Read Enlightening Bloom Online

Authors: Michelle Turner

Enlightening Bloom (12 page)

Chapter 26 – Tucker


I follow Pike’s eyes to the sleeping form of my sister. “Bloom saw this?”

              Pike nods. “She shot up, wide awake, moments before you walked in screaming, “He’s brought death to our door”, and then passed back out.”


              “Yeah.” I watch Bonnie walk over to Pike, whose eyes are still on his mate, and lay her hand on his shoulder. “Handle the assholes outside.”


              “I’ll protect her with my life. It’s my destiny.”

              He lifts his eyes to take her in, finally, he gives in on a sigh. “Okay, but I’ll send up one of our wolves to have your back.”

              “I’d appreciate it.”

              He nods, leans down and presses a kiss to Bloom’s lips, and then stands. “Let’s go. This ends today.”

              “Give me a minute.” I say, motioning towards Bonnie.

              “I’ll wait in the hall.”

              “We’ll head out too. We’ll go down and help set up the medical area.” Amelia says following after Pike, Billy and Forrest in tow. Doc stops by Bonnie. “I’m going too. If she wakes up try to get some more fluids in her. She can dehydrate easily.”

              “Will do.” Bonnie tells him and then he leaves.

              As soon as we’re alone I pull her into my arms. “Make sure your guns are loaded and ready.”

              “I will. You make sure you come back to me breathing.”

              “Are you worried about me, Bonnie-bean?” I lift her up, she wraps her legs around my waist, and her arms around my shoulders.

              “If I say I am will you tell everyone?” She asks in a teasing voice.

              “It’ll be our secret.” I reply, nuzzling her neck.

              “Then yeah I’m worried about you.”

              “The feeling is mutual. How about we make a deal? You keep yourself safe and I’ll keep myself safe.” I press a kiss to her throat.             

              “It’s a deal. Now put me down so you can get out there and kick ass.”

              “Kiss me first.”

              She huffs. “Do I have to?”

              “Yes.” I answer, grinning.

              “Fine.” She rolls her eyes, but since she lays a good one on me I let the eye roll slide.

              I place her on her feet and tell her. “Love you.”

              “I love you, too. Now get going so this can end.”

              “Yes, ma’am.” I respond, standing at attention and saluting her. She smacks my stomach with the back of her hand and tells me. "Get out of here." I steal one more kiss before leaving.

In the hall I find Pike leaning against the wall beside the elevator. His head hung with his hands fisted over his eyes. The weight on his shoulders is a burden I'd never want to take over, but I'm glad I can be a piece of his support system. "Ready."

              His head comes up, but he's not looking at me, instead his eyes are trained on the door of his suite. I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "Bonnie's protecting her, but we'll send Killian up and she'll have that much more coverage. We finish this up today, and she won't have to worry about Kyran's issues anymore."

He nods. "It's about time she's able to take a breath without trouble and sorrow hanging over her head."

I release his shoulder to punch the button for the elevator. "Then let's go end this so you can give her that, and a lifetime of days like it."






Crossing through the front entrance I find myself greeted by the backs of my pack members. They're standing shoulder to shoulder, blocking the way in. Sensing my approach they part just enough for Tucker and myself to pass through, closing that little space as soon as we are. Kit, in his wolf form, takes up the spot on my empty side as we come to a stop several feet from the Wright Pack.

"Hand over Kyran and leave my property peacefully. Then, and only then, will I consider not killing you."

A tall, slender man steps forward. He's well dressed in suit pants and a white button-up shirt. His pale blonde hair is slicked back and his face is devoid of emotion. He twists his head from side to side, cracking his neck in the process. Then straightening to his full height rumbles his own demands. "If you don't hand over the girl who belongs to our pack, we will kill every member of yours, one by one. I'll give you five minutes to decide the fate of your people." He turns on his heels, shifting to his wolf form, and disappears into the sea of his people.

I scan the Wright Pack, but lose sight of the man. I do a second pass over thinking I'll find Kyran and that too doesn't work out. My gut's telling me this isn't right. I connect with Tucker and Kit through the pack bond.
"That man isn't the alpha."

