Read Dangerous to Know & Love Online

Authors: Jane Harvey-Berrick

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy

Dangerous to Know & Love (63 page)

She pulled herself up to sit on a low wall, her legs dangling, enjoying the view. She was quite content waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing, and not wishing to break his concentration. Besides, it had been a while since she’d had the opportunity for some undisturbed ogling.

The overalls showed off his slim waist and narrow hips, and with the sleeves rolled up, his strong forearms were also on display. He had a smear of oil across one cheek but his hands were encased in thin, plastic gloves.

She was surprised how much of a turn on she found it, watching him waist-deep in the car’s engine. She remembered Kirsty’s words from the very first time they’d seen him –
That boy is fine
. The words seemed even more true to her today, knowing how beautiful he was on the inside, too.

Her contented reminiscing was interrupted by a middle-aged woman in an expensive pantsuit climbing out of a taxi. She threw some money at the driver and stalked across to the auto shop, her cellphone clutched in one hand, a takeout coffee in the other.

Lisanne could see the woman running her eyes up and down Daniel’s ass and broad shoulders in a blatant display of eye fuckery before she coughed loudly and deliberately, clearly expecting some response from him.

Lisanne knew he didn’t wear the CI when he was working, finding it too distracting. As the woman approached Daniel, she tapped her phone impatiently with her long glossy fingernails and huffed.

“Some people have no damn manners!” she snapped. “Hey, you! Hey, you’re working on my car so I pay your damn salary!”

Lisanne saw red. She marched up to the woman, her small hands clenched into fists.

“You’re the one with no manners,” she said coldly and clearly.

“What? Who asked you? Mind your own damn business!” The woman’s face was incredulous as she took in Lisanne’s plain t-shirt and discount store jeans.

Lisanne felt her face heat up but she stood her ground.

my business – and he’s not being rude – he’s deaf. Yes, that’s right.” She crossed her arms. “Don’t assume everyone is like you!”

The woman was speechless, staring at Lisanne angrily ,but also with doubt written all over her face.

Lisanne walked to Daniel’s side and he looked up in surprise.

“Hey, baby doll! What are you doing here?”

She gave him a small smile, and glanced over his shoulder. “You have a customer.”

Daniel turned around.

“May I help you, ma’am?”

It amused Lisanne to hear Daniel being so ultra polite, when normally he couldn’t complete a sentence without uttering some sort of cuss word.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw the customer’s raptor like smile.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you,” the woman said, faking sincerity perfectly, “but that’s my car y’all are working on. I was told I could pick it up this afternoon, but if you need more time...?”

Daniel let loose his most irresistible smile, and Lisanne suspected he knew exactly what he was doing. When he winked at her, she was certain, and grinned back.

“No, ma’am, she’s good to go. She was idling high because of the idle air control,” he said, authoritatively, “and the 2005 model is known for front end noise and rattles, but she’ll be fine now.”

He turned back to drop the hood.

“Thank you, young man,” the woman purred to his back. She raised her eyebrows then tapped him on the shoulder.

Daniel turned around. “Yes, ma’am?”

“Thank you,” she said again. “I can see you really know what you’re doing.”

Her tone was suggestive as her eyes flicked up and down his body.

“Sure, no problem,” said Daniel, as if he hadn’t noticed. “The office will have your invoice for you.”

Then he peeled off the plastic gloves and walked over to Lisanne, grinning.

The woman flounced off to pay her bill, and Lisanne gave an internal fist pump.

Daniel gently smoothed her hair away from her throat and nuzzled the soft skin.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“Being cute doesn’t make you any less annoying!”

“Yeah? But what if I’m hot?” and he pulled her close to his body, gripping her hips firmly and running his teeth down the side of her neck.

“Still annoying,” she breathed out, in a whisper that was more like a moan.

She gathered her scattered wits and pushed him away. No matter how many times he kissed her, she always had the same reaction – complete mental paralysis, and damp panties.

She was pleased that he wasn’t immune to her charms either, and his overalls couldn’t disguise that he was growing hard.

He groaned as she pushed him away, a look of disappointment painted across his lovely lips.

“I got your letter,” she said.

His eyes slid away from her and he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yeah?”

