Dirty Shame (Bluefield Bad Boys #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Dirty Shame (Bluefield Bad Boys #1)
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Chapter 17


I closed the door behind us and couldn’t stop myself from pressing Rylan up against it. I kissed her only lightly, not wanting to cover her with the day’s work still clinging to my skin.

She looked disappointed by the kiss.

I held up my hand and showed her the back of it. “I need to shower and get rid of this dirt, so I can do all the dirty fucking things I’m thinking about right now.”

“If you’re thinking about them right now . . . then why wait?” She hopped up on her toes, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, not seeming to care that coal dust was smudging her arms and face. And if she didn’t mind, I sure as hell wasn’t going to hold things up. I’d been thinking about her all damn day.

I reached down to the hem of her sweater, and we parted our mouths just long enough to yank the sweater up and over her head. I flung it back behind me. My greedy fingers made a grab for the button on her pants. She did the same and reached across to unbutton mine. I had hers down around her ankles long before she’d opened my fly.

“Let’s take these damn shoes off, Lanie,” I grunted in frustration as I tried to wrench her leg from the pants. She held my shoulders and lifted one leg at a time, allowing me to pull them off.

I pulled her pants free. Still crouched down in front of her, I pushed off her panties. I had a raging, fucking erection. There was no way I could slow down. I pushed my mouth against the sweet-scented pussy in front of me and allowed myself a few seconds of running my tongue along the hot, wet lips of her pussy.

Her fingers tangled in my hair. She pulled it lightly, urging me to stand up. “Take me now, Kellan. Please. I need you to fuck me.”

I straightened. Her mouth and neck were smudged charcoal gray. It only made me that much harder. She’d never shied away from what I was. She’d never turned me away for being a Trog who spent hours down in the mineshaft, digging in the layers of earth and silt and coal beneath our feet.

My gaze raked hungrily over her near naked body, half her beautiful skin creamy and pink and half marred by my gritty black handprints. I wanted those handprints to be permanent, to stay there for everyone to see that Rylan Merritt belonged to me and I belonged to her. No matter what the fucking Highlanders said, Rylan was put on this earth for me and no one else.

I shoved my pants down and my cock sprang free, slick and hard and so ready, so fucking ready. Rylan was just as ready. She threw her arms around my neck. My hands rounded beneath her naked ass, my fingers digging into her flesh. The door rattled on its rusty hinges as I pushed her roughly against it. Her legs went around my waist, and before either of us could pull in another breath, I was inside of her. Some of the urgency, some of the tension in our bodies melted as that first feel of being locked together coursed through us.

Rylan’s long, dark lashes fluttered softly as her green eyes drifted shut. Her lips parted as her pussy melted and reformed perfectly around my cock. “Fuck, baby, it’s like your pussy was made just for me. Fits me so fucking perfectly.”

“I think we’ve been sculpted solely for each other’s pleasure,” she said on a long flowing whisper.

I contracted my ass and rocked hard against her, briefly wondering if the door would withstand my thrusts. I leaned back slightly and stared down at our bodies, connected together, locked in place like a perfectly fitting puzzle. “Hold on tighter, baby. I’ve got to stroke you until you come.” I moved my arm so that one hand held firmly onto her ass. I reached between us with my free hand. My thumb pushed into the hot, wet slit of her pussy and found the nub that would make her purr my name and milk my cock.

Bracing herself harder against the door, her ass tightened in my hand as she writhed against my thumb.

“Your callused skin, the rough feel of it is like heaven, Kellan.” Her thighs tightened around my waist. “Yes.” She pushed forward to receive the full brunt of my blows as my thumb stroked her to climax. Her arms and legs trembled as she clutched me. Her body shuddered in my grasp as her pussy clenched around me. A faint pink blush covered her skin making the streaks of coal stand out sharply. I removed my hand and ground against her, never getting deep enough.

My muscles tightened, and I held her firmly against me as my cock ground into her one last time, spilling my hot seed inside of her.

I held her to me as I carried her down the hallway to the bathroom and to a hot shower. I stayed buried in her pussy, not wanting to lose the grip she had on me and on my heart. 

Chapter 18


Hot steam filled the small bathroom. Kellan stepped inside and offered me his hand. The coal dust turned the water a gunmetal gray as it dripped down his chest. Kellan pulled me under the warm stream of water and held my face as he kissed me.

