Read Demon Blood Online

Authors: Meljean Brook

Demon Blood (12 page)

“Yes. And I’ll help—”
“You don’t have to take this on alone.”
“I won’t be.”
Mariko snorted. “Because you’ll be with
? Turn your back and he’ll stab you—”
“Don’t.” Rosalia couldn’t think that way about Deacon. If she didn’t trust him, it was all over.
“You think he’ll help you? Yes, he was forced to give up the info about us. Yes, he was used. But he didn’t ask for help. He didn’t think we
help him. Why do you think he’ll believe you can do this?”
“I don’t know.” Rosalia heard the despair in her voice. She didn’t know if Deacon would believe in her. And now he’d resist her even more, because with the nephilim threatening London, she’d have to force the issue.
him. She couldn’t wait for him to soften and agree to help her. And with one word from Deacon to a demon, to another vampire, her game would be up. “I want it done. All at once. And if it goes wrong, he already expects to die seeking his revenge. He’s already on this route.”
“What route are you on?” When Rosalia didn’t answer, Mariko clenched her teeth and looked away. “We’re only supposed to sacrifice once.”
“Tell that to Michael.”
“He did that so you wouldn’t have to, too.”
“No.” Rosalia shook her head. “He did that so we
wouldn’t have to. And that’s why you have to go.”
“Dammit, Rosa—”
“I’m not dead yet. And I don’t intend to be. But there’s little I can control now, and the more people who are involved, the more variables, the less I can predict the outcome . . . and the harder it will be to make the decisions I might need to. But believe me, Mariko—sacrificing myself is never going to be my first decision.”
She had a son. A grandchild on the way. If she had any choice at all,
would leaving them alone be her decision.
Mariko let out a heavy, frustrated breath. “And
? You can anticipate him?”
“Yes.” An ache bloomed in her chest. “He’s going to be very, very angry with me.”
“But not
kind of angry,” Mariko said, narrowing her eyes at Conley. Obviously thinking of those bruises again.
No, Deacon wouldn’t be that kind of angry.
“Excuse me,” Rosalia said, and rose from her chair.
With the sun lightly warming her face, she walked across the brick-paved street. The small table that Conley and Nikki shared had been cleared of their meal. He scribbled on a receipt; Nikki had lapsed into a sulking silence.
Rosalia stopped beside her, and brushed her fingers lightly over the other woman’s wrist. “You don’t have to stay.”
Nikki yanked her hand back. “What the—”
“You deserve better than this,” she said.
Conley’s chair scraped as he shot to his feet. His hand clamped around Rosalia’s upper arm.
A warm hand. Not hot. Not a demon’s.
A vein throbbed in his temple. “Get the hell away from her, bitch.”
When he shoved, Rosalia didn’t move. She addressed Nikki alone. “I cared for a man who would as soon spit on me as talk to me, and he never changed. No matter what I did, he never changed. What do you owe this man that you haven’t paid for, over and over? You deserve better,” she repeated.
Nikki’s gaze dropped to her wrist, shutting her out. Conley stopped trying to push Rosalia, spinning around and shouting for the management.
Rosalia sighed and turned. Mariko shot her a thumbs-up, which changed to a flip of her middle finger when Conley yelled after her.
“I still say a dog would have been better,” Mariko said when Rosalia reached her seat. “One bite, right to the balls.”
“Conley is the type who’d kick a dog.”
“So, better that he kicks us?”
“Yes. And better than kicking her.”
“True.” Mariko sighed, and they both watched Conley hurry the woman off, his anger radiating against Rosalia’s psychic senses like heat. “She might take a few anyway.”
Rosalia wasn’t so sure. Nikki glanced back at her. When she looked up at Conley again, a new hardness had entered her eyes.
It wouldn’t be that easy. It was never that easy. But at least it was something.
Four hours later, Rosalia sat cross- legged on the bed in Deacon’s hotel room, watching him sleep. Afternoon light formed a glow around the edges of the heavy curtains, but didn’t penetrate. This was her element. The darkness. Where she was most powerful, most certain.
She did not feel so powerful or certain now.
Like all vampires in their daysleep, Deacon appeared dead. He didn’t breathe, didn’t move, and she could barely discern his heartbeat. But he
a heartbeat. And if she made one mistake, took one wrong step, she risked both their lives.
She should let him go. She should try to carry this out on her own. But even a hint of Guardian involvement would endanger them all—and endanger the vampires, when no Guardians were left to protect them.
Camille could bring the vampire communities together, but Malkvial would be suspicious if she approached him. He’d sniff out Rosalia’s presence. But Deacon, who’d betrayed the Guardians? Approaching Malkvial would still be dangerous, but the possibility existed that he’d believe Deacon if the vampire proposed an alliance.
No one else fit. No one else was as strong as Deacon. And there was no one else whom she trusted so deeply.
Leaning forward, she studied his face. She wished he still wore long hair so that she could smooth it back, have an excuse to touch him. Instead, she rose from the bed and vanished all of his belongings into her cache. She retrieved the body bag she used to move vampires during the daytime, and had almost finished zipping him into it when she felt another presence in the room.
Calling in her crossbow, she whipped around.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
. Rosalia barely recognized Taylor, the new Doyen. Dried blood stained the sleeve and front of her white shirt. Her dark trousers were wrinkled, her bare feet filthy. She stank of nosferatu and a sewer. Her red hair formed a wild tangle around her pale face—and Michael had linked himself to her in some way. Her eyes were fully obsidian, hard and gleaming, deeper than black.
She seemed to be struggling against something, though Rosalia couldn’t see anything holding her.
“Are you all right?” Though concerned for the woman, Rosalia didn’t lower her crossbow.
