Ecstasy in Elk's Crossing (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

Finally, the kiss ended. Aaron kept his hands beneath the bottom hem of her baby-doll, squeezing her buns through silk panties.

“It’s your call,” Katie said, a bit breathlessly. “Tell me what you want, Aaron. I can resume where I left off, if that’s what you want. I’m yours to command. Tell me, and I’ll do it.”


* * * *


A shiver went through Katie as she looked up into Aaron’s eyes. What was it about Aaron and his brothers that made her want to be submissive to them, that made her want to give herself totally and completely to them both sexually and emotionally? She didn’t need to look around to know that she was surrounded by McGowan men. She could almost feel the heat of their bodies going straight into her bloodstream, the hunger in their eyes devouring her flesh, and the feasting on her physical charms.

She started to kneel, deciding to finish what she’d started in the Mountain View Saloon, but Aaron caught her by the upper arms.

“No, darling,” he said, his voice hoarse but commanding. “I need more from you than just lip service. I need to be inside you.”

Aaron wasted no time unbuckling his belt and dropping his jeans and underwear to expose his throbbing erection. He sat on the sofa and motioned Katie forward. She was as feverish as Aaron to feel the joining of their bodies. She handed her beer can to Blair, but didn’t even bother to remove her panties before she straddled Aaron’s lean hips, placing her knees on the sofa’s leather cushions. She pulled the crotch of the panties aside to expose her pussy.

“I’ve dreamed of having you inside me,” Katie said as she lowered her hips until the lips of her pussy touched the conical head of Aaron’s cock. Before she took him inside, she looked around at the men surrounding her. “Soon. All of you.” She lowered her hips and felt delicate, sensitive tissue stretching, expanding to accommodate solid masculine flesh. “Oh, God!” she gasped, sinking to take the full length of his cock inside her slick, receptive body.

Katie felt Aaron’s muscular thighs beneath her own. More significantly, she felt the long, hard length of his cock pulsing with virility deep inside her cunt. Her lashes batted against her cheeks for a moment, and then she looked into Aaron’s eyes and whispered, “Anywhere. Anytime. Anything you want. I’m yours.”

She didn’t really expect him to say anything in response. She was shocked enough at her own complete acceptance of the McGowan clan’s claim to her body, soul, and heart. But when Aaron replied, “And I’m yours. We’re all yours,” a sob caught in her throat, and might have escaped had she not felt her own onrushing climax fast approaching.

She kissed Aaron flush on the mouth for only a few seconds before she threw her head back on her shoulders and started bouncing on his lap, impaling herself on his unyielding cock.

“At last,” Katie sighed, dropping onto Aaron’s lap to accept everything he had to give her. She worked her hips forward and back, loving the feel of his thick cock stretching her. “The first time…but not the last time.” She leaned forward to kiss his forehead, then temple. She whispered so softly that only he could hear, “I know you love me, but this time, just fuck me.”

He slid his fingers into her hair, cupping the back of her head in his palm. He pulled her down and kissed her fiercely, even harshly. It was a bruising, claiming kiss, meant to show his possession.

I’ve never been wanted as much as by these men. I’m theirs, and they’re mine, and this is going to be a very long night.

She loved the feel of Aaron’s hands on her bottom, guiding and directing her movements as she bounced on him. But then she felt another hand on her breast, and the reality that she was fucking one man while three of his brothers were standing nearby came rushing back. Without pausing in her undulations, she looked over her shoulder and saw that it was Garrett standing behind her, reaching beneath her arm to fondle her breast.

“Take the nightie off, darling,” Aaron said. “It’s pretty enough, but I want to look at you.”

But Katie had chosen the baby-doll for a reason, and it wasn’t to take it off. She knew her breasts were a particular source of fascination for the McGowan men, and she knew they liked the curve of her hips. It was her stomach that caused Katie to feel the sharp teeth of insecurity. Rather than pull the lingerie up and over her head, Katie slipped her hands inside the lace-trimmed silk cups, then slowly slid the silk beneath her breasts.

“Kiss me,” she whispered, lifting her right breast to Aaron’s mouth as she bounced on his lap.

