Read Entity Mine Online

Authors: Karin Shah

Entity Mine (19 page)

Chapter 29

Devon peered into the bathroom mirror as she gathered her hair into a ponytail and zipped up a fleece hoodie. What the hell had she gotten herself into? After she’d outlined her plan, silence had reigned once more, but it was a resigned quiet. The kind where everything had been decided, but no one liked the decision.

Finally, the group had disbanded, going off to their neutral corners. Anjali and Jake to their bedroom, she and Ethan to theirs, and Ky had disappeared into the night from the roof deck, a massive black shape heading to open spaces. To think, he’d said, but Devon figured he really meant the opposite.

Though, they hadn’t had much time together, she could feel Ethan’s growing attachment to his brothers. Her chest filled with a massive sigh.
Please, God don’t let him lose Kyle to his feral side.

She swallowed, flicking off the light.

“Ready?” Ethan was waiting for her beside the bed, a warm jacket over his jeans and long-sleeved shirt.

God, he looked good, lean and strong.

“No.” She strode up to him and grasped his jacket, giving in to her urge to kiss his beautiful mouth, nip his sleek jaw.

His mouth was hot and heavenly, but after one lingering kiss and nuzzle. He tugged away. “Later.”

She ran a finger down his cheek. “Are you sure?”

“Devon. We have to go.”

She sighed and spun on her heel. “Fine.”

Several minutes later, they entered the dark confines of Central Park. Most of the trees still clung to their colored leaves and they rustled in the wind, an eerie sound in the nearly, deserted park. They headed to the most secluded part of the park. The muted sound of their sneakers on the paved trail gave way to the soft crunch of dirt. Devon shivered.

Ethan wrapped a warm, strong arm around her. “Are you cold?”

“No.” The damp night air was brisk, colder than on the street where car exhaust and steam vents fought against sea breezes funneled down the steel canyons, but that hadn’t caused her reaction.

“Don’t worry. I can handle anything we run into out here and the park doesn’t close until one am. So no worries about the police.”

The police?
“You think I’m worried about people?”


Where had he been
? “Ethan, you were stuck disembodied for three months. And now you expect me to shapeshift like it was nothing?”

“You need to learn, just in case.” Ethan peered down at her. “Is this the same woman who challenged a demonic spirit over decades old jelly glasses? Who planned tomorrow’s heist?”

Devon rolled her eyes and slapped at his hand. “Stop calling it a heist!”

“We’re breaking into a building full of security guards, alarms, and cameras, to steal a gold disk. It’s a heist. And don’t change the subject.” They’d rounded the path into an area of thick trees in all directions. “There are acres of woodland here. We’re completely alone.” His brow wrinkled. “On second thought, forget shapeshifting.” He towed her close. “I want to get lucky.”

She kissed his rough chin.
God, he smelled good.
“Now, you’re talking.”

“Ah, ah, ah.” He spun away. “You’ve got to catch me first!” A brilliant flash of light announced his change and a huge lion stood on top of his clothes. He whirled and took off into the woods.

She put her hands on her hips. “Ethan!” It was no use. He was gone. “Damn it! Ethan!”

He’d already talked her through the shift at Kyle’s house. She glanced around to make sure the coast was still clear. No one for as far as the eye could see, darn it. “Okay. Lion it is.” She stripped, the crisp night air raising goosebumps, then cast a searching glance up to the pieces of dark sky she could see through the canopy, closing her eyes and forming an image in her mind, visualizing plate-sized paws and golden fur, imagining what it might be like to have whiskers and a tail.

When she opened her eyes, she opened them to a whole new world. Everything was different, her field of view, the bright-as-day night, rich and varied scents flooding her nose; horse and hot dogs, decaying leaves, cigarette smoke, gasoline, and trash. Faraway sounds rang in her ears; the clop of hooves from a mounted policeman, cars honking, small animals in the treetops.

The triumphant laugh that winged from her throat came out as a roar and she froze, praying no one had heard that. When the police didn’t come galloping down the trail, she stretched, almost giddy with glee. She’d done it. She’d become a lion. Why had she been so anxious? This was easy. She took a step, testing the powerful fluidity of her muscles and joints, then burst into a run, feeling the dirt path beneath her pads. This was wonderful!

