Read DeadlyPleasure Online

Authors: Lexxie Couper

DeadlyPleasure (5 page)

She stared into his eyes, seeing her tiny reflection
captured in their silver depths. Her heart thumped, her pussy lips throbbed.
Kiirs, what was she

Kill him. Kill the arrogant SOB. Now. Before there are
two of him again.

She coiled her muscles, ready to strike…and jumped up to
wrap her legs around his hips, driving his cock to her spread, sodden cunt.

His mouth claimed hers again, their teeth clicking as their tongues
fought. His hand squeezed her breast, his knuckles pinching the hard nipple
through her suit with ungentle pressure. Scalding pleasure rolled through her
and she slammed her hips forward, pressing her locked ankles into his ass to
drive his cock harder to her cunt. She tore her mouth free of his kiss, rolling
her head to the side to offer him the bowed column of her neck. He took it, his
lips and teeth and tongue scoring a line along her jaw, then up to her ear to
explore its formation and down to the sensitive dip between her collarbones.

Falynn dragged in a ragged breath, eyes fixed blindly on the
den’s ceiling. A wet, potent heat flooded through her and her pussy contracted
again, wanting to be filled. Wanting to be stretched and possessed by Corvan’s
thick, rigid cock. She bit back a moan, clenching her fists. Damn him. He may
be able to dominate her body, but she would not cry out. She would not give him
the satisfaction.

Corvan lifted his head from her neck, eyes shimmering. “Tell
me you want me to fuck you, Proserpina.” He pushed the steely pole of his
erection to her cunt. “Tell me you want to be fucked.”

She glared at him, pulse pounding, breath shallow. “You know
I do, you

Corvan yanked her arms higher, sliding his hand down her torso
between their bodies to cup the curve of her sex. He stroked her swollen pussy
lips though the thin material of her suit, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“Say it.”

Falynn ground her teeth, meeting his stare with silent,
simmering rage. And ravenous, licentious hunger.

His mouth twitching more, Corvan moved his finger to the
little bud of her clit, caressing it through her suit. Wicked pleasure shot
into the pit of Falynn’s stomach, twisting into an exquisite knot of base need.
She choked back a gasp, refusing to break his hypnotic, knowing gaze.

“Say it, Proserpina. Tell me you need to be fucked. Hard and
absolute and without mercy. Tell me you need to be fucked and used and

Molten, blistering heat consumed her. Not from anger at
Corvan’s arrogant command, but at the very truth of his words. She
want to be fucked. She had no idea what he was anymore, if there really
been two of him or if it had just been her mind messing with her—deep-space
sickness could do that to a person, even someone as seasoned as herself—but she
wanted him. So fucking much. She wanted him to use her body. She wanted to be
dominated and controlled by the only man she’d ever respected. The only living
soul she’d ever trusted.

Corvan flicked her clit with his finger before nudging her
sex with the bulbous head of his concealed shaft. His lips brushed hers, a
taunting, teasing contact. “Say it,” he ordered on a breath.

Falynn swallowed, the lump in her throat as tight as the
squirming tension in her cunt. “I need to be fucked,” she whispered back. “I
want you to fuck me.”

Corvan’s nostrils flared. “I know.”

He moved. So quickly it appeared once again as if there were
two of him. One yanking her to his body, the other standing right beside her,
arms raised above his head, eyes shimmering with an iridescent glow. A sharp
click filled the room, followed immediately by the icy burn of metal wrapping
around Falynn’s wrists.

She jerked her head from the surreal twin vision of her
ex-mentor, staring in stunned horror—and exploding excitement—at the handcuffs
locked around her wrists. Handcuffs attached by short but solid chains to a
thick bar protruding from the ceiling.

Wet heat flooded Falynn’s cunt and she forced away a low
whimper, returning her attention to Corvan. Just the one Corvan. Not two, no
matter how her eyes played tricks on her. Stared at him, her heart a painful
hammering in her chest.

Fuck, he’d done what no other before him had. He’d caught
her. “Let me go.”