She lifted her hand to his cheek. “I loved it. Thank you.”

His answering smile was shy and it made the breath catch in her throat.

“Okay,” he said, quietly.

“I’m still mad at you about Roy!” she said, putting her hands on her hips.

Daniel scowled.

“What did he do that was so bad?”

His only response was to grimace

“I mean, you’ve left us without our lead guitarist 10 days before the gig! What the hell were you thinking? If this is just about you being jealous…”

But she didn’t get to finish her rant.

“Yeah, I’m jealous!” he yelled, making her jump. “I’m jealous that he was up there playing with you and I’m not. I’m jealous that he’s second-rate and can still play better than I can now. I’m jealous that he gets to hear you sing – really sing – and I don’t. So, yeah! You could say I’m fucking jealous!”

He looked so angry and hurt, and Lisanne was mortified that she’d made him feel like that, but she needed to have this out with him.

“So who’s next?”

“What do you mean?” he said, still breathing hard.

“Who are you going to fight next? Mike? Carlos? JP? You said you wanted me to have music for both of us – but perhaps that doesn’t apply anymore.”

Daniel looked furious, then a look of resignation passed over his face.

“Baby doll, fuck, look… yeah, I’ll be jealous whoever you play with… but Roy… I couldn’t let him hang with you anymore.”

“But why?”

He rubbed a hand across his forehead.

“I had an idea about Roy, but… when I saw Zef, he told me not to trust him – not to trust Roy. I didn’t know what he meant, so I asked around…”


“And he’s up to his neck in shit, Lis. The heavy stuff. Like Zef was. It’s just a matter of time and I don’t want you anywhere near him when that happens. Okay?”

Lisanne found it hard to believe – Roy seemed like such a sweet guy. He’d always been kind to her, although there was that time he’d let her make her own way home late at night after having promised her a ride.

She sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you have to go charging in on your crusade? You could have gotten hurt – again.”

Daniel shook his head. “I just wanted…”

“To protect me. I know. Please, Daniel. Please. You
to talk to me about these things.”

“I don’t want that shit touching you, baby doll,” he said mulishly, warning Lisanne that they’d reached an impasse.

“Okay,” she said, “but you still owe me a lead guitarist.”

He gave a small smile. “Already done.”


“JP’s a pretty good guitarist and he’d been getting bored letting Roy do all the good stuff. You don’t need Roy. You’ll be fine.”

“Any other arrangements you’ve made in my life that you’d like to tell me about?” she snapped.

The annoying man just grinned at her. “Can’t think of any, but if I do, I’ll try to remember and let you know.”

Yep, very annoying.

Lisanne glared at him but found she couldn’t keep it up with him looking at her like that, all hot and disheveled, all sexy and shameless.

“Are you done here?”

“Why? Baby doll want to play?”

“Oh yes,” she said, nodding her head. “She really, really does.”

*     *     * 

Daniel was right about JP. He’d relished the chance of stepping out of Roy’s shadow, and had been very happy to work with Lisanne on a new song she wanted to try. She’d kept it a secret from Daniel – it was going to be a special surprise for him.

“Sit still, damn it!” Kirsty scolded. “These curling irons are super hot! I don’t want to burn you – or me.”

Lisanne was being primped again. She still found it borderline torturous but she couldn’t deny Kirsty her pleasure either, and she had to admit she was pretty awesome at turning an average face and figure into something that would stand out on a stage – even if it was in a dive on the music circuit to nowhere.

Lisanne had been colored, curled, painted and powdered and finally poured into a fabulous gold sheath dress that clung in all the right places, and made her boobs look impressive.

“Ta dah!” sang Kirsty. “You look knockout, honey! Daniel will probably want to kidnap you so no other guys can see the hotness that is you.”

Lisanne wasn’t sure about that, but she appreciated Kirsty’s encouragement. And she definitely didn’t think it would do any harm for Daniel to see her all dressed up for a change. He didn’t seem to mind that she lived in jeans and t-shirts but he was a guy after all, and what guy didn’t like to see their woman in skirts and heels?

There was a knock on the door and Rodney’s voice boomed through the panel.

“Your pumpkin awaits, mademoiselle!”

