Read DASH Online

Authors: Shantel Tessier

DASH (6 page)

“Okay,” I say before turning away from him and heading to my room.







I needed her out of her house. She obviously wasn’t safe there. And no matter how strong she thinks she is, no woman can fight off a man who is determined. Especially one who is fighting to get her back. She was right when she said I didn’t know her. But I know less about this Rodger guy than her, and yet I feel like she wasn’t being completely honest when she said he didn’t hurt her. At the restaurant, she told me he had made her weak. As far as I can tell she’s not a weak person. So in order for him to have made her that way he had to have cut her down. Made her feel like she needed him to survive.

I pull into my driveway and get out of my car. I go to open up the passenger car door for her, but she’s already climbing out so I make my way to the trunk to grab her bag.

“This is your place?” she asks with a smile.

“Yes. Why do you seem happy about that?” I watch as she walks up the steps with a smile on her face as she looks around. Her dark hair is pulled up in a loose bun and her fat white sunglasses cover up most of her beautiful face. Her light gray tank top hangs off one shoulder showing off her simple black bra. She has a pair of white shorts on that make my hands twitch. I just wanna run them all over her skin. Feel every inch of her. She’s absolutely stunning and doesn’t even realize it. She doesn’t have to try to be seen or to stand out. She just does!

I don’t know what it is that I feel exactly for her beside lust. But something else is there. I’m not saying I love her or that I want to run off and get married tomorrow. But I do want us to spend a couple of days in my bed and get to know each other better.

She lets out a laugh getting my attention. “Because I knew the place you had your party at was your parents’ house,” she says, sounding proud that she was right.

I nod my head. “You are correct, darling.”

“Speaking of that party…?” she says shyly, and I know what she’s thinking. She’s wanting to know if I watched her climb the tree before she jumped over the fence. And the answer would be yes. I woke up and searched the entire house for her. When she was nowhere in sight, I went and checked the security system. Sure enough, she had snuck out. It was cute to watch how determined she was to get away though. And that’s what made me want her again. She doesn’t know me either, but she’s about to find out just how determined of a man I can be.

I reach out and grab her hand. “Yes, I watched you escape,” I say with a cocky smile.

“Escape? You make it sound like I was a prisoner,” she says with a laugh. “And what about you having my panties in your pants the next day?” she asks arching an eyebrow.

I smile. “A gentleman doesn’t tell.”

“A gentleman doesn’t carry around women’s underwear in his pocket.”

I had found them underneath my parents’ bed and placed them in my pocket. After spending time looking for her in the house, I ended up running late to my meeting with her dad. So I had just thrown them in my pocket. You couldn’t even imagine my surprise when I saw her walk into her dad’s office wearing my shirt. I wanted to bend her over her father’s desk and take her right then and there once again.

“Well, you shouldn’t have left in such a hurry that morning. I was really looking forward to morning sex.” I wink over at her before I unlock the front door and allow her to enter before me.

“I was still trying to remember where I was and who the hell you were,” she says truthfully, and I chuckle.

“So just how much do you remember from that night?” I ask dropping her bag to the floor in the entryway.

She gives me a sexy smile as she pushes her white glasses to the top of her head. “Some parts are still fuzzy.” I have a feeling she’s playing with me, but I’ll play along.

I walk up to her and place my hands on her hips. “Then let me remind you, sweetheart.” I lift her up, and she wraps her legs around me.







He carries me to his room as I kiss him deeply. Placing my hands in his long hair I yank hard, and he moans into my mouth. He doesn’t bother shutting his door as we fall onto the bed. I get a glimpse of the huge bay windows to the right of me and smile when I see all the trees behind his house. It’s as if there’s a forest in his backyard.

He gets my attention as he pulls his shirt up over his head, revealing his hard chest. I sit up and run my hands over the smoothness of it. He reaches up and grabs my hair. I smile when he pulls my hair out of my bun.

“I wanna be able to pull on this,” he growls placing his hand in my hair.

I reach out and undo his pants as his fingers massage my head. “Whatever you want,” I find myself saying as I release his hard cock from behind his pants and boxers. The hardness, yet softness of his skin has my thighs clenching and my breaths coming quicker. I need to feel him on me, in me.

He pulls on my hair to get me to look up at him. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.”

“I mean everything I say.” My scalp prickles and my body breaks out in goosebumps as his hands tighten in my hair. I inhale sharply, and my hand tightens around his cock.

Before I can take another breath, he bends down and places his lips on mine. I open up and let him have control. Even though Rodger was a control freak, it doesn’t bother me to allow Dash that same control. I want him to take me, make me his. It’s not degrading, it’s exhilarating.

He pulls away quickly, and it leaves me panting for more. His hands fall out of my hair and they land on my chest. He roughly pushes me back onto the bed before he pulls my shorts down my legs and tosses them to the side.

