Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (60 page)

Blaine glanced
down, nearly crossing his eyes in an attempt to see. A large, raised mark on
his skin, the beginnings of a bruise.

Well, how about
that? His very first hickey. Sweet.

“Yeah,” Blaine
replied. “I guess I am. So what are you gonna do with me, now that you have

Matt’s grin
could only be classified as wicked. “I’m going to blow your mind.”

“You’ve already
done that,” Blaine admitted.

“Then I’m going
to give you the best sex of your life.”

“Not hard, I’m
not exactly well-rounded in that area.”

Matt rolled his
eyes, huffing out a breath of frustration. “Stop talking. You’re making my
brain dizzy.”

“So shut me
up,” Blaine dared, still playing with that soft hair.


Before Blaine’s
fuzzy head could process the motion, Matt was on his knees in front of Blaine,
busily working open the fastening of his jeans. Matt slid down the zipper
gently, eyes widening and cheeks flushing a deep red when his task was

“Damn, babe,”
Matt said, licking his lips again. “Would you look at that?”

Blaine hadn’t
bothered with underwear, which he thought now was a very good thing. Gave Matt
easier access. Confident hands pulled his cock free, Matt stroking the hard,
pulsing length with an almost maddeningly gentle touch. Blaine was aroused
enough – and just from a kiss,
it – that he
needed more, harder, rougher. Now.

Using his tight
grip of Matt’s hair, Blaine pulled the dark head closer in a silent plea. Matt
made a small, almost needy, sound. Then soft, wet heat engulfed the head of his
cock and Blaine’s world blanked out.
A gray
invaded his vision and he yelled Matt’s name, hips thrusting forward
involuntarily. Matt grabbed Blaine, holding him still.

“Please, Matt,
please.” The words just poured out of Blaine, begging, needy words that he
couldn’t stop. All he cared about was getting more. He’d never felt anything as
amazing as Matt’s lips on his shaft.

One hand left
Blaine’s hips, coming down to play with his balls, rolling and tugging, the
touch firm, moving rhythmically in time with the motions of Matt’s mouth. He
licked from base to head with his tongue, swiping streams of pre-cum off the
head, swallowing and sucking again.

Blaine chanted
Matt’s name, squirming and groaning. The heat and pressure built up, higher and
higher. He could feel tingling in his lower back, his sac drawing up close to
his body, stomach muscles so tight they ached. He needed, so much. Just a
little more.

“Matt, please,
gonna –“

“Come on,
babe,” Matt replied. The words sent vibrations rippling through Blaine’s
hyper-sensitive skin and he yelped, bucking and writhing. Not enough. Not

Fuck. He needed
to come. Now. Before his body ripped itself apart from sheer frustration.

Matt’s solid
form pressed closer, wrapping around one of Blaine’s spread legs. He was…oh,
God, Matt was thrusting against his leg, need written in the tense line of his
bare shoulders. His mouth kept moving, up and down, swirling around. Both hands
now gripped Blaine, fingers digging into his shaking thigh muscles with
bruising force.

Matt pulled
away, Blaine’s cock slipping from between his lips.

“No, no.”
Blaine tried to pull him back, the hot summer air feeling cold against his skin
after the inferno of Matt’s mouth.

Matt merely
shifted until he was practically riding Blaine’s calf, braced himself, and went
back for seconds. The position was awkward as hell, Blaine’s leg muscles
screeching in protest, but he ignored it. Almost – there!

Blaine’s release
ripped through him with sudden ferocity, sending him over the edge so
unexpectedly that his whole body seemed to lock up. Sparks flashed behind his
closed eyelids. He bellowed Matt’s name, tugging and pulling, trying to get the
other man as close as physically possible. The orgasm seemed to last forever,
spurt after spurt of spunk pouring out of him.

And Matt took
it all, licking and suckling, swallowing down Blaine’s cum like he couldn’t get

finally, the lights faded. Everything within Blaine went limp and he slumped,
the wall he was half sitting on and Matt pressed against his legs the only
things keeping him from collapsing into a gooey pile of blissed-out Blaine.

It took
Blaine’s exhausted brain several moments to realize that Matt was still moving.
He had his cheek pressed into Blaine’s stomach, hips grinding against Blaine’s

Mustering up
some of the strength that orgasm had drained out of him, Blaine grabbed Matt
and hauled him upright. He braced the slightly smaller man against his chest,
fumbling with the button on those teeny-tiny cut off shorts. Blaine practically
had to peel the denim away from Matt’s skin. The tight fit must have been damn
near painful, as hard as Matt’s cock was when Blaine finally succeeded in freeing
it. Smooth skin met his touch, Matt shaved clean, the feeling a fantastic
contrast to Blaine’s own dark bush.

Blaine wrapped
his fist around Matt and pulled, hard and fast and probably a bit too rough but
his concentration was shot and…

It only took a
few firm strokes before Matt shouted wordlessly and spilled into Blaine’s hand,
the hot, sticky mess coating him with the physical evidence of Matt’s pleasure.

Blaine felt
ridiculously proud of himself as he cradled Matt against him, brushing his
clean hand against sweaty skin. It fascinated him, Matt’s pale coloring against
his own, much darker,

“We should go
in,” Blaine murmured absently, rubbing against the non-tattooed shoulder.
“You’re starting to turn red.”

