Read Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] (8 page)

Taylor was happy to pull the leather off. The heat of the day was making it stick to his arms. His skin felt degrees cooler once he let the jacket slip from his arms and draped it over the bike. He removed the helmet next, sucking in fresh air. Sweat trickled down his temples.

Taylor pulled the hem of his shirt up and wiped away the perspiration.

“I love fresh-baked bread,” Dagon said as he held the door open for Taylor. “It’s the best thing to eat.” Small talk, he could handle that. “Even better with butter.”

“Now you’re talking my lingo.”

Taylor followed Dagon to the counter, eyeing all the delicious-looking pastries in the glass display. He moved down, spotting the cheeses. “And eat it with cheese, yum.” Dagon smiled. “I think we have found something in common.” Taylor grabbed two bottles of soda and a package of cubed Monterey Jack. Dagon bought a loaf of fresh-baked bread and a small personal-sized tube of butter.

They carried their food and drink out to a small gazebo that overlooked a pond. Taylor kicked his feet up on the bench, enjoying the picturesque view. Dagon fed him cubes of cheese and small slices of buttered bread as Taylor laid his head on Dagon’s lap, testing his bravery in such a public place.

He took a deep breath and relaxed, trying not to be too fidgety.

* * * *

Dagon’s Ride


Dagon was amazed his mate laid his head down on his thigh, his feet planted firmly on the circular wooden bench. He wasn’t complaining though, not at all.

He ran a piece of cheese across Taylor’s lips, popping it in once his mate opened for it. “Nice day for relaxing,” he commented for no particular reason.

Taylor nodded as he chewed and then swallowed, Dagon watching with interest at the way his mate’s throat muscles worked, praying he found out how one day.

“It’s peaceful here.” Taylor’s fingers clung to the soda bottle, twisting it around in his hands. Dagon’s thumb smoothed over his mate’s cheek, loving the way the skin was so soft under his touch.

His hand moved further down, resting on Taylor’s neck as his mate chewed, feeling the tendons stretch and flex. Fuck, he was getting hard.

Somehow his mate sensed this because his head turned and he stared at the bulge in Dagon’s jeans and then up at him. He visibly gulped, and then licked his lips. “I’d like to try.”
Holy shit
, those words almost made Dagon come in his jeans. He looked around, seeing an open field and tall grass.

Desperate minds thought of desperate plans. “Follow me.” He pulled Taylor off of the bench, taking him into the tall grass and laying his mate down. Dagon unsnapped his jeans, readying things just in case Taylor stuck to his want.

Taylor rolled to his side, pulling at Dagon’s shoulders as he leaned in and began to kiss him. Dagon cupped his face, slanting his mouth to take full advantage of those luscious lips. He sipped and nipped, plunging his tongue in for a taste of paradise.

His mate moaned as he reached into Dagon’s jeans and fisted his cock.
Do not fucking come
, he commanded his body. A hiss left his lips as Taylor pushed down his body and stared at his begging cock.


“Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
Just stop torturing me.


Lynn Hagen

Dagon’s toes curled inside his boots when Taylor’s lips finally covered his shaft. He fisted his hands, pulling them behind his head in an effort not to grab his mate’s head and shove his cock down his throat.

Taylor explored at first, giving small licks and squeezing his shaft rather hard. “You’ve had your cock sucked, right?” Taylor blushed deeply. “Once.”

“Do what you would like to have done.”
And now, before I
explode, pretty please with sugar on top?
Dagon was losing his mind.

He had to take in short bursts of air to control the surging feeling in his balls.

Taylor stretched his mouth open, taking Dagon in a few inches.

He hurriedly grabbed the base, stopping his mate from taking in too much and choking. He pumped it slowly as Taylor licked around his shaft, bobbing his head in a sincere effort to please Dagon. His other hand came down and stroked the back of Taylor’s head.

His mate’s tongue wrapped around the head of his cock, licking the pre-cum that was flowing out. “Feels good,” he encouraged.

Dagon placed his hand on Taylor’s throat, feeling the muscles work with a different exercise, an exercise he had just been fantasizing about.

Taylor pushed to his knees, planting his hands on Dagon’s thighs, and bobbed his head faster.

It felt like a thousand needle-pricks running up his spine as his balls drew near to his body. “I’m coming,” Dagon warned, jerking his cock faster.

