Read Escape (Dark Alpha #4) Online

Authors: Alisa Woods

Escape (Dark Alpha #4) (5 page)

Jak growled and panted out the word
between thrusts, each one searing his love for her with the heat of his body and the pleasure of hers. His climax was coming. He felt it coil deep inside him. Her body squeezed down on him, milking his cock with her orgasm. It tipped him over the edge, and he spilled inside her, a long groan carrying him through.

When it had peaked and subsided, he calmed his motions, still inside her, holding her softly against the wall. Using his teeth, he gently pulled the paintbrush from her mouth. It was scored deep with her teeth marks. He tossed it to the floor and kissed her, lightly. His fangs were out, craving to claim her, so he was careful to keep them well away from her sweet, tender flesh.

He lifted her from the wall and carried her, legs still wrapped around his back, to the bed. He wished he could make love to her again, right away. And then again, endlessly. He wanted nothing more than to stay buried in her, enveloped by her love, forever. But he knew they would have to re-enter the real world soon.

A world where they were on the run from an alpha who would like to see them both dead.

Arianna’s bliss couldn’t be any greater.

She was snuggled up with Jak, under the covers of their too-small cot, all tangled limbs and happy afterglow from their lovemaking. Her submission bond to him was an absolute wonder to her. Unlike her bond to Mace, which always fuzzed out her mind and her will, her submission to Jak was a warm comforting blanket wrapped around her mind, calming her and lifting her up. It was magic filled with love, and with it, she felt that anything was possible. They had escaped Mace, and Jak had lived! If that wasn’t defying the impossible, she didn’t know what was. Even though she wasn’t free of Mace’s mating bond, it had become buried under her love for Jak and the fresh strength of her submission bond to him. She wished she could be free of Mace forever, of course, but if this was all she could ever have—this hot shifter by her side, loving her, commanding her with his sexy growl voice—it would be enough.

Jak snuggled closer to her side, burying his face in her neck and dropping delicious kisses there. If he was ready for more lovemaking, she was more than ready to help him out with that. Her hand floated over the rippled muscles of his chest, traveling down to his stomach. He groaned when she reached his cock, which was just growing stiff again.

She would be happy to help with that, too.

Just as she started to burrow under the blanket, eager to take him in her mouth and hear his moans of pleasure, a chirp started sounding in their room. Jak groaned, but in frustration this time, and his gentle hands stopped her progress. The sound was coming from the pile of clothes Sarra had brought in from the car. Jak dug through it and came up with his phone.

He frowned, swiped a few things, then stabbed at the face of it. “Shit.”

Arianna frowned and sat up, gathering the blanket around her. “What’s wrong?”

He gave her a mournful look, tapped off the phone, and tossed it back in the pile before answering her. Then he came back and took her in his arms, pulling her close, her back to his chest. He snuggled his face through the mop of hair on the side of her head, nuzzling her cheek. She thought he might not answer her at all, until he finally said, “We have to talk, my love.”

She turned in his arms to face him, touching his cheek with the tips of her fingers and gazing into his eyes. They were so serious, it make her stomach clench. “No matter what it is, I will always be yours.”

His shoulders dropped with that, and the look in his eyes made her heart glow. He took her cheeks in his hands and kissed her gently. Once. Twice. When he pulled back, the serious look had returned.

“I have something to tell you that…” He paused. “I’m not sure if it’s real or not, but you deserve to know.”

“What is it?” Her hands found his, holding them even though the two of them were only inches away.

“The people who sent the bounty hunters after you. I think they might be your family.”

Her eyes went wide. Her brothers were trying to rescue her. It was foolish and crazy and reckless… and just the kind of thing Marco would do, especially now that he was the alpha of their family, since their father died.

Arianna grinned. “That’s great!” She glanced to his phone. “We have to call them.”

Jak bit his lip and dropped his gaze.

“What?” Arianna asked, her heart sinking.

The look in his eyes was so gentle. “I said I
it might be your family. I’m not sure.”

