Read Dying Scream Online

Authors: Mary Burton

Tags: #Suspense, #Fiction, #Romance, #Crime

Dying Scream (39 page)

Adrianna opened the front door. “Want to come in for coffee? It’s the least I can do.”

Gage wasn’t ready to say good night. “Sure.”

She flipped on the lights and led him through the house into the kitchen.

On a butcher-block countertop there was a crystal cake stand filled with cookies. “So did you buy that to impress the buyers or did you bake them?”

Laughing, she dropped her shoes and purse in an overstuffed chair by a dining table. “They’re real. I bake.”

“I would have taken a bet against that one any day.”

She moved behind the center island and clicked on a preset coffeepot. Immediately it started to gurgle. “I bake when I can’t sleep.”

He glanced at the pile of cookies and the cake on another counter. “Not sleeping much these days?”

“I’ve had better months.”

“What’s keeping you up?”

“You asking as a cop?”


She looked on the verge of opening up, but then shrugged those golden shoulders. “Doesn’t matter.”

It did to him. “You sold the house.”

“Just accepted the offer.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. For the first time in three years I have no ties. Maybe Paris. New York.”

“Faraway places.” Gage thought about the words she’d spoken to him here just days ago.
I’m sorry
. Simple words that had been rattling in his head since he’d heard them.

“So, what do you do when a case like this is solved?”

“Have a beer with my partner. Take a day off if I can and then get back to work on the next case.”

She removed cups from the cabinet and filled each with coffee. “The work never ends.”


Gage’s fingers brushed hers as he reached for the cup. Energy shot through his body. He took her left hand in his and smoothed his thumb over her naked ring finger.

Suddenly, he saw himself at a crossroads. If he didn’t choose wisely, he feared he’d lose more than he could put into words. He released her hand and moved around the island.

Adrianna stood still, staring at him as if she didn’t know what to do. He moved to within inches of her, but not touching her.

He brushed a strand of hair from her shoulder. She looked up and moistened her lips. She made no move to touch him but didn’t retreat either.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“For what?”

“Four years ago. I made mistakes, too.”

“The past is gone.”

Slowly, he moved his hand up her arm, savoring the soft warmth of her skin. Fingertips skimmed over her shoulder and he cupped her face. Gage had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted Adrianna. He tilted his head down and kissed her on the lips. She tasted sweet, soft; and unable to resist, he leaned into the kiss. She wrapped her arm around his neck. Full breasts pressed against his chest.

Gage knew the point of no return approached like a runaway train. He wanted to make love to her. But the idea of loving and losing her again scared the shit out of him. He broke the kiss. “I’d rather not start something that can’t be finished.”

She stared at him a long moment, understanding he wasn’t just talking about tonight, but tomorrow and the next day. “I can’t make any promises, Gage. I wish I could.”

He traced her jawline. “At least you’re honest.”

“I owe you fairness.” She placed her hand on his chest.

The simple touch made his heart beat faster. No promises. She was offering just now. God help him, he prayed it would be enough. With a groan he took her in his arms and refused to think beyond right now.

When they broke the kiss, he could barely think. His voice was a rough, dark growl. “Where’s your bedroom?”

She guided him down the hallway to her room. As they entered, he didn’t notice lights or décor. He saw only the bed at twelve o’clock.

He slid his hand along her shoulders. Her skin felt like silk. Smelled of roses. He unfastened the halter strap behind her neck and let the dress fall. Her naked breasts glistened in the moonlight that streamed in through the window.

Gage cupped her breast in his hand and teased the tip to a hard peak as he kissed her on the lips.

Adrianna pushed his jacket from his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He backed her up toward the bed and when the back of her knees pressed against the mattress, she fell back. She propped herself up with her elbows.

Breath caught in his throat. He lowered himself on top of her and kissed the hollow between her breasts. She moaned and arched as he kissed her flat belly.

“Gage, please.”

He smiled, liking the way his name sounded on her lips now. He wanted to tease her longer and savor this moment but he felt ready to explode.

Quickly, he shed his clothes and straddled her, savoring the sight of silk garters holding up silk stockings. Ripping her panties free, he pressed his erection against her moist center and stared down at her. She watched him with half-open eyes.

