Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

Dark Menace MC: Stone (25 page)

“Come for me, baby,” she encouraged, kissing
my neck and chest. “Fill me until your cum is slipping down my

Oh fuck! My balls drew up tight and I knew it
was over. The release was pure, fucking heaven. My orgasm exploded
in a rush of volcanic lava, spewing deep inside Rachel’s clenching
pussy in arcs of white, liquid fire. “Fuuuuuck!” I snarled, burying
my face in her neck. All I could do was crush her against the bed
until my nuts were empty and my hips stopped thrusting.

I collapsed fully against Rachel, unable to
move. We were both breathing heavily, yet she welcomed my weight by
hugging me against her. Her palms soothed up and down my

“Did I hurt you?” she asked softly.

I chuckled against her. “Fuck, no. Feels good
when you know your woman’s so fuckin’ turned on that she loses
control. Lets me know I’m doin’ her good.”

“You did me good.” I could hear the smile in
her tone.

We both let out a sound when my dick slipped
out of her, and that was my cue to roll off Rachel’s body, but
fuck, I liked the feel of her nakedness against me. So when I
rolled, I pulled her with me so that she ended up on top. She
settled like a sleepy kitten against me, burrowing into my heat
with a contented sigh.

“You keep fucking me like that, and I’m never
leaving this bed today. Well, at least until four.”

I knew that she had a shift waitressing
tables again, this time with her sister. She’d asked Ty to schedule
them together. My mind drifted back to the night before, and how
fucking sexy she’d looked in that leather dress. “Do me a favor and
don’t wear that leather dress without me being around.” I knew that
made me sound like a controlling prick, but I didn’t give a

“You didn’t like it?”

I pulled back to look down into her eyes.
“You fuckin’ know that I did, and so did every other fuck in that
room. I won’t be around tonight to save your ass.”

The warmth in her eyes and that sexy little
smile went straight to my dick. “You want me to wear a sack?”

I wanted to say yes. “Fuck no, sweetheart,

“You told me I needed sexier clothes—”

“That was before I saw you in something other
than jeans and a tee. You gave every dick in there last night a
hard-on. I don’t mind, as long as I’m around to set them straight
as to whose dick you belong on.”

Her soft chuckle vibrated against my fucking
heart. “Okay, I won’t wear the dress unless you’re around to fuck

Silence followed for a few minutes. I knew
that I needed to talk to Rachel about what had happened with the
whole fucking Wildman situation. Jesus, when I thought of what
could have happened had he got his sick hands on her…fuck, I was
loath to ruin the calm before the fucking storm.

In a few hours we would be going to war. If
three fucking clubs couldn’t end one man, we didn’t deserve to

Chapter 22






Every time the door opened I glanced at it
eagerly, hoping to see Jimmy walk into the bar. I’d phoned him and
asked him to come so that we could talk. He’d apologized for the
way things had ended between us and offered to talk on the phone,
but I wanted to see him in person. Asking someone for a
thirty-thousand dollar loan seemed like something you should do in
person, especially when it was a friend. At least I hoped he was
still a friend.

Our brief romantic relationship had been
doomed from the start. I’d tried to tell him that, but he had
insisted that that was the way good, healthy relationships started
out. What the fuck did I know? My dating history had consisted
mostly of one-night stands that had barely made it to a second
night, so I’d been willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
We’d met when he and his friends had come into the bar one night
for a bachelor party. After two years of what I’d considered a
casual friendship, he’d wanted to try something more

It’s not like Jimmy wasn’t attractive, he
was, and he was wealthy on top of that. But there’d been no spark
between us, something to indicate that we could become more if
given the chance. That should have been a warning in itself, and if
Maddie hadn’t suggested that I give the relationship a try, I
probably wouldn’t have. The first time we’d slept together had been
a little awkward and I hadn’t gotten much out of it. He simply did
nothing for my libido, which wasn’t his fault, but I thought that
maybe in time that would change. It only got worse from there,
until I finally broke things off.

That had been right before Stone had come
into my life.