Now, where had Ethan gone? She scented the cold breeze, despite the fact that there were hundreds of smells she didn’t recognize, her lion brain identified them all. A bright thread of lion mixed with Ethan’s own natural scent, citrusy and clean, lit up her olfactory nerve. She followed the odor as if it were a ribbon leading to a finish line, until she could see a dark shape and two gleaming golden eyes, glinting in the shadow of a tight stand of trees. Before she could come any closer, he sprang from his hiding place, barreling her over. They rolled in a tangle of limbs and he pinned her with his weight for a moment.

Oh no, you don’t!
She was about to throw him off, when she heard,
Think you can stop me?
in her head.

What? Did you say something?

No. I thought something. We’re telepathic. In human form, too.

Lord almighty!

He preened like an ancient Egyptian cat in a temple, starlight haloing his thick mane as it blew in the breeze.
Yes, you may worship me, if you wish.

She batted him with a paw, slid from under him, took off with one coy glance over her large, square shoulder, and the chase was on.

They left the path, weaving through the trees. Tiny yellow leaves exploded into the air behind her as she brushed past a sapling. The leaves rained down like snow. She planted her haunches on the dirt to watch them flitter to the ground and Ethan bowled her over, gnawing playfully at her neck.

She rubbed her face against his, marking him.

Wait here
. He slipped off for a second.

Her fur coat felt toasty warm and she looked up at the trees, feeling completely at peace. For that moment, her cat was totally in control. She knew no worries. She was content to be with her mate.

He returned with their clothes in his mouth and deposited them in a pile.
It’s all fun and games until someone’s clothes get stolen

He dropped down beside her on the leaf littered ground. A flash seared her sensitive eyes and he was human. Maybe six and a half feet of gorgeous naked man. He stroked a hand down her flank. “Is it time to get lucky?”

She rolled onto her tummy.
It’s too cold.

He nuzzled her cheek.

I’ll keep you warm

That’s what they all say.

“Yeah? Who’s all?”

Oh, no. We’re not going there.

Come on.” He toyed with her tail. “You can be on top.”

The image sent a ripple of heat through her.

She pictured herself human—the way she looked in the mirror—smooth, pale skin, narrow nose, pointed chin. A flash, and a sudden wave of cold against her bare skin signaled her change. She could still see Ethan quite well in the darkness. Only a few days ago, she would have seen nothing but a dark hole in the shadows, if that. Another perk of being a shapeshifter.

He raked her nude body with a wicked leer. “You’re gorgeous as a lioness. But lying here in the leaves?” He clicked his tongue. “Fucking spectacular.”

Her face felt a bit flushed and she lowered her lids, smiling at the ground. “You’re not so bad yourself.” Without warning, she swung her body up and straddled him. Contrasted with the chill air and ground, his body felt as warm as a furnace. “Umm, you are hot.”

“You have no idea,” he said, and bucked his hips under her so his erection sent sparks racing through her.

She rode against him a little, feeling herself soften and melt, then guided him inside her. He felt big, impossibly big for a heartbeat and then more perfect than words. He reached up to play with her breasts and she sank down further on him, threatening to come apart at just the feel of him inside her and the delicious friction of his rough palms across her tender nipples.

She’d never felt more alive, playing here with him, and now being naked in the fresh air. The thrill set her on fire.

“Oh.” She began to move on him, each stroke sending cutting slashes of pleasure slicing through her. “I can’t believe we’re doing this here. Anybody could come.”

“That’s what I’m counting on.”

“Tease.” She got busy, rising and falling, every inch of her focused on the delicious sensations strafing through her with each thrust. The danger excited her, but, God, she loved every inch of him, from his toes to the top of his head, the way he took charge and the way he needed her, and her love trumped the risk. The three little words hovered on her lips, but she bit them back. If she said them, she’d want to hear them in return and she refused to ruin this moment.

She moved faster. He groaned beneath her and she reveled in his obvious enjoyment. She adored the excitement lighting his eyes, curving his lips. God, she had to taste those lips.

