Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (7 page)

I had to
rummage around in my own thoughts and what was left of my nearly empty memory. A number flashed into my mind and then faded away. “I’m…nineteen.” I said slowly.

“Are you sure?” Gabe was perplexed

“Positive.” I nodde
d, feeling more confident in that number.

They all looked at me with

Nineteen huh?” Durien commented. “Wow.” He then said, giving me a quick once over.

“You look sixteen.” Anthony smirked.

“Is that a compliment or an insult?” I asked.

shifted in his seat with a grin. “As long as you can hang, it makes no difference to me. No special treatment for the younger ones though.”

Oh please, you’re only twenty two.” Lorelei said to Anthony, shaking her head with a half-smile.

“How young is the youngest one here?” I asked.

“Sixteen has been the youngest I’ve ever seen or known, as far as being a fighter goes. Lira is sixteen.” Crystal said with a nod at Lira.

“Yeah, most of the younger ones are
either scouts, inscribers, or soliloquists, or they just do daily tasks in and around the Hall.” Anthony informed.

I glanced over at Lira, wondering which one she was, seeing as she had no weapon branding.

“So, we get to pick our title or jobs then?” I asked.

Nothing is picked. You were chosen when you’re born into the mortal world, we all were. It was predestined for you then.” Lorelei told me.

There are divisions and tiers of warriors too.” Scarlet added.

y too much information too soon.” Gabe reminded Scarlet with a smirk.

They all seemed to share some silent agreement on Gabe’s statement in unison.

                            Nothing made sense to me right now anyway; they may as well have been speaking in a foreign language.

I think you two would have hit it off.” Gabe finally commented, apparently still speaking of this Devlin girl.

“By taken, does that necessarily mean she’s dead?” I had
to ask, knowing I still had no idea what was going on, where I was, and what I was supposed to be doing here.

They all paused for a moment
. Both Scarlet and Lorelei shrugged.

“May as well be.”
Lira then said softly. She kept her large eyes cast downward, concentrating on the fig that she was nibbling on.

No one contested that comment
, so I assumed they all agreed with her. Well, that sucked.

“So, is this the late riser?” A cocky voice interrupted our conversation just then.

It was the girl who’s been mean mugging me.

She stared at me
hard with her pale green eyes, as if she were trying to either read or intimidate me, neither of which was working.

Her complexion was tan
, and her dark brown hair was twisted into a single braid that hung to the middle of her back. Her sidekick was the opposite. She was shorter and a little on the thick side. We shared the same light beige skin complexion, but her chin length, light brown hair held more of a tight, curly texture, in contrast to mine.

“She’s been up
, you’re the late one.” Durien came back sarcastically.

ou guys had better watch her, and be careful that she doesn’t get you targeted or killed.” She said shaking her head. “I don’t get it. She knew and she still wanted him. She shouldn’t be here. She can’t be trusted.” She then said.

Shut up.” Durien warned with a glare.

she’s here now, isn’t she? So don’t say another word about it.” Lorelei added sharply, as she turned around to look up at the girl.

I appreciated their loyalty in
jumping to my defense, given that we’d just begun to get acquainted. What was this girl even talking about anyway? I wanted who? I would get them killed? I can’t be trusted?

by the way that they were all staring at her, I don’t think anyone at the table liked this girl, and it was obvious as to why. She was someone I would apparently have to watch myself— if I could figure out what she was talking about.

“That do
esn’t mean anything. She’ll be another Devlin or worse before too long.” She then said.

her last words, Lorelei’s sweet, angelic face turned into a scowl, and then began to redden. The color of her chestnut hazel eyes intensified, as she pressed her lips; pushing back in her chair to stand in one swift, smooth motion. She stood face to face with the girl— who appeared surprised.

They were nearly
eye to eye, the other girl being slightly taller than Lorelei.

“Say one more word.
” Lorelei held up her index finger in a warning whisper. Her brandings began to shimmer, and I stared at them in amazement. The girl narrowed her eyes with a simper.

what was happening here? I wondered. My own heartbeat began to speed up, along with a surge of adrenaline. The sudden, eager urge to jump into the possible mounting conflict protectively alongside Lorelei, had the muscles in my body tensing, twitching, and ready to move before I could even blink.

Feeling this alien, aggressive strength and power
, rippling and coursing through me, was something that would take some getting used to.

The soft muted conversations around us
, suddenly ceased and all eyes were on them for the moment. No one spoke or made a move to intervene.

The girl took one last sarcastic look at me
, with a severe eye roll. She turned on her heel and walked away, followed by her silent sidekick, who didn’t say anything past glaring at me.

, you turn me on when you do that babe.” Anthony smirked at Lorelei with a waggle of his brows.

She pursed her lips with
a half-smile when she looked at him, and then sat back down.

I definitely
noticed an obvious crush or thing going on between them.

“Ignore he
r Starling, you know there’s a few in every crowd— especially one of this size and magnitude.” Lorelei then said to me.

I eyed Lorelei’s brandings
, seeing that they no longer shimmered. Was she about to will her weapon, as she briefly explained to me in the serving line? I wished that she had, I really wanted to see what her weapon looked like.

