Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (42 page)

BOOK: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)
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e had no clue what to make of it.

essence —was hallowed fire.

It was deadly
to all of the dark ones and the fallen, and the first that we’d seen among any of the divine warriors. How ironic that the one I loved, would be the only divine warrior to possess it, not to mention the deific blades.

If Elohim
, or whoever was responsible for her chosen weapon and essence had wanted to ensure that we’d never be together again, they might have succeeded.

There was no way around this, I hadn’t been expecting it.

Durien didn’t mention her fire and I wondered why.

Did he plan for me to find out
for myself, knowing it would be deadly? Others could have been killed or died as a result. I suppose it was selfish of me and my fault, because I wanted to see her again.

she was here now, which was the only thing I had wanted in the first place.

However, when she awoke…
that would be an entirely different story.

If the magic
sealed chains around her ankles, and the shielding gauntlets that we affixed to her brandings held, which was highly unlikely after witnessing what we saw, then maybe I’d have a chance to talk to her, and possibly help her to remember me. It was the whole reason that I had retrieved and kept so many of her personal things from her apartment in the first place.

“Okay, it looks like I’m going to be the one to say it, since no
one else has taken the liberty.” Ry clapped his hands together, stood up, and began to pace around the table.

“Starling will no doubt kill you Cam, and you are not going to
stop, defend, or last long against hallowed fire. None of us can.” He pointed out, as if giving a lecture.

“Thank you Ry, you took the words right out of my mouth.” Edanai narrowed her eyes at me.

“You were granted the permission to meet her. You

were attracted to her
, and you fell in love with her. It’s almost ironic for hallowed fire to be her essence, considering what she means to you, Cam.” Nay added.

veryone seemed to agree in his or her silence. It only frustrated me to hear. I didn’t want to accept it.

“How much longer will she be ou
t?” Rahab asked with concern in his wide, fiery orange eyes.

“Not much longer.” Edanai quickly answered.

“She won’t kill me.” I shook my head.

I had no way of knowing or guaranteeing that, but I said it anyway, even t
hough they all looked at me as if I’d lost my mind.

“You’re obviously
still be under the effects of Baal’s poison.” Edanai said incredulously.

Mac laughed with sarcasm,
“Yeah Cam, love isn’t only blind…it’s stupid! You can’t be serious?”

“I am serious. I’ll handle this. I don’t want any of you around when she wakes up either, and I mean that. We have bigger problems
. I think the best thing right now, is for everyone to remain in the human realm for a while. The spirit realm will be too dangerous of a place, being that Morning Star has dominant dominion here. He will employ or threaten every being to carry out his orders to kill any one of us on spot, especially you guys if you stay here.” I explained.

He could find and attack us anywhere.” Jerilah said.

“Your place will become a giant urn in less than a few minutes, especially if she has no idea how to control her fi
re. She’s a ticking time bomb right now.” Mac added.

He made a very good point.
I hadn’t really thought of that, but it was highly probable. My gut feeling told me that it wouldn’t happen, but I’ve been wrong many times before. As always, Atiro always remained silent…until now.

He was
sitting silently on the stone lip of the open cooking hearth. When he spoke, his voice was nothing more than a hoarse whisper, as if his vocal cords were strained, probably from millennia of non-usage.

“Cam`ael is right. We need to remain in the human realm and blend in as best we can. Morning Star and his minions are limited in that realm. The angels will not even turn an
eye or a head when it comes to disputes between the fallen. We are on our own. This will be no different once Morning Star invades earth. However then, we will have nowhere to hide out or run, and there will no longer be rules or laws.” He stated in a monotone whisper.

His speech
had definitely shut everyone up. He was right. I appreciated his backing me up, even though I didn’t really trust my own logic regarding Starling. It didn’t matter.

“Atiro is right. If that is what we must do, then so be it. Besides, I don’t mind opening
an improved restaurant this time, where I could cook anything I want. I could use a wait staff and assistants.” Rahab began to beam, his eyes searching everyone.

Ry blew out a declining, sarcastic breath.

“I’ll be busy starting a rock group, industrial grunge. Is anyone else with me?” he held his arms out.

“Don’t bring
too much attention to yourself, Ry.” I warned.

“Don’t worry, we got this.
Hey Rahab, how about splitting your restaurant idea into a live music venue?” Ry directed to Rahab.

“I like the sound of that. I’m in
if you two decide to team up. I have a few more from our legion that would love to join too.” Jerilah perked up.

Rahab nodded in thought, running his
knife-like, clawed index finger under his squared, chiseled, onyx colored chin.

I can see it happening.” He grinned with a nod of final approval.

“Anyone interested in doing tattoos too? I think we can corne
r the market, both in skill and art. Nothing screams badass and wicked than having a tattoo done by an actual demon.” Mac then added, rubbing his hands together with a smirk on his face. His mind was definitely working and loving this plan now.

Nice. Now you’re talking more my language.” Nay smiled broadly.

I was
relieved that I didn’t have to argue or fight with them. I only wanted them safe.