He stopped long enough to reach up with his thumb and wipe a streak of coal off my cheek. “God, baby, do you know how hot it makes me to see you like this, wearing my work day, the dust that never really leaves me, on your flawless skin. You’ve never been like any of the other girls in this town.”

The water returned from gray to clear as it washed the grit away. I pressed my mouth against Kellan’s chest.

He took a deep, long breath. “When you put your lips on my skin, Lanie,” He growled. “I’m hard again, darlin’. Just a brush of your mouth, and I fucking have to have you again. What you do to me, baby. I can’t even explain it.”

Kellan reached down and wrapped his big hand around both my wrists. He lifted my hands above my head and pinned them against the tile wall of the shower. Warm water sprayed down on my naked skin. It turned pink from the warm water and from the way Kellan gazed down at me.

I was defenseless and his captive in more ways than just his firm grip on my wrists. Even years ago, when he’d broken my heart beyond repair, I’d sworn to myself that I would never let Kellan invade my heart and soul again. But I’d been a fool. The second I saw him I’d realized that he had never left. He’d been with me all along. All I’d needed was one glimpse, one touch, one kiss, and I was completely and hopelessly in love again. All my pep talks and promises to myself vanished, and I was the same girl he’d left waiting for him on the roof of the gym. I’d had no explanation yet for what happened that night, but for now, I was putting that pain behind me. I was with Kellan again and that was all I cared about.

Kellan’s dark head lowered as his mouth suckled at my water drenched nipples. I arched my back toward his mouth as he explored every inch of my skin. I shivered with the sensual feel of him holding me captive and taking complete control of me with just his hot kisses. We’d only just had wild, urgent sex up against the front door, but my pussy was already aching for more.

His mouth trailed over me as his free hand slid between my legs, once again coaxing me close to an orgasm. My appreciative moan rolled off the shower tile. “Oh, Kellan.”

His long finger impaled me, and a whimper tumbled off my lips. I wanted to touch him and struggled to move my hands, temporarily forgetting that he had them secured above my head.

He kept his grip on my wrists as he straightened. His mouth came up next to mine as his hand stayed tucked tightly against my pussy. “Baby, don’t come yet.”

Another cry left my mouth followed by a frustrated groan. I was on the edge, ready to splinter into a million pieces, and the relentless, perfectly erotic assault on my pussy was taking me closer each second. My knees weakened as I worked to hold myself together. Kellan tugged my wrists to keep me from melting into a puddle in the bottom of the shower.

“Please. Please, Kellan.” My plea sounded helpless in the milky steam surrounding us.

He lowered his mouth to mine. “Don’t you come yet, baby. Let me take you to the top of fucking Everest before you fall off.”

I tugged to free my hands, which only made him grip me tighter. His fingers impaled me, and his thumb swam in the cream he’d teased from my pussy. My thighs trembled as I clamped them around his hand, begging him to finish what he’d started. “Oh, Kellan,” I begged again.

He squeezed his fingers around my wrists. My fingers were tingling, and my wrists felt tender from his strong grasp. “Not yet, baby, do you hear me? Your begging is making my cock ache for you. Tell me how badly you want this.”

“Please, Kellan, fuck. I can’t hold back, Kellan. I need—” Breathless and trembling, my words were lost. “Please.” I spoke so quietly it was lost in the steam. My body shuddered weakly, drained by the energy used to hold back.

The pulsing need between my legs had grown so strong my mind centered there and I could think of nothing else but being fucked and fucked hard to gain that release I yearned for. Without warning, he pulled his hand from my pussy. My cry of disappointment echoed off the shower wall. He released my wrists and caught me before I crumpled into a pile at his feet. Then his mouth came roughly down over mine as he lifted me, bracing me against the tile.

“Lanie,” he grunted as he pushed his cock inside of me.

I cried out and clutched at his arms, looking for something solid to hold on to. It took only two thrusts and my pussy clenched down hard around him. Holding back had produced sweeping waves of ecstasy that seemed to last forever.

I groaned in pleasure as he pushed hard and fast inside of me, bringing himself to climax. My body still pulsed and my pussy still writhed hungrily over his cock wanting to feel every last tingle before the sensation was gone.

