Read Dead Alert Online

Authors: Bianca D' Arc

Dead Alert (22 page)

Everything went off without a hitch and they were at his place inside an hour. They’d picked up Chinese take-out on the way and ate dinner at his small table. He’d taken a moment to start up the laptop and send the documents from Emily’s USB drive to the techs on base. That done, he sat back to enjoy dinner with her before he checked in with the commander.
After that . . . well, he had big plans for Emily after everything else had been handled. He only hoped they both still had the energy. Neither of them had gotten much sleep the night before and while Sam was used to pulling all-nighters and functioning well on little sleep, it was clear Emily wasn’t. She was yawning around every bite of her lo mein and her eyelids had taken on a decidedly sleepy cast as the food hit her system.
No doubt within twenty minutes, she’d be out like a light. Sam felt his plans being pushed back through no fault of his, but it was okay. He wouldn’t push Emily beyond her limits. She’d already had to deal with a lot and had risen to every challenge. She deserved his respect and his care. He would put her needs first and it was looking increasingly like her most pressing need after dinner would be sleep.
Recalculating his plans, he decided he could handle that. He was disappointed, but he consoled himself with the knowledge that he could hold her warm little body next to him in his bed until she was rested enough to join in some of the more adventurous ideas he’d been entertaining for the evening.
“You finished?” Sam nodded toward the half-eaten plate in front of her. She had been picking at her food for the past few minutes.
“Yeah. I’m afraid my eyes were bigger than my stomach. We can save this for tomorrow maybe.” She stood and repacked the take-out containers, stowing them in his fridge with Sam’s assistance.
When she’d yawned for the third time in the space of a couple of minutes, Sam simply picked her up in his arms and headed toward the bedroom. She squeaked a bit when he lifted her but her arms went around his neck and her head settled into the crook of his shoulder.
“Where are we going?” she asked sleepily.
“You’re going to bed. Then I’m going to check in with the base before I join you in dreamland. Then maybe a little later on, we’ll wake up and have some fun.”
“Sounds good.” She slurred her words slightly, exhaustion kicking in now that she’d eaten.
He placed her on his bed, pulling back the covers from under her and taking a moment to undress her. He made short work of it. Otherwise, he’d be overly tempted, and he’d yet to take advantage of a nearly unconscious woman. He wouldn’t start tonight. And especially not with Emily. She meant too much to him to abuse that way.
No, when they made love, he wanted her with him, awake, aroused, and wanting him as much as he wanted her. He could wait a few hours until she’d had a chance to rest up a bit.
That didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy every moment of taking her clothes off. It was still a new enough experience that he lusted over each inch of skin he revealed. He paused once or twice to place gentle kisses on her belly button and then up to her breasts. She moved into his touch, seeking more, but her eyes were mostly closed and she was half asleep already.
Much more of this and he’d lose all willpower. Having her naked in his bed was a sight he enjoyed all too much. Steeling his resolve, Sam pulled the covers over her and made himself leave the room. He still had work to do and a check-in to make with his team commander.
He left the bedroom and headed for the kitchen. It was the best soundproofed area in the condo and he had equipment stowed there that looked like regular kitchen appliances that contained sophisticated jamming devices. He’d checked the house when they’d first arrived, but it was standard operating procedure to use extra precautions whenever possible in a situation like this.
Commander Sykes picked up on the first ring.
“Good work on collecting all that data, lieutenant.”
“Emily gets the credit for that work, commander. She’s been gathering that information over the past few weeks. All I did was pass it along.” Sam was a strong believer in giving credit where it was due.
“Please give her my thanks then, Sam. And keep an eye out for the phone we’re sending her. It should arrive at your place by courier any time now.”
They spent a few minutes going over particulars about the preliminary data and Sam’s suspicions. Matt Sykes was a good CO. He encouraged independent thought, especially when he sent men into the field on their own.
“Emily’s going to try to put us on the Pacific Northwest flights starting tomorrow. We’ll concentrate in that area unless the team comes up with something else out of the documents I sent you.”
“Good plan. Report in when you can. We’re on twilight shift here now that the night activity has settled down. There’s always someone to answer the phone and you have my direct number if there’s a real emergency.”
“Yes, sir.” Sam liked Matt’s friendly approach to command. He had a way of inspiring loyalty by giving it in return.
Although Matt was a Navy SEAL who’d been sidelined into the command track by injury, Sam was glad to have been assigned to his command across services. It had been jarring at first for an Army guy to take orders from a swabbie but only a few days into the new assignment, Sam had come to realize Matt Sykes was one of the most talented commanding officers he’d ever have the good fortune to serve under.
“Oh, and you can tell Ms. Parkington that her brother is now part of the team. We’re going to keep him and his shiny new F-35 Lightning ready in case we need air support.”
Sam was impressed. Those jets were the newest and best that had come out of the Joint Strike Fighter program designed to come up with a brand new, more versatile aircraft that could replace the aging air fleets of the United States and its allies. Sam had read that the F-35 was being developed by the United States and the United Kingdom and a few other friendly governments. Emily’s brother must be one hot flyer if he’d gotten assigned to the elite group that was putting the new fighter jet through its paces.
“From everything I’ve heard about it, that jet will be an asset to the team, sir.”
“I’ve been reading up on it. Supposed to be quite a versatile piece of equipment.” Matt’s conversational tone invited further comment.
