Read Dream of Me Online

Authors: Magenta Phoenix

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #Paranormal

Dream of Me (24 page)

Hesitantly, Sera’s gaze shifted around the group of faces. When her eyes fell on Arlen, she jerked her gazed away fearfully before looking back at Cian. “I believe that the veil that separates our two worlds would dissolve and there would be no containing the evil of the Kelithian race that we have held at bay all these centuries.”

Turning away from Sera, Cian paced back to the three warriors. Bringing a clenched fist to his lips as the burden of his forebearers became more uncertain. “Even if what the priestess says is true and that we were sent here to contain the evil of our enemy, this is our home. And it is a home to millions of our kind. I do not pretend to understand it nor do I pretend to understand why the goddess would send us to seek out human mates. But I for one will not let the evil of Zyaid’s line destroy more lives than it already has.” Turning his sharp gaze to Arlen, Cian nodded. “Prepare your warriors; we march on the Kelithian kingdom tonight.”

“You are a fool,” Lord Rameir whispered as he strolled forward. Having been quiet long enough, he decided if he was to be killed for choosing the winning side, he would do so with courage. “The Kelithians are more powerful than anything on this earth. If you wish to allow our race to survive you must do as I and others have already done, join with Zyaid. Step away from your pride and your crown and think of the greater good.”

Cian’s lips thinned as he nodded his head in acceptance. “So it is true. You — a lord of the high council — has turned against your own?” Cian asked, glaring at the beseeching lord.

“I didn’t want to. But there comes a time when you have to think of our future, Gu’an. Sooner or later Zyaid would destroy us. It is only by the loyalty of a few that he hasn’t already. Who will you choose: the humans or your people?”

“Garmorian’s protect the weak. We always have, whether it was human lives or that of our own. You have lost sight of that, old friend. For what you have done, you will join Zyaid in hell.” Striding toward the heavy double doors, he jerked it open, surprising the two guards with his enraged expression. “Take Lord Rameir to the dungeon and keep him there.” Issuing the order, Cian strode from the throne chamber, ignoring the pleas for mercy from the lord.

He couldn’t dwell on the friend that he had just lost. Nor could he think on the lies that his people had been living on for centuries. It was time to prepare for the battle of their world and the humans.

* ~ * ~ *

Sliding his black spiked gauntlet onto his left forearm, Kieran’s head jerked around as he heard the door to his chambers open slowly. His eyes widened in surprise when Sera stepped into the dark room. Her white gown seemed to glow against her gray skin as she moved. Moving towards him she gave him a concerned look. Not wanting to see her look of pity he turned back.

Coming to a stop next to his bed, Sera reached out to touch his shoulder, but he jerked away from her touch.

“Don’t, Sera.”

“You’re too weak. You have the Gu’an and Li’r on your side; let them take care of this,” she beseeched, pressing her lips together with worry.

“What kind of mate would I be if I would let others rescue her and when I would not? I’m going — end of discussion, Sera.”

Picking up his long sword he ran his thumb along the edges to check its sharpness. Satisfied when his finger came away smeared with his blood, he slid his weapon into its scabbard hanging from his hip. His hand shook slightly with the effort as his draining strength begun to hit him. He refused to allow it to keep him from retrieving his sou’tali.

“Your Malrai Hin is almost complete; you are in no shape to go off into a battle,” she argued fiercely.

Jerking his head sharply around to glare at her, Kieran’s gaze hardened. “It is my choice and you are going to hold your tongue. Much like you did with everything else.” Turning away, he strode to the door. Jerking it open he left Sera staring after him. Soft footsteps echoed behind him as she followed, making his shoulders tense.

“I had no choice, Kieran,” she whispered at his back as she struggled to keep pace with him down the dark corridor.

Stopping abruptly, he jerked around to face her. His seething expression hovered above her startled one. “Do you remember the night I was drawn through the veil to Elena’s world the same night the eastern village massacre? You could have said something then. You knew how conflicted I was, but you stood by and said nothing.”