When she felt the heated wetness of his mouth capturing her nipple and much of her areola, Katie let out a short, startled cry of ecstasy. There was no doubt in her mind that her next climax would be a cataclysmic event in her life.

While she impaled herself on Aaron’s cock and he sucked on her nipples, Garrett and Blair stepped up onto the sofa, moving so that they sat on the uppermost portion of the backrest, one on each side of their brother. Katie was surprised to discover the men had stripped off their clothes, and seeing their naked bodies for the first time made the slick honey of her excitement flow freely.

“You’re so beautiful,” she whispered, looking at washboard abdomens, taut chest muscles, wide shoulders, and narrow hips—and two hard cocks that angled sharply upwards. Theirs were bodies made lean and muscular by hard work, much of it done on horseback. They did not have the slab muscles of men who exercised in a gym while watching themselves in the mirror. “You make me want to eat you up.”

“Good idea,” Blair said, hooking his hand around Katie’s neck and pulling her toward him.

While continuing to bounce on Aaron, Katie let Blair pull her forward and to the side, and a moment later she had the plump crown of his cock in her mouth. Her head was swimming with the startling reality that she had a cock in her pussy and another in her mouth. If, a month earlier, someone would have suggested that she was capable of such uninhibited behavior, she would have laughed in their faces. But now, in a room literally filled with naked men, it seemed entirely rational to have more than one man loving her, more than one man she needed to satisfy.

“Fuck! Her mouth feels so fucking good.” Blair whispered, the coarse words coming out slowly as Katie took his cock to the back of her mouth and wrapped her hand around the base of his pulsing shaft.

She moved, but was not entirely conscious of all the things that she was doing, and the things that were being done to her. She filled her mouth and stroked Blair while, with the opposite hand, stroking Garrett. And as she was pleasuring those men, she continued to follow Aaron’s lead as he guided her up-and-down movements. After several seconds, she leaned to Aaron’s other side and brought her moist lips to the knob of Garrett’s erection. His body, she noted, was lean, the thinnest of all the McGowan men.

Four handsome brothers, and they’re all mine.

Her eyes were closed, and her mouth opened wide when she felt Garrett push his fingers into her hair then clench his hand into a fist. While it was abundantly clear that all of the men wanted her, Garrett’s lusty hunger took on an added dimension, which Katie attributed to youth and perhaps a touch of inexperience. With her hair entwined in his fingers, Garrett sped up Katie’s bobbing, forcing her to suck on his cock faster.

“Easy,” Aaron said to his youngest brother. “Katie will make you happy.” His voice dipped lower with authority. “Just make sure that you make her happy.”

A moment later, Katie felt the fingers loosen in her hair. She pulled up, releasing the cock from her mouth with a moist popping sound. She looked up into Garrett’s face, gave him a smile to let him know that she wasn’t angry or disappointed with his ardor, and then leaned to Aaron’s opposite side and resumed sucking on Blair’s cock.

It was chaotic and disorderly, and Katie simply didn’t know what to do or what was expected of her. She’d had sex with a few men in her life, but she’d certainly never engaged in anything even remotely like the ménage she was currently in. She was in the eye of the storm, and everything swirled around her.

Her lips were a tight, moist ring around the shaft of Blair’s cock when she heard Aaron groan beneath her, and his fingers tightened fiercely on her hips, pulling her down so that his cock was buried completely inside her. A moment later, when he let out that low, rumbling groan of ecstasy, Katie knew that he was releasing his cum inside her.

The awareness that Aaron was releasing his lust deep inside her while she had another man’s cock in her mouth provided the final necessary stimulation to elicit her own climax. While holding Blair’s cock between her lips, though not really sucking on him, Katie’s hips jerked rapidly forward and backward, her thighs against Aaron’s and the full length of his cock still inside her as the spasms started. She let out a high-pitched squeal from deep in her throat as her orgasm reached its peak. She almost immediately began a free fall descent.