The second our eyes had met my libido meter
had flown off the charts, and I had known that being with someone
like him would be fantastic. Maybe I hadn’t known at the time that
I’d fall head over heels for the gritty biker, but one thing was
for sure, lust at first sight hadn’t hurt. I only wondered what
Stone was feeling. I knew that he lusted after me and he was
possessive as fuck, but that didn’t mean that he wanted a
relationship. I glanced up with hope when the door opened


Where was he?

“Who you looking for, honey?”

I turned back to the bar, and Ty. “Just a

“You better hope it’s not a man.”

The seriousness in his voice made me frown.

He gave me a cocky look. “Do I really have to
spell it out? The prez will fucking kill him.”

“It’s just a friend, and he won’t be here
long.” The door opened and I glanced to see two bikers I’d never
seen before come into the bar. “Damnit!” I glared at Ty when he
chuckled. “If you see someone come in who doesn’t look like he
belongs here, that will be him. His name is Jimmy.”

“How ‘bout some fucking service over

I swung around to see that it was the same
two bikers who’d just come through the door, and they were sitting
at my booth. Great. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with two
impatient, rude bikers, but I plastered on a smile anyway and added
a little more bounce to my step. I knew how to placate them, and
their eyes taking in my bouncing breasts and swaying hips told me
that it was working.

I knew I was rocking the tiny leather skirt
and top that I’d bought at the same time as the leather dress. My
long hair was down and softly curled, thanks to Trudy. As if she’d
known that Stone was gone, she’d come by the room earlier to talk.
It was while she’d been doing my hair that she confessed that they
hadn’t slept together, that Stone had changed his mind. I’d been
relieved beyond belief, but hadn’t said anything to Trudy, afraid
my response would reveal too much.

“I’m sorry for keeping you boys waiting,” I
soothed in a friendly tone, smiling in the face of their slight
anger. They’d barely sat down before demanding service. I knew
assholes when I saw them. “How can I make it up to you?”

“By sittin’ on my dick,” one of them said

I looked them over, realizing that they were
just more than bikers, they were patched-in members from a club
called Death Vaders. They looked like every other biker to me, and
I was getting used to their crude, rough language and course ways
of treating women. It didn’t mean that I had to like and accept it,
though. I decided to ignore him.

“Would you like something to drink?”

They laughed. “Is your juicy pussy on the
menu?” The other biker asked.

I held my temper. “See that girl working the
pole?” I knew Lulu could hear me. I waited until they acknowledged
her. “That’s Lulu, she’s a sweetbutt and will be glad to make you
happy.” As if to back me up, Lulu winked our way, thrusting her
pelvis against the pole.

Lulu was pretty and worked her nearly naked
body like the pro that she was. Normally I wouldn’t throw any of
the girls who’d become my friends to the wolves, but Lulu loved
sex, and she especially loved being double-teamed. Pit Bull and
Bulldog chose her over the other sweetbutts all the time.

At that moment the door opened and Jimmy came
in. I saw my opportunity to leave and took it. “Excuse me.” I left
them and walked toward Jimmy. “Hey, there, I was getting worried
you weren’t going to come.”

“I told you I would,” he said, giving me a
brief hug. “You look great, babe. I guess this, ah . . .” He
glanced around as he tried to find the right words to finish his
sentence. “Biker life agrees with you.”

“Would you like a drink?” I began to lead him
toward the bar, but he pulled back. “What’s wrong?”

His brown eyes bore into mine. “I guess I’m
just curious what was so urgent that you couldn’t talk over the
phone. You made it sound important.”

“It is,” I responded without hesitation. I
glanced around the bar, which was noisy and busy like most nights.
Maddie and Trudy were busy waiting a table with a large group
occupying it, Ty was jumping at the bar. Lulu and Rita were dancing
their tails off on the poles, while Darby, Sissy, and Rhonda were
making nice with the men. “Wait here.” I went to the bar and got
Ty’s attention.

“What’s up?” he asked. “That your

“Yes. I need a short break. We’ll be
outside.” I swung around to leave.

“Wait a minute.” I halted at the stern
command that I hadn’t expected from him. “Prez said he wanted eyes
on you at all times.”

“I won’t be alone, Ty.”