She frowned. “But it doesn’t matter. Thanks to you, I’m free now.” She smiled wide. “Kalis will be so happy. And my mom…” She stopped, choking up. “Oh, Jak, I’ve missed my mom so much.”

Jak looked pained, like her every word was stabbing into him. Which she didn’t understand at all, but she knew he wanted nothing but the best for her.

She tamed her smile and reached for his face. “Tell me, Jak. I don’t understand. Why is this bad?”

“First, just tell me: do you
to go home? Is it safe for you there?” His eyes were intense, but his words and his expression just puzzled her.

“Of course, it’s safe for me there.”

He nodded, thoughtfully, dropping his gaze. “I had to ask. My family is… well, let’s just say someone would probably end up dead, if I went back.” He looked up. “But even if you
to go home, Arianna, it’s not safe for you there. Not yet. It’s the first place Mace will look for you.”

Her heart lurched. “Oh no. Are they… will he go after

Jak pressed his lips together. “He might. As soon as he recovers, he’s going to start looking for us. I was thinking we could just make a run for it, just me and you, head for Canada and never look back.” He had a wistful look in his eyes, like he still wanted to do that.

And she would, too, if it weren’t for Mace. “There’s only my two brothers and my mom.” She lifted her hands, palm up. “I’m amazed they even thought they could come get me. Marco’s the alpha of the family now, but Kalis… he’s still just a kid.” Her throat grew tight thinking about Mace going after them.

Jak took her cheeks in his hands and rested his forehead against hers. “I’m not going to let Mace get near them. I promise.” He pulled back. “I need to return a phone call and see what I can do about this.”

She nodded. She trusted Jak with her life. She knew he would keep her family safe, too.

Jak rose up from the bed, pulling her up with him. “Let’s get dressed and go apologize to Sarra. Then I’ll make my call.”

She felt her face get hot. “We made a lot of noise, after all, didn’t we?”

Jak chuckled as he hunted through the pile of their clothes. “To be fair: it was mostly you.”

She swatted him but quickly got dressed. It wasn’t as if they had taken showers or anything. Sarra would scent the sex on them. But that was different than having to listen to it. Guilt speared through Arianna. She had a sense that Sarra had real feelings for Jak, and here Arianna was, having wallbanging sex with him in her studio.

She tried, unsuccessfully, to get the grimace off her face.

Jak held the door of the bedroom for her, hand at her back, but she still could barely force her legs to walk through the door. She crept out, guilt all over her face.

Sarra sat at the kitchen table in the small apartment, sipping from a giant mug that said
Keep Calm and Kick Ass
while reading something on her ereader. She looked up and sized them up with her bright blue eyes. “Feeling better, I see? I could tell by the pictures falling off my wall.”

Arianna cringed and fought for something to say.

Jak didn’t even have the decency to look sheepish about it. “You could have let me bleed a little longer.”

“Yeah.” She snorted. “Like a dead shifter in my front yard would have been less trouble.”

Arianna was frozen, torn between her desire to effusively thank Sarra and her need to sink into the floor due to extreme mortification. Jak just grinned at Sarra and left Arianna’s side to stride over. He bent to place a kiss on the top of the petite girl’s blond head. She peered up at him, and they exchanged a moment of soft smiles that Arianna knew she should feel jealous of, but she just couldn’t. Instead, it warmed her heart that Jak was forgiven. And hopefully she would be as well.

Sarra sighed, then peered at Arianna over her cup. “She’s the one, isn’t she?”

Jak smiled at Arianna with such love that her grimace finally faded away. “Yeah. She’s the one.” Then he gave Sarra another soft look. “I’m going to step out to make a call. Can you keep her company for a little bit?”

Sarra’s eyebrows scrunched up. “Whoever you’re calling, don’t bring them here. I’ve had enough party for one night.”

Jak grinned again, dropped another kiss on her head, and strode toward the door.

“I’m not in business again, Jak!” she called after him, but he just waved on his way out.