He pushed inside her and she wrapped her legs around him. She felt so deliciously tight.

They moved together in a frenzied dance. Soon their bodies glistened with sweat. And when they found their release, she called out his name as she arched her back. He collapsed against her and rolled on his side, spooning his body against her.

For the first time in a long time, he felt at home.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Saturday, October 7, 7:00 a.m.

Adrianna was in the shower when Gage’s cell phone rang. The sound sent a bolt of irritation through him as he rolled on his side and checked the display on the phone. It read: Nick Vega. He flipped it open.

“This better be damn good,” he muttered.

“A video arrived at the station.”

Gage picked up his watch from the nightstand and checked the time. “What about it?”

The sound of the shower turning on had him turning toward the bathroom. He imagined Adrianna’s nude body under the water.

“It looks like a snuff film. A woman chained to a wall. Looks like Kelly Jo Morgan. She’s crying into the camera and talking to someone.”

He swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Who?”

“She keeps saying, ‘I love you, Craig.’”

Jesus. Gage pressed fingers to his temple. “I’ll be right down.”



“The camera isn’t on a tripod. Someone else is holding it.”

“Two killers.”


“I’ll be right there.”

He dressed and moved into the bathroom. Adrianna was in the shower. Her eyes closed, she’d buried her face under the hot spray. He opened the shower door. “Adrianna.”

She stepped back, pushing the water from her eyes. Without make-up, she looked so vulnerable. “Hey. Join me.”

“I want to.” He shook his head. “But I’ve got to go. Something’s come up.”

“Bad news?”

“Yes.” He’d been called away so much when they’d dated the first time. “I’m sorry.”

She leaned forward to kiss him. “Don’t be. Go.”

His lips touched hers but he didn’t lean into the kiss. His thoughts were only to find the killer or killers and protect her. “I’ll call you.”

Her smile faltered. “Sure.”

Gage knew if he kissed her again he wouldn’t leave and they’d spend the whole weekend in bed. So he turned and left, praying like hell he’d not lost her again.


Adrianna stood in the shower letting the hot spray wash over her skin. She wiped the tears from her face. “God, you are such a fool.”

Last night they’d made love a couple of times but there’d been few words. Neither had wanted to venture into the past or the future when the moment felt so good. For the first time in a very long time she didn’t feel buried alive. She simply felt alive.

And now he was gone.

“Idiot.” She shut off the water, grabbed a towel, and dried off. Her first venture into dating and she felt as if she’d landed on her face.

Outside the bathroom, the air felt cold and had goose bumps puckering her skin. Mechanically she started to brush the tangles from her hair. The clock ticked in the hallway. Had Gage just slept with her for kicks? To get back at her?

A deep sadness burned inside her. Had he been using her?

“Do not go there,” Adrianna muttered. “Do not go there. No promises were made, so none were broken.”

The phone rang and she hurried down the hallway. Breathless, she picked up the receiver. “Gage?”

“No,” Kendall’s voice purred.

Adrianna felt a terrible letdown. “Kendall. Oh.”

“I’d feel insulted if I wasn’t so curious about why you were expecting Gage Hudson this early in the morning?”

Adrianna shoved long fingers through her wet hair. Water dripped around her feet. “It’s a long story.”

“I’m in no rush at all.” Subtle amusement wove through the words. “In fact, there’s nothing I’d like better than a bit of good, juicy gossip.”

“There’s nothing to say.” And she realized with some embarrassment that there was nothing to say. Gage had slept with her and left. End of story.

“You sound sad,” Kendall said.

“I’m not sad.” She straightened her shoulders. She refused to be sad. There’d been too much of that in her life. She’d find a better, more powerful emotion to describe this moment. “I’m just irritated. Maybe even a little pissed.”

“What did Hudson do?” Kendall’s voice dropped a notch and adopted an air of aggression.

Adrianna glanced at the rumpled sheets on the bed. “Nothing I didn’t fully consent to.”

Kendall sighed into the phone. “So where is he now?”

She turned from the bed where the rumpled sheets still held the imprint of his body. “He just left without an explanation.”

“Cops have to do that sometimes, Adrianna. Jacob tore out of here early this morning.”