Slowly, I lowered my feet to the ground. Kellan pressed his forehead against mine until our breathing had slowed. The water was cooling, but the heat between us remained as fierce as ever. I thought briefly back to sex with Chase and nearly laughed out loud.

Kellan caught my smile through the mist. “What’s that grin about?” he asked, unable to keep back his own.

“Just happy.” A shiver rattled me before I could stop it. “And getting a little cold too.”

He reached back and shut off the water. I followed him out of the shower. There was only one towel. Kellan dripped water on the bathroom floor as he wrapped it around me. He lifted me into his arms and carried me down the hall to his room.

Chapter 19


The continuous miner, the huge drilling machine that plowed the coal from the mine lay silent, like a massive sleeping giant with terrible teeth. All the machinery had been shut down, and another long day underground had come to an end. The light from our caps glanced off the milled limestone covering the ribs of the mine. The limestone powder, which glowed an eerie white under LED lights, was used as a thermal inhibitor to prevent an explosion.

Dawson swung his lunch pail back and forth like a kid happy to be leaving school. “I heard Ulrich was having trouble with the continuous miner again. The remote kept turning off.”

“That piece of equipment needs to be sent to the graveyard. High time the owners forked over the money for a new one.”

“That’s not going to happen anytime soon.” Dawson glanced over at me. “Are you going to The Hole tonight? Hear Scott’s booked that band again, Salt Dogs, the one with the hot singer. I do love all those piercings. You think she’s got one on her pussy?”

“How the hell would I know that?”

“Yeah, I guess hers is one of the few pussies you haven’t gotten to know intimately.”

“Shit, Dawz, the way you talk you’d think you’ve been living in some damn monastery all this time. You couldn’t even remember the name of the last girl you took out to dinner.”

“That’s cuz she had one of those weird long names. And she didn’t even use tongue when she kissed. A tight lipped good-night kiss is the perfect forever end to a relationship. Or, in our case, a perfect don’t bother to begin. Guess we can’t all be lucky and have our one true love prance back into town. It’s going good though. I can tell by that satisfied and cocky smile you’ve been wearing.”

“Let’s just say, Lanie and I are having a good time getting reacquainted.”

“Shit, reacquainted. Don’t forget I’m sleeping in the room next door, and those old walls have never heard of insulation. Bring Rylan tonight. Should be fun.”

The man trip, the carrier that would take us back up the man way and out of the mine, was filling up fast. It was Thursday night, which after a long work week always felt like Friday eve. Over-drinking and over-spending wasn’t an option since a heavy hangover on a long Friday of mine work was nothing short of torture. And since Friday was payday, our pockets were pretty empty on Thursday night. But music and a pitcher of beer sounded good.

“I’ll call Rylan when I get to the locker room and see if she wants to go.”

Dawson’s light swung from side to side with a head shake. “Does that mean that you won’t go if she’s not interested?”

“Didn’t say that, did I? Christ, I wish you’d find someone who means something more than just a quick fuck. If you ever do, I’m going to have a damn hay day giving you my unwanted opinions and comments just like you’re doing to me.”

We picked up our pace to grab the last two seats on the man trip. A whistle shrieked through the air behind us. “Braddock.” I knew the voice without having to turn around.

“What the hell does fuckface want from me now?” I looked back. Meade was standing next to his truck.

“Braddock, ride out with me. I need to talk to you.”

“Goddamnit,” I muttered.

Dawson glanced back. “That pudding faced dick gets meaner every day. At lunch, a couple of the guys said he was in deep with some bookie over some football games he was betting on. Think that’s making him even worse. If that’s possible.”

“I’ll catch up to you in the locker room, but if I don’t come out of this hell hole come looking for my body.”

I headed back toward Meade. He climbed into his truck without waiting for me. I wondered, briefly, if he planned to just run me down and make it look like an accident.

I opened the passenger side or the side that Gilly usually had his skinny ass planted in, acting the loyal and stupid sidekick to the honorary boss. I slid inside and shut the door without even bothering to look at Meade. Everything about his face made me want to throw a fist at it, so I decided to just avoid it.

He said nothing as we waited for the man trip to start on its way up the passage to the surface. “Thought I warned you to stay away from Rylan,” he growled while still staring straight ahead.