Rolling her hips, she leaned down and captured his mouth. The coiling tension inside her tightened to a delicious point, the hot press of his lips was all she needed.

She shook, pleasure exploding through her until it was all she could perceive, and collapsed as he moaned in her ear, his magnificent body convulsing under her.

They lay there for a minute, her head pillowed on his shoulder, two people at one with each other.

When she got her breath, she reached for her clothes and yanked them on, the buttoned-down lawyer side of her re-gaining control. “And again”—she stuffed her feet in her sneakers—“no condom.”

“It’s a little late for that,”

She raked a hand through her hair, picking out pieces of dried leaves. “It’s the principle of the thing.”

Leaves crunching, he flipped over on his clothes and flashed into them.

“I’ve got to learn that.”

He stood and held out his hand. “We’d better get going. It’s late now and we’ve got a lot to do tomorrow.”

She closed her eyes. If only they could have gotten the supplies they’d needed that night. They were cutting it hella close. Guilt heated her cheeks. What was she doing rolling around Central Park with Ethan when Beth and Matt’s lives were at risk?

She tucked her hand in his hard palm. If she thought too much about her friends she wouldn’t sleep, and she needed to look put-together tomorrow. “A lot to do? Well, that’s one way of putting it.”

He enveloped her in a hug, kissing the crown of her head and nestled her under his arm. She let his embrace soothe her worries, leaning into his powerful form, taking joy from his display of affection. For Beth and Matt, they could do this.

He hugged her close and guided her toward the closest park exit.

As they exited the woods, a man leaned against a light pole as if waiting for them. He was almost as big as Ethan. Scraggly, grizzly-colored hair clung to the man’s head and chin. He wore a battered khaki coat and his eyes were red and sunken, his cheekbones seemed to press through his skin. He fell into step with them. The scent of body odor and mildew hung around him like a cloak.

They sped up, striding ever close to the park entrance, but the vagrant kept pace, hands buried deep in his coat. She could feel Ethan tensing more with every step and a sidelong glance told her his eyes were glowing gold.

Cool it, Ethan. We’re almost out of the park.

He didn’t answer, but she could see him fighting to contain his lion.

Then the junkie stepped in front of them “Don’t you know you’re not supposed to be in the park after dark?” the man asked in an all-too-horribly-familiar voice.


Growling, Ethan grabbed the man by the filthy lapels of his coat and lifted him up, bringing his duct-taped boots off the ground.

Devon put her hand on Ethan’s bicep. “He’s possessed. You’ll only hurt the body.”

Ethan’s growl rolled through the night. When he spoke his voice was rough and thick, as if his vocal cords were in the process of changing. “Why are you here? What do you want?”

“I could ask you the same thing. Shagging in the park while the clock is ticking? Poor Beth doesn’t stand a chance.”

Ethan dropped the junkie. “You gave us forty-eight hours. You’ll get the seal.” He gave him a little push, making the man stagger a bit. “Stay away from us until then.”

The junkie smiled the demon’s flat, ugly smile, his teeth yellow and cracked. “That was hours ago. You’ve got less than thirty now. As for leaving you alone, I don’t think so. I’ve got to keep an eye on my investment, haven’t I?” He chuckled.

The sound grated across Devon’s nerves. The thing might have them by the short hairs, but it didn’t own them. Now her own lion roused. She tightened her grip on Ethan’s arm. “You’ve made your point. Now, you’re just wasting our time.”

The junkie narrowed his eyes. “That’s not all I could

Ethan lunged forward at that, reaching out to grip the demon’s throat, but Devon, tapping into her lion strength, hauled him back with everything she had.

The junkie tilted his head and turned, walking away into the night, his faint laughter riding on the breeze.

Bill rolled his borrowed head on the junkie’s skeletal shoulders, popping the stiff joints in his ride’s creaky neck.
Mother, what a beautiful night!

He put his hand down on the cracked pavement and executed a one-handed cartwheel. As he regained his feet he peered at the finger he’d driven out of joint and shoved it back. These human bodies were so fucking feeble.

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