Despite his
dark hair, Matt had the palest skin. It didn’t tan, just went right to
lobster-bright and peeling. As much as Blaine was savoring their current
position, tucked together, sated and lazy, he didn’t want Matt to hurt later.

Matt made a
sound that was either agreement or ‘fuck-off’. Blaine chuckled. He helped Matt
to one side, reluctant to let the other man go. But his arms were still a bit
shaky from that sexual apocalypse Matt had unleashed on him and he didn’t want
to drop Matt. That would make a great ending for their first time together.
Leave Matt with wicked sunburn and a concrete rash. Yeah. That would just
guarantee another go-round.

Matt braced
himself against the concrete wall. “Don’t think my legs work yet,” he said.
“Damn, babe.”

“Right back at
ya,” Blaine replied.

Matt laid his
head against Blaine’s shoulder, sighing with contentment. Blaine smirked before
raising his hand and licking off some of
the cum
coating it.

Matt groaned
and smacked him in the stomach. “Stop that,” he chided. “Do try not to look so
sexy, please. I need a few minutes to catch my breath.”

“Good for you,”
Blaine replied. “I think a few minutes
optimistic, myself.”

“Hey, I’m good
for another couple of rounds, easy.”

“You’re trying
to kill me,” Blaine said around a mock groan.

“Nope, no
dying,” Matt stated. “You’ve got to stick around a while. I’m not done with you

“I don’t think
I’m done with you, either,” Blaine admitted.

“Up you get,
big boy,” Matt declared suddenly.

“Not like I’m
all that much bigger than you are.” Blaine grumbled, but complied. His feet
felt off, like they were on the wrong legs or something. Hell, his
were shaky. Sex had never done that to him before. He might have been in
denial, but that didn’t mean Blaine was a complete innocent. A blow job was a
blow job, after all, no matter what equipment came attached to the person
delivering it.

Or at least,
that’s what he’d thought until today. Matt just may have spoiled him for anyone
else. Which Blaine was, surprisingly, completely all right

Clinging a bit
to each other, they staggered to their feet. Blaine nearly did a nose dive when
his pants, wrapped around his thighs, tried to trip him up. He struggled,
twisted, finally managed to untangle himself and get his clothes righted. Matt
snorted, the sound leading into full-blown, utterly amused cackles.

“Look at us,”
he said around another snort. “Hobbling around like a couple of idiots.”

“Yep. That’s
us. Two idiots.”

“Wish I could
argue with that, babe, I really do.”

Matt’s shorts
were down around his knees. He didn’t bother yanking them up, though. No, sir,
the man just shoved and wiggled. Then he stood there, stark naked in the
backyard, the deepening rays of the setting sun flushing his skin golden.
Long-fingered hands planted on slender hips, Matt grinned. Blaine swallowed
hard and counted to five.

Don’t pounce on
the man, don’t pounce.

Aw, hell. The
counting thing was definitely a lost cause. This time it was Blaine dragging
Matt. “Come on, inside. You really are starting to turn nice and red.”

Matt scowled.
“I hate being so pasty. Maybe I should try some of that tan-in-a-bottle crap.
Mike says the stuff works great.”

“Mike spent two
weeks wandering around campus as the orange wonder,” Blaine pointed out.

“Right. No
tan-in-a-bottle for me.”

“I like your
skin.” Blaine let Matt precede him through the door, his hand lingering on the
aforementioned skin. Yeah, he liked, all right. Pale and smooth and oh so
touchable. “Besides, this way, I have a great excuse to rub lotion on you. I
can start on the shoulders and work my way down…”

Woosh. Instant
arousal. Matt’s cheeks went red, breathing deepened, and that long, thin cock
rose proudly to curve up, drawing Blaine’s eyes to more of that luscious skin.


Blaine nodded.
“Oh, yeah.”

Matt grabbed
his hand, twining their fingers, and led Blaine down the hall. He looked at
their laced hands, looked at Matt, and some of the ever-present tightness left
his chest. Blaine could hardly remember the last time he’d been this happy.

Maybe being gay
wasn’t going to be so bad, after all. Not that he had plans to go announcing
their changed relationship from the rooftop of the student union. Hell, Blaine
didn’t even think he was ready to walk around campus holding hands like this.
But the thought of coming out wasn’t nearly as scary now as it had been earlier

And if Blaine
had Matt, he thought that, by the time the fall semester rolled around? He’d
probably be doing that announcement. Because Blaine thought that Matt was going
to be worth it. Every little bit of trouble, every fight they’d probably get
into, every taunt and sneer sent their way.

If he had Matt,
Blaine figured he could handle anything.


Author bio: K.M.
Mahoney has been creating stories since before she could write. After devouring
every book she could get her hands on (and a few that she had to sneak past her
parents), K.M. turned to writing her own. K.M. loves nothing more than
wandering new places and, on occasion, entirely new worlds with her characters.
Her characters range from cowboys to Victorian nobleman, accountants to
shapeshifters, and everything in between. She admits to having very little
control over her character’s actions – any naughty behaviour is all their





JL Merrow
– BEAR NAKED (First-time/Bears)

Selected by JL Merrow

Dear Author,

[PHOTO: Two burly, middle-aged, naked men
sit in wooden chairs, eating at a tiny round table. The slightly younger,
smoother man with a dark crew-cut holds his bowl up and gazes across at the
other's bowed greying head. The second man stares down through wire-framed
glasses at his bowl, held strategically over his groin, his feet awkwardly
curled over each other.]

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