With a low chuckle, Corvan slid his hand down her torso,
moving with unhurried nonchalance to the base of her neck. “You are wearing
entirely too many items of clothing.”

The calm statement sent a shiver through Falynn. As did the
small gutting blade suddenly appearing in his hand with a flick of his wrist.
He pressed the lethally sharp tip of the knife to her chest, teasing her flesh
before slicing her flight suit open from neck to navel with slow, languid ease.

“Better.” He spread the ruined garment apart to cup her
breasts, rolling each nipple between thumb and forefinger, his gaze locked
firmly on her face. She knew he was waiting for a response. Waiting for her to
succumb. She returned his unwavering gaze, even as her body thrummed with the
agonizing pleasure consuming her.

Her legs were still wrapped around his hips, ankles still
crossed to hold him against the junction of her spread thighs. It was a
position of power. One she could exploit. With a minute change in her position
and a simple twist of her hips, she could snap his spine. But the aching throb
in her core, the sodden fire in her cunt, stopped her. Instead, she tightened
her muscles, drew her knees up to bring him closer into her hold. The captive
imprisoning the captor, as surely as he imprisoned her.

A sudden light ignited in Corvan eyes. His nostrils flared
again as he thrust the thick length of his cock harder to her sex. Slowly,
slowly, he lowered his head, until, gaze still locked on hers, he closed his
lips around one puckered, aching nipple.

Falynn closed her eyes, her lips parting in a silent cry.
She arched her back, pushing her cunt forward, feeling her juices flow from its
heavy, wanting folds. Closing her fingers around the chains on the cuffs, she
levered herself deeper into Corvan’s embrace, wishing she could tangle her
fingers in the shaggy mess of his hair. She wanted to hold his head to her
breast. She wanted him to suck and bite on its distended tip until she came.
how does he do this to me?

Lifting his head slightly, Corvan blew a fine stream of cool
breath through his lips onto her wet nipple, his cupping hands holding her
breasts together so the wicked stimulation could prepare her other nipple for
what was to come. It pinched into an eager tip, and he dragged the pad of his
thumb over its puckered form.

Falynn clenched her jaw, stopping the groan of carnal
delight from sounding in her throat. She sucked in a ragged breath, struggling
to control her response. Corvan’s gaze returned to her face, that knowing light
blazing in his eyes once more. He extended his tongue past his lips, touching
it gently to her rock-hard nipple, a soft chuckle vibrated in his chest as she
bit her lip.

He licked the stiff point of flesh, flicked it with his
tongue before closing his mouth over it completely. Suckling on it with such
pressure she felt an orgasm building in her toes.

A cry rose in her throat and she choked it back. Clenching
her fists around the chains attaching her to the ceiling, she ground her cunt
against his cock, the building pulses between her legs stealing her breath. Kiirs,
she was going to come.

She bucked, toes curling, eyes closed…

And hissed in rage as Corvan suddenly, abruptly pulled his
mouth from her breast.

Silver eyes gleamed with an unreadable expression. “You
don’t think it’s going to be that easy, do you?”

Curling his fingers into her thighs, he skimmed his palms
along her legs, before reaching to the small of his back to grip her ankles in
his hands.

Falynn’s already tight throat grew tighter. She clung to the
chains, readying her arms to take her weight. She knew what he was about to do,
and her pussy gushed in eager anticipation, even as the tension of her building
climax faded to a deliciously denied throb. Three years ago, Thanatos had kept
her balanced on the very edge of sexual release. Working her body. Using her in
every way imaginable until she could take no more. Until she’d begged for him
to let her come, her screams tearing from her throat as orgasm after orgasm
claimed her.

It seemed
intended no different.

“Fuck you,” she whispered, hating him and hungering for him.

Fuck me

He studied her for a teasing moment before, with indolent
ease, he unlocked her ankles and took a step backward, straightening her legs
and spreading them wide.

He held her ankles like so, the muscles of his chest and shoulders
coiling as he kept her legs apart, supporting their weight.