I shrugged. “Guess you did, but last I checked, you’re only boss down here and during mining hours. Even then, your authority is questionable and a big fucking joke.”

His clean, pink hands gripped the steering wheel hard enough to make it creak. “You fucking Trog. I can have you off this work site with a snap of my fingers.”

“First of all, if you snap those baby soft, pillowy fingers they won’t make much sound. And just try and get me off. I’ll have my union rep over here so fast, you won’t even have time to produce beads of sweat on that big, flat forehead of yours.”

The words
union rep
got the response I’d expected. His knuckles turned white as he twisted his hands on the steering wheel. “I wouldn’t be so fucking confident, Kelly boy. You’d be surprised what a few good written reprimands from the boss can do. All I have to do is say you’re neglecting safety procedures, and you’ll be out on your ass in no time.” He always resorted to the nickname whenever he felt that he was losing control of the situation.

“I’m not a teenager anymore. Your threats don’t work. You fire me, and I’ll just move on. Do whatever the fuck you need to get your rocks off, Meade, I’m not giving her up this time. I’m never giving her up.”

The man trip was out of view. I glanced up the passageway. “Are we getting out of this hole or what? My shift is over.”

With a sharp burst of anger, he shoved the truck into gear and it rolled forward. It seemed I was due for one long ride out of the mine.

“Rylan’s dad knows about you being back in her life. You might think that you are headed toward a happy ending, but it’s never going to happen. Graham Merritt will see to it. And I’ve already offered my help.”

“Told you, do whatever the fuck you want. None of it matters to me. And Rylan is an adult now. Her dad is going to have to come to grips with that.”

Meade slammed on the brakes. My hand shot forward to the dash to keep from falling off the seat.

“It’s a long, dark hike to the surface,” he said between gritted teeth. “But you could stay down here. It’s the perfect place for a lowlife Trog.” He looked pointedly at the door handle.

“I’ll climb out, but the guys on that man trip all heard you say I was riding out with you. Might be a problem when you emerge without me.”

He cussed under his breath. “Then get out and ride in back. That way I don’t have to smell you or look at that smug fucking face of yours.”

“Huh, funny coincidence, I was just thinking that same damn thing.” I opened the door, hopped out and climbed into the bed of the truck. I watched his fat head bob back and forth and badly wanted to throw my fist straight through the back window and into the back of his skull.

The thing that stuck most in my mind about our quick and ugly conversation was the mention of Graham Merritt. Jason was obviously itching for a repeat of grad night. Ironically, I would welcome a repeat. This time Meade would be the one stuck on the railroad bridge. And there was no way that coward would have the balls to jump into the river.

Rumors of my successful jump had circled town for a few months afterward, but they vanished quickly when I told people it’d never happened. Dawson, Tommy and Andi did the same. I’d just wanted the whole damn night to disappear, and the river jump was too much of a reminder. I’d been pissed as hell at myself for letting a dick like Meade get the best of me. Mostly, I’d been pissed at myself for letting Merritt basically blackmail me out of seeing Rylan.  I could only guess the river jump rumors had been started by Scott Lowe, who quickly broke off his friendship with Meade after that night. I’d never really forgiven Lowe for taking part in it, but we tolerated each other and even occasionally exchanged friendly words. With him being the owner of The Hole and with me being one of the crowd drawing fighters for his fight nights, it did neither of us any good to be enemies. But the asshole behind the wheel of the truck, my supposed boss and lifelong itch on my ass, was working hard to fuck up my life again. But I was done with his shit.

The dim light of a cloudy, late afternoon was still enough to make me squint as the truck rolled out of the mineshaft. I hopped out while the truck was still rolling and headed toward the lockers.

Dawson and most of the other guys looked up as I walked in. I went straight to my locker to change.

Dawson balled up his coveralls and threw them inside his locker. He glanced around the door. “What did he want?”

I shook my head, deciding if I talked about it, I’d start shooting fire from my nostrils. “You know how it is with Meade. Everything he says just goes in one ear and out the other.”

Dawson took that answer as a ‘don’t ask’. “Seems to me you might need that beer more than ever tonight.”

“Think you’re right about that, Dawz.”

BOOK: Dirty Shame (Bluefield Bad Boys #1)
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