Read Demon Warriors 3: Rainerio Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #mm

Demon Warriors 3: Rainerio (12 page)

Rainerio growled when he saw the gold necklace around Dillon’s neck. He wasn’t sure how he had missed it before, but the damn thing sparkled as it sat on Dillon’s chest.

“How did you get this?” He yanked it from around Dillon’s neck, staring at it as it dangled from his hand. His mate stopped attacking his jeans and began to attack Rainerio. Small black nails grew from the tips of his fingers as Dillon tried to shred him apart.

“Dillon. Stop,” he shouted, pinning his mate’s arms to his chest.

Rainerio kept a tight hold on him as he walked backward and ended up in Panahasi’s apartment. He tossed the necklace at the leader as he pinned Dillon to the couch. His mate struggled, his face glistening with sweat.

“Did you give that back to him?” he shouted as Dillon tried to take a bite out of him. He yanked his arm away and repositioned it away from his mate’s sharp fangs. “He tried to strip at work.”

Rainerio grabbed Dillon’s wrists and placed them above his head as he blanketed his mate’s body. He could feel Dillon shaking beneath him.

The leader looked at the necklace in his hand as he shook his head. “No. I had it sitting on the bar, waiting for the keeper to come and retrieve it.” Panahasi walked away, disappearing from sight.

Once his leader was nowhere to be seen, Dillon stopped fighting to get free and began to panic.

His chest was expanding and contracting at an alarming rate as Dillon’s eyes darted around frantically.

“Rainerio,” he called out in a hyperventilating tone. His mate was filled with fear, and it showed in his eyes. The pupils were huge as Dillon looked around wildly.

“Are you with me, baby?” He ran his hands over Dillon’s blond hair. His mate took a deep breath and nodded. “Can you tell me what happened, love?”

Rainerio’s heart broke at the lost and frightened look in his mate’s eyes.

Dillon’s fingers curled into his shirt, his eyes begging Rainerio to help him make sense of this. “I don’t…I don’t remember,” Dillon cried as his fingers dug through Rainerio’s shirt and into his flesh.

Rainerio sat back on his haunches and let his mate sit up, watching him for any signs of combativeness. “I was working behind the counter with Chris, having a good day. We were talking and laughing, and then I was here.” Dillon looked around like the room held the answer.

He took a deep and calming breath before settling his eyes back on Rainerio.

Rainerio wanted to know what the hell was going on. No one should lose part of a day. It was very strange, and he had a feeling the necklace was a huge part of it. “You were wearing the necklace, sweetheart.”

Dillon looked up at Rainerio with a frown. “What necklace?” His hands reached up and felt around his neck for the necklace that was no longer there.

“The gold one you found in your box yesterday, with the heart pendant attached to it.”

Dillon bit his bottom lip as he shook his head. “I don’t remember any necklace, Rainerio. What necklace?” he asked, his voice gaining a hysterical pitch. “What’s going on? Why can’t I remember getting here, and why can’t I remember a necklace?”

“Calm down.” Rainerio pulled his mate tightly to his chest. He wanted answers to those questions as well.

* * * *

Dillon kept fingering his neck every five seconds, making sure there wasn’t a necklace there. He couldn’t understand what had happened, but if Rainerio said there was a gold necklace around his neck, there must have been.

He quickly put away the dishes that his mate had used for dinner.

Dillon had tried to eat the food, only to throw it right back up. It was useless to try again. Even though the smell was delicious and teasing, he knew he couldn’t go for a second attempt.

“Why are you washing them?” Rainerio asked as he walked into the kitchen and pressed his back into Dillon’s. God, his mate felt so good standing behind him.

“It gives me something to do, but if you keep humping on me like that, I’m sure I can find something better to do. Like ravage your body.”

Tulip picked that moment to come into the kitchen barking, making her needs known. Rainerio chuckled as he bent at the waist and hauled her up into his arms. “I’ll take her out.”

“Don’t forget I have a ravaging appointment when you get back,” Dillon called out as he let the water drain from the sink. He wiped the counter down and swept the floor, waiting for his mate to return.

Dillon ran into the bedroom when he was done with the kitchen and took the world’s quickest shower. He dried off quickly and then ran into the bedroom, lying across the bed, trying his best to look sexy. He lay on his side, with one leg propped up and his head resting in his hand.