Falynn’s heart hammered, the weightless sense of being
suspended threading through the building arousal of her position. She fixed
Corvan with a level stare, her pussy contracting and fluttering, her mouth dry.
“What are you going to do?”

He smiled slightly. “This.”

And suddenly there were two of him. Again.

Chapter Five


Falynn’s mouth fell open. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t
know what else to do. She stared at her ex-mentor, once the GU’s most feared,
successful and mysterious assassin, a man who had disappeared from existence
three years ago, after embarking on a hit shrouded in secrecy.

No. She stared at the
of him. It wasn’t her eyes
or mind playing tricks on her. There really
two of him. “I don’t…”
The words stumbled in her throat and she shook her head. “What the…what is…”

The man between her legs, the
smiled, the corners of his mouth curling upward. “I am Phase, Proserpina.”

The other Corvan stepped behind her, his warm breath on her
neck as he smoothed one hand down the curve of her back and over the line of
her ass to place his fingers on her pussy. “As am I,” he whispered, his
intimate touch making her heart thump and her cunt constrict.

Falynn stared at the man before her, the pulse in her neck
pounding. Phase? A Dimensional Operative? It wasn’t possible. The Phase were a

The hand between her spread thighs stroked the damp slit of
her sex through the thin material of her suit, threatening to destroy any hope
she had of comprehending the situation. She sucked in a deep breath, and wished
she hadn’t. Corvan’s potent musk was intoxicating enough when there was just
one of him, but two? It threaded into her being, more concentrated than ever. So
powerful and undeniable she almost came there and then. Kiirs, she needed to
get control of her body before it took control of her mind.

“But the Phase are a legend,” she said, struggling to ignore
the squirming tension threatening to overwhelm her. “A fabrication. The
impossible, insane invention of a deranged deep-space explorer who lived
millennia ago. I mean, c’mon, as if
being is capable of moving
through different dimensions and time at will. It’s absurd. Too fantastical to
be anything but a myth.”

The hot, hard body behind her pressed closer to her
suspended form, long fingers she knew so very, very well tracing the throbbing,
swollen folds of her cunt.

feel like a myth, Proserpina?” Corvan
studied her from between her legs, eyes ablaze.

Warm lips brushed the side of her neck, nibbled on the soft
pad of her earlobe as her right breast was cupped and squeezed by a hand just
as familiar as the fingers on her sex. “Does
feel like an invention
of insanity?”

The other’s voice was just as low, just as smooth, just as
sensual as that of the Corvan before her. A wave of liquid electricity rolled
through her, radiating out from every place their bodies touched hers. She
suppressed a moan, stare fixed on the Corvan still gripping her ankles, holding
her legs spread. “Which is the real you?”

A slight smile played over his lips. “Both.”

Falynn licked her lips, nervous curiosity nibbling on her
building arousal in the same way the Corvan behind her nibbled on her earlobe.
“Explain,” she ordered on a ragged breath.

“Phase govern the dimensional and temporal tapestry.”
Corvan’s eyes became unreadable. “Our Upper Echelon monitors and corrects any
abnormalities in the time and space continuum. Specifically, those that occur
when any living entity tries to pervert the temporal threads of any parallel

His gaze moved to her chest, watching his other self roll
the nipple of her right breast between his knuckles with increasing pressure.
“Every living entity creates the possibility of multiple existences based on
each decision they make,” he continued with a distracted tone, his attention
focused on the hand on her breast. “Those existences form temporal threads,
each existing in their own temporal dimension.” His fingers curled harder around
her ankles and his jaw bunched. What he saw obviously affected him. “Phase can
journey through and into those threads. Exist in them, affect them. Change them
if needed.”

His stare slid back to her face and a very small grin played
with his mouth. “I am—or was—a
I was trained to destroy any who
aggressively threatened the temporal and dimensional weave of those combined
threads. Rogue dimensional marauders who would alter the weave for their own
gain. I can Call any number of my own parallel existences to my current
temporal plane.” An unreadable look crossed his face. “It makes me a very
effective, very efficient killer.”

