Read Dancing in the Gray Online

Authors: Eydie Maggio

Tags: #romance, #contemporary, #womens lit

Dancing in the Gray (22 page)

“Stop! Don’t you dare apologize for
him!” Trey was shaking his head.

Paul walked up to the group, “Trey, the
press is getting antsy.” Paul extended his hand out to Elise, “I’m
Paul Kingston, Trey’s campaign manager.” Paul also extended his
hand out to Jeremy. “I’m sorry to be meeting you like this, and I
do not want to rush you, but the sooner you get out there, the
sooner you guys can leave and enjoy the rest of your evening

“He’s right.” Elise now looked

“Elise, just say what you feel. I’ll be
standing next to you. If they ask you about him, say whatever you
want.” Trey wanted to make sure she knew that there was no right or
wrong answer knowing the press was going to jump on the story. He
kissed her gently on the lips, grabbed her hand, and walked her
into the small area backstage where the award recipients and
presenters were supposed to take a picture together and answer a
few brief questions from the press that was invited.

The award’s PR person gave instructions
to the group regarding where to stand for the picture. Jeremy
handed Elise her plaque and took a step back while a photographer
took a picture of Trey and Elise together. Elise asked for another
picture that included Jeremy in it, which the photographer kindly

Elise walked to the small podium to
answer a few questions. The PR person went to the microphone first
and announced there was time for only two brief

“Elise, congratulations! How did you
feel when you saw your presenter was Trey Watts?”

“Very surprised and very

Elise looked over at Trey and melted
his heart with the look she gave him. Jeremy leaned over and
whispered to Trey, “Just so you know, she never looked at him like

“Elise, is there a love

“No. There’s no triangle.”

The PR person escorted Elise out of the
press staging area as Trey, Paul, and Jeremy followed. The woman
thanked Elise and told her if she was planning on heading back to
her seat that she would be escorted there.

“I’m sorry, but I have to leave. Thank
you, though.” Elise smiled sweetly at the woman.

“Aren’t you guys staying for the rest
of the event?” Trey inquired.

“Absolutely not.” Elise shook her head

“Well, I would love to take you and
Jeremy out for a celebration. Paul, I’d love you to join us, too.”
Trey put his hand on the small of Elise’s back.

“I’m game!” Jeremy raised his

“Ok, that sounds fun.” Elise looked
excited. “Paul, are you joining us?”


“I’ll have Ronald pull the car around.
Would you guys excuse me and Elise for one second?” Trey pulled
Elise over a few feet away from Jeremy and Paul. “Are you sure you
want to go?”


“There is a bar in Manhattan where my
brother Will and my new sister-in-law, Jessie, are. They asked me
to meet them there earlier, but I told them I would be here. Would
you want to go there?” She had been through enough already. He
didn’t want to force a family meet and greet down her

“Yes. The one’s that got married in
Paris?” Elise’s face lit up.

“Yes. They just got back yesterday. I
wasn’t sure if you would feel ok meeting my family.”

“I’d love to.” Elise ran her hand over
Trey’s chest.

“Are you really ok after everything
that happened tonight and with the questions from in there?” Trey
ran his hands up and down her arms.

“I am.” Elise moved her hand up to his

“One last thing, what did you say in
French at the end of your acceptance speech?” It was killing

Elise lifted herself onto her toes and
kissed Trey’s lips softly, “I can’t express how much I adore

Chapter 18

“So you’re the woman that got my
brother into a nightclub in Paris?” Will extended his hand out to

They were in a private section of a
trendy new nightclub owned by a local Hip Hop mogul. The club
specialized in privacy and exclusivity which was great for anyone
who didn’t want what they did in the nightclub to end up online
before the night was over. Will and Jessie worked on the design of
the club and tonight was their grand opening. The owner had a
secluded spot reserved for Will and Jessie to thank them for the
job they did. Trey did a quick introduction before he and Paul went
to the bar.

“We are in a night club now.” Elise
smiled as she shook the hand of Trey’s younger brother. They looked
a lot alike in some ways, but they were very different in

“He’s here now because of you, too.
Trust me. This is my wife, Jessie.” Will kissed Jessie on her
temple. “Holy shit, Jess. You’re my wife!”

“I know!” Jessie leaned her head into
Will’s kiss.

“Hi Jessie. Congratulations to the two
of you. Trey told me that your wedding was beautiful.” Jessie was
very gorgeous and very tall. She looked like a high fashion

“Oh, Trey’s so sweet. It’s great to
finally meet you. Did you have fun roller skating through the
streets of Paris?”

Elise smiled, “I did. It was amazing.”
Elise motioned over to Jeremy, “This is my very best friend,

“It’s lovely to meet the both of you.”
Jeremy was in Watts' heaven.

“So did you stay in Paris for your
honeymoon?” Elise asked. The couple was so in love. Will looked
longingly at Jessie, and she was completely infatuated.

“No,” Jessie answered, “we stayed at a
chateau in the South of France.” Jessie looked over at Will and

Elise knew that look. They did see much
outside their room at the chateau, which is how it should be when
you’re on your honeymoon. Trey and Paul made their way back to the
group. Trey placed a bottle of 1800 Colección on the table. Elise
looked up at him with wide eyes and a very devious

“Shots all around.” Trey and Paul
placed the lowball glasses they were carrying onto the table. Trey
couldn’t contain the same smile that was plastered on Elise’s

Elise uncorked the bottle and poured
shots for everyone. Once everyone had a glass, Trey lifted his,
“Salute!” He toasted Elise’s glass, and with a wink, he took the
shot. He placed his glass back down onto the table and whispered
into Elise’s ear, “You look amazing. When you walked onto the red
carpet, you took my breath away. I was instantly jealous of