“How many times do you want me to say it, Kieran? I was sworn to secrecy by my predecessor. It was the only way to maintain the balance of the world we live in and protect the human world from the evils of the Kelithians. It’s how our ancestors wanted it and how Kalaya wanted it.”

Scoffing, he jerked paced away, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. “I no longer care, Sera. I no longer care what our ancestors thought or what you do. I’m going to get my mate.”

“If you use what life force you have left before the Malrai Hin is complete — you will die. I cannot watch you do that.”

“Then run back to your temple, Priestess.”

Sera flinched as he uttered her title. Though he’d called her by it before, this time it was spoken with a cold indifference.

Adopting a firm expression she moved to counter his coldly spoken words but paused as the sounds of heavy footsteps approached. Turning to look over her shoulder she frowned as Li’r Arlen stepped from the shadows wearing a dark scowl. His heavy gaze settled on her face for a brief moment before moving to look above her head at Kieran.

“Everyone is ready.”

Nodding tensely, Kieran nudged Sera aside before striding past his commander. Watching him leave caused Sera’s heart to squeeze in her chest. Clenching her thin fingers into tiny fists, she turned around, her eyes hesitantly settled upon the watchful eyes of Arlen before she glided past him. At the sound of his voice calling after her, she stopped.


Her shoulders tensed at the sound of his voice. A voice she’d heard in her dreams for years but never knew why. Panic seized her. She wanted to flee, but a priestess never ran from anything. Placing a look of indifference on her face, she turned to look over her shoulder at the mighty general.

“Do not address me so informally, Li’r. I am the priestess of the moon goddess and you will address me by that title."

Not even his eyes blinked. His dark gaze held hers as he took a single step forward. His chest rumbled as he drew closer. “I will address you any way I please,
Sera,” he replied curtly.

Taking a step back, her lips thinned as her face tensed with the beginning signs of her temper. “I’m returning to the temple. If the Gu’an has need of me I shall be there.” Before she could storm away as she longed to do, a strong hand circled her delicate wrist preventing her from moving an inch.

“I wish to speak to you.”

“Then speak,” she bit out, attempting to twist her wrist from his hold with no success.

Air seemed to burn within her lungs at his touch. Heated tingles of pleasure danced along her skin at the touch. At the feel of his strong fingers she could nearly feel his soul stroking hers. It was forbidden to touch a priestess in the way he was. Because of how she served the Goddess she was much like a guiding star in the darkness, untouchable but always present to guide the lost.

“Let go of me, Li’r. You, as well as everyone else are not permitted to touch the Goddess’s vessel.”

She let out a gasp as she was jerked around and crushed against his hard frame. His hands moved to grip her by her upper arms. The feel of his armor pressing against the material of her dress caused her to tremble. She had never been this close to another living being since the death of her parent’s and her initiation rites.

His breath batted against her face as he leaned dangerously closer to her, “I will touch you whenever I please, Sera. What were you and Kieran talking about?”

Clamping her mouth shut she glared up at him. Arlen scoffed at her stubborn look before removing his hands from her. As she took a careful step back, he held her gaze. He scowled down at her as she rubbed at one of her arms where he’d touched her.

“I do not like this closeness that you share with one of my warriors, Priestess.”

Rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms defensively over her chest. “It is none of your concern,
.” Turning to walk away, she didn’t get very far until his hard voice was calling after her again.

my concern.” Pausing he strode closer to her. Her body tensed as he stopped but a hair’s length from her. Bending close to her ear, he whispered, “I have begun seeking my mate.”

Not turning around to face him, she struggled not to give away at how his close proximity unnerved her. “I’m glad. May the Goddess guide you to your

Straightening, he whispered out harshly, “Is that all you have to say?”

Not bothering to answer, with her head held high she began walking. The further she walked the more her limbs began trembling. Only once she was outside the stronghold walls did she trust herself to look back. She didn’t understand the general here of late. It seemed anytime she was summoned to the stronghold, there he was. Always he seemed to be watching her with his disapproving eyes.