“I believe it was designed to serve multiple purposes. It’s a single-seat, single-engine stealth aircraft. They say it can be used for close air support, tactical bombing, and direct dogfights. It’s supposed to be ultraversatile and very high tech.”
“It looked pretty slick when it landed. Got a lot of people talking. Most of the pilots on base have been trying to talk to Parkington about the jet but he can’t say much, which suits me fine. Though I could’ve wished he flew something a little less conspicuous, it’s good to have the best the Air Force has to offer at our disposal, should we need it.”
“What about servicing the jet?” Sam knew that a new jet like that couldn’t be serviced by just anyone.
“He’ll go to his home base for that. In fact, after this initial debrief, he’ll probably go back and stay there until we need him. It’s better for the jet and he’s centrally located. Being in flyover country is probably the best place for him to offer support should we need him almost anywhere in the country.”
“Roger that, sir.” Sam liked the plan. Though they didn’t know Henry Parkington well, Sam knew without a doubt the man would never endanger his sister’s life.
They ended the call after a few more minutes and Sam straightened up the house a bit. He didn’t want Emily to think he was a total slob. He’d left a few things lying around that took only a few minutes to put away. By then the courier was at the door.
He was dressed as a pizza delivery guy, complete with pizza box that he made Sam pay for before turning it over—in case anyone was watching. Sam suspected he was one of John Petit’s CIA friends, but the man was gone before Sam could blink.
Sam took the box inside, opening it to find a smaller box taped inside. There were some interestingly tiny electronic gizmos along with a new cell phone for Emily. She’d be happy to be able to talk to her brother, he knew. He’d give her the phone tomorrow morning. He had plans for the rest of the night.
Taking the phone with him into the bedroom, he plugged it into the charger on the nightstand before undressing. He took a quick shower before joining Emily in bed. Pulling her close in his arms without waking her, he enjoyed the feel of her warm body against him for a while before drifting off himself.
Emily woke to find herself snuggly warm. Sam spooned her from behind and one of his arms rested around her waist, the hand reaching upward to toy with one tight nipple. She felt his warm skin touching hers and realized they were both naked.
Correction, she was naked. He already had a condom on. Oh, she liked that even better.
Going from zero to sixty at light speed, she tried to turn in his arms but he wouldn’t let her. His strong arms clamped around her, holding her just where he wanted her.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Well, I was going to jump your bones, but you aren’t cooperating.”
She enjoyed the rumble of his chuckle against her spine.
“I had something else in mind.”
She loved the low rumble of his voice when he was in this mood. She could easily get used to it—given half a chance.
“Really? Will I like it?”
“I can pretty much guarantee you will.” He tweaked her nipple, making her squeak. It didn’t hurt exactly, but nobody had ever touched her with quite that much force. Shock followed a frisson of pure pleasure that radiated down her spine. “If you don’t like anything I do, say the word and we’ll try something else. There are lots of things I want to try with you, Emily.”
“Mmm. Now that sounds promising.”
His hand moved downward, sliding between her legs and lifting her top leg backward, draping it over his. The position left her very exposed and conscious of her own vulnerability. Did she trust him? The answer came back without hesitation. Yes.
His hand slid around, cupping her butt cheek and squeezing.
“How’s that? Comfortable?” His tongue licked at the sensitive skin of her neck as he spoke near her ear.
“I’m okay.”
“Okay?” He sounded disappointed. “By the time we’re through, you’ll be more than okay, sweetheart. I promise.”
That was one promise she couldn’t wait for him to keep.
His hand dipped lower, into the dark crevice and lower still until his fingers slid in the slippery wetness of her body preparing itself for him. He played for a minute, rubbing her clit with an expert touch, driving her passions higher. Then he slid inside, testing her readiness.
One finger was joined by another and then another until three wide fingers stretched her. She knew from experience his cock wouldn’t disappoint and she wanted him. Now.
But he held her on the precipice, not allowing her to move.
“You like that, Em?” He slid his fingers in a pulsing rhythm that made her moan. “Want more?”
“I want you, Sam,” she nearly shouted. He knew how to touch her, to make her come. Or not. Depending on his whim. “Please!”
“Oh, I like that. Hearing you beg me to fuck you.”
A little thrill went through her at his use of the crude word. She’d heard worse, of course, but she’d never had a lover speak that way to her. She liked it. At least when Sam was the one talking. She wasn’t sure she’d have appreciated it from any of the few men she’d been with before.
“Please, Sam,” she repeated. He was holding her back, keeping her teetering on the knife’s edge of pleasure.
“Please what? Say it, Em,” he dared her.
She gasped as he pushed inward with a touch more force. It felt heavenly, but it still wasn’t what she wanted. What she craved. What she needed.
“Please fuck me, Sam,” she whispered.
“Well, when you put it like that . . .” He growled, biting down on her earlobe as he removed his fingers and replaced them with what she really wanted.
He thrust inward from behind, his way made easy by the foreplay and her astoundingly immediate response to his merest touch. She was his to command and he’d already proved it. All he had to do was trail his fingers along her arm and she purred. It was that easy. That amazing.
His angle of attack made things . . . interesting. She’d never quite done it this way before. He held her by the hips, thrusting slowly into her. Each breath came on a gasp of air as he pumped her closer to an earth-shattering peak.
One hand reached around to stroke her clit and she cried out as pleasure overtook her. Sam was a steady, pulsing presence behind her, around her, within her as she reached that first climax. What promised to be the first of many, though she wasn’t sure she’d survive.
There was the sensation of motion and she found herself on her hands and knees, Sam behind her, still inside her. He lifted her hips until her ass rose high in the air, at perfect hip level to receive his deep, deep thrusts.

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