I, having known love, could not live on kindness.”
The hot wind blew the lotus plants on the water, and Tuya
breathed in the sweet scent of them and smiled.
* * * * *
1. Are you familiar with the biblical story ofYosef, Potiphar
and Pharaoh? How did this novel impact, increase or
contradict your impression of the story in Genesis?
2. Could you identify with any of the characters in this
novel? What character traits resonated with you?
3. In what ways were the people of ancient Egypt like people
today? In what ways were they extremely different?
4. This is the first of three novels in a series. What do you think
will happen to Yosef and Tuya in the books to come?
5. In most Sunday-school lessons, Yosef is portrayed as a
hero, yet he had a fatal flaw. How does God use Yosef’s
weakness? How does God bring Yosef to an understand-
ing of his weakness?
6. What are some things you find in historical fiction that
you don’t find in contemporary fiction? How does reading
about people of the past enrich our lives in the present?
7. How did the love Tuthmosis felt for Tuya differ from the love
Yosef felt for her? Which was the more mature love? How
did her feelings for these two men change as time went by?
8. Was Sagira a victim of circumstance or a woman who suf-
fered the results of her own choices? How were women
more constrained in ancient Egypt than in modern times?
How were they more liberated?
9. Do you believe that Yosef’s slavery and imprisonment
was part of God’s perfect plan for his life? How did it
change him? How did it work for good or ill?
10. What does the story of Yosef teach the modern reader
about faith? How can you apply this lesson to your life?
ISBN: 978-1-4268-2588-0
This is the revised text of the work, which was first published
by Bethany House in 1996.
Copyright © 1996 by Angela Elwell Hunt
Revised text copyright © 2008 by Angela Elwell Hunt
Excerpt from BROTHERS
Copyright © 1997 by Angela Elwell Hunt
Revised text copyright © 2008 by Angela Elwell Hunt
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