Shaking her head, she continued to move toward the temple. She needed to consult with the Goddess. The day had come and many would need guidance. Tonight their world would change forever.

Chapter Twenty

Giving the iron bars in front of her a final kick, Elena wasn’t surprised to receive the same result as before. At her harsh contact the bars didn’t even shake. Instead sparks of golden energy danced along the interlocking bars, reminding her that her new prison was enchanted. Unlike the one she’d awoken in, this one was built into the foundation of the bowels of the Kelithian fortress. From outside her prison cell, there was very little she could make out. Unlike the rest of the golden fortress, the dungeon was dark with only a single flamed torch hung by the entrance for light. The air around her smelled of decay and fire at the same time.

Welcome to the four seasons…
she thought sarcastically to herself.

Kicking her foot against the dirt covered floor, her hands tightened into fists as she fought the urge to yell in frustration. If Zyaid thought sticking her in this crappy place would change her mind about accepting his earlier offer he could forget it! She’d rather rot in this cell until Kieran rescued her than lift a finger to help that delusional mad man.

“Hello, my little human,” Zyaid’s smooth voice startled her from her thoughts as she spun around to see him standing at her cell door. He was accompanied by one of this guards that held a torch above their heads. As Zyaid stepped closer to the enchanted bars, she saw that his hand held a plate of food.

“Your Majesty,” she acknowledged mockingly.

His eyes narrowed at her mocking tone. His lips compressed before he spoke in his typical even voice. “I thought you would care for some food.”

Scoffing in mock disbelief, she shifted from one side of her cell to the other. “First you give me your
room and now I get room service too? You sure do know how to make a guest feel welcome,” she replied, not meaning a word she said.

Sighing, Zyaid bent down to shove the plate under the bars with more force than needed. Straightening, his face tightened in anger. Not the least bit afraid of him, she met his dark gaze with a knowing smirk.

“Did you really think I’d rush for your so called
?” she inquired, raising a brow at the offered food at her feet.

“You would do well to remember who you are talking to, human. Your next breath is depended on my good will. So I would mind my tongue if I were you,” he warned.

“You won’t kill me,” she stated with confidence.

“Oh, you are sure of that?”

“Yes I am. Because you want me for some idiotic scheme you’ve cooked up in your mind. But just like in the past, the Garmorians will stop you.”

Chuckling, Zyaid turned and paced out of the light of the torch. Turning back to face her, his face shrouded in shadows, he smiled back at her, “You still believe you can deny me what I want? I have ways of making you do what I want.” Moving closer to the bars of her cell, he shook his head. “You see; I wanted to do this differently. If I had, you wouldn’t be in this cage right now. Befitting I think since its where your kind would have my kind and the Garmorians if given the chance.”

“I bet it made you angry that Cian refused to turn me over to you didn’t it?” she asked mockingly.

“Cian’s time is ending. By the end of this night, I
have the key I need to cross the veil into your world and mold it in my image.”

“And what is your image? Where you are king over everything?” Shaking her head, she scoffed at the idea, “You’re an idiot.”

“No, my dear, the true idiot is your mate: Kieran.” The lit torch swished through the air as both Kelithians turned to leave.

“What does that mean?” Receiving no answer, she rushed toward the bars before she could stop herself. Arcs of golden energy shot through her hands feeling like a thousand volts of electricity. The hot energy shot through her chest and knocked her off her feet. Hitting the cold ground hard, she gasped for air as her chest and fingertips burned with pain.

Groaning, she curled onto her side before raising her eyes to see Zyaid smirking at her from the lit doorway.

Breathing though the pain, she repeated her question. “What…” she gasped out. “What do you mean?”

“To open a door to the human world you first need someone that is a part of that world. With you I can finally escape this world.”

“I don’t care what you do to me. I will never help you invade my world.”

