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Authors: Lisa M. Harley

Tags: #General Fiction

Destined to Change








By Lisa M. Harley

Published by Lisa M. Harley

Copyright 2013 © Lisa M. Harley

All Rights Reserved.

Kindle Edition











This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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First and foremost, I would like to thank my family. They have supported me in making my dream of writing a novel, become a reality. I have to give a special thank you to my mom, who I really hope never reads this you, mom.

I would like to thank my Destiny Darlin’s: Alison Gaskin Bailey, America Matthew, Ana Duarte Zaun, Ciara Martinez, Crysti Perry, Drita Dusovic Kinic, Kimberly Shackleford, MaryBeth Provence, Megan Hand, Michelle Tranberg Finkle, Rachael McClusky, Shannon Nemsi, Shawnte Borris, Stacy Bailey Darnell, Susan Pauloz Sunderlin, Virginia Tesi Carey, and Yvette Holguin Huerta. Without ya’ll this book would’ve been a mess. You made me smile every day. And your fighting over Jaxon and Cade was truly awesome.

Cade would like to send a shout out to his Facebook group - Cade’s Cuties: Alison, America, Ana, Drita, Kimberly, Megan, Shannon, Stacy (Even though Jaxon is hers.), Virginia, and Yvette. I couldn’t believe Cade got his own Facebook group before the book even came out. Thank you so much Alison Gaskin Bailey for creating the group. And thank you America Matthew for finding the perfect pic of Cade. He really wishes he could push all of you up against the wall.

Jaxon would like to send a shout out to Rachael McClusky who loved him since his picture was posted on BDHM, and Stacy Bailey Darnell (SBD) who staked her claim on him from the moment she read about him. STACY WILL CUT YOU!

This book wouldn’t have happened without these ladies: R.L. Mathewson and Molly McAdams. Ya’ll are the entire reason why I decided to write this book. I hope I made you proud.

I want to give a shout out to my buddies in: BDHM, Kindle Buddies, Book Broads, Book Lovers and More, and Write With Me.

Special thanks to Stacy Darnell (DSD) for keeping my Facebook page up and running, Shawnte’ Borris - you should start a phone sex company – seriously, and Lynda Ybarra for answering all of my annoying questions.

I also have to thank the amazing Robin Harper from Wicked By Design for her amazing (and speedy) work on my cover. You are amazeballs!

Last but not least, I want to thank everyone who has liked my Facebook page. And to the Harley’s Angels. Ya’ll ROCK!


Don’t forget your history, know your destiny - Bob Marley


Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


Destined to Succeed Prologue

About the Author





Destiny…it’s really an interesting thought isn’t it? Destiny...

Mine was determined before birth. It was very simple. I was expected to graduate from high school, marry Declan Sharp, and have two kids. I would stay at home with them, while my husband worked on our family farm.

But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself…here is how my destiny started:

My parents, Samuel and Margaret Harper, known by everyone as Sam and Maggie, were best friends with Max and Louise Sharp. My dad met Uncle Max when they were kids. They grew up just down the road from each other and had always been best friends. My mom and Aunt Louise became fast friends when my mom moved to town from Los Angeles, California in the seventh grade. My mom said Aunt Louise made the culture shock less severe by always making her feel like she belonged.

The population of Kipton, Missouri is three hundred and seventeen. There is a diner, a gas station, and a post office. That’s it. When I say it’s a small town, I really mean it.

Now my dad would tell you the moment he saw my mom walk into the school with her bleach blonde hair and tight blue jeans, he fell head over heels in love with her. For mom, it took a bit more time. She admits she didn’t completely fall in love with him until their freshman year when they were paired up in the Homecoming court. My mom would never admit it, but I believed the fact that he was on a date with someone else was what did it. Although, she said it was the way he looked at her while they danced. Those big golden brown eyes danced with love for her and only her. Yep, that was what did it…

My Uncle Max joked that he and Aunt Louise had been together since Noah built the Ark. In actuality, they became a couple in fifth grade and had never been apart since.

Really the only sensible thing for these two couples to do was graduate high school, have a double wedding on New Year’s Eve, and live on the family farms that my Dad and Uncle Max grew up on. So that was exactly what they did. They always dreamed of having children and they also dreamed about what those children would mean to each other.

My destiny was born on July first at midnight. His name was Declan Samuel Sharp. Yep, Uncle Max insisted his son be named after his best friend, my dad, Samuel. Declan was a beautiful baby. He had tons of dark hair and big crystal blue eyes that had a mischievous sparkle to them from birth. My Aunt Louise could definitely confirm that. Like clockwork my mom and dad welcomed a little blonde haired, brown eyed girl into the world on, July first the following year. I was born in the morning though, if we had been born at the same time that would have just been weird. My name is Lorelei Maxine Harper. You guessed it, my dad had to name me after my Uncle Max.