"To coward to face you himself?"
Tucker asks.

"That doesn't sound right. No alpha could stand to hide in the shadows while a lesser ranking wolf leads his people."

"Then why?"
Kit asks.

Tucker and I turn to each other as we answer the question at the same time.

I open up the connection to the rest of the pack and fire off my orders.
"Kit, take a group and protect the back and sides. Tucker, get up stairs now! I'll join you as soon as we finish off this group. Killian, get the girls out of there and to a safe place! Everyone else. ATTACK!"      

Chaos breaks out as the other pack shifts and attacks, just as we're doing the same. Tucker is caught in battle with a large grey wolf and can't get away. I try to fight my way through to get to Bloom and Bonnie, and end up going head to head with the phony alpha. I bite and claw at every piece of flesh I can make contact with, but it's taking too long. The need to get our mate is pushing my wolf to new strengths. I just hope it's enough to get us there before it's too late.






"Killian, get the girls out of there and to a safe place!"
Pike's message bursts into my subconscious. I take in Bloom still passed out on a lounge chair and cuss. Fuck! I guess it's better she doesn't see what's coming if this all goes to hell. But on the other hand it would be easier to protect her if she could protect herself even a tad bit.

"Try to wake her up. We need to get out of here." I order the mouthy brunette my brother mated.

She nods from her seat at her friend’s side. A spot she hasn't moved from since she let me into the suite. While she's trying to wake Bloom I move to the door, partially shifting in hopes of catching any unwanted visitors scents. I’m overwhelmed with the smell of unknown shifters, yet intertwined with theirs is one so similar to mine that it could be my own. “Kyran!” I growl.

“Did I just hear you right?” Bonnie asks.

I nod and place my finger to my lips, indicating she needs to stay quiet. Her eyes widen, but lucky for me instead of freaking out she goes back to the task of rousing Bloom. It’s not going to successful. My traitorous brother and his new pack are bearing down on our location, and I know I have to get these two hidden. I pick-up Bloom and carry her to the master bathroom with her Guardian in tow. I lay her on the tiled floor. Standing up I direct Bonnie. “Lock the door.” I look around and seeing the large armoire against the nearby wall I add. “Barricade it with that.” I cross to the door, and I’m getting ready to slam it behind me when she calls.

“Where are you going?”

“To hold them off until your mates can get here.” She starts to protest, but I cut her off. “We don’t have time for this. Lock this damn door, and make sure your guns are ready. Don’t hesitate to shoot. Do you understand?”


I don’t say another word as I shut the door. I stand there and wait for the click, letting me know she locked it, and the scrape of the armoire moving across the floor. Once I’m satisfied she’s following my directions I walk back into the living room to greet my fate.

Chapter 27 – Killian


              Standing in the middle of the living room in my shifted form, I wait. They burst through the entrance, spilling out of the hall and into the room with me. There’s three men who are already shifted, as well. Kyran and another man are behind the wolves. Kyran takes me in with a sardonic smile and a shake of his head. “I see you’ve chosen the wrong side, Brother.”

              He steps aside, making room for the man behind him to step forward. The man looks me over, and then with a wave of his hand orders. “Dispose of this one. Quickly.”

              The three wolves start to circle me, but Kyran steps forward stopping them. As he starts to strip out of his clothes he says. “I’ll handle him.” Within seconds he’s changed, and is standing before me as his wolf. Where his fur is a pale blonde, mine is a rich brown. Where my eyes match our mother’s emerald ones, his are vibrant amber like our father’s. For being twins we look nothing alike, and more so we act nothing alike. I would never think to betray my family or pack. The fact that he’s done so should blow my mind, but in honesty Kyran has always been a psychotic mess. He once stalked a human girl who rejected him for weeks. He never took it as far as harming her, but he sure as hell scared the shit out of her. I shouldn’t have brushed that kind of behavior off. Maybe if I had stepped up long ago, and told our parents the sick shit he was doing we wouldn’t be going through this now. But it’s too late to change that, and now I need to do my part to put a stop to him.