He reaches down and grabs my legs as he continues to stand at the end of the bed. He doesn’t even bother checking to see if I’m wet, he knows better. I take in a deep breath and arch my back as he slowly enters me. Not even bothering with a condom. I should tell him to stop and put one on, but I can’t make my lips say the words. He just feels too good.

He takes his time working in and out of me, stretching me. “I’m gonna take my time with you tonight, baby.”

I whimper. “Please.” I reach up and try to pull his body closer to mine wanting him to be as needy as I am right now, but he just smirks at my lame attempt.

His hands land on my thighs, and he slowly runs them to my hips. His grip tightens, and I arch my back, taking in a deep breath. “Begging won’t get you anywhere with me,” he says moving his hips back and forth. “You’re going to remember every little fucking thing this time.”

How could I ever forget in the first place? I may not have remembered exactly what we had done, but my body had. “I need more,” I whine as he slowly pulls out of me and then enters me again just as slowly.

He looks down at me and gives me a cocky smile. “I’m going to give you exactly what you need. In time.”

I sigh as I reach up and massage my breasts. His hands leave my hips, and he bends over me. He takes my wrists in his hands, and he pushes them above my head, pinning them against the mattress. “I wanna be the only one to touch you tonight,” he whispers as he places soft kisses on my neck. I arch my neck back, giving him easier access.

“Then touch me,” I demand, lifting my hips to meet his, trying to get a little more forceful in his movement.

He lets go of my wrists, and his hands cup my breasts. I moan when he bends down and captures my hard nipple between his lips. “Yes,” I say when he starts to suck on it.

His teeth lightly nibble, and I gasp as I lift my hands to tangle them in his dark hair. His hips pick up the pace, and I start to pant as he finally surrenders to what I need.




“How did you know where I lived?” I ask lying beside him, completely spent and naked. After we had our first round he finally took the time to shed all of his clothes. But let’s just say he wasn’t as in control the second time. He let me take charge and I like that.

“You told me that first night. You really don’t remember, huh?” he asks chuckling.

I shake my head. “Thank God you aren’t a serial killer,” I say seriously.

He laughs harder. “You had turned your phone on after our last game of pool and put my number in it, but you wouldn’t give me yours.” He smiles. “You were going to leave the party with Blake and Jackie but then decided to stay with me.”

Hmm. Everything makes sense now. “So what made me decide to stay?”

“I guess it was my charm,” he says with a smile, and I laugh.

“Guess so,” I agree before I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth of his body against mine.

“So tell me something about yourself,” I say after a few silent minutes.

“My name is Erik Dashling,” he says, and I let out a little laugh. I at least know that much. “I go by Dash. Because I hate the name Erik and the name, Dashling makes me sound like a fucking pussy.”

“No it doesn’t.” I playfully slap his hard muscular chest. “I like it.”

He looks over to me with a serious look. “You would.” He then looks back up to the ceiling. “I’m twenty-two. An only child.” He smiles. “I have a tendency to do my own thing, which has gotten me in trouble more times than I can count.”

“What kind of trouble?” I ask.

“The kind that gets you put behind bars,” he says with no shame.

I sit up and look down at him with my eyebrows raised. “What kind of trouble do you get into?” I ask wondering if my father knows this. He takes his team and drivers very seriously. I mean, it’s his life.

He smiles as if he’s reading my mind. “Nothing too bad. I’m a little reckless I guess you could say.”

I let out a breath as I lie back down beside him. “That’s nothing.”

He turns onto his side and places a hand under his head to prop it up. “Really? You make it sound like you’ve been a little reckless as well.”

“No. It just wasn’t as bad as I was thinking,” I say with a smile. He reaches up and pushes my hair off my face. “You make me feel reckless,” I confess.

He frowns. “How so?”

I try to shrug it off, hating that it even slipped out. I go to roll over, but he gets up and straddles me, pinning me to the mattress. “Tell me,” he whispers, leaning over.

“I feel like we’re breaking all the rules.” My dad wouldn’t allow this to happen, and he sure as hell would kick Dash off the team if he knew.

“We are,” he says placing a kiss on my neck. I arch back giving him easier access. “That’s what makes it so much fun.”

I try to ignore the feeling that tells me this won’t last much longer. “Well, at least when it’s over you will still be able to race.” But I will still see him.

He pulls away and looks down at me with a frown. “What are you worrying about? What did you mean by ‘when it’s over’?”

I shake my head, not wanting to tell him, but he is persistent. “Please. Don’t be afraid to tell me anything.”

I let out a sigh. “My dad…”

“I’m not worried about your dad. Will he threaten to kick me off of the team? Probably. But will he? No. He was right when he said I’m the best at what I do. And I will prove that to him. I’m valuable to him just as you are valuable to me,” he states.

I smile at his words. “You wanna keep me around, huh?” I ask with a playful smile.

“More than you know,” he says before he gets a big smile on his beautiful face. “Let me take you for a ride.”