“I know. However I have found that it is easier to make someone bow to my wishes if you cut off their legs first.” Tilting his head with a knowing look, he waved toward the plate of food near her. “Eat up. You will need your strength — or should I say,
will need your strength — all of it. We begin once your mate arrives.” With a swish of his robes, Zyaid disappeared from sight.

Slowly sitting up, her eyes trailed to the plate of food, shrieking in anger she shoved it away from her. She would rather starve to death than except anything from him. Zyaid’s words haunted her mind. He’d found her weakness and it wasn’t her world; it was Kieran. Never before had she felt so hopeless. How could she help another doom her world. On the other hand, how could she stand by and let Zyaid kill her mate.

“If you’re not going to eat that, pass it over,” the soft voice startled her. She wasn’t alone. Jerking her head around, Elena searched for the soft voice that echoed through her cell. Not seeing anyone, she dismissed it. She must have imagined it.

“Over here,” the soft feminine voice spoke again.

Out of the corner of her eyes she saw a flash of movement. Jerking her head to her right, she saw a thin arm reach through the darkness of the connecting cell. Without thinking, she picked up the plate. Stumbling to her feet she approached the side of her cell. Crouching down, she gasped at what she saw.

Even through the darkness, she was able to make out the face of the woman that called out to her. She was thin with an oval shaped face. She possessed long black hair that laid in a limp mass around her face. Across her forehead, nose, and down her neck were blackish scales.

Instantly the woman raised her eyes to Elena. Her eyes both terrified Elena and held her captive with awe. She possessed almond shaped eyes with horizontal pupils like a snake’s eyes that glowed bright purple. Breaking eye contact, Elena carefully slid the plate under the bars that divided them.

The woman snatched up the food from the plate without a pause, turning her face from the bars, she mumbled a few foreign words toward a dark corner of her cell. Instantly the sound of movement reached Elena’s ears drawing her attention. Moving back from the bars, Elena watched with curiosity as the woman divided the food as three dark shadows drew closer.

Once close enough she was able to see that they were children. One was a boy with dark blonde hair; the other two were girls with black hair. All seemed to be in between the ages of thirteen and sixteen, except for the second girl whom appeared to be no older than five. The smallest instantly cuddled close to the older woman as she handed her some food. All possessed the same thin and dirty appearance.

“Who are you?” Elena asked softly. Violet eyes met hers before she got her answer.

“My name is Viper. What are you?” she asked, a deep frown tugging at her lips. “You don’t look like a Garmorian. Are you a Kelithian?” Viper sneered with disgust, drawing attention to her needle-like fangs. Elena shook her head in denial as Viper all but spat the word

“No. I’m human.”

Viper’s arched brows lowered in confusion. “
I have never met a human before.”

“What are you?” Elena inquired gently.

Instantly Viper’s relaxed face tensed up. Pursing her lips, she turned away, “It’s complicated.”

Approaching footsteps echoed through the darkness causing Viper’s eyes to widen in fear. Jerking back, she whispered something harshly to the young girl cuddled against her side. Whatever she had said had the girl running back to the shadows with the others.

Turning back to Elena, Viper looked at her beseechingly, “I don’t know you or your kind, but something tells me that you hate King Zyaid almost as much as I do. You must find a way to escape. Whatever the king has planned for you will surely kill you.”

“He plans to destroy this world and mine.”

Viper whispered fearfully, “Get out of here. When you do, take my family with you. I won’t be able to protect them from him for much longer.”

Before Elena could respond three Kelithian warriors entered the dungeon with grim expressions. Were they coming for her? She received her answer as they came to a stop outside Viper’s cell. Light of the torches they carried chased away the shadows within the cell. In the far corner Elena could see the teenage boy standing in front of the two young girls who huddled fearfully in the corner. The boy’s violet eyes blazed as he flashed his long fangs at the trio.