“She doesn’t worry me
. What was she talking about anyway?” I replied.

“Nothing, don’t worry about her, seriously.” Crysta
l affirmed.

Nothing wasn’t the impression I was getting ever since I
first met all of them back in the corridor. I was getting annoyed with their aversions to my particular questions.

“Well, I’m out. I’ve got some journal writing to do

ow about a quick game of paddle ball?” Anthony then nodded to Gabe.

“You’re on.”
Gabe agreed.

Anthony and
Gabe stood and gathered their trays.

Good night ladies. I’ll see you in the morning.” Anthony said to Lorelei with a wink. She simply nodded with a shy smile.

Wait for me in the common room, and I’ll show you to your room when you’re done. No rush though, I’ve got kitchen duty tonight too.” Lira then smiled at me.

“Okay, thanks.” I smiled.

With that, Lira hopped up with her tray, and headed towards the doorway leading into the kitchen behind the serving line.

“Yeah, it’ll be a long day in the morning. We’ll start with
breakfast, which is at sunrise sharp, and then you’ll meet with Sean and Diana. We’ll see you in the morning, bright and early.” Lorelei told me.

he stood up too, and both Crystal and Scarlet began to follow suit.

“Goodnight S
tarling, sleep well.” Crystal said, as she and Scarlet made off with their trays.

Durien remained seated with me
, seeming as if he wanted to say something, but wasn’t sure how to say it.

sharp? No set time?” I asked him.

no point. Time is set by the sun and moons highest point here. As for sunrise, breakfast, lunch, dinner, training drills, and all other alerts; there are specific numbered bell tolls. Believe me, you’ll hear them.” He chuckled.

“I’ve been asleep
— or dead for a few days, I’m assuming. I’m not really ready to go back to sleep just yet. I’m not tired.” I replied.

“You don’t have to go to sleep.
You sleep when you feel the need to. I can give you a shortened tour of this side of the Divine Hall tonight if you want. I wanted to talk to you in private anyway.” Durien then offered.

I nodded.
“Okay. Does it have anything to do with Princess Charming?” I quipped.

Durien laughed.
“Nah, don’t even sweat her. She and Devlin were actually close. She didn’t take what happened well.” He explained with a wave of his hand.

My eyes widened in surprise.
“Really? Well, how long ago did it happen?” I asked him.

Just a few weeks ago.” Durien replied.

How well did you know her?” I then asked.

“She was
definitely one of the good ones. She was strong, had a sense of humor, and one that you always wanted to have your back. The thing is, we as divine warriors are the most targeted by the dark fallen and the demons; meaning if they had a choice between a normal mortal and us…they’re risking everything and anything to go for a female warrior first.” Durien explained.

ecause we’re threats, right?” I asked.

Durien smiled, an adorable dim
ple appearing in his left cheek. “We’ll talk elsewhere. You going for seconds?” he asked, pointing to my empty bowl as he scooted back in his chair, stood up, and picked up his tray.

I hadn’t touched my strawberries yet.

“I’m done.”

I gathered my tray, taking
the strawberries in the other hand.

Durien glanced me up and down
. “Yeah, you’re gonna need extra thick clothing, and a really thick cloak.” Durien then commented.

“We have to wear cloaks?” I asked.

“It’s highly recommended. As divine warriors, all of our aura’s are way brighter than normal humans— but yours…” He began to say.

I’m dying to see what everyone else is apparently seeing.” I replied.

He smirked, “You will, and when you do, make sure you’re wearing some good sunglasses

We both
carried our trays to the long counter beneath an arched opening, leading into the kitchen. Several younger members, who were dressed like Durien and myself, were clearing off the trays.

I’m being for real, because you shine like a ten watt light bulb in a pitch black room. I ain’t ever seen that before.” Durien commented with a chortle.


“Never.” He repeated, and shook his head for emphasis.

“This isn’t like a monastery or a cult is it?” I then asked him
out of the blue, just to be sure.

rien laughed. “No. Although it’s pretty laid back here, to each his own. Either you learn to fight, take charge of your essences and abilities, or you risk being taken or dying. It’s as simple as that. But there are specific rules.”

I nodded. That was a relief
, I thought cynically.

Remember when I said that your aura could be both an advantage and a disadvantage earlier?” he went on to ask.

“Yeah.” I said as we placed our trays onto the counter
, and proceeded to head back towards the common room.

“No matter where you go, you’re gonna be seen by
all the dark ones, especially Morning Star. You in particular, are really going to have to be alert and careful out there. Come on follow me. I’m gonna show you one of my favorite spots to hang out.” Durien went on to say.

“But…” I began.

Durien noticed my hesitation when I pointed back into the dining area. “Don’t worry, Lira will be able to find us— trust me.” He smiled.













IV: Cam`ael



turned the police cruiser into the parking lot of the University. It was another crucial part of my whole IMPD ensemble. Judging by the looks of things, it was an ordinary weekday of classes. Though it was a clear day with plenty of sunshine, the weather was getting colder now. The fallen leaves on the ground, and all along curbs, varied in shades of red, orange, and yellow.

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