I laugh. “That’s the corniest line I’ve ever heard,” I say as I lift my hips, rubbing myself against him.

He chuckles. “No, I really wanna take you for a ride. On my bike.”

I lift my head up enough to look at his clock sitting on his nightstand. “It’s four-thirty in the morning,” I say with a frown.

“And?” he asks arching a dark eyebrow.

“Where would we go?”

He leans down and places his lips on my neck. “You’re right,” he whispers against my skin. “We can go later.” With that, I smile and allow him to take me on the kind of ride that I had in mind.







I very slowly and quietly get out from underneath the covers without waking Tabatha. I make my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water for myself before making my way back to my bedroom and crawling in next to her. I take a drink and then place it on my nightstand. My eye catches the clock, and I see the time on it reads a little past six in the morning. The sun will start to rise soon, and I haven’t had any sleep the last two nights. Tabatha and I haven’t left my bedroom accept to shower and use the bathroom. We actually stopped having sex long enough to order pizza, but we were even able to turn that into some sort of foreplay.

The woman turns me on like no other. Every time I look at her, my cock begs to be inside of her. My hands itch to explore every bit of her; no matter how many times they caress her, it’s not enough. My mouth needs to taste her. My eyes need to devour her.

She lets out a little moan as she turns onto her side and throws her arm over my chest. I smile as I reach up and lightly run my fingertips up and down it.

I look back over to my nightstand when I hear my phone vibrate. I reach over and pick it up.


I’m sorry I blew up on you the other day. I got back into town last night and ran into Blake. He said that you got a spot racing for Johnny Knight. That’s fantastic, baby.


I roll my eyes as I exit out of the message, turn off my phone, and place my phone back on my nightstand. Of course, the bitch would only text me when she realizes the job offer I was given. I haven’t spoken to her since we got arrested. I was told that she had shown up to my party, but I never saw her, which surprises me. But I was too caught up in Tabatha at the time. I had locked her and myself up in my parents’ room the moment I got her away from the pool table and I had realized that she wanted to stay with me.

“Who was that?” Tabatha mumbles sleepily.

I lie down and turn onto my side. I wrap my arms around her and pull her body into mine—enjoying the heat her small body offers mine. “It was Blake,” I lie. She doesn’t need to know about my crazy ex. She’s in the past. Within a couple of weeks, Valerie will move on and find some new guy that she can sink her money hungry claws into.

“This early?” she asks with a yawn. “What did he want?”

“He was letting me know that he’ll be at the track later on today.” Not a total lie. I spoke to Blake a few days ago, and he said that he was going to bring Jackie up to the track for my practice since he knew that Tabatha was going to be there.

“How much longer do we have?” she asks tightening her arms around me.

“An hour,” I whisper as I lean into her and kiss her forehead.

She sighs heavily but doesn’t say anything else.

I close my eyes and think how much I would enjoy her coming back to stay with me again tonight. And the next night. Like I said—she’s addicting.




I tear off my helmet and run my hand through my damp hair. It’s fucking hot out here and all this leather gear that I wear for safety doesn’t help.

“How was it? How does she feel?” Mr. Knight asks, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks down at the brand new race bike. We arrived at the raceway about an hour ago, but I just finished my first ride. She needs some work, but for being bone stock, she hauls ass.

“She handles really well,” I say, letting my eyes run over the solid black bike.

“How’s the suspension?” he questions.

“It’s good.” I reach up and point over to the track. “She felt a little soft coming out of the first turn, but other than that, she felt great.”

“I saw that.” He nods to himself in thought. “Of course, things will change once we meet with the crew chief and start adding everything on that you will need.” He looks up to me. “I just wanted to see how the suspension is for you.”

“Perfect,” I say with a smile. “I took it kind of easy on her since it was her first run. This time I’m gonna push her a little harder.” She’s fast and has a shit ton of torque, but it’s nothing that I can’t handle.

“Sure you wanna do that?” he questions, arching a silver eyebrow, but he has a smirk on his face.

I smile as my eyes slide over to Tabatha as she stands next to her dad. She wears a black shirt that’s hanging off one shoulder. Across the front in big silver glittery letters, it reads DASH. She made it this morning all by herself and had informed me after the glitter dried that she was going to wear it. When I asked her if she was nervous about what her dad would think, about my name across her chest, she told me the first time he thinks we met she was already supporting me by wearing my shirt. Her dad wouldn’t know the difference. And I’m glad that she was right. He hasn’t even mentioned it. “Some things are worth the risk,” I say, referring to her.

She bites on her bottom lip to hide her smile, and I just wanna grab her and pull her into me and kiss her with all that I have.

“Well,” her dad speaks, getting our attention. “I once told you that I didn’t get to where I am today without taking risks.” He nods. “So, I won’t try to talk you out of it.”

I throw her one last smile before I push my hair back out of my face and place my helmet back on to really push this bitch and see what she can do.


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