“That one," one of the Kelithians said, pointing his finger at Viper. Another stepped forward, touching the bars with his hand. With a sound of the rusty bars shifting the door to Viper’s cell opened.

“Try and take her then,” the boy hissed out, taking a threateningly step forward.

“Kobren, stay back,” Viper ordered firmly. The Kelithian at the door took a step forward; he smirked at Kobren’s threateningly display he moved toward Viper.

“Wait,” the leader said stopping the other before he could reach Viper. “We’ve been trying to bleed that female for the last week. Try another.”

At his words, Viper hissed before lunging forward. Rushing at the Kelithian in attempt to protect her brother, she was stopped as the smirking Kelithian spun towards her gripping her by the throat. Spinning her around, the warrior twisted her arms behind her back before shoving her forward. The door slammed closed stopping the remaining three as they rushed forward fearfully.

Rushing toward her own bars, Elena yelled after the departing four, “Let her go!”

Inside she dreaded to think about what they intended to do to her. None bothered to respond to Elena as they shoved Viper past the row of cells to a door. The closer they got the more Viper began to hiss and fight against their hold. Two of them laughed at her vain efforts while the third simply watched with a grim expression.

“Stop fighting,” the leader ordered firmly. “The more you fight the harder it will be on you.” Shoving the door open he allowed the other two to usher Viper in before he joined them. The sound of the door slamming behind him was drowned out by the weeping voices from Viper’s cell.

“Kieran, you’d better hurry…” She whispered to the shadows around her. Unless the Garmorian got to them in time, it would mean the end of this world… and her own.

* ~ * ~ *

Kieran’s wings beat furiously against the wind as they drew closer to the Kelithian boarder. His wings faltered as more of his strength begun to drain from him. In an instant he found himself dropping through the air. Thick tree branches painfully slowed his descent before he plummeted to the ground. Panting, he pushed himself up onto his feet. Already he could feel the bond between Elena and him draining his life force by the minute.

“Kieran!” Dajran’s voice echoed with concern above him. Ignoring him, Kieran began walking down the worn path through the trees. He came to a sudden stop as Dajran dropped directly in front of him, blocking his path. Dajran fixed him with a hard look before speaking, “We can do this without you.”

“Get out of my way!” he snarled, shoving Dajran aside before striding past him. Not a second later, his path was blocked again but this time by Arlen.

Crossing his armored encased arms over his chest, Arlen gave him a hard look. “You’re going to kill yourself,” his commander rumbled out. “You won’t be much use to your mate if you are dead.”

“You will not stop me, Li’r,” he said firmly. No one would keep him from Elena.

Arlen shook his head, his mouth set in a grim line, “No. It is not my place to stand in the way of a Malrai Hin between mates. However, as your comrade during this time I must agree with Dajran. Even now I can see you weakening. You are endangering not only yourself but our lives as well. But, I would never allow another to fight my battles if it came to my mate either. Lead the way.”

Without another word, Arlen stepped aside, allowing Kieran to precede him. Now on the other side of the Greenwood, the trio arrived on Kelithian soil. Lifting his face to the horizon, Kieran could see the ivory fortress looming in the distance.

Shaking off the heavy weariness that weighed on him, he pushed forward. All the while aware that Arlen and Dajran were following him cautiously across the dark land. Never once did either complain about foregoing the use of their wings. He had to admit he was already missing it after hours of walking. Wiping at the sweat along his brow with his forearm, Kieran tensed as they reached the iron spiked wall that surrounded the Kelithian fortress.

Silence echoed around them. To any other, one would assume that the fortress was abandoned, but he knew better. Without a doubt he knew they were being watched by thousands of Kelithian warriors. Moving toward the iron barricade, the ground shook beneath his feet as yellow parks of energy danced along the iron wall. He knew that if any of them tried to fly over the wall or take it by force the Kelithian magic would respond. Releasing a tired breath, Kieran lifted his face toward the fortress walls. “I’ve come to speak to your king!” he shouted, his words echoed through the silence around them.

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