Elise wasn’t sure if it was the warmth
of the shot or just her newfound bashfulness that appeared every
time Trey complimented her. He ran his thumb over her cheek, “And
Jeremy and I have decided that we need to create a new word for the
actual hotness that you emit.” She placed her glass down on the
table and wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head
into his neck and chest. “I was so happy when I saw you on stage.”
Trey wrapped his arms around her and kissed her

She felt protected in his arms. He was
hugging her and kissing her and looking at her like he did on stage
even after knowing what Rixby did on the red carpet. He really
didn’t care about the mistakes of her past. He was there tonight
supporting her and Jeremy, which meant so much to her because
Jeremy was her family, like Martie. And then there’s Martie who was
in love with Trey. Elise meant to show Trey the picture of the
bouquet he bought Martie in a beautiful vase. She emailed the
picture to Elise this morning. He actually wanted to meet her mom
and was so sweet to her. He listened to every stupid story that
Martie told about her and looked at pictures with her. He was truly
attentive and hung on every word Martie spoke.

Elise suddenly became short of breath
and her chest felt tight. She backed away from Trey who instantly
knew something was wrong. “Elise, are you alright?”

She didn’t want to send him into a
panic so she plastered a fake smile on her face. “Yes, can you
excuse me for one second? I’m going to head to the ladies

Her hands were shaking as she reached
into her purse to text Jeremy to meet her in the ladies room. Her
chest felt tighter, and she had to lift her head in the air to
breathe. She felt the tears pooling in her eyes. Once she reached
the ladies room, she sat down on the chaise lounge that was in the
sitting room area of the bathroom. She dumped her purse out to get
her cell phone, but her hands were shaking furiously. Jeremy came
busting through the doors into the sitting area.

“What’s wrong?” Elise always said they
were connected on a higher level but this was like telepathy. “You
are shaking, Elise. Do we need to get you to a hospital?” He
grabbed her hands trying to steady them.

“I think I love him.” The tears filled
Elise’s eyes. Saying the words made her chest tighten further.
Elise grabbed at her chest.

“I swear to God Elise if you are
talking about Rixby I will bitch slap you all the way down
Broadway.” Jeremy’s face was serious.

“No, Trey! I think I’m in love with
him.” Elise closed her eyes and tried to breathe deeply.

Jeremy covered his mouth and tears
started pooling in his eyes, “I was waiting for you to realize it.”
He stood up and walked over to get a few tissues from the vanity
area of the sitting room. “Martie saw it, too.”

Jeremy dabbed Elise’s eyes making sure
not to mess up her makeup. “I just realized it! How could you guys
know that?” Elise took a tissue and blew her nose.

“Because Elise, you walk on air around
him, you actually introduced him to Martie, and I can only hope for
someone to look at me the way that you look at Trey. And the
feeling is mutual, trust me!”

“Why am I shaking and short of breath?
Shouldn’t I be happy and not crying in a bathroom trying to control
a panic attack?” Elise was so confused.

“Your body is protecting itself. The
last time you felt this way, someone hurt you. But this man is
different, Elise.” Jeremy dabbed her eyes again, “You need to allow
yourself to love him.”

With those wise words, Elise closed her
eyes and took another deep breath. She thought of Trey standing
there with flowers at the airport and how her natural instinct was
to run to him, and the look on his face when she told him he could
have a career and her while sitting on her living room floor last
night. She loved him. Elise shed a few more tears, from happiness
this time. She opened her eyes and smile, “I really love

“I know you do.” Jeremy hugged her
tightly and kissed her cheek. “Now, let me help you get all this
back into your purse. They scooped up all the contents of Elise’s
purse that was on the chaise and dumped it back into Elise’s Chanel
clutch. “Let me reapply some powder and mascara before we head
back.” Jeremy instantly went to work on her face.

Jessie came into the bathroom looking
very concerned. Elise was instant relieved that the panic was gone.
She didn’t want Jessie to get the wrong impression.

“Elise, are you ok?” She put her hand
on Elise’s shoulder.

Elise looked up, “I am. I didn’t mean
to scare anyone. I just needed a moment.”

“I completely understand. Loving a
Watts is sometimes very overwhelming.” Jessie was matter of fact
with her statement. Elise’s eyes were wide as she shot a panicked
glance over to Jeremy. “I saw it on my brother, then I experienced
it first hand with Will, and now you have that same look. But don’t
worry, your secret’s safe with me.” Jessie smiled and squeezed
Elise on the shoulder.

“Perfect!” Jeremy was done with Elise’s

“Ok, so we need another shot, and then
we hit the dance floor.” Elise felt a huge weight lift from her
chest. She laced one arm around Jeremy’s and the other around
Jessie’s as they left the ladies room together.


When the three of them returned from
the ladies room, Elise looked relaxed. Trey knew something was on
her mind, but whatever it was, it was no longer worrying her. She
poured a shot for herself and Trey, and then passed the bottle over
to Jessie with a wink. Trey laughed to himself knowing that Will
had no clue what he was in store for tonight.

“Two drink minimum,” she lifted Trey’s
glass to hand it to him.

“I know the rules; I’ve already taken
my second one. You have some catching up to do, young lady.” Trey
smiled down at a very surprised Elise.

“Someone’s a quick study. I better
catch up. The student can’t possibly become the teacher so soon!”
Elise grinned before she closed her eyes and let the smooth shot
cross her lips.

by Ne-Yo came pumping through the speakers of the club. Jeremy
clapped his hands, “I love this song. Let’s dance.” He pulled Elise
and Jessie onto the dance floor which was just a few feet away. The
three of them joined the small crowd of people enjoying the music
on the dance floor.

Trey watched Elise having fun with her
best friend and his new sister. Will leaned over to Trey and said,
“I like her! And so does Jessie.”

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