Read Dreamwalker Online

Authors: Andrea Heltsley

Tags: #General Fiction

Dreamwalker (29 page)


Then reality pressed in and I had to stop him. I promised to give them both a fair shot and this was slutty. Jared respectively slid his hands back down my sides and I slid off of him.

I am sorry, but it just isn’t fair. You get time that Boone doesn’t get when you enter my dreams and Boone doesn’t. You have to let him have a fair shot as well if you want me to make an honest decision.”

I saw the anger slip through his features, but then he calmed and nodded. He got up from the bed and came around to my side. Picking me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Suddenly I was face to face with Jared, our noses touching.

Make no mistake, you should be with me. I hope I have shown you what we can be like together. We have an eternity to be each other’s everything. Just think about that when making your decision.”

I didn’t get a chance to respond because there was a loud rapping on the door. Jared released me and I stood and straightened. Good thing I didn’t have lipstick on. It would be everywhere and too telling of what went on this hour.

Come in,” I said.

Sam entered the room and put a finger up outside in the hall. “It is time for Jared to go. Listen very carefully. When you exit the room, you are going to go to the right and wait for me. Boone will enter the room and I will shut the door before we leave.”

Jared nodded and gave me a strained smile before making his way out of the room and into the hall. Moments later, Sam was stepping out and Boone was coming in. He shut the door behind him before addressing me.

Noel, you look amazing in that tank top. The shorts aren’t too bad to look at either. They are rather skimpy,” he said and smiled.

I blushed at the complement and stood there, not sure what to say after the last hour. I shouldn’t have worried, because he ran to me and lifted me in the air. I squealed and spun before he sat me down.


He pulled me in and kissed me. It started out innocent, but soon turned into more as molten lava slid through my veins and erupted inside me. Before I could even think straight, he had picked me back up and carried me to the bed.

Underneath him, I felt the weight of him against me. My breathing grew ragged and he pulled away, a wicked smile on his lips. I unconsciously licked my lips before I looked into his eyes.


The look he gave me was anything but playful. It was intense and filled with pure desire. Just the intensity alone made me shiver. Then he broke his gaze from mine and the spell was broken.

I have wanted to kiss you like that since the day we got caught. Hell, I wanted to do that when I was lying in bed with you at the hotel. It has been really hard to keep any sort of distance from you and a ton of restraint on my part.”

I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about it especially since our racy escapade in your bedroom earlier.”

His eyes lit up and his breath was the one to catch. “You are going to be the death of me Noel. If you keep running around here and in my dreams looking like that, I can’t guarantee I will keep my hands off you.”

My cheeks turned rosy and I smiled at the thought of his dream at the burlesque. Then the incident in his room was just as hot. I almost let him devour me right then and there.

I have to move away from you, or else we are going to finish what we started in my bedroom,” Boone said, putting some distance between us.

I laughed and sat up on the bed. For a couple of minutes, we just watched each other in silence. The room grew taut with sexual tension and my heart started to race.

Can I ask you something?”

Sure, you can ask me anything Noel.”

What happened to make you a vampire servant? Did you ever get bit?”

Boone went pale and then sat next to me. “That sure is a question I didn’t expect. You have a very good memory.”

Okay, so spill,” I replied.

I was put on the streets after my last foster parents became uncomfortable with my feeling so much. PLI found me and gave me a place to live and belong. I served them in return for a life free of judgement.”

Okay, elaborate. Vampires, did you ever get bit?”

You are making this difficult Noel. I was a vampire servant but I was only ever bit two times. A vamp lost control and nearly bled me to death. That is when I got out and went rogue.”

What about the other time?” I prodded.

It was Madison. She wanted to make sure I was telling the truth and not under PLI’s thumb anymore. She bit you too so you know what it was like.”

Satisfied, the room bled into silence. Trying to dispel the tension, I decided to ask him the same question I posed to Jared. “Why do you want me?”

There was no pause and no trepidation when he responded. “I want you because you are amazing. You are attractive inside and out. You make me feel like I am the only person in the world. I want to spend every waking second of every day for eternity giving you everything I can to make you as happy as you make me.”

Tears began to form at his response. I hadn’t expected an answer like that. Boone moved forward and wiped my tears away. Then he folded me into his arms.


I basked in the feel of us so close together but being far from a sexual moment. It was just what I needed just then. He brushed back a strand of my hair before speaking again.

If you haven’t noticed, I am totally and completely in love with you Noel Kennedy Maristolla.”

I was floored by his confession. I was torn between them, but his confession made my soul sing in approval. I wanted so badly to say it back to him, but I had to make a choice before that could ever happen.

Trying to let the seriousness drift away, I changed the subject. “What do you want to do now Boone?”

He grinned at me before replying. “I want to toss you on to that bed and make out like a couple of teenagers.”

That made me giggle and I placed his hand in mine. I made a show of dragging him to the bed before I jumped up there, my green eyes full of fire.


He laughed as he followed me onto the bed and pulled my face forward with both hands to kiss me. I melted like butter at the taste of him on me once again.

His lips were soft and passionate until a small sound of pleasure escaped from me. Then his kiss grew more feverish and his tongue slid its way into my mouth. It caressed mine in a way that seared through me.