An effective, efficient killer? Falynn had never heard such
an understatement. A chill rippled her flesh as she thought of all the times
during her training that Thanatos had seemingly defied physics, so fast in his
attack he was a continuous blur. So quick at times he couldn’t be seen to move
at all.

It explained the unexplainable. It also made her sex flutter
with dark excitement.

“So the Corvan behind me is…”

“The Unit Zero assassin who continues to fuck you—has fucked
you for three delicious years—on another plane,” the man in question whispered
in her ear.

A shiver rippled through Falynn and she twisted, trying to
man. The cuffs cut into her wrists and she stopped, turning
back to the Corvan before her. He stroked his thumbs over her ankles, the
leather of her boots doing nothing to shield her flesh from the promise of his
touch. “He is just as real as I am. A little less refined perhaps; in his own
temporal dimension he is, after all, still a UZ assassin, but just as aroused
by your absolutely delicious body. Just as turned on by your highly vulnerable

As if to illustrate the statement, the Corvan pressed to her
back hooked his fingers into her suit’s sliced opening and tore it completely
apart, abruptly exposing her cunt to the den’s cool artificial air.

She bucked, the killer in her fighting against the hot wave
of rapture boiling through her body at such an aggressive disrobing. How dare
he? How dare
? She tried to lash out with her feet, but the Corvan
time just gripped them tighter, holding her still as his other
parted her damp folds with his fingers and plunged them into her tight channel.

Before she could stop herself, she arched her back, pushing
her sex toward his ungentle penetrations, her eyelids fluttering closed.

A barely audible chuckle sounded in the room and she opened
her eyes, glaring at the man between her legs. Was it he who’d laughed, or his

Does it matter? Kiirs, Falynn. You are about to be fucked
by not one, but two—

“You don’t know how hard it was to not Call the last time we
made love,” the Corvan before her suddenly stated. His silver stare locked on
her face, even as his heat threaded up her legs to the junction of her thighs,
well and truly sodden from the talented fingers exploring her cunt. “When two
Phase exist in one temporal plane, the combined experiences—both sensory and
physical—are felt by all versions.”

The Corvan behind her squeezed her breast, massaging its
heavy swell as his lips and teeth skimmed the outer curve of her ear. “It makes
for the most intense sexual encounter. Remember how good it felt when we
fucked? Imagine that, Proserpina. Imagine that one amazing orgasm claiming your
body with the force of two.” His tongue dipped into her ear. “Or three.” He
flicked her nipple. “Or four.”

Falynn’s cunt contracted at the idea and she choked back a
moan of sheer rapture, her pussy squeezing his delving fingers even as she
tried to control her aroused whimper.

Corvan’s grip on her ankles grew fierce. Almost painful.
“Rutting like the two brutal killers we are. A climax so forceful it would have
torn the temporal plane.”

His other withdrew the fingers in her sex and pinched her
clit. Once. Twice. Explosive pain and excruciating pleasure tore through her
and she bucked, cream flooding her cunt. Without warning, he drove two fingers
back into her pussy, wriggling them deeper, deeper. He pressed the pad of his
thumb to the puckered opening of her ass, pushing slightly until the whimper
she’d fought so hard to suppress slipped from her lips. Kiirs, how was she to
fight this?

“I wanted to Call more than one of my dimensional existences
and drown in the pleasure you created in us all,” Corvan claimed, as calm and
composed as always. It was only the bunching of his jaw that said he too fought
for control. That, and the tight grip he kept on her ankles.

His twin’s breath tickled her ear, her neck. His fingers plunged
in and out of her sopping sex, his hand squeezing and massaging her swollen
breasts in unison with his pumping fingers.

“I wanted to possess you, dominate you in time never
ending,” Corvan continued, his stare still fixed on her eyes, his hands slowly,
slowly spreading her legs farther apart with each word passing his lips. “For
the last three years, I’ve cursed myself for not doing so.”

A blur of color and indistinct form the same size as Corvan
shimmered in the space beside him, impossible to track with her eyes. A
disembodied voice she knew well murmured something she couldn’t decipher, as if
a ghost of time had spoken, followed immediately by a low, thick click.