Okay, that won’t do
. Dillon turned over on his back and spread his legs wide, palming his cock as he heard Tulip bark. He closed his eyes, waiting for Rainerio to join him, when he felt the bed move and then his face being dampened with a wet tongue.

“Tulip! No, girl, you have to go. You can’t see Daddy having sex. That’s just wrong. Now go.” He shooed her away only to see Rainerio standing in the doorway chuckling.

“Looks like she beat me to you.”

Dillon wrinkled his nose. “Don’t even joke like that. And close the door so she doesn’t have a heart attack when her big daddy tries to kill her little daddy.”

“Kill?” Rainerio asked as he shut the bedroom door.

“I sure hope so.” Dillon rolled to his hands and knees, wiggling his ass around. “Make me feel like I’m dying and going to heaven.”

Dillon watched Rainerio’s eyes darken and smolder with desire. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen. His fangs pierced his bottom lip as he watched Rainerio slowly undress, revealing his tanned and succulent skin.

Dillon’s gums began to ache as Rainerio climbed onto the bed and bent down between his legs, giving one long lick between his cheeks.

His head dropped to the pillow as Rainerio circled his tongue around Dillon’s hole, pressing in slightly and making him moan.

He jerked when he felt a finger enter him, and then Rainerio began to tongue-bathe him again. Oh hell, it got better and better every time with his mate. His knees slid apart as Rainerio lapped at his skin.

Hands cupped his rear, kneading his cheeks as Rainerio delved his tongue deeper into Dillon’s hole. His eyes rolled as his lips parted. He knew now that his mate was going to try and make his wish come true. Dillon was going to see heaven.

His body shivered as Rainerio’s finger twisted and his hot spot was grazed. “Another, another,” he chanted.

He was bearing down on Rainerio’s thick finger, gasping when his mate added a second. Rainerio didn’t need to stretch him with his fingers—his cock pulsed a lubricant that naturally relaxed his tight entrance—but to feel his mate’s fingers playing with him so erotically was what he was after.

He was barely hanging onto the edge as Rainerio tongue-fucked him and then alternated with his fingers, making Dillon’s mind turn to mush.

Dillon was able to take an unsteady breath when Rainerio’s tongue left his entrance and began to lick its way down to his ball sac.

He fisted the sheets as Rainerio’s tongue swirled around, teasing each orb.

His hand moved down to encircle his cock, but Rainerio’s hand pushed it away. His body was coiled tight. He needed the release. “I need it.”

Rainerio removed his fingers and tossed Dillon around, making him land on his back as Rainerio reinserted his fingers and sealed the head of his cock between those luscious, pouty lips. Dillon’s legs fell to the side as one large hand stroked his cock and the other fucked his ass.

Rainerio’s tongue ran over the tiny slit, drawing his pre-cum out, leaving Dillon shaking with pleasure. His balls ached to release his seed as Rainerio took him to the back of his throat.

Dillon clenched his teeth, trying to stave off his impending orgasm, wanting to come as Rainerio fucked him hard and deep, but his body had other ideas. Sultry sounds spilled from his lips as Rainerio worked his cock like magic.

Dillon panted through clenched teeth as a powerful sensation ripped through his body, “Yes! Suck me, Rainerio, suck me down your throat,” Dillon cried as his body exploded like a nuclear bomb.

Incoherent words started leaving his lips, making his shout hoarse as Rainerio drank him down.

His back hit the bed as Rainerio pulled Dillon’s cock from his mouth, a wide grin on his face. “Did I kill you?”

“Uh-huh.” Dillon nodded, feeling like he was boneless and unable to give a real reply. His legs were flipped over Rainerio’s arms as his mate got to his knees and scooted closer to Dillon.

A soft little wail left his lips as Rainerio plunged deep, his cock sinking all the way to the hilt. He bucked and surged, his body responding to his mate’s even though his mind had long ago left him.

Rainerio’s thrusts became vigorous as his hips moved faster and faster. He quaked in Rainerio’s arms as his mate’s mouth sought his out and found it. A maelstrom of sensations bombarded him as Rainerio’s tongue swept through his mouth.

Dillon dragged a hand over the flat planes of Rainerio’s abdomen, feeling the muscles tighten as his mate’s cock assaulted his ass.