His gaze went past me to Jimmy, who was still
waiting for me in the middle of the room. “Yeah, I don’t think he’d
put much faith in your fuckin’ friend to keep you safe.”


His expression turned serious and I knew that
he wasn’t kidding, and he wasn’t giving in. “You’re not going
outside without a brother.”

I waited while he looked around the room. He
apparently caught someone’s eye, because he gave a big chin lift
that clearly indicated for the recipient to come to the bar. While
I waited I wondered how much trouble I could get into if I took
Jimmy to my room to talk to him, or Maddie’s. Yeah, bad idea. The
next thing I knew, a Dark Menace biker that I wasn’t familiar with
came up beside me.


“Rachel’s stepping outside to talk with a
friend, keep your eyes on her. See any trouble, get her ass back in
here.” Ty gave me a hard look. “Ten minutes, I come get you.”

I gave him a small nod of understanding and
walked back to Jimmy, wrapping my arm through his. “Come on, we’ll
step outside.”

“It’s dark out there.” I gave him a funny
look. “The parking lot lights draw bugs and things, and you know I
don’t like mosquitoes.”

I rolled my eyes, but smiled anyway. “I’ll
protect you.”

“And I have my gun,” the biker behind us
added with a snort.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from
laughing. Once outside, I glanced around for a quiet spot to chat.
Then I noticed the bench against the wall, right outside the garage

“I’ll hang back here,” the biker said,
posting himself right outside the door.

The bench wasn’t all that far away and he
would be able to see us from the light over the door of the garage.
I was thankful that he sensed my need for privacy. “This won’t take
long, Jimmy.”

“You’re beginning to scare me.” He tried to
laugh it off, but I could tell that he was serious. “God, don’t
tell me that the condom broke and you’re pregnant!”

“God, no!” I shouted before I could stop it.
“Just something I need to ask you, as a friend.”

We finally reached the bench and sat down. I
was facing the bar, and by the time I glanced up and looked back
toward the way we’d come, I noticed that the biker who Ty’d sent to
guard me was gone. I frowned. What the hell had happened to him? I
hadn’t heard anything. I scanned the area nearby, straining to see
into the dark shadows outside the lights, but didn’t see

“What’s wrong?” Jimmy asked, noticing my

I looked back at him and smiled. “Not sure.
The man--” God, I wished I’d got his name now, “that was supposed
to keep an eye on us is gone.”

“So? Why would someone need to keep an eye on
us, are you a prisoner here?”

“No.” I tried to force away my worry. He
could have just stepped inside for a minute, or maybe had gone
around the corner of the bar to pee. I felt a moment of relief when
he reappeared, stepping back to where he’d said he would wait. His
dark shadow was a welcome I hadn’t realized that I’d wanted until

I focused my gaze on Jimmy. We smiled at each
other for a moment, and then he surprised me by taking my hand.

“I really am sorry for the way I treated you
that day, babe. You tried to warn me that a romantic relationship
would never work between us. We had a good friendship.”

“We still do, Jimmy. No matter what happens
here today, we’ll still be friends.” I wanted to make sure he
understood that. If he said no to the loan, it wouldn’t come
between us.

“I’m glad—”

A tiny, barely audible sound halted what he’d
been about to say, and then complete silence followed. I waited,
thinking that he needed a second to figure out what he wanted to
say. As the silence continued I began to worry.

“Jimmy?” Frowning, I leaned forward until
Jimmy’s face was in the light. His eyes were opened and I searched
his face for the reason for his silence, and then I saw it—a neat
little hole right in the middle of his forehead. My mouth opened
with disbelief at what I was seeing, my eyes rounded with fear, but
before I could gather my wits about me and scream, something hit me
on the side of the head and blackness swallowed me up.



I had a splitting headache when I came to,
and I knew right away that I wasn’t at the clubhouse any longer. I
also knew that I was in a van, on the floor, and the windows had
been blacked out. I tried to glance around me without making a
noise, but it was difficult to do, considering I’d been dumped
right in the middle of the floor. From what I could tell I was
alone in the back, while there were two men sitting up front,
barely visible from the dashboard lights.

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