              He tries to circle me, looking for an opening, but I refuse to give him my back. I snap my teeth at him and he answers with a growl. He lunges for my throat but misses. I make a move for his throat but he moves, just in time. We go at each other in a fury. It’s all teeth and claws, going for blood. He gets a chunk of my shoulder, and I get a chunk of his hind leg. We’re tearing each other apart piece by piece, each hoping to be the one to take the final bite.

              A loud bang behind us shatters my focus, giving him the in he needs. His teeth latch onto my throat, and I know I’m done. He tightens his grip on my neck, and I’m waiting for the final blow that ends me forever. But it doesn’t come. He’s injuring me, I’m losing large amounts of blood, but he’s not finishing me. Just as I’m on the verge of blacking out from the blood loss he releases me, and shifts. Leaning over me, our faces almost touching, he whispers. “Don’t move.”

              My mouth forms the word “Why”, but no sound comes out. He sees it and answers my unspoken question. “I can’t kill my twin. Now play dead. They’re coming back.” I close my eyes and hold my breath, willing every inch of myself not to move. I don’t have to try very hard because within seconds the darkness takes me under as I pass out.






Seeing Kyran standing over the motionless form of his twin has me squirming in my capture’s arms as I scream. “You fucking killed your own brother. Your twin! I swear if it’s the last thing I ever do, I WILL KILL YOU.”

              He stands, not even caring that he’s naked as a jay bird and rumbles. “Why are you bringing the human?”

              The man carrying me chuckles. “She’s feisty. I’m going to make her mine.”

              “Daryl, she shot and killed Stan.” The guy carrying Bloom says, shaking his head.

              “Like I said she’s feisty. She’ll make a hell of a mate.”

Squirming in Daryl’s arms I scream. “I’m going to kill you, too, and dance on your lifeless body.”

              He smacks my ass, causing me to see red. “You’re a vicious little human.”

              I kick harder, using my bound hands to pound on his back. He drops me on my ass, and the man who is obviously in charge crouches in front of me. He takes hold of my chin and warns. “You have two choices. One, you shut the fuck up and we take you with us. Or two, we kill you now and leave you here. Choose now.”

              I swallow hard around the lump in my throat and respond immediately. “I’ll go with choice one.”

              He releases my chin and pats the top of my head. “Good choice.” He stands and directs the guy who dropped me to pick me back up. Daryl does as directed and we exit the suite. I manage to keep my mouth shut while they rush us down a back stairwell that leads to a delivery entrance where a van is waiting. Daryl climbs into the back, still holding me and takes a seat with me in his lap. I manage to keep my lips pressed shut when I really want to verbally rip him a new one. I settle for shooting invisible daggers at him with my eyes. He takes in the death glare I’m shooting his way and laughs. He fucking laughs!

“Don’t worry. I’ll rip out his throat and he’ll never laugh again.”
Tucker rumbles through our bond.

“You need to hurry up they have us in a van…”
I’m cut off when I feel a pinch in my neck and everything instantly goes black.






I shout through our bond. When no response comes I pick up the object closest to me and throw it. I watch the lamp shatter against the wall, but it does nothing to soothe me.

              “What did you get?” Pike asks.

              “They’re in a van. I lost Bonnie before I could find out anything else.”

              “Can you still feel the bond?”

              “Yes, they must not realize she’s mated.”

              He pats me on the back. “Then we can track them.”

              “I’m coming with you.” My eyes land on my mother. She’s sitting on the floor where we found Killian. He was just wheeled out of the room to be taken down to the make shift infirmary, but she’s still on her knees by the puddle of his blood.


              “Rose.” Pike and I both start, but she stops us by raising her bloody hand. “Don’t try and stop me. This is happening because of me and I’m going to make sure it ends.”

              “Kyran will be there. Can you handle…” Pike begins.

              “He attacked his brother, and conspired to have his sister kidnapped, again. I’ll do what has to be done.”

              “Then you can come, but don’t make me regret it.” Pike warns and then turns to me. “Lead the way. Our women are waiting on us.”

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