“Sticking together is good, especially with crow demon still running around. Just make sure you all keep moving though too, if you know what I mean.” I reminded them.

“Will do.” Rahab stood and nodded.

“What about Berith?” Edanai asked.

My sudden sense of relief instantly deflated.

“Berith?” Nay asked.

“I’ll explain later.” I sighed, giving Edanai a glaring sideways glance.

She shrugged a shoulder with a devious smirk.

I turned my attention back to the others. “Thank you Ry and Rahab. I didn’t have the chance to say it before, but I wanted to make sure that I did.” I then said.

“No need to
thank us. You would have done the same if it had been one of us.” Rahab commented with a grin.

I gave a half smile.
“Never a question or hesitation.”

Hell, you know me, Cam. Slaying Baal was almost orgasmic for me.” Ry winked.

Everyone chuckled at Ry’s comment.

“I’ve always hated the spirit realm anyway…at least while Morning Star and his liege remain here.” Jerilah added.

“Well, if our numbers continue to deteriorate, he may have both realms
after all.” Nay then said.

“Which is why we should never give up or give in. The divine warriors can’t do this alone.
We need to survive as long as we can.” I told them.

I greatly appreciated everyone
’s enthusiasm in adjusting to the situation at hand.

Edanai sighed
, her expression turning perplexed as if thought were occurring to her.

“What is it?” I asked her.

“Hallowed fire is powerful enough to kill Morning Star. It’s the only sure fire weapon that the humans have. It’s unusual, just how drawn he is to her too though, which means he has no clue, or maybe he does. Starling had the power to invoke its protection, while she was still mortal, which is unheard of…” She trailed off.

I had to admit, she got my own curiosity
and thought processes churning, as well as everyone else, judging from the looks on their faces.

thoughts had occurred to me before too, but my intent to have her back with me got in the way of actually taking any of it into consideration.

Edanai’s eyes returned to mine.

“You’re the only demon still allowed to hold and wield light, Cam. Your light is just as deadly to Morning Star as hallowed fire is. I don’t think that it was an accident, or by chance that you were allowed permission to meet her…let alone fell in love with her.” Edanai breathed in a whisper, as if the revelation had fully come together in her own head.

Everyone else seemed to be ruminating over those revelations too, and then all eyes were trained on me.

The sound of chains shifted and clinked, and we all simultaneously froze, immediately turning to defensive mode.

n light of what just happened, I’d rather you all stayed here for a little while longer. Head down into the cellar level. I can’t keep you from ghosting anywhere that you please, but make sure that it’s in the human realm. I’m asking that you all do not try to ghost into my chambers, or come out unless you hear from me directly. Pass the information along to all of the others who helped to fight, to remain in the human realm for now, and to remain alert.” I stood up, waiting for them to ghost themselves down to the cellar level expectantly.

Little did they know, that I had already done something that I
hoped would help to prevent a violent encounter, or a sudden explosive brawl between Starling and myself already.

Waking up in a strange room, bound and chained by magic as a possible prisoner, was a huge treat a
nd foreplay for many demons. For her, it would only ignite her warrior instinct for her own survival and honor bound duty. She may just light up my entire bedchamber and burn us all alive in here, just as Mac said could happen.

“I’m not leaving you
out here by yourself with her. You’re already hurt and vulnerable.” Edanai argued.

“Me either.” Rahab said.

“If I was Lord to you before Rahab, let me Lord again, in telling you both to get the hell down there, and I mean now. I’ll be alright.” I soothed.

Though Edanai was
still petulant, Rahab must have convinced her in a private telepathic conversation to do it anyway.

You got anything to drink down there?” Ry asked.

I nodded.

“Sweet. I’ll hang around a little longer then too.” Mac said.

“I’ll return after checki
ng on you know who, for you.” Atiro spoke once again.

I nodded in appreciation
of him not mentioning Berith by name. “Thank you, Atiro. Be cautious and be safe.”

He gave
a slight head bow of acknowledgment, before ghosting out.

Once everyone had dissipated
away and I made sure that I could hear them down in the cellar, I closed my eyes. I took a deep inhalation of breath, followed by a slow exhale. The added darkness from my battle with Baal began to reawaken, surprising me.

I thought it had
died out completely. It was like a greasy snake, slithering inside my veins. I mentally pushed my resistance against it, focusing on my light and expanding it within myself. It was strangely getting harder for me to do, and that worried me.

tarling was deadly in all her human—and now immortal beauty. The darkness in me found that combination intriguing, exciting, and desirable. I’ve waited for what seems like forever, since she died in my arms, for her to come back to me. Now, I was going to have to keep her from killing me.

With my obsidian sword in hand, I ghosted into my
bedchamber, cloaked.


























XXV: Starling



s I slowly came back to consciousness, my first thought…my first hope, was that I was in my bed at the divine hall
My head throbbed dully, as if I was coming off the tail end of being drugged, or a massive head injury…, which was more than likely the case. I had been falling into the cavernous mouth of something terrifying. Then…what happened? I couldn’t remember anything past that part.

BOOK: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)
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