Taylor did the most amazing thing. He pulled Dagon’s cock from his mouth and opened it as Dagon’s seed shot out, hitting his mate’s mouth on target, a few ropes landing on his chin. Taylor licked the crown, lapping at any seed that remained.

Taylor smiled down at Dagon, wiping at his chin. With the sun setting behind his mate, Dagon had never seen a more serene sight.

The late rays beamed to create a halo around Taylor’s head, making
Dagon’s Ride


him seem like he wasn’t from earth, but an angel who had come down from heaven.

Dagon’s fingertips traced down Taylor’s face, his thumb caressing his sex-swollen lips. “You’re perfect.”

“You’re only saying that because…” Taylor waved a hand at Dagon’s still-exposed cock, turning a deep scarlet.

“No, I’d say it even if we didn’t have sex, although it helps.” He smiled at Taylor’s hopeful eyes.

“You really think so?” Taylor looked at Dagon with nothing short of adoration. Dagon combed his fingers through his hair, wondering if Taylor was going to freak out again since he sucked him off.

He cringed when he saw the look, the one that said Taylor was on his way to a nuclear meltdown. “Now relax, it was just a blow job.” When Taylor’s mouth gaped open, Dagon wished he had phrased that differently. He stood, quickly shoving his softened cock back into his jeans.

“I–I–I’m okay, really,” Taylor squeaked out. Maybe he should help his mate stand on his feet. K neeling before Dagon couldn’t be helping the matter.

“It was the best.” He tried a different tactic, hoping it worked.

“It–it was?”

Okay, he could deal with stammering. It was better than sobbing.

“I’m reaching into my bag of rewards right now and slapping a gold star on your forehead for the sheer enthusiasm you showed.” Taylor tilted his head and stared at Dagon, his right eye closing slightly. Maybe that last part was too much. “I’ve never done that before. I may not be a pro, but I tried,” his mate spat out.

Anger was real good. It was an emotion Dagon was familiar with and could handle better than tears or a meltdown. “I said you did a good job.”

“O h, thank you, boss man, can I get a raise?” Taylor got to his feet and stomped back over to the bench. Dagon had a raging hard-on from his mate’s fire. Was the guy bipolar? Sure as shit acted that way.


Lynn Hagen

“We should go. It’s dark out now.” Taylor snagged his treats and stormed off toward the motorcycle. This roller coaster ride was making Dagon’s head spin.

If Taylor was going to flip the script every time they had sex, he was going to need a big ass bottle of aspirin.

Okay, so he didn’t the last time, but two out of three was too many in his book. Dagon followed behind him like a good little warrior, ready to throw Taylor over his bike and give him a good old-fashioned ass whooping.

Fuck, he was hard again.

“Are you going to pout all the way home?”


Dagon pulled his leather on, smashing his helmet over his head and swinging his leg over his hog. Why was he berating himself?

Taylor was the one who offered. He was a guy and sure as hell wasn’t going to refuse sex with his own mate. Now Dagon was as confused as Taylor acted. Should he have? Or would that have given Taylor the impression he wasn’t interested? Dagon felt caught between a rock and a hard place. He wasn’t sure what he should do anymore.

Damn psycho.

He waited impatiently as Taylor climbed on back, peeling away as soon as his mate was seated. He hit the road doing ninety miles an hour, so pissed off right now that he wanted to find an anonymous person and beat the living hell out of him. He didn’t like doubting himself. Taylor made him feel as though he were chasing his own tail and getting nowhere, fast.

“You could slow down. I don’t think I would look good being scraped off of the road.”

Why did he have to invest in helmets with headsets? “Keep quiet back there.”

“Why? I sucked your cock. Can I absorb that fact?”
Dagon’s Ride


“Absorb it quietly. You’re disturbing my anger.” Dagon did slow down, Taylor’s words hitting home the fact that if they wrecked, neither would probably survive it at this speed.

He pulled into the gravel drive, parking his bike and using more force than needed when lowering the kickstand. His Harley Softail was taking a lot of abuse today.

He would take it to Mark’s Garage tomorrow and have a tune-up done on it.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Law asked when he saw the look on Dagon’s face when he entered the Den.

