Don't Ever Stop: A BDSM Billionaire Romance (20 page)

‘You signed a contract, Rose,’ Redmond said, walking towards me. ‘This is a violation of the terms.’

‘I’m sorry. I know. I just assumed you weren’t interested, that you and Nisha were together. I don’t know. Oh shit. I’m sorry, Redmond.’

Redmond grabbed my shoulder and pulled me around, fast, to face him. For a moment, he said nothing, and then, a sparkle came into his blue and brown eyes. ‘Call me “Mr. Cooper”,’ he said gruffly.

I saw his lips curling slightly at the edges. What was it, the beginnings of a mischievous smile?

Deciding to test the waters, to see if he was indeed playing a game with me, I responded, ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Cooper.

‘You’ve been a very bad girl, Rose,’ Mr. Cooper said, his hands trailing from my shoulders, down to my arms, and then taking me firmly by the hips. Holding me tightly, he led me slowly, but purposefully, towards his desk, where he kept hold of my hips with one hand, pulling them back, and pressed down on the space between my shoulder blades with the other hand, pushing me down onto his desk, with my ass in the air. Then he grabbed my hands and held them clasped together behind my back. In this position, I was utterly powerless.

The skirt of my dress was so short that I was sure my boss would be able to see between my legs. My dress was so tight that I wasn’t even wearing panties. If his hand slipped down an inch or two, he’d be able to feel how naked I was…

As his hand pressed down on my back, and my face pushed down hard against the paperwork spilling across the surface of his desk, I heard him fiddling with something. The sound of something unhooking, and being lifted away from me. Oh no. It was one of the straps on my dress. He’d managed to unhook it, and pull it free, and I could feel the thin, sheer elastic being pulled across my wrists.

‘Looks like you need to be taught a lesson,’ he said. ‘My little whore has started to stray.’

He yanked the elastic around both wrists, and then I could feel his fingers, expertly tying a knot around my hands.

‘Wearing dresses like this without my permission,’ he said, running his fingers over the remaining two straps across my back, ‘is completely unacceptable. You know who make the decisions around here, Rose… don’t you?’

‘I’m sorry, sir,’ I said quietly.

His hands ran over my buttocks now, and I shivered as he touched the scars which had still not quite healed from the weekend before last. Then I felt his fingers on the hem of my skirt, so close to my pussy, which was bare and vulnerable in the cool air of my boss’ office. Slowly, he lifted the hem of my skirt up, over my buttocks, revealing my bare ass to him completely.

‘No panties,’ Mr. Cooper tutted. ‘Well well, little whore. This just gets worse and

He ran his hands across my naked backside, grabbing the cheeks in his hands, pulling them apart slightly. I could feel the delicate skin around my asshole pull in opposite directions as he tried to open me up like two halves of a peach. Then he stopped and stroked my ass sensually for a few moments instead.

After this, I felt his left hand pressing down on me, hard, pushing on my restrained hands, to make sure they couldn’t work themselves free. He pushed my stomach down into the edge of the desk, and then, after a brief silence, he spoke.

‘You know what happens to naughty girls, Rose,’ he said, feeling me squirm slightly under his fingers. ‘Naughty girls get spanked. And the naughtier they’ve been… the harder they get spanked.’

With that, I suddenly felt the full force of one of his palms coming down on my ass, right on top of the healing wounds, making them sting and smart, almost like I was being whipped with the birch rod, all over again.

‘That’s for breaking the rules of the contract,’ he said, letting the stinging sensation truly sink in before doing anything else.

‘And this,’ he said, his voice keener now, like he was enjoying getting into the swing of things. ‘This is for fucking somebody else.’

I cried out, about to tell him I hadn’t fucked
, when the flat of his hand smacked into me again. This time, Mr. Cooper’s big hand smacked me so hard, just at the bottom of my ass, that it smacked against my bare pussy too, causing it to throb in pain. ‘Sir…’ I panted. ‘I didn’t fuck anyone.’ My voice was quieter now. ‘I’ve… never fucked anyone.’