Falynn sucked in a sharp breath, sensing the spatial
distortion she felt
was another Corvan. She jerked her head right
then left, feeling as if she were moving in slow motion, cunt constricting as
she looked at one leg, then the other…

Two more chains hung from the long bar fixed to the ceiling,
each length terminating in a wide metal band encircling her ankles. She was
completely shackled. Suspended waist-height above the floor, wrists bound, legs
spread. Defenseless and vulnerable. Two states of being she’d never been

Her stare snapped back to the Corvan standing between her spread
legs, her pulse an insane beat in her neck.

He regarded her with smoldering eyes, his hands no longer
gripping her ankles but instead loosely cupping the smooth curves of her
calves, burning her flesh through the thin leather of her boots.

“Ready?” the Corvan behind her whispered, slowly sliding his
fingers in and out of her dripping pussy. He massaged her clit, sending a jolt
of heat into her core, and she gasped, the sound aggressive and submissive at

time Corvan—chuckled. He slid his palms up
her legs, charting her knees, gaze holding her motionless as surely as the
metal shackles held her prisoner.

Falynn’s heart hammered. Her mouth went dry. She stared at
him, rolling her hips into the other’s plunging fingers even as she felt Corvan’s
hips brush the smooth, tense flesh of her inner thighs.

“I’m going to fuck you with my tongue now, Proserpina,” he
stated. “I’m going to bring you to climax with my mouth as my dimensional other
fucks your ass with his fingers.”

“And when that climax is at its peak,” the Corvan pressed to
her back stated just as calmly, just as matter-of-factly, his fingers driving
in and out, in and out of her cream-slicked pussy, “I am going to bury my cock
in your tight, wet hole as my
twin buries
cock in
your tight, wet cunt, and we’ll fuck you until you’re screaming our name so
loud your throat feels torn.”

The absolute arrogance of the statement was too much for
Falynn. Pumped and plundered by fingers full of wicked talent, her sex
contracted, the brutal orgasm racing through her with the devastating force of
an exploding quasar.

She thrashed in her chains, riding the savage eruption as
she choked back whimper after whimper of raw pleasure, her cunt squeezing the
fingers in her sex with powerful pulses that made her whole body shudder.

Corvan’s nostrils flared as his hands came to rest high on
her inner thighs. “Perfect.”

The word caressed her flayed senses like a velvet whip,
before, with that same unnatural speed she’d always admired, he dropped to his
knees and closed his lips around her clit.

* * * * *

[remote host initializing connection]

[remote connection established]

[switching to command override mode]

[commence download strategic mission program]

[error…uplink terminated]

[remote host reinitializing connection]

[remote connection established]

[switching to command override mode]

[error…uplink terminated]

[initializing E.S.O.U.L reboot]

[E.S.O.U.L online]

Forty-Two opened his eyes and straightened, the artificial
pulse in his throat rapid. An unknown remote source had reactivated him and
tried to override his internal command program, but which one? And why? Was it

Apparently he’d been unceremoniously shoved into a dark
corner of the bar, and he scanned the drinking, dancing and copulating patrons
of the rowdy establishment, searching for her. She was not present in the
crowd. Nor was the tall bouncer with the silver eyes and unusual bio-rhythms
who had deactivated him.

His chest grew tight, a surge of hot anger and deep concern
charging his positronic matrix. The expression on Falynn’s face when she’d
first seen the bouncer left little doubt in Forty-Two’s processing unit who he
was—Unit Zero Agent Thanatos.

The shock and primal desire in her eyes said it all.

Switching his visual scan to read thermal waves, his gaze
tracked Falynn’s heat signature to The Steam’s main entryway. The fading colors
rippling the air made his chest squeeze tighter. She had been gone for
sixty-seven point four five minutes.

Sixty-seven point four five minutes possibly in the hands of
the most efficient, brutal and successful assassin the GU and Unit Zero had
ever employed.

Sixty-seven point four five minutes possibly in the arms of
the one man capable of destroying her control.

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