Taylor didn’t answer right away. Her hands made small, jerky movements, opening and closing—reaching for something, or forcing herself not to.
Finally she spoke, her voice a strange, familiar harmony. Beneath the detective’s voice, Rosalia heard Michael’s melodic one. “You can . . . protect the vampire from me?”
? Oh, God. Protect him from a new Guardian, yes. If Michael was in there, too, Rosalia wasn’t so sure.
But there was no other answer to give. “Yes.”
“Good.” Taylor’s chest heaved, as if she teetered on the verge of crying. “I don’t mean to come here. But he brings me here.”
“You’ve come before?”
She answered with a jerky nod. She still hadn’t moved from her crouch by the door. Rosalia still hadn’t lowered her crossbow.
“How many times?”
“Every day. For a week.”
So often? Fear crackled through Rosalia’s spine like ice doused with water. Thank God this woman seemed to have some control. “And Michael tells you to kill him?”
Taylor shook her head. “Not . . . words. Not thought.”
For six months now, Michael had been tortured in that frozen field. Rosalia couldn’t imagine the pain, the terror. But she could imagine how the surface of any human could be stripped away. How Michael’s thoughts could be distilled to base reactions, base emotions. “Impulses?”
“Yes.” Another chill ran through her when Taylor said, “His impulses are terrifying. Just,
Kill. Kill.
I can’t separate his from mine. But I know this one . . . is not me.” Those obsidian eyes glistened. “I don’t want to kill him. It’s not me.”
Rosalia nodded. “I’ll watch over him.”
Taylor closed her eyes. “Thank you.”
Quietly, Rosalia regarded the other woman. She’d jumped into the room without Rosalia sensing it. Was it even Taylor’s Gift . . . or Michael’s? “Can you teleport?”
“Yes. When I regain control. Then I’ll get out of here—”
“Not without us.” Rosalia turned and finished pulling the body bag’s zipper up over Deacon’s face. “There’s another hotel room in another city waiting.”
And there, Rosalia would face whatever Deacon had to dish out. God knew she was going to deserve it.
If Hell existed on Earth, Deacon imagined it’d look like his dreams while he slept.
Every day for six months, they’d been the same. Lucid memories of the white-hot pain as Caym crushed his bones. The scent of his blood. The terror on Eva’s and Petra’s faces. And his grief and rage when Caym poured their ashes onto the floor. Over and over, until the sun set.
Waking was a release Deacon wasn’t sure he deserved. He welcomed it, all the same—waking every night meant he had another opportunity to make the bastard demons pay.
But when he woke, this time he didn’t immediately open his eyes and get on with it. His first shallow breath tasted cool and dry, as if the muggy Paris air had been run through a filter. The sheets smelled of lavender, not the harsh bleach of the bedding he’d fallen asleep on.
He’d been moved. And whoever had brought him to this new room had remained here, heart pounding. His psychic probe touched a familiar mind. Sweetness and sadness rolled up into one.
Rosalia. He should’ve fucking guessed.
He sat up. “Get out.”
In a red dress, she sat on a love seat printed with fat pink roses, her legs curled under her, hair spilling over her shoulder. Her arms were crossed beneath her breasts, her fingers tucked into her elbows. Her eyes, those big goddamn brown eyes, looked for all the world like she’d expected that response from him. Like she’d been waiting to be kicked.
“Let me explain,” she said.
How long would it take him to dress and get the hell out of here? He threw back the sheet. “You’ve got about five seconds, sister.”
“The London elders are dead. In two weeks, perhaps a bit more, the rest of the community will be, too.”
The nephilim. Shit.
But it had fuck-all to do with him. “Sounds like a problem for the Guardians. I’m not after the nephilim.”
“I know. But to get to them, I have to go through Belial’s demons. That’s where you come in.”
No, this was where he got
. He found his clothes tucked away in the bureau. Quaint little place. The kind of hotel where porcelain figures of children in lederhosen probably kicked their heels up on the reception desk.
He cleaned out the drawers, throwing his shit on the bed. Spying his weapons, jacket, and bag in the closet, he went for them. Rosalia came up off the sofa, shadowing him, still talking like she had something to say that might change his mind.
“I need to get to Malkvial before I get to the nephilim. But
can’t do it without putting the Guardians in danger. And if the Guardians are in danger, then every vampire is, too.”
“Guardians can’t save us anyway.”
“We wouldn’t know, would we? You didn’t ask for help and let us try to save your people.”
So she’d stoop to hitting below the belt, would she? His jaw tight, he looked over at her, but she already appeared to be regretting it. But she wasn’t giving up. Her lips pressed together before she tried again.
“We stopped the nephilim in Seattle,” she pointed out.

.” Deacon carried his swords and bag back to the bed. “Maybe if I’d known the Guardians had only stopped one of them, I wouldn’t have assumed you could take care of yourselves against a few demons, too.”
“You thought that when you made the deal with Caym?” She stopped beside him, her gaze searching his face. “You thought we’d just be facing a few demons?”
Damn his mouth. He hadn’t meant to say anything at all about Caym. Fucking over the Guardians hadn’t been Deacon’s choice, but he also hadn’t thought they’d be in real danger—especially not Irena. Hell, even the novices could handle themselves pretty well. He sure as fuck hadn’t known Irena and the others would be facing a posse of nephilim instead of a few of Caym’s friends.
And now Rosalia was probably thinking that maybe if he had known, he’d have done things differently. Screw that. When Caym had put a knife to Eva’s throat, nothing else had mattered but trying to keep her, Petra, and the rest of his community alive.
Without answering her, he shoved his extra clothes into the bag, stripped off his shorts. She sucked in a breath. When he glanced up, he saw a faint blush stained her cheeks. Her gaze didn’t lift to his.

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