Rainerio broke the kiss, his lips resting by Dillon’s ear. “Scream for me,” he whispered. His voice was thick with passion.

Dillon grabbed his mate’s shoulder, his back coming off the bed as he arched. A kaleidoscope of sensations exploded inside of him, his cock detonating like a bomb. His orgasm was wrenched from him as he screamed Rainerio’s name.

Rainerio growled, pushing Dillon’s legs higher, making them damn near touch his head, as he pounded their flesh together, the sound echoing off the wall and ringing in his ears.

His mate was on a mission. His eyes narrowed as sweat built up on Rainerio’s face, making him look like he’d just come from the shower. His jaw was set, his lips thinned as Rainerio gave one, two, and then a third thrust, his body going rigid as his head fell onto his shoulders, and he shouted to the ceiling.

Dillon could feel hot pulses of seed shooting into his ass. His back fell to the bed as his body suddenly lost the ability to move.

Rainerio leaned down, panting as he laid a quick kiss on Dillon’s lips. He fell to the side, grabbing Dillon and pulling him close.

Dillon could hear his mate’s heart thundering, matching his own.

He yawned and curled into Rainerio’s warm body as he slowly closed his eyes.

He felt Rainerio moving around and then a sheet was draped over him. Dillon threw his leg over Rainerio’s abdomen as he cuddled close and drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

Dillon lay there waiting for the alarm to go off, enjoying the feel of his mate wrapped around him. He thought about what Rainerio had said earlier.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remember a necklace. It ticked him off more than he had let on. Dillon didn’t like anyone controlling him.

Panahasi had told him that when they drained his blood, that was when they must have kept a small amount to use against him.

It didn’t make any sense. The plan to use the necklace to control Dillon, according to Rainerio, had failed right from the beginning.

There really was no point in it.

Whatever, and whoever, was doing this had a lot to answer for in Dillon’s book.

He’d find out who the culprit was if he had to search for the next ten years.

Dillon reached over and shut the alarm off as it began to buzz.

The one bright spot in his life, aside from his mate who brightened up his world, was working at the coffeehouse.

He loved being there with Chris and Jake. But he’d have to watch his back now, and his front. No one was going to make a fool of him again.

Dillon slid from the bed and padded to the shower, enjoying his morning already. He wrapped a towel around his waist as he rubbed another one through his hair.

“How do you feel this morning?”

Dillon smiled at Rainerio. “Good. I feel like my old self again. Horny and happy.” He giggled as he tossed the towel in the hamper.

“Now if you don’t stop staring at me like I’m a steak, I’ll be late for work.”

Rainerio chuckled as he backed out of the bathroom. “We wouldn’t want that.”

“No, we wouldn’t. Now go away while I get dressed. You know you can’t resist my naked butt.”

Rainerio purposely patted Dillon’s ass before leaving the bedroom. Dillon rolled his eyes as he walked over to the closet and got dressed. When he opened the bedroom door, Tulip was yapping at him.

“I know, girl. Daddy will take you for a long walk when I get home. Maybe Mitzsy and Mickey will join us.”

He found his mate in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. “Man, I miss that.” He smiled as he filled Tulip’s doggy bowls.

“Sorry.” Rainerio crossed the room and dumped his cup in the sink.

“Hey! There’s no need to do that. Just because I can’t indulge in it anymore doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Don’t do that again.”

Dillon huffed as he grabbed Tulip’s leash. “Now take me outside so I can let her potty.”

Rainerio rinsed his cup and grabbed Dillon’s hand, having him outside and across the street at the park in seconds. Tulip sniffed around, taking her time as usual. Dillon watched his mate as his dog tended to her business.

“Okay, what’s bothering you?”

“I hate that your life has changed so much. If it hadn’t been for us demons, you would still be in the human realm, ignorant and happy.”

Dillon chuckled. “Being ignorant would make me happy?”

Rainerio growled. “You know what I mean. This is why I fought being with you for so long. I didn’t want you being used against us. Now look what has happened.”

“What? I found my mate? That’s the only thing that has happened. And mind-blowing sex, let’s not forget about that. That alone was worth the trip to Weirdville.”

“How can you be so optimistic about all of this?”

Dillon followed behind Tulip as he listened to Rainerio go on and on. “Well, I could run around here being pissy and angry, or I could deal with what has happened to me and make lemonade.”


“When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.”

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