I wrapped my hands in his messy brown hair and pulled him closer to me. He turned me on my back and moved on top of me, careful not to sink all his weight on me.

At the feel of him against me, I let out a strangled sound of surprise. Want coursed through me and my breathing grew ragged.

He reluctantly pulled away from me and slid up to his elbows, looking down at me with a wicked smile. “We were to make out like teenagers, not porno stars,” he joked. “That is unless of course, I get to make it to second base.”

I remember Jared and his lips moving to trail my breasts and felt guilty for not letting Boone have an equal opportunity to win me over.

I believe second base is a requirement when making out,” I grinned.

That was all the tempting he needed and he was back to kissing me with desire and need. Our kisses grew intense and my chest rose and fell in excitement.


Taking my queue, he broke our kiss and sat up. He looked me straight in the eyes as he lifted the hem of my sequined tank. Boone slid his fingers slowly and softly up my stomach and ran his fingers across the lace of my bra.

I broke contact and lifted my head in excitement, but he pulled me down to watch my eyes as he continued. It was hard for him not to feel the excitement that thrummed through me. I was like a lit match, slowly burning until I was extinguished.


Boone definitely sensed my excitement and he pushed his hands lightly below the fabric of my bra. I was struggling to keep my eyes on him at this point.

Finally his gaze broke and he kissed me. Then his kisses trailed from my neck, down my collarbone and settling to meet his hands just below the lace of my bra. A moan escaped my lips and my heart sped up.


I only had time to enjoy it for a few minutes because he pulled away from me. He tugged my shirt back down and ran his fingers through my hair.

Imagine if I could understand what you are feeling when it comes to everything, including the bedroom. That was nothing compared to how things could really go if I ever got the chance to show you.

Tease,” I joked. I was too worked up to be more serious than that.

I know you feel what I do; I can feel it like a beacon. Jared may not see it, but your choice is clear to me and I don’t think I could live an eternity without you Noel.”

Before I had a chance to respond to his confession, Sam knocked on the door signaling our hour was up. I straightened my clothes and we start towards the door.

At the last minute, before I had a chance to open the door, Boone swung me around and softly kissed my forehead. I smiled and he stepped back for me to open the door.

Sam entered the room and addressed Boone. “Go back to your room; we will see you in an hour.”

He nodded and gave me one last longing look before exiting the room. Sam shut the door behind her and eyed me warily. We waited until we knew he was far enough away to speak.

I am dying to know what happened sis,” she said, pulling me towards the bed. We sat cross legged on top of the plush cranberry bedding. It felt like I finally had my sister back.

Ugh, I am not even sure where to start. Jared was like a second date, getting to know me and some making out.”

That seems sweet,” she pushed.

Then I asked him why he wanted me and I got the answer I wasn’t expecting. He wants me for our similarities. We can dream walk, our souls call out to each other and I am beautiful.”

Hmm, good question. Did he hesitate before answering?”

Yes, but he still thinks we are meant to be together,” I replied.

So what else happened? I need details.”

We had a sexy make out session that went further than expected. We talked about ourselves and got to know each other.”

Wait, back up. Did you just say sexy make out session that went too far? Define what you mean by too far,” she asked.

He made his way under my lace bra and met his mouth with my breast.”

You naughty girl, I didn’t expect that from your one hour. He must really want to win.”

It felt like he got more carried away than anything. I am no closer to making a decision now than I was two hours ago,” I whined.

That must mean things went good with you and Boone.”

Yeah, he pretty much professed his love for me,” I admitted.

Awe, that is so sweet. How did he react to the question?”

I cleared my throat and prepared to repeat his answer. “He didn’t even pause. He says I am beautiful inside and out. He loves my spirit. He wants to spend an eternity with me making me as happy as he is with me.”

Damn girl that is some answer. I got shivers just hearing it. Then he said he loved you. Boone is taking this contest for eternity very serious.”

Before we were captured, he pinned me when we were alone. He told me he was going to fight for me no matter what it took. He said it was even worth his friendship with Jared and he was serious about me,” I confessed.

Wow, I have to give him props. He knows what he wants and nothing will stop him from getting it. What else happened during your hour?”

We made out like teenagers and I let him kiss his way to second base. It was only fair after Jared’s chance.”

You sexy minx, I can’t believe how hard these two are fighting for you. I always knew there was something special about my baby sister, other than our powers.”

Now it is time for the million dollar question. Which sexy man are you going to choose?” she asked.

I know I am supposed to have an answer, and I know who I am leaning towards. I just think I want to do one more thing first.”

What is that?”

Well, I know Jared is going to enter my dreams tonight and it isn’t a fair answer if I don’t let Boone do the same. I want to enter his dreams tonight. Then as soon as we get topside, I am going to make my decision.”

I hadn’t really thought of that. I guess that is a good call. Plus you won’t have to break any hearts in hell, that is pretty cruel,” Sam reasoned.

It is just a hard decision. Jared is the man of my dreams but Boone is the man that is real and gets me on a personal level.”

I agree that is a tough decision. The only caveat is that you have to break it to both guys yourself. That is only fair,” she declared.

Fine, I guess I can do that.”

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