Mr. Cooper remained immobile for a few moments, his breath heavy behind me. Then, almost imperceptibly, I could just make out the sound of a zipper being unfastened, and Mr. Cooper groaned.

At precisely that moment, so loud it made me start, there was a knock at Mr. Cooper’s door.

‘Fuck!’ Mr. Cooper shouted, his breath heavy. He pulled down the skirt of my dress, back over my ass. ‘Into the glasshouse. Now.’

I hurried over to the glass door at the back of the office, but my arms were tied behind my back, and I could open the door. Now that I was standing up, my dress had come loose too, where Mr. Cooper had ripped off one of the straps, and the material peeled back from my right breast. Whoever was about to walk in, right now, was going to see

Mr. Cooper bent down to the carpet, and picked up my jacket, then I saw him fiddling with his fly as he walked quickly over to the door beside me. ‘In here,’ he said, pulling back the door. ‘All the way in. Keep moving.’

I was greeted by the warmth and fragrant aroma that I’d been struck by last time I was in here, when I’d fainted, but this time I felt far from faint. I felt panicked. Someone was going to spot us, and there was going to be trouble. Big trouble. For both of us.

‘This way,’ Mr Cooper said, grabbing my arm tight, so tight it hurt, and leading me forwards, waiting impatiently for me to step over plants and sprinklers, pulling me behind trees. When we’d walked what felt like at least halfway around the building, so that his office was no longer in sight, Mr. Cooper pulled me down to the floor.

‘Get down low,’ he said. ‘Nobody will look for us here.’

‘Who is it?’ I whispered, my heart racing, my leg grazing against the damp concrete beneath me.

‘Probably the cleaner,’ he said. ‘She usually checks I’ve gone home before she locks up and leaves.’

‘Locks up.’

‘It’s okay, I have a key.’

‘Doesn’t she check in here then?’ I asked.

‘I don’t think so,’ he said. ‘Not usually.’

‘Why doesn’t that reassure me?’ I asked, moodily.

‘Rose,’ Mr. Cooper whispered, suddenly tugging at something on my jacket. When I looked down, I saw that he was pulling the belt out of its hoops, and holding it up to me like a piece of rope. ‘While we’re in here, I’m going to tie you up again.’

Looking at the rope, I realized now what my new dress had reminded me of, back when I was in the changing room at the store. Each strap was like a length of rope, tied around my body. The dress had reminded me of Mr. Cooper, along.

‘And when I’ve tied you up,’ he said, with a strange new depth to his voice, ‘I’m going to fuck you.’








White Jasmine


Mr. Cooper’s knees pressed me down into the ground, as he sat over me, lifting my arms behind me, tying me up against a large steel structure running between three small cherry blossom trees. A pink petal fell down onto my face as I looked up at him, trying not to let him see how much pain I was in now, on my buttocks, or my shoulders where he was hoisting my arms back, or between my legs, where he’d smacked me. I didn’t want him to see how much pain I was, because I didn’t want any of it stop.

In fact, I wanted more. Much more.

Mr. Cooper, still pinning me down as he sat over me, took off his jacket – an extremely-expensive-looking Armani jacket – and threw it onto the wet concrete beside me. Then he began undoing his shirt.

It struck me now that I had never seen my boss naked. I had never even seen him without a shirt. I held my breath, waiting to see him, hoping I’d like what I saw.

I’d only been this close to one topless man: Jacob.

As Mr. Cooper peeled off his shirt, though, I saw that he was
like Jacob. I mean, sure, Jacob had been in good shape, but it was
compared to the man sitting astride me now. Mr. Cooper had a six-pack. He had rock hard pectoral muscles, and tight, round muscular shoulders that made me think he could just pick me up and carry for miles if he needed to. I probably weighed nothing to a man like this. In fact, a man like this was so strong that he could crush me in seconds if he wanted to. Imagine that. It was well within Mr. Cooper’s power, if he so desired, to just grab me in his thick, muscular arms, and squeeze me until I stopped breathing.

He stooped down over me, putting his finger to my lips before I could speak. ‘Shh,’ he whispered. ‘Can you hear anything?’