“Ask Bipolar Man.” Dagon shoved his arm behind his back, pointing at his glaring mate.

“You know he needs time. Stop acting like a big ass baby, and think about him for a moment. If the shoe was on the other foot, how would you be reacting right now?”

“Can I get a witness?” Tryck hollered and bounced on the heels of his feet, raising his hand over his head as if he were in a church service. “Amen, Law. Preach to the knucklehead.” Law flipped Tryck off and continued. “It’s been what, two days?

Shut the hell up, suck it up, and deal with it.”

“Fuck you,” Dagon mumbled, knowing in his heart Law was right. He had been acting like a spoiled brat while his mate struggled to deal with his sexuality. It was just that dealing with the hot and cold was giving him a migraine. Should he say yes, should he say no?

There didn’t seem to be a right answer. He scrubbed his face, wondering just how complicated the complicated situation was going to get.

He turned to apologize to Taylor, but he wasn’t standing behind him.

“The mates snagged him. Let him hang with the fellas, blow some steam off.” Law threw his arm over Dagon’s shoulder. “You see, little brother, it’s like this…”


Lynn Hagen

* * * *

Taylor followed behind Cecil, running as fast as he could from Dagon. Why did he freak out every time they had sex?

Because you had his cock in your mouth.

He shouldn’t have liked doing that, but he did.
No, no, no, no, it
was wrong.
So why then was he licking his lips, wanting to taste his mate’s seed again? He couldn’t chase away his mom’s scowling face and vicious words. They seemed to haunt him every time he was with Dagon sexually.

You’re an abomination.

You’re going to hell.

You’re sick in that twisted head of yours.

Josh’s gayness rubbed off on you.

Taylor hated the fact that he allowed those reactions to control what he thought was a good man who only cared about his needs.

Dagon didn’t deserve his ups and downs, his hot and cold. Taylor wanted to rip his hair out at the confusing feelings battling inside of him. If only he could shut his mom’s haunting voice up.

“We’re bailing, and you have to come with us.” Cecil’s words brought Taylor out of his thoughts, staring at the mate like he’d lost his mind. “I do?”

“Yeah, it’s the only way the big guy would agree to come with us.” Taylor looked behind the smaller mate, seeing Panahasi standing there looking bored. This couldn’t be good.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Taylor snapped quietly. “Have you lost your damn mind? He’s a demon, D–E–M–O–N.”

“Thanks for the proper spelling. Now quit stalling and get your ass moving. We don’t have all night.” Cecil grabbed Taylor’s arm, pulling him toward the towering demon.

“Hi.” His voice broke on the word, showing every cowardly bone he had.

Dagon’s Ride


“Greetings, young demon.” Panahasi’s features softened when he spoke to Taylor. That was just creepy coming from a man who looked as intimidating as the one standing in front of him. The soft features didn’t fit the face.

“If you knew how I’ve been acting lately, you’d be correct in calling me that.” Taylor cringed back when Panahasi grabbed his shoulder and gave a light squeeze. Okay, maybe light to the leader, but it hurt like hell to his delicate human bones.
Half human, that is.

“Your demon is emerging, that’s all. You’ll learn how to handle him.”

“It better be soon before Dagon has me committed.” Panahasi lowered himself, looking Taylor straight in his eyes.

“Emotions running hot and cold, high and low?” Taylor nodded.

“It’s only your demon trying to settle inside of you now that it has been unlocked. It’s trying to learn your ways. Give it time.” Panahasi stood, directing everyone over to a shadowed corner. “Let’s party,
demon style
.” He winked.

Taylor felt the air leave his lungs as he followed behind the large man. Dizziness and disorientation rushed over his body, and then they were entering some sort of club. It was dark, noisy, and smelled of bad alcohol. The act of leaving one room and ending up in what seemed to be whole other realm was playing havoc on his nerves, but Taylor managed to stifle it.

His eyes darted up to the stage, seeing a woman sashay around, wiggling her ass to and fro. She had on barely enough to cover her private parts, although her top was less revealing than the boy shorts she wore. Ass cheeks smiled at him as the woman turned her back on everyone. Didn’t do anything for him, so what did that say?

“I think we’re in the wrong place, Panny. The gender up there is all wrong. My taste runs a little more on the masculine side.” Cecil pointed to the performing woman.

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