I honestly don’t remember a time that Declan and I weren’t together. Every picture of me from when I was little had Declan in it. He was my destiny and I was his. We spent all of our time together at school and after school. We loved to go to the pond on my family’s farm and just play. He loved to tease me with frogs, snakes, or whatever he could find to make me scream. That was actually how I got my first kiss.

I was ten years old, so Declan was eleven. He had just caused me to release a blood curdling scream when he
a huge frog at me! I was freaking out and he came over and that’s when he did it. He hugged me. It wasn’t like he hadn’t before, but this time was different. When he pulled away he gave me a little peck on the lips, and then, I was pretty sure he was going to start screaming. The look on his face was horrific. He looked scared to death. I didn’t know what to do, so I did what any good country girl would do…I stomped on his foot and ran all the way back to my house.

I didn’t see Declan again until the next day at school and, thank goodness, everything was back to normal. I didn’t know what I would do if things changed between us…if only I had known how much things would change in the next few years.

Declan and I became an official couple on my fifteenth birthday. My mom and Aunt Louise held our normal joint birthday bash at the American Legion Building on Main Street. After the party, my best friend, Emma, and her boyfriend, who happened to be Declan’s best friend, Eric, took us to the diner to meet up with some other kids from school.

“Emma, what’s wrong with Declan today?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but he is acting like a total nut job!” she said.

He had been staring at me all day, as if I had something on my face. It made me so self-conscious that I kept checking myself in the mirror all night.

“Hey, Dec, what’s up with you today?” I heard Eric whisper to Declan.

“Nothin’ man, I’m just thinkin.”

I wondered what he could be thinking about that would get him so upset. I was a little worried. I thought maybe he was mad at me, but I couldn’t think of anything I had done to make him angry.

When it was time to go home, I climbed into the cab of his old black pick-up truck and hoped that he would tell me what was wrong. We started driving back toward my house when I asked, “Declan, is everything okay?”

With that question, he pulled off onto the next dirt road and slammed on his brakes. I didn’t know what to think. Was he mad at me? Had I done something to upset him?

When I looked over at him he was staring at me again, but his face looked different. His expression was soft and he reached over and ran his knuckles down my jaw. “Loralei, do you like me?”

“Of course I like you, Declan. You’re my best friend.”

His eyes looked so sad. It was like I had punched him or something.  “No Loralei, do you
me? Because all I’ve been able to think about all day is kissing you.”

I could only imagine what the look on my face told him. I was shocked, but not nearly as shocked as when he started to lean toward me and then softly pressed his lips to mine.

I couldn’t close my eyes. What was happening? This would change everything forever. He pulled me closer and ran his fingers down my back and that was when it happened. I closed my eyes and let my best friend kiss me. And boy could he kiss! Where did he learn how to do
? The kiss became more intense and all of a sudden he licked my bottom lip and slid his tongue into my mouth!
Oh my God
Declan’s tongue was in my mouth and well, I liked it. No, I
it. It felt amazing. When he finally pulled away my heart was racing and we were both practically panting.

“That was some kiss, Dec,” I said with a chuckle.

Then he added with his, what I just realized was sexy as hell, southern drawl, “It wasn’t quite as scary as when I kissed ya the first time, sweetheart.” He grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over my wrist.

“Lor, do you hate me now? Is this gonna mess everything up?”

“I couldn’t ever hate you, Declan. You’re my best friend. I can’t imagine not having you in my life.”

“I feel the same way, Lor. I just don’t want things to change between us. I want us to stay best friends, but I can’t quit thinking about you. Now that I’ve kissed ya, I don’t think I'll ever be able to get that thought out of my mind. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and it’s been killing me to watch the boys at school drool all over you. You don’t even realize how amazing you are.”

“You’re crazy! Nobody drools all over me. I’m just the Plain Jane best friend of the school's star basketball player. I don’t know what you’ve seen, but I think you might need glasses!”

Declan was beautiful. He was very athletic, with lots of muscles, shaggy black hair, and those amazing bright crystal blue eyes…they really were amazing. Nobody looked at me, and if they did it was only because there weren't that many girls in our school.

Declan pressed his forehead against mine and laughed. “I have something for you.” He handed me a little purple box with a silver bow on it. When I opened it a tear came to my eye. It was a silver charm bracelet with 3 charms on it – an “L”, a “D”, and a silver frog, to remind me of our first kiss out by the pond. I couldn’t help myself, I threw my arms around his neck and held him while I cried at his heartfelt gift. “If ya don’t like it, Lor, I can take it back and you can pick something else out.”

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