I strained to listen, but my heart was beating so fast that it sounded like an entire drum circle was playing inside me. I shook my head.

Mr. Cooper remained completely stiff, listening out for the sound of snapping twigs or rustling leaves, anything that might give away the fact we weren’t alone out here. But, judging by the clear focus in his eyes, he heard nothing. I tried to look past him, to see if I could see anyone behind him, but my arms were tied so fast to the steel post behind me that I couldn’t shift even an inch.

Mr. Cooper looked down at me. ’No point struggling,’ he hissed. ‘You’re stuck there until I decide to free you.’

‘And when will that be?’ I whispered back, trying not to smile.

‘Not yet,’ he said, reaching down to my skirt, and pulling it down with such a force that the other two straps broke as well. ‘Not for a
long time

He pulled the dress clean over my legs and feet, and I lay there, tied up and naked before him, writhing around on the cold, wet concrete. ‘Mr. Cooper,’ I said, my teeth beginning to chatter with nerves. ‘I’ve never… I’m a…’

‘It’s okay,’ he said gently, stroking the hair out of my eyes. ‘I’m in charge now.’

He pulled off his pants, throwing them onto the concrete beside him, so that all he was wearing were his tight, black boxers. I could see his erection immediately. The black fabric was pulled taut at the groin. The big black mass behind it pushed hard at his underpants, like it wanted to rip them open and set itself free. I was desperate to reach out and touch it, to feel its warmth with my fingertips, but obviously, my hands were restrained, and I could do nothing but watch.

Mr. Cooper sat over me once more, his tight abductor muscles, wrapped around me. ‘You’re not going to go off with your boyfriend after this, are you?’

I thought of Patrick. Poor Patrick. Lovely as he was, I’d always known in the back of my head, I think, it wasn’t going to work. I’d broken things off with Jacob for a reason. I didn’t need another Jacob.

I shook my head. ‘There’s no-one else,’ I whispered.

Mr. Cooper thought about this for a moment. ‘I want to keep up our arrangement, Rose,’ he said. ‘I want to keep tying you up. To keep spanking you. To keep dominating you, in all sorts of new ways.’

I swallowed.

‘But for that to happen, I need trust.’

‘I trust you,’ I said weakly.

‘And I trust you too,’ he said, his face moving down now, closer towards me, until his lips were brushing my cheek. I could feel the warmth of the air that had been inside me, moving across my skin, hear the heaviness of his breath against me. ‘You dirty bitch,’ he whispered, as he pressed his lips hard against mine. The force of his mouth, pushing so hard against me, made me moan. But still, he kept on pushing, forcing his tongue between my teeth, flicking it hard and powerfully over my own tongue, grabbing me by the face so he could plunge his tongue farther and deeper within me.

I felt his groin – his hot, hard groin – pressing up against mine now. Even though he had underpants on, I was sure he could feel how wet I was through the fabric. I was so slick with juice that he was almost sliding right inside me, even with his underpants on.

Oh god, I wanted him. This was exactly how I wanted to lose my virginity. I wanted to lose it so badly.

‘Wait,’ Redmond said, suddenly pulling away from me. He reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out a black leather wallet. Was he going to offer me money? Is that what this was to him?

I saw him open his wallet and take out a small silver packet, which he ripped open with steady, strong fingers.

Of course! A condom! I was such an idiot. I wouldn’t even have thought of using one. Shit. There were some things I still really wasn’t so worldly wise about yet. And I sensed Mr. Cooper was going to be the one to teach me them all.

He pulled down his underpants, and I strained to lift my upper body off the floor so that I could see his cock. I’d imagined it so often, that it felt unreal I was finally about to see it. When I eventually got a glimpse of it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The thing in front of me was just… beautiful. So long and hard and smooth. Built to do only one thing, and that thing was fuck. It was designed perfectly. I could make out a few straining veins beneath the surface of the skin, showing just how hard he was right now, how desperately he wanted me. The tip of his cock was a deep crimson color, full of hot, manly blood, gushing straight from his heart to his penis, filling him up with red hot love.

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