What happened next made Katie feel like she was in a dream, almost as though she was having an out-of-body experience where she could look dispassionately down at herself and watch her own lusty activities without actually participating in them. Though she was by no means a tiny or petite woman, Aaron got up off the sofa, lifting Katie as he did so. He turned then set her down on the sofa so that her back was against the seat cushions, and her head was against the backrest. Taking a step backward, he withdrew his sated erection from her pussy. But an instant later, Blair was between her thighs, guiding the crown of his cock to her entrance. With a single, hard thrust, he invaded her body with every solid inch he possessed.

The young twins, Garrett and Flynn, knelt on the sofa, their cocks standing out hard and almost vibrating with lusty tension, each one pointing portentously at Katie. All she had to do was turn her face this way or that to give pleasure to Garrett or Flynn.

Flynn was the next McGowan to get overstimulated. Pumping his hips frantically, driving his cock between Katie’s soft lips, several indistinct words which may have been a curse or a prayer were ripped from his throat, and a moment later the floodgates opened. Cum, hot and thick as cold cream, raced through the shaft of his cock to spew against Katie’s frisking tongue. Katie swallowed repeatedly then shivered because it was not a taste she found pleasant, but she drank her lover’s passion anyway because she knew it was what he wanted. She was willing to do anything to please him.

They all want me, and they’re all going to have me. Here. Tonight.

The thought had come to Katie a few minutes later while she was on her hands and knees on the sofa, rocking between two of the McGowan brothers. She knew that it was Blair in front of her who had one hand entwined in her hair, and with the other was reaching beneath her to squeeze her breasts as she gave him a blow job. Katie had not seen who had moved into position behind her, so she did not know the identity of the man whose cock was pistoning back and forth between the lips of her pussy with steadily increasing speed and fury.

What if all of them want me a second time tonight? A third? At least one of them will want my ass.
The thought made a shiver zip up her spine.
I not ready for that yet. Oh, how did this happen? I’ll be flooded with cum. I’ll drown in it.

Chapter Seven


Standing in the rain outside the Circle-Square-Circle Ranch house, drenched to the skin, David shivered with a combination of cold and fury. The lightning wasn’t letting up, and neither was the rain. It was as though nature itself had conspired to make this evening as miserable as possible for him. Perhaps Katie had some power over the weather. It would be just like her, he decided, to force him into a situation where he risked pneumonia. That was one more thing she had to answer for.

But the weather was
compared to the crimes against him she was committing now. Though there was only a single lamp lit in the room, it gave off enough of a yellow glow to let David see exactly what Katie was doing with the four naked men in the ranch house.

The man with the mustache was entertaining himself with Katie. The other cowboys had shed their clothes quickly once the action started. And David had seen it all, missing nothing from the moment she took off her trench coat to show them she was wearing nothing but a slutty little nightie that put those disgusting tits on display. The biggest cowboy was sitting on the sofa, and Katie was astride him, bouncing like a slut while she took turns sucking on two other guys who were sitting on the sofa’s backrest.

What had happened to Katie? When had she become a slut? It was obvious to David that Katie had been transformed during his incarceration, changing drastically and not for the better. No doubt it had happened because she felt a great personal guilt for what she had unjustly caused him to experience during his incarceration. She was being self-destructive to punish herself for going to the police when all he was doing was teaching her life lessons that would make her a better person, a better woman.

A bolt of lightning came simultaneously with a pounding thunderclap. David felt its force inside his chest make him flinch as though he’d been physically struck. He turned his face skyward, feeling the rain striking his open eyes. Not even the rain could cleanse him, and he knew it. Katie had soiled him, defiled his soul and spirit, and for that she had to pay a price.

And David intended on being the tax collector.


* * * *


Consciousness came slowly to Katie. Her long lashes tapped against her cheeks as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. She looked first at the bedroom’s ceiling then to her left and right. She was alone in the room, and the sunlight coming through the curtained window told her that the day was well under way.

Memories, intensely vivid and evocative, came rushing back to Katie. In an unconscious move, she put a hand to her mouth, shocked at her own intemperate behavior. For a moment she tried to tell herself that she should feel terribly guilty, or at least embarrassed, for how she had behaved with the four McGowan brothers, but she just couldn’t manage to summon either emotion.

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