Adrianna straightened. “Something has happened.”

“I think so. That’s why I called.”

“If I find out anything, I’ll call you.”

“I’ll do the same.”

Adrianna hung up and glanced at the clock. Eight o’clock. Restless energy churned inside her and she couldn’t sit still. She dried her hair, applied make-up, and dressed in jeans and a V-neck sweater. She was halfway down the hallway when the phone rang.

“It’s Billy Miller. We’re breaking ground in an hour. Cops gave the okay. Permit says you need to be here.”

“I’m on my way.”

“Mazur asked me to call him. He wants to see the graves removed with his own eyes.”

“Fine. Call him.”


Gage, Vega, and Warwick rewound the tape and watched it for the fourth time.

She wore a pink slip that skimmed her long, pale legs and hugged small perky breasts. Sweat glistened from her body. Long blond hair tumbled down her shoulders
“How are you doing?” His voice was a whisper from off-screen
Her desperate gaze shifted toward him. “Can I go now? My son is waiting.”
“Not yet. Not yet.”

Rage boiled inside Gage as he watched Kelly Jo cower in the corner and the off-screen man prompt her to confess her love. He stiffened when the gun muzzle appeared and the killing shot took her life.

“See the way the camera shakes,” Vega said.

Warwick worked his jaw from side to side, as if he’d just absorbed a right hook. “Two killers.”

Gage tightened his jaw. “And note the way she keeps looking off-screen as if she’s looking for help.”

“He insists that she use his name. ‘I love you, Craig.’”

Gage’s rage boiled. “And he calls her Adrianna.”

“You think Thornton did this?” Warwick said.

“Maybe,” Gage said. “But it doesn’t explain Tammy Borden’s murder.”

“That other someone might be carrying on his work,” Warwick said. “His widow?”

Gage stared at the woman’s face. The pain. The terror. The knowing death came soon. “Adrianna wasn’t a part of this.”

Warwick’s scowl deepened. “You sound sure of yourself.”

“I am.”

Warwick studied him and then, shaking his head, turned away. “Then who?”

“Something Margaret Barrington said about Robert Thornton. She said he’d had the measles as a kid.”

“Yeah, so?”

“I’d bet money he was sterile. And according to Dr. Heckman, Frances Thornton would do whatever it took to protect the family line.”

Warwick’s gaze narrowed. “Craig wasn’t Robert Thornton’s biological son?”

Gage shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“So who’s the daddy?” Vega said.

“That’s the million-dollar question,” Gage said. “It’s time to let Miller finish that grave excavation. Once the bodies are out, we can do a DNA test.”

Warwick nodded. “That’s gonna take time.”

“I know. I know. And I don’t think we have much.” Gage pressed his fingers to his temple. “Tammy Borden’s trial—it lasted two days.”

Vega nodded. “I finally got a hold of her mother this morning. She recently received a postcard from Tammy in the morning mail. From Tucson.”

Gage rubbed the back of his neck, now tighter than a bow string. “Was the mother at Tammy’s trial?”

Vega nodded. “She was.”

“She might remember someone at the trial. Someone who wanted to see Tammy dead.”

Vega snapped his fingers. “I’ll do you one better. I’ll check the court logs and see who signed in during the trial or who requested transcripts.”

“Good. Good. There might be a connection.”

Tess pushed through the doors of the conference room. She stopped, a bit surprised by the crowd of detectives. “Is this reception for me?”

Vega attempted a smile.

No hints of welcome softened Gage’s granite features. “I hear you have more information.”

“Cheerful as always, I see.”

Gage’s patience, thin on the best days, snapped. “Play the tape for her.”

Warwick hit PLAY.

Tess approached the television screen and watched as the gruesome scene unfolded. Pain constricted her features, but there was no hint of it in her voice. Only steel and determination. “Someone is definitely holding the camera.”

“You said on the phone you had more information.”

“Yes.” She dropped her eyes to the manila folder in her hands. “Dr. Butler and I have had a chance to study the injuries of our three victims. Each appeared to have been struck in the face on both the left and right sides, evidenced by fractures. Consistently, the fractures on the left are faint, almost hairline, whereas the fractures on the right are deeper, more pronounced.”

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