Kirsty grinned and pulled open the door. Rodney and Kirsty had hit it off immediately and she’d even tried to persuade him to major in fashion. Rodney was still thinking about it but said he didn’t want to ‘live the stereotype’. He was undecided, if only in what he wanted to study – because he’d been dating Ryan, a second year Mech Eng student, for three weeks, and had been happily exploring the local gay scene.

Rodney stopped and applauded when he saw Lisanne. “Outstanding! God, you’re so amazing, Kirsty!”

“Hey, what about me?” wailed Lisanne. “Person about to go on stage needing encouragement here!”

“You, too, Cinderella,” said Rodney, pulling her into a warm hug. “I’m so proud of you,” he whispered. “Now, let’s get this show on the road!”

“Wait!” yelled Kirsty, and took a photo of Lisanne looking rather startled.

As they approached the club, Lisanne wished very hard that Daniel was in the car with her, holding her hand, but he’d gotten a ride with Vin and was going to meet her inside. Sirona might be sexy (as Daniel insisted), but she had her limitations when it came to mass transportation.

Her phone beeped in her purse.

* D: you look SO HOT!

You make me want to be very bad man. x *

“Kirsty, did you send that photo of me to Daniel?”

Kirsty grinned at her. “Guilty as charged. What did he say?”

“Nothing really,” mumbled Lisanne.

“Oh my God! I bet he did! What did he say?” and she snatched the phone from Lisanne.


Kirsty giggled hysterically.

“Share! Share!” chanted Rodney.

“Kirsty!” hissed Lisanne.

“He says she looks hot,” said Kirsty.

“That’s a given,” agreed Rodney.

“And that the way she looks makes him want to be
a very bad man

“Oh, yes, please!” gulped Rodney with a melodramatic sigh, fanning his face.

Lisanne slunk down in the car, beyond embarrassed, while her so-called friends made a number of suggestions about how she could take Daniel up on his offer. She wanted to crawl through the floor of the car – or take notes.

Quietly, she texted him back.

* L: I’m freaking out. Wish you were here. LA xx *

* D: You will be awesome

and now I know what I’m talking about. X *

* L: Hope so! LA xx*

It was Saturday night and the club was jammed. People were lined up along the block to get in. As they walked past them to the staff entrance, Lisanne started to feel nauseous.
Breathe, Lis. Breathe
, she told herself.

They knocked on the door and were let in by two supervisors that Lisanne had never seen before. She felt a slight pang for Roy’s reassuring bulk, then chastised herself for being so dumb.

Daniel was waiting in the dressing room with Mike, JP and Carlos. They were drinking beer and whiskey chasers – without the beer – and all four of them looked nervous.

Daniel’s face lit up as he saw her, and her body flamed as his eyes drifted down her legs and settled somewhere around her chest, before realizing he’d been busted ogling his girlfriend. His sexy smile was inflammatory and he prowled over to her, cupping his hands over her ass.

“Am I allowed to kiss you?” he said, hungrily licking her neck.

“No!” said Lisanne. “Well, not my lips. Kirsty spent forever doing my makeup.”

Daniel pouted. “Baby doll, you look so fucking kissable – how is that fair?”

Lisanne realized he was slightly drunk and she frowned at him.

“What?” he said, smirking at her, and running his tongue along his teeth.

She shook her head, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to be stern – he was too damn cute.

“I want to take you home and undress you
,” he said.

Lisanne shivered and broke out into a cold sweat. He was doing a great job of taking her mind off of the gig, and the four hundred people crammed into the club.

She realized he was wearing his beanie – which meant he was wearing his CI. Although the scars had faded into a faint, pink line, and his hair had grown out, he still wore the beanie to cover up the device.

“Are you turned on?” she said, then immediately regretted her choice of words.

Daniel raised his eyebrows. “That’s a bit fucking forward, Ms Maclaine, but seeing as you ask…” and he pushed his hips into her.

Yep, no doubt. He was turned on.

“I meant your… you know,” she hissed, swatting his ass.

He smiled ruefully and shook his head. “No, I might try it later but I don’t think I’ll get anything – too much background noise – too many different sounds,” and he grimaced.

She rested her head against his chest until JP gave a discreet cough.

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