall. I’d planned on knocking on Em’s door to ask her if she wanted to sit and watch a movie with me tonight. She looked like she could use a night of mentally checking out and I figured I could offer to give her a foot rub. Those plans quickly changed when I stood outside her door and I heard a very distinct sound coming from the other side.

No way.

There was no way that I was hearing my Tiny Girl using a vibrator. But that was exactly what it sounded like. Just as I had decided I had to be wrong, I heard a small moan through the door. Holy fucking shit!

I paced up and down the hall while I had several thoughts. First, my dick was rock hard and it felt like one touch and the fucking thing would be shooting off. Second, I was certain if this sexual tension continued I’d be bald by the time I hit thirty—which was only next year! I couldn’t stop running my hands through my hair and yanking on it while I deciphered my next thought. Third, why the
was she in there using a toy when she had me out here dying to touch her? The idea of her pleasuring herself pissed me off. I’m sure it would turn most men on—and there was no doubt I was—but I didn’t know if she was in there thinking about some Fabio little fucker, her ex-husband or—if there was a god—me. The thought was maddening. I heard another moan come through the door, and it pushed me over the edge. I’d been considering knocking and asking her if she needed any help, and that moan was the deciding factor. I gave a sharp wrap on the door. There was a slight pause before Em answered. “Hold on, I’ll be out in a second.” Her voice sounded strained, and that just about did me in. Fuck waiting! If she was going to slowly kill me of blue balls, then I’d dish it right back. Granted, I realized she didn’t know I had heard her, but I wasn’t feeling very rational. I barged in and she sprang up fast, panting hard and looking a bit glassy eyed. There was no way I was going to be able to walk out of this room without touching her.

“Wha… what are you doing in here Finn?” Her hair was disheveled and still wet from her bath.

“What’s behind your back Tiny Girl?”

“Oh, it’s just my phone on vibrate. Harper keeps calling me.” Ah, so that was the game she was going to play. So be it. I stalked towards her.

“So why don’t you answer it?”

“I will after you leave.” Damn it woman, would you just let the sheet drop!

“Hmmm… I see.” I moved even closer. “Well, why don’t you hand it over here while you go get some clothes on and I’ll talk to Harper until you’re done.”

“Why are you being so nosey? If you’d just leave I could get dressed and call her back.” God she was persistent! I was going to have to push harder.

I held out my hand. “Give it to me Tiny Girl.”

“Give you what, my phone? If you would just get out I could call….” Damn it all to hell, this woman was stubborn! Since she wasn’t going to give, I might as well let her know I knew what she was doing.

“Emilyn, I know you have a vibrator behind your back, now give it to me.”

Her face went from slightly flushed to bright red. “What the fuck are you talking about Finn? I don’t have a vibrator. Now would you give me some privacy please?”

Great, did she think I was stupid. My poor dick was going to pop out of my pants any minute now and possibly put an eye out if I didn’t take charge of this situation. I stepped in towards her. Her stomach poked out, touching my lower abdomen. She had to feel how turned on I was; the damn thing was pushing up against her hip. Unable to help myself, I reached up and grazed the soft warm skin of her shoulder, fingertips moving down her arm. The whole time I watched her face, and it was clear that what I was doing was affecting her. She hadn’t even realized that I was reaching behind her and taking a hold of her little toy. As soon as I got the chance I had every intention of throwing that thing in the trash. I held it up in front of her face and said, “You may get mad at me, and you may even hit me for this if you’d like, but don’t treat me like an idiot.” The pulse in her neck was beating rapidly. “If this was your phone, it would have
vibrating.” The look on her face was priceless. “If you need something to help you get off, I’d prefer it if you used me.”

I had totally expected a knee to the groin for my brazen words. Instead she shocked me by grabbing my shirt and yanking me down to her level, smashing her mouth against mine. Her tongue dove into my mouth and I pushed right back. She tasted amazing. I reached around her back, pulling her as tightly to me as she could possibly get. I needed this girl… now. I’d wanted her and missed her for so long, and my chance to have her had finally come. Except, I didn’t want to rush and I didn’t want this to be about me. Emilyn bit down on my lip, eliciting a deep groan. The only rational thought I had at the moment was taking this slow.

Pulling away, I took a step back from her. She looked confused. “Drop the covers Em, I want to see you.”

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