Arianna stood awkwardly, still right outside Sarra’s studio.

Sarra beckoned her over to the table. “Well, c’mon. Sit down. You’re probably hungry.”

“I’m fine, really, I don’t want to put you out.” Arianna shuffled over and took a seat at the rickety wooden table. It was pretty cheap, like everything in the apartment, really. Except for the paints and easels in the guest room. Those seemed top quality.

“I’m not much of a breakfast person either.” Sarra got up, went to the tiny kitchen behind her, and returned with another steaming mug. This one said
Keep Calm and Paint On.
“I hope you like tea. No coffee in the house, sorry.”

Arianna took the mug. Just holding it was reassuring to her. “This is perfect.”

Sarra settled into her seat and took a sip from her mug, but her eyes never left Arianna. The awkwardness was creeping up Arianna’s neck again.

“He really loves you,” Sarra said. “I hope you know that.”

“I do.” Arianna let out a sigh of relief. “I hope… I’m sorry about…” She glanced back at the studio.

Sarra just chuckled, set her mug down, and leaned back in her chair. “Jak’s a sex machine. Believe me, I know how he is. If he hadn’t woken up and wanted some, I would have been worried I didn’t stitch him up right.”

Arianna felt heat rising to her cheeks, but a smile as well. It was true. Jak couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her. Not that she exactly minded.

She peered shyly at Sarra. “The two of you were together, weren’t you?”

Sarra sighed and gave a lingering look to the door Jak left through. “Three amazing weeks. If you think he’s a sex machine now, you should have seen him as a hormone-raging teen wolf.”

“Did you grow up together?” Arianna asked. Maybe that was it… childhood sweethearts.

But Sarra just snorted. “No. And thank god for that. Jak’s family almost killed him.”

Arianna drew back. “What?”

Sarra raised one eyebrow. “He didn’t tell you? Interesting.” She studied her mug. “Jak stumbled into my apartment, torn to shreds by his own brothers, when he was only sixteen. His brand-new alpha brought him. I stitched him up. I hadn’t been a healer long, and I was terrified I would miss something. But he was a strong wolf, even then. He almost died.” Sarra looked up at her. “He stayed for a few weeks. I don’t think we left the apartment more than a couple of times.” She smiled, but it was in a sad way, then she just shook her head and sipped her tea.

Arianna sipped hers as well. There was more to that story, but she wasn’t sure she should ask. Or if she really wanted to know. She knew she had Jak’s heart now… but it felt like she should know more about where this brave, selfless shifter had come from.

“Jak said he wanted to make you his mate,” Arianna said, recalling his exchange with Sarra, in the car the night before. “But you said no. Was it because he was a beta?”

Sarra laughed outright, setting down her tea so it didn’t spill from the jostling. Arianna glanced around the apartment. It was clear that Sarra lived alone. And she was Jak’s age, probably twenty-four or twenty-five. A female shifter, unmated at her age… it had to be by choice. And Arianna couldn’t imagine turning away someone like Jak.

“No,” Sarra said, amusement high on her face. “I would have had Jak for a mate in a heartbeat. If I was… normal.”

Arianna dropped her gaze to the table. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry. It’s none of my business.” She gripped the mug with both hands and peeked up.

Sarra had a soft smile on her face. “I can see why he likes you. You’re kind-hearted. Soft. Jak needs more of that in his life.”

The heat rose in Arianna’s cheeks again, but she didn’t want to feel embarrassed. Not about loving Jak. It was one of the best things she’d ever done, no matter what pack rules had to say about it.

Sarra’s lips drew into a tight line. “I’m a shifter who can’t shift, Arianna.”

Realization dawned. “You’re a half-breed.” Then she grimaced. That wasn’t exactly a complimentary term. “Sorry, I didn’t mean—”

Sarra held up her hand. “That’s exactly what I am. Might as well call it what it is.” She took a breath and let it out. “I was on the losing end of a pairing between a bastard of a shifter and a human girl who